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35 Cards in this Set

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Monroe Doctrine

Statement mainly towards European powers that: Any attempt to settle America will be treated as a threat

Shays’ rebellion (know significance)

Daniel Shays- a poor farmer, former veteran from the revolutionary war, and the leader of Shays’Rebellion. Because the courts shut down, no property could be taken so Farmers in the West started to revolt because of it. The Problem was resolved and allowed America to have a powerful government

Alien and Sedition Acts

Laws passed by federalists dominated congress aimed at protecting the government from treasonous ideas, actions, and people; used against democratic republicans

Homestead Acts

Law passed by congress to encourage settlements in the west by giving government-owned land to smallf armers

Child Labor

Motivations for children towork: to help their impoverished families

Haymarket, Homestead, and Pullman

major industrial strikes inthe late 1800s


Used the assembly line to help make an affordable car: The Model T


Most immigrations came fromEurope in the Southern and Eastern Areas

One of the motivations to come to America: job opportunities

Laissez faire

Economic Policy that called for limited to no government involvement in the economy; means “Hands off” or,“let it be”

Robber barons vs. Capitalists of industry

Andrew Carnegie- Business leader who used vertical integration to start a monopoly of the steel industry

John D. Rockefeller-Business leader that was the largest oil refiner which used vertical and Horizontal integration to start a monopoly


Poorly built overcrowded housing where many immigrants lived

Trustsor Monopolies

Legal arrangement grouping of several companies under one board of directors to eliminate competition and to regulate production

Working conditions in the late 1800s factories

Very Unhealthy and dangerous


Practice of building an empire by founding colonies or conquering nations

The causes of American imperialism were that the United States navy were created and Americas economic interest overseas

Dollar Diplomacy

President William Howards Taft’s diplomacy influencing Latin American Governments through Economic Intervention


U.S state in the central Pacific Ocean that is made up of Hawaiian Islands

Open door policy

Declaration made by U.S Secretary of state John Hay that all nations have equal access to trade with china

Roosevelt Corollary

President Theodore Roosevelt’s addition to the Monroe Doctrine; Declared that the United States Would Police affairs in the western Hemisphere to keep Europeans from intervening

Yellow Journalism

Use of sensational, often exaggerated new stories in newspapers or other publications to attract readers

Panama Canal

Canal built by the United States across the Isthmus of Panama to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; opened in 1914


Country in Western Pacific Ocean. Made up of an archipelago of about 7, 100 islands lying Approximately 500 miles off the Southeast coast of Asia

The Rough Riders

The most Colorful group of soldiers during the Spanish-American War

Led by lieutenant Theodore Roosevelt

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Wrote that the U.S needed to have a strong navy to protect economic interests abroad

Roosevelt’s “big stick” policy

The theory is that leaders should strive for peace while also keeping other nations aware of their military power.

Boxer Rebellion

Revolt in which Chinese nationalists known as the boxers attacked foreigners in order to end outside involvement in China’s Affairs; put down by U.S Marines and other forces after 2 months

Spanish American War

Demands by Cuban patriots for independence from Spanish rule made U.S.intervention in Cuba a paramount issue in the relations between the United States and Spain from the 1870s to 1898

Resolved with Treaty of Paris, The SpanishEmpire was practically dissolved. Cuba was freed, but under U.S. tutelage byterms of the Platt Amendment Diplomacy


form of diplomacy proposed by US President Woodrow Wilson in his 1912 election. Moral Diplomacy is the system in which support is given only to countries whose moral beliefs are analogous to that of the nation.

Japan (Matthew Perry)

Opened up trade with Japan

Alaska (Seward’s Folly)

U.S Secretary Buys Alaska for 7 million dollars

Cuba (Platt Amendment)

established the terms under which the United States would end its military occupation of Cuba

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle

expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry


Journalists who wrote about corruption in business and politics in order to bring out reform

Initiatives and Referendums

allow citizens of many U.S. states to place new legislation on a popular ballot, or to place legislation that has recently been passed by a legislature on a ballot for a popular vote.

The Square deal

A fair bargain or treaty

Jane Addams

Built settlement houses to respond to growing industrial poverty in 1889