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41 Cards in this Set

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Robert LaFollette
Profressivism, at the state level. Elected Gov. of Wisconsin. Created the idea of "Wisconsin Idea". one of the most dynamic.

-3 years governer, then became a US Senator.
-Don't kill big business, just drive them out of politics.
-University of Wisconsin
-Brought education to gov
-Direct primary: direct vote for one party
-Make the gov responsible to ppl
-Initiative: get laws passed
-Referendum: take away laws
-Recall vote: impeach
Journalists who srote articles exposing urban political corruption and corporate wrongdoing.

-Progressive views, showed the public scandals
-Upoton Sinclair's "The Jungle"
-Licoln stephens - child labor, exposes of bosses
- Ida Tarbell- history of standard oil
New Nationalism
Envisioned an era of national unity, in which government wuld coordinate and regulate economic activity. Teddy Roosevelt.
New Freedom
Concentrated economic power threatened individual liberty and that monopolies should be broken up to ensure a free marketplace, but he wuld not restore Laissez faire. Gov wuld be enhanced by having the authority to regulate. Woodrow Wilson.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
(busts all trusts) created by federal trade commission, it corrected deficiencies of the Sherman act by outlawing such practices as price discrimination and interlocking directories. Woodrow Wilson.
Federal Reserve Act
established the nations first central banking system since 1836, to break the power that syndicates like that of J.P. Morgan held over money supply, the act created twelve district banks to hold reserves of memeber banks nation wide.
Eugene Debs
Indiana labor leader who organized workers in the pullman strike of 1893; would be the socialists party of americas presidential candidate.
Roosevelt Corollary
Issued into the Monroe Doctrine, he warned Latin Americans to stabilize their politics and finances or risk "intervention by a civilized nation" (interventions to latin countries)
open door policy
Foreign policy proposed by US Secretary of State, John Hay, in which he asked the major european powers to assure trading rights in china by opening the ports in their spheres of influence to all countries
Platt Amendment
Added to cubas constitution of 1903 under us pressure, it gave the us the right to intervene if cuba independence or internal order were threatened, and granted a naval base to the us at guantanamo bay. Teddy Roosevelt.
Spanish-American War
Short war, 5400 die, mainly heat exhaustion, yellow fever, and tainted meat.

-Platt amendment
-US intercept letter
Dollar Diplomacy
The use of private funds to serve american diplomatic goals while garnering profits for american financiers and bringing reform to developing countries (Taft)
Single German torpedo hit ship, only 6 ships made it off, 128 people die.

-Wilson sent strong notes to Berlin, pressing for free ship travel held off as long as he could.
War industries board
Government agency established to coordinate military purchasing, ensure production efficiency, and provide weapons and supplies to the military.
Committee on Public info
Wartime propaganda agency, headed by journalist George Creel, while claiming merely to combat rumors with facts, the Creel committee in reality publicized the governments version of events and discredited all who questioned that version.

-used to spread message of "hate"
-encouraged people to watchout for spys and others
Espionage Act and sedition act
law that set fines and prison sentences for a variety of loosely defined antiwar activities. Cant use words against the Gov, Constitution, the flag, or the military uniforms. (woodrow wilson)
Wilson's 14 points
-open negotiations: no secrets among countries
-Freedom of the seas: others didn't respect neutrality
-Reduction of Arms: lots of guns means easy war
-Self determination of nations: people decide where they live (politics)
-General Associationof Nations: leauge of nations
Mitchell Palmer
Wilsons attorney General, Palmer appointed J. Edgar Hoover to head the radical division of the department of Justice. Palmer made sure 249, alien radicals were deported. Created FBI, but was discredited.

-Palmer raids: broke into meeting halls and homes without search warrants, jailing 4k without counsel.
Red Scare
Time period postwar, where everyone was afraid of revolution. Political groups around the world were coming up and red from Russian flag, made communist/socialist a new threat
Urban/Rural Conflict
Many were worried about their children, and for many the answer was religion

-Fundamentalism: not just reading and believing, but clinging to their religion.
-Evolution: ruled out legally of school (20 states)
Marcus Garvey
Charismatic black leader who promoted racial pride and independence and believed blacks should sperate from white society.

