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24 Cards in this Set

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Fertile Cresent

Location of the garden of Eden; narrow strip of land named for its fruitfulness and its Cresent shape


"Wedge" writing developed by the Sumeriams


The way of life of a group of people


Kong who established the old babylonian empire; compiled a law code of nearly 300 laws

Cyrus the Great

The king of Medes and The Persians who conquered the neo-Babylonian Empire; decreed in 536 BC that the Jewish people be allowed to return to Judah


An Arab mystic from the city of Mecca; founder of Islam


The section of modern Iran bordering the Persian Gulf in the southwest


A nation ruled by God

Chou Dynasty

China's longest ruling dynasty

Ch'in Dynasty

Empire from which china gets its name

Shih Huang Ti

The founder of the Ch'in Dynasty and the first emperor of a United China; also remembered for building the Great Wall of China

Marco Polo

Famous Italian explorer to China


Originally part of India; became the Muslim ruled country.


Name given to ancient China


A pantheistic and polytheistic, pagan religion which teaches that in order to obtain salvation, one must go through an extinction of individual personality and a continuous cycle of reincarnations to attain a state of oneness with Brahma, the universal spirit

Caste system

A strict division of social classes that developed in India


A pagan religion which closely resembles Hinduism; teaches that one achieves salvation by following the "middle way" and the "noble eightfold path" to eliminate human desire, escape reincarnation, and attain nirvana


The Greek "father of history" and the foremost traveler of the Mediterranean world

King Tutankhamen

A pharaoh who died at the age of 18, his tomb discovered in 1922, was one of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries

Ramses II

Pharaoh who fought the Hotties in Asia and sponsored much building activity

Great Pyramid of Cheops

One of the architectural wonders of the world; built by Cheops


Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testamnet

Simon of Cyrene

The man who was compelled by the Romans to carry the cross for Jesus

Mansa Musa

Greatest ruler of the Mali Empire