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108 Cards in this Set

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Great Powers
Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia
Congress of Vienna
restore order in Europe, putting legit monarchs back into power
Klemens von Metternich
Austria's prince who led the Congress of Vienna
Concert of Europe
Great Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia met to maintain order and intervene (principle of intervention)
Why did Great Britain refuse to participate in principle of intervention?
because they only wanted to get involved if they could only use naval forces
Who did Simon Bolivar aid in achieving independence?
Columbia and Venezula
Who did Jose de San Martin aid in achieving independence?
chile and peru
Monroe Doctrine
warns Europe to stay out of Western hemisphere, especially Caribbean
Greeks revolt against who?
Ottoman Turks
Treaty of Adrianople
gives Greeks independence
Who still controls little Italian states?
obediance, gradual, and preserve things
belief in progress, autonomy of individual, protectino of liberties, individual liberty and rights,
support: Constitutions, liberal democracy, human rights, capitalism, free trade, separation of church and state
loyalty and devotion, collective identity (people must be autonomous, united, and express a single national culture)
collective or governmental owenership, distribution of good, system of society, no private property
Strongest of 4 types of government?
July revolution
when the attempt to restore the old regime leads to a revolt
Louis Philippe
bourgeoisie monarch whom emerges after the July Revolutuion
What happens as a result of Revoltion in Belgium?
creates independent and neutral Belgium
What happens as a result of Revolution in France?
bonaparte becomes president
Charles Louis Bonaparte
becomes 1st president of France

this is the 1st time this has ever happened
Frederick William IV
issues new Constitution and abolished censorship attempts to unite German states----fails
Louis Kossuth
leads Hungarian liberals that want commonwealth status
Francis Joseph I
given throne by Ferdinand I who was his uncle
Goal of Young Italy Movement:
unification of italian states
overall result of revolutions in Europe
monarchies (old regimes) remained firmly in charge
How did Charles Louis Bonaparte become Emperor Napolean III?
had citizens vote on it through the universal manhood suffrage
Why was Paris, France rebuilt?
military reasons, troops get through, makes impossible for mobs to black roads
How did the Crimean War begin?
France and Russia disagree over who should have access to holy regions of the Middle East
Who was seen as the "bad guy" - the aggressor in this conflict?
Why is the Treaty of Paris significant?
ends the conflict in the Crimean War
What Question did the crimean war attempt to answer?
Eastern Question: what happens to Ottoman Empire when it falls?
What are the legacies of the Crimean war?
Russia forced to surrender Bessarbia and accepts a neutralized Black Sea

Moldavia and Wallachia controlled by the Great Powers

breaks up existing power relationships

destroys concert of europe

Russia and Austria are now enemies
What is meant by the phrase blood and iron?
war, used by Bismark to unify german states
Otto von Bismarck
unifies Germany through blood and iron, prussian prime minister, Yunker, wealthy land owner
Why are the Danish-Prussian War, the Austro-Prussian War, and the Franco-Prussian War all significant?
Why is the Treaty of Frankfurt significant?
ends the war

France to pay reparations and surrender Alsace and Lorraine
What did Austria always fear might happen?
Prussia would take the lead in unifying German states----that's what ended up happening
Where was Germany born and why is this significant?
Palace of Versailles, rubbing it in France's face
Victor Emmanuel II
House of Savoy controls Sardinia and Piedmont
Camillo Benso di Cavour
teams with France's Charles Louis Bonaparte to get rid of Austria
Whom did Cavour turn to for help and why?
Austria, their loss allows France to receive Nice and a portion of Savoy
What did France receive for aiding the Kingdom of Piedmont?
Nice and a portion of Savoy
Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi?
leader of Red Shirt Army that secures Naples and Kingdom of the Two Sicilites
What was the Red Shirt Army?
volunteers who followed Giuseppe Garibaldi
What was the Ausgleich (Compromise of 1867) and what did it provide?
creates the dual monarchs of Austria-Hungary

two capitals (vienna-Austria, Buda-Hungary)

Francis Josephy I becomes Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary

Shared army, foreign policy, and financial system
What country's unification allowed Italy to be finally unified?
German unification
Why is Russian tsar Alexander II significant?
reform minded Czar, wants to push Russia into the next century
What did the Emancipation Edict proclaim?
does away with the old system of serfs
What were the zemstvos?
in system created by Alexander because Russia is too big, local assemblies created for local problems
Who was Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?
German political philosophers
Why is The Community Manifesto significant and what did it say about history in general?
history of existing society is a history of class struggles
What did Marx and Engels encourage the working classes to do?
workers of the world unite;
rise up and unite against the middle class
What is the definition of Communism?
a socio-political movement that aims for a classless and stateless society, common ownership of the means of production;
end of wage labor and private property
Who dominated the Germanic Confederation?
Austria and Prussia
What happened in Russia as a result of Alexander II's assassination?
Alexander III abandons reforms as oppressive rule returns
Why is the Russo-Japanese War significant?
Russia loses
Why is the Revolution of 1905 important?
limited constitutional monarchy, State Duma of russian Empire, and a multi-party system emerges
Why is 1888, the Year of Three Emperors in Germany?
all and serve at one point during during that year
Who was Wilhelm II and why is he significant?
one of the three emperors, wants Germany to have "her place in the sun"
What did have "her place in the sun" mean?
germany to be an empire
WHy is the Boer War significant?
British win and establish the Union of South Africa
Who were the Boers?
descendants of traditional English settlers
What is meant by the New Imperialism?
scramble for colonies tainted with social Darwinism and racism
How was the scramble for colonies tainted w/ Social Darwinism and racism?
they say the white Anglo-Saxans are superior
Who was Herbert Spencer and what was social Darwinism based upon?
He was an english philosopher, biologist, scientist, that came up with survival of the Fittest, based loosely on Darwinism
What was the crown jewel of the British Empire?
Dual Alliance
Germany and Austria-Hungary
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Triple Entete
Russia, Great Britain, and France
What was the Bosnian Crisis and why is it important?
Austria annexes the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina

important cause it starts a conflict
Why was the Balkan League formed?
to defeat the ottoman empire
What problems remained at the END of the First Balkan War?
how to divide the land that they just conquered
Why did the Second Balkan War occur?
didn't know how to divide land, Serbia is unhappy
The struggle for control of the remnants of what empire led to World War I?
Ottoman Empire
Who said "one day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans"?
Otto von Bismark
What were the basic causes of World War I?
economic competitions aginst powers, suspicions, fears, and tensions amongst the powers, the rise of nationalism, a naval arms race between Germany and Great Britain
What were Dreadnoughts?
a new type of battleship; largest battleship to date; "super battleship"
Why is the assassination for Austria's Franz Ferdinand significant?
it caused Austria-Hungary to want to help with investigation, or a fight would break out...which is what happened
Gavrilo Princip represented who?
The Black Hand
Who could be considered the one man we could Blame for World War I?
Kaiser Wilhelm 2
Who comprised the Central Powers and Allied Powers?
Central =Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy

Allied=Great Britain, France, & Russia
What was the Schlieffen Plan designed to prevent?
Germany from fighting a 2 front war
Why is the First Battle of Marne important?
Results in trench war fare occurring along the entire western front
Why is the Battle of Tannenberg significant?
Germany's one and only win on land
Why are the Dardanelles significant?
reason for fighting between Turks vs Australia and New Zealand
what two nations' armies were baptized in blood at Gallipoli?
Australia and New Zealand
Why does Great Britain blockade Germany's ports and how did Germany counter this?
starve Germany; use submarines to get around blockade
Why is the Battle of Jutland significant?
Germany's naval fleet won
What exactly did the Zimmerman Telegram contain?
a promise to Mexico from Germany wanting Mexico to join the conflict by attacking U.S.A )distract US and US not both Germany)
also a promise to recover land taken by USA in Mexican war
What were Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points and why are they important?
plan on how to have permanent peace

League of Nations
How did Europe recieve the news of Woodrow Wilson's proposed Fourteen Points?
not interested and "this is our conflict we don't need America telling us what to do."
What was the armistice?
formally bringing the war to an end
Where was Adolf Hitler when World War I ended and how did the war's end affect him?
sitting in a hospital recovering from a gas attack

he was devastated
What provisions did the Treaty of Versailles contain?
Germany had to pay war reparations, germany's military capacity is reduced, and France regains the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine
What was Article 231
proclaimed Germany was responsible for starting the war
This empire's collapse led to the formation of the modern Middle East?
Ottoman Empire
Why did Alexandra seek advice from Grigori Rasputin?
"witch doctor" for help about Alexei (her son) hemophiliac
How did teh March Revolution begin?
food riots, troops fire on protesters in Petrograd
Why was St. Petersburg renamed Petrograd?
sounded more Russian, Petrograd means St. Petersburg in Russian
Alexander Kerensky
socialist that heads the provisional government
Who was Vladimir I. Lenin and why is he significant?
exiled to Siberia when talks of Revolution, returns to Russia in a sealed train
What country engineered Lenin's return to Russia and why did they do this?
Germany; opportunity to take Russia out of the war
What did the Bolsheviks offer the Russian people?
peace, land, and bread
What was Leon Trotsky's role in the Revolution?
uses his influence to help Bolsheviks to seize power
Why is the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk significant?
removes Russia from the war
The civil war that occurred in Russia from 1917 until 1921 was between what two forces?
Whites (Anti-Bolshevik forces)
Reds (Bolshevik forces)
What does the train scene from the film Dr. Zhivago represent?
peasants represent Old russia
soldiers are new Russia
train represents future Russia