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28 Cards in this Set

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Who was in Churchill's cabinet from 1951?

Chancellor - RA Butler

Foreign Secretary- Anthony Eden

Minister of Housing - Harold Macmillan

When were controls abolished?

Rationing ended in 1954.

Who took over from Churchill?


Who was in Edens cabinet from 1955?

Only 2 major changes:

Foreign Secretary - Harold Macmillan

Defence Minister - Selwyn Lloyd

When did Macmillan take over from Eden?


Who was in Macmillans cabinet from 1957?

Changes were:

Chancellor - Peter Thorneycroft

Home Secretary- RA Butler

Who won the 1959 election?

The Conservatives under Macmillan

What were the by-election problems 1957-58?

In 1958, Tories lost Rochdale to Labour as Liberal vote increased and they took 36% of the vote.

By summer 1958, Tories lost 4 seats. 2 to Labour and 2 to Liberals.

What did the Conservatives campaign under in 1959? What theme?

'Life's better under the Conservatives' stressing the theme of continuing prosperity. Promised to double standard of living in a generation.

Also showed PM as a world statesman. Got him a TV discussion with Eisenhower.

Why did Labour lose in 1959?

Political reason - Gaitskells last minute pledge not to increase basic rate of income tax looked like he was trying to buy electorate.

Economic reason - Stop Go economics.

Why did the Conservatives lose 1964 election?

- Failure to join EEC

- Liberal Revival

- The Night of the Long Knives

- Spies and Scandals

- The Profumo Affair

- PM Douglas-Home

What was the Liberal Revival?

1961-62, Liberals came 2nd in eight by-elections compared to 3rd in 1959.

March 1962, Liberals won Orpington in Kent where Tory vote slumped by 26%.

1962, loss of 3 Tory seats to Labour.

What was the Night of the Long Knives?

Macmillan responded to 1962 by-election results by sacking 1/3 of his Cabinet in July 1962. Chancellor Selwyn Lloyd replaced by Maudling.

Supporters shocked and did Macmillan little good at improving popularity of government.

What were the spies and Scandals?

1963, Kim Philby, British spy and Soviet double agent, fled to Moscow proving he was the third man in Cambridge spy ring scandal. Macmillan as Foreign Sec had told house of commons there was no evidence against Philby in 1955.

What was the Profumo Affair?

Minister of War, John Profumo, had been liasing with a West-end call girl, Christine Keeler who had been consorting with Soviet Military Attaché Captain Ivanov. Raised security issues. Profumo denied charges to House of Commons in 1963 which was accepted by Macmillan.

How did the role of Douglas-Home cause election loss of 1964?

Out of touch - was an aristocrat who resigned his six titles to become an MP.

Performed poorly on TV and was fiercely heckled.

Self-confessed economic illiterate.

How did the role of Labour help them win the 1964 election?


-Powerful speeches on the 'white heat of the technological revolution' by Wilson

- main themes of signposts for the sixties adopted by Labour in 1961 were: role of economic planning, link between planning, technological development and growth, and need to reach out to body of scientists and technicians.

Why was Labour unsuccessful in 1955 and 1959?

- Divisions within the party


- Leadership of the party

- Policy and image

- Election campaigns

How did divisions within the party mean Labour were unsuccessful in 1955 and 59?

- In March 1952, 57 Bevanites voted against Tory governments rearmament programme eventhough it had been agreed Labour would abstain.

- 1955, Bevan and 62 other MPs abstained from debate on H-bomb against party orders. Bevan had the Whip withdrawn for short time.

How did the CND mean Labour were unsuccessful in 1955 and 59?

October 1960, at Labour Party Conference, a row broke out between left and right over the bomb issue.

How did the leadership of the party mean Labour were unsuccessful in 55 and 59?

- Attlee seemed a dim and out of date figure by 1955.

- Gaitskell no match for Macmillan on TV in 1959.

How did policy cause Labour to lose in 1955 and 1959?

Divided over issue of nationalisation and nuclear deterrent.

- Party document, Industry and Society (1957), reaffirmed re-nationalisation of iron and steel, but was uncommitted to future nationalisation.

- unilateralism had been rejected but nuclear testing remained unsettled.

How did image cause Labour to lose in 1955 and 1959?

Failed attempts to modernise party.

- Croslands, The Future of Socialism (1956), argued 'Socialism is about equality' and argued further nationalisation was irrelevant. Gaitskell was influenced by this and made appeal to remove clause 4 which committed party to nationalisation. This appeal failed.

How did the election campaigns cause Labour to lose in 1955 and 59?


Attlee delayed resignation until December 1955.


Gaitskells promise to not increase taxes, eventhough party was committed to increase welfare expenditure, made it look as if he had tried to bribe electorate.

Why did Labour win in 1964?

- End of party divisions

- Gaitskell begins process of unifying party

- leadership

How did the end of party division lead to 1964 election win?

End of Bevanites as Gaitskell won leadership contest after 1955 election. Bevan accepted this as a 'fait accompli'

How did Gaitskell beginning to unify the party help to win election in 1964?

Blackpool Party Conference in 1961, official defence policy on support for NATO and nuclear weapons was endorsed.

Gaitskells view on EEC coincided with majority of Labour supporters, against joining.

How did leadership help Labour to win 1964 election?

- Wilson was skilful, quick witted and economically literate.

- Anthony Wedgewood Benn helped manage Wilsons public relations. Had experience in TV industry.