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24 Cards in this Set

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What was an agreement signed between American delegates and Great Britain that ended the American Revolution and also transferred territory east of the Mississippi River except for Spanish Florida, to the new republic?
Treaty of Paris of 1783
Note date was important to answer as there was another historical Treaty of Paris in 1898.
Who were French Canadian Traders who followed the rivers into the heart of Canada in search of new sources of furs and are also known as forest runners?
Coureurs de bois
What revolutionary tract written by Thomas Paine in January 1776 was a call for independence and the establishment of a republican government in the colonies?
Common Sense
What is known as the land bridge which connects the Asia and North American a region now beneath the Bering Sea?
Exam 1
What was a tax placed on newspapers and printed materials or matter produced in the colonies, causing a mass political movement among the colonists? This required colonist to purchase a special seal each year to put on all legal documents for validation.
Stamp Act of 1765
What is the treaty negotiated by the pope in 1494 to resolve competing land claims of Spain and Portugal in the New World? This treaty divided up the world along the north-south line in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean granting to Spain all lands west of the line and Portugal all lands east of the line.
Treaty of Tordesillas
Brazil still speaks Portuguese
What is a religious belief rejecting thrditional moral law as unnecessary Christians who possess saving grace and affirming that an individual could experience divine revelation and salvation without the assistance of formally trained clergy?
This occurred in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Those who believed this Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson moved to Providence, Rhode Island.
What was an philosophical and intellectual movement that began in Europe during the eighteenth century. It stressed the application of reason to solve social and scientific problems?
Sir Issac Newton, John Locke, Voltaire where part of this movement in Europe that influenced men in the colonies. I think of Benjamin Franklin when I think of this term.
What was the agreement made by the pilgrims upon landing in the New World in 1920 to create a civil government at Plymouth Colony? It was considered one of the first ligetimate documents in the colonies..
Mayflower Compact
What was a series of spontaneous Protestant revivals in mid 17th Century where as the widespread movement divided congrgations and weakened the authority of established churches in the colonies?
Great Awakening
Protestant Revivals
What are members of a reformed Protestant sect in Europe and America or the Colonies specifically in the history of Pennsylvania known as the Society of Friends that rejected formal theology and stressed each person's "inner light" a spiritual guide to righteousness?
Believers were an extreme form of antinomianism.
What was a treaty ending the French and Indian War in America, which marked the beginning of Great Britain's expansion of it's Empire outside of Europe? This was also the Treaty that ended the Seven Year War in Europe. Freed the British up to expand in their Empire
Peace of Paris of 1763
What were considered goods such as certain raw materials produced in the North American colonies such as tobacco, sugar, and rice specified to the Navigation Acts, which stipulated that these goods could only be shipped to England or it colonies to regulate the purchase of said goods?
Enumerated goods
What is an economic theory that shaped imperial policy throughout the colonial period and was built on the assumption that the world's wealth was a fixed fixed supply? In order for a country to increase wealth, a nation needed to export more than it imported. Favorable trade and protective economic policy as well as new colonial possessions rich in raw materials were important in the achieving this balance.
balance of import and export which led to firm standards of regulation by England----This was the blueprint for the creation of the British Empire
What was a series of commercial restrictions passed by Parliament intended to regulate colonial commerce in such as way as to favor England's Accumulation of wealth?
Navigation Acts
This reduced the planters profit and eliminated the Dutch as a trade partner. Many colonist ignored this act or did a work around by going to a colonial port such as Boston considered to be under British Rule.
What is a business organization in which scores of people could invest without fear of bankruptcy. Purchase a share of stock at a stated price and at the end of several years investor would anticipate recovery of initial investment plus portion of profits?
joint-stock company
What was the plan envision by Benjamin Franklin and many prominient colonists at a conference in Albany, NY which envisioned the formation of a Grand Council of elected delegates from the colonies that would have the power to tax and provide for common defense?
Albany Plan
The decimation of the of Native American Peoples was an aspect of ecological transformation known as what?
Native Indians were exposed to fatal disease while exchanging plants, animals, and culture with the Europeans. Corn and potatoes altered the course of European history.
Columbian Exchange
What was a Calvinist notion that an omnipotent God predestined some people to salvation and damaged other through out eternity where the Puritans examined themselves for signs of grace where God considered them one of the elect as they would try to live according to the Scriptures in life not waiting for Death?
Protestant Reformation
Be prepared to discuss J.R. Pole's thesis as spelled out in my online notes in his treatise The Gift of Government: Political Responsibility from the English Restoration to American Independence.
?- pull on line documents and review
Also be prepared to discuss the brief comments I made on Thomas Paine in your online document
?- pull on line documents and review.