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37 Cards in this Set

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Massive Retaliation
A military doctrine and nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the even of an attack; massive retaliatin was the administratins plan for the nuclear obliteration of the Soviet state or its assumed client, the Peoples Republic of China, if either one took aggressive action.
U.S. policy uniting military, economic and diplomatic strategies to prevent the spread of Soviet communism and to enhance Americas security and influence, to encounter soviet and communist expansinon, the truman chose a policy of containment
Cuban Missle Crisis
confrontration between the Soviet Union and the US in 1962 regarding the Soviet deployment of nuclear missles in Cuba. It put the world on the brink of nuclear disaster until the two natin reached a compromise; a watershed in the soveiet-american relationship.
Joe Mccarthy
Wisconsin senator who launched a massive public campaign against Communism and the soviet spies and sympathizers that he claimed were inside the Fed Gov. He was later discredited; the red panic reached its nadir when McCarthy charged that the US State Department was infested with communists. He had a severe drinking problem and a record of dishonesty as a lawyer and judge. Mccarthyism.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating committe
Civil rights organizatin founded by young people that played a key role in grassroots organizing in the south in the early 60's; in the years to come, such young people wuld risk their lives in the struggles social justice
Bay of Pigs
April 17, 1961 twelve hundred exiles landed at the bay of pigs in cuba. They were greeted by castro's troops and quickly captured. Cuban people did not join the revolution. Was an embarrasment to the US. Led to operatin mongoose to disrupt the islands trade, support raids on Cuba from Miama and kill Castro.
Freedom riders
May 4, 1961, thirteeen members of congress of racial equality (CORE), a nonviolent civil rights organizatino formed during WWII, purchased bus tickets in DC, and called themselves Freedom Riders. This racialy mixed group meant to demostrate that, despite Supreme Court rulings ordering the desegregation of Interstate buses, Jim Crow still ruled the South
War on Poverty
name of campaign launched by LBJ to bring the poor into mainstream society by promoting greater oppurtunity thrugh public works and training programs; war on poverty was at the heart of johnsons great society.
Neutrality Acts
Laws passed i the mid 30's to keep the US out of any European wars. Prohibited arms shipments to either side in a war, once the president declared the existence of belligerency. Forbade loans to belligerents. Introduced the cash and carry principle, which required warring natins t pay cash for nonmilitary purchases and carry goods from US ports in their own ships. The act also forbade Americans from traveling on the ship of belligerent nations
Lend-Lease program
program proposed by roosevelt to supply war materia to cash strapped Britain; roosevelt claimed the US cou avoid war by enabling the british to win. The us should lend rather than sell weapons.
in the electin of 1948 when the democratic party adopted a pro-civil rights plank, some white southerners created the States' Right Democratic Party (Dixiecrats), which nominated the fiercly segregatinoist governor Strom Thurmond of South Carolina.
Yalta Conference
In early 1945, FDR, by this time very ill, called for a summit meeting to discuss plans for the post-war world. The three allied leaders, Britain, the Soviet Union and the US met in yalta in the russian Crimea. Britain, its formerly powerful empire now vulnerable and shrinking, sought to protect its colonial possesions and limit Soviet power. The soviet Union, with 21 million dead, wanted German reparatinos for its massive rebuilding effort. The soviets hoped to expand the sphere of influence throughout eastern europe and guarantee natinal security; Germany, Stalin insisted, must be permanently weakened. The US also sought to expand its influence and control the peace. The US wanted to avodi the debts reparatinos fiasco that plagued Europe after WWI. US goals included self determinatin for liberal peoples; gradual decolonizatin; and management of world affairs by what Roosevelt caled the Four policemen; the Soviet Union, Great Britain, the US and China. The US also wanted to limit Soviet influence in the pos
Great Society
President Johnsons vision for America; LBJ believed the federal government must act to alleviate poverty, end racial injustice and improve the lives of all Americans
Munich Conference
England, France, Germany and Italy attend. HItler wants a small ethnically German part of Czechoslovakia, everyone says ok.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolutino
in August 1964, Johnson ordered retaliatory air strikes against North Vietnamese patrol boat bases and an oil depot. Congress quickly passed the Resolutin, givign the president the authority to take al necessary measure to repel any armed attack against the forces of the US and to prevent further aggressin. In so doing, Congress essentialy surrnedered its war making powers to the executive branch.