-Universal negro improvement association  (UNIA)
-"Negro World" news paper
-deported for mail fraud
Margaret Sanger
Was a nurse and was appalled at what she saw (info on contraception)

-started the birth control movement; arrested for obscene material
Jim Crow
Segregation laws in the south

North - Defacto
South- Law
Booker T. Washington
Leading black activist of the late 19th century who advocated education and accommodation with white society as the best strategy for racial advancement

-born a slave, popular with white southerners
-tuskegee Institute: trained ppl in manual labor
-Atlanta Compromise: earn respect thrugh hard work (sep but equal), accept segregation and eventually whites will accept
movement with in protestantism that taught literal interpretation of the bible. turned the bible into real world life.
biggest victory for fundamentalism, made it illegal to sell, make or transport alcohol.

success: closed down bars, ads, consumption reduced

problems: difficult to enforce, ways around law, organized crime, speak easy
simple world for complex movement of multiple, overlapping and somtimes conflicting reform movements that existed from the turnof the century thrugh WW1.

-so big, but enough
Zimmerman telegram
was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the GERMAN EMPIRE to MEXICO to make war against the US. The proposal was decline by Mexico, due to a cevil war in the country, but angered americans and led inp art to a US DECLERATION OF WAR in april.
Taking away the vote

-poll tax: pay money, accumulative. Also excluded poor whites.

-literacy tests: read and understand passage (ways arund) poor whites struggle too

-grandfather cluase: 1860, excluded from tax or test

-succeeds in the south, but excludes poor whites
-1892: eligible voters in mississippi 77k (exclude aa/poor)
Yellow Journalism
vivid responses to get the public to understand public reforms
new deal
fdr hundred days of legislation

-team that worked hard to solve many problems, pass so much legislation

2 important things
*used the gov to prop free enterprise
*Federal gov sets policy, but allows local power brokers to carry out
-people become supportive
Bonus Army
15k + WW1 veterans and their families converged on the natins capital as congress debated a bill authorizing the immediate payment of cash "bonuses" that veterans were scheduled to receive in 1945.

-bill didn't pass
-hoover sent macarthur and killed them
-public was in disgust, hoover saw revolution, called the military
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Agency setup under the hoover administratin during the great depression to make loans to shore up banks and other industries. (Harold Hoover)

-Gave Federal loans to businesses and farmers
-helped support banks and businesses
hundred days
the 1st hundred days of presidency (how candidates are judged)
Frances Perkins
Served as Secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945, former progressive reformer, and first woman cabinet member
Agricultural Adjustment Act
New Deal program that sought to curb the surplus farm production that depressed crop prices by offering payments for reducing production of seven farm products.

-already planted crops, pr nightmare
National Industry Recovery Act
-(PWA) public works administration: work relief program
-(NRA) Natinoal REcovery Associatino: cal business and set "codes" but had no punishment.
-Section 7A: was the workers right to collective bargain ( set min. wage and max hours)
-Tennessee Valley Authority: built 7 dams hydro electric
Social Security Act
old age pension plan, unemployment insurance, workers compensatin.
Huey Long
Governer/senator from Louisiana. kept people off guard with radical ways.

-smart crazy person
-share our wealth: tax, rules, limits = home, car, education

LSU Footbal
William Jennings Bryan
orator, anti-imperialist, champion of farm interests, and 3 time Democratic Presidential Candidate
Court Packing Plan
was a legislative initiative proposed by US President Franklin Roosevelt to add more justices to the US Supreme Court. Roosevelts purpose was to obtain favorable rulings regarding new dea legislatino that had beenp revious ruled unconstitutinal. the central and most controversial provision of the bill would have granted the president power to appoint an additional justice to the US Supreme Court, up to a maximum of six, for every sitting member over the age of 70.5