Pearl Harbor
Early on December 7 1941, the Japanese carriers bearing 360 airplanes unleashed their planes, dropping torpedoes and bombs on an unsuspecting American naval base and nearby airfields. A tota of 2403 died; 1178 were wounded; a fundamental clash of systems explains why war cam. Germany and Japan preferred a world divided into closed spheres of Influence. The US sought a liberal capitalist world. American principles manifested respect for human rights; fascists in Europe and Militarists in Asia did not. The US prided itself on democracy; Germany and Japan embraced authoritarian regimes, Berlin and Tokyo charged that Washington conveniently ignored its sphere of Influence in Latin America and it's history of military and economic aggrandizement. Such incompatible objectives obstructed diplomacy and made war likely.
Martin Luther king JR
African American minister whose philosophy of civil disobedience fused the spirit of Christianity with the strategy of achievign racia justice by nonviolent resistance.
Malcolm X
"Black Power" pfft
Port Huron Statement
Meeting in Port Huron, Michigan, in 1962, founding members of students for a democratic Society drafted their "Port Huron Statement", condemning racism, poverty in the midst of plenty and the Cold War. Calling for participatory democracy, SDS sought to wrest power frmo the corporatins, the military and the politicians and return it to The people.
Brown V. Board of Educatin of Topeka
Landmark supreme court case in 1954 that overturned Plessy v Fergusson; it desegregated public schools by arguing that racially separate schools are inherently unequal
Civil Rights act of 1964
the most significant civil rights law in US history, ended elgal discrimination and segregation in public accomadatins
GI Bill
popular name for the servicemens readjustment act 1944, which sought to aid returning veterans-and maintain economic stability-by providing college tuitin, job training, unemployment benefits, low interest home and farm loans.
Harry Truman
took office after FDR died. Most of his presidency focused on foreign relatins, as he led the natin thrught the end of WWII and into the Cold War with the soviet union. Domestically, he oversaw reconversin from war to peace and attempted to keep a liberal agenda-the legacy of Roosevelts New Deal alive. Truman proposed an increase in the minimum wage and the full emploment act.
Dwight Eisenhower
The popular WWII hero, republican president of the US 1953-1961 known for his moderate politics, steering a middle course between democratic liberalism and traditina republican conservatism.
Bracero Program
wartime "temporary worker" measure that brught in seasonal farm laborers from Mexico
Zoot suit riot
June 1943 a grup of sailors and soliers based ona rumor went in and assaulted Zoot suiters. Police arrested zoot suitors and none of the servicemen.
Executive order 8802
stated that there would be no discrimination in plants that had federal contracts.
August 6, 1945 atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima. The shock waves and fires caused by the atomic bomb leveled great expanses of the city. Radiatin released by the bomb casued lingering deaths for thousands who survived the explosion. Truman believed it wul end the war quickly and save American Lives. what distinguished the atomic bombs from conventional bombs was their power and efficiency - that they killed huge numbers of civilians in unspeakably awful wars. August 9 1945, atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki. Japan surrenders, war is over.
Taft-Hartley Act-
1947 law that amended soem of the pro-labor provisions of the 1935 Wagner Act. It permitted states to outlaw the closed shop - workplaces where only union members could be hired- outlawed secondary boycotts, required union official to sign loyalty oaths and permitted the president to cal a cooling off period t delay any strike that might endanger natinoal safety or health.
George kennan
American diplomat in Moscow, architect of the Cold War policy of containment
Truman Doctrine
US policy designed to contain the spread of Communism; began with President Trumans 1947 request t Congress for economic and military aid to the struggling countries of Greece and Turkey to prevent them from succumbing to Soviet pressure; It must be the policy of the US to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugatin by armed minoriites or by outside pressure.
Marshall Plan
The truman administratinos proposal for massive US economic aid to speed the recovery of war torn Europe
North Atlantic Trade Organizatin
a mutual defense pact between the US and eleven other natins - including Europe and Canada - Promising to stand united in the face of military aggressino, specificaly by the Soviet Union.
Secret report by the Natinal Security Council that wuld characterize US Cold War strategy for decades; it saw the clash between the US and the Soviet Union as a fight between good and evil and reversed post World War military demobilizatino, focusing instead on military build-up
Douglas MacArthur
directed by General Douglas MacArthur, the US monopolized Japans reconstructin thrugh a military occupatin. Truman disliked MacArthur but MacArthur wrote a democratic constitution, gave women voting rights, revitalized the economy and destroyed the Natins weapons.
Modern Republicanism
an acceptance of the socio-economic framework of the new dea, tempered by cutting public spending and limiting the growth of the federal bureaucracy.
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of state under Dwight D Eisenhower. He spoke of a holy war against Atheistic Communism and reject the policy of Containment.