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47 Cards in this Set

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Artist: Thomas Heine

Title: "Simplicissimus" poster

Date: 1897

Style: simple poster style PLAKATSTIL

*the word "simple" may have influenced the designer/ linked to caricature// modern anti-astablishment, going away from decorative style///

Artist: Leonetto Cappiello

Title: Maurin Quina poster

Date: 1906

Style: simple poster style PLAKATSTIL

*known as the father of modern advertising/ used "infernal imagery" on several alcohol posters// made his posters "cartoony"/// going away from decorative style

Artist: Lucian Bernhard

Title: Priester Matches poster

Date: c. 1905

Style: Sachplakat (object poster) Plakastil (poster style)

*poster competition sponsored by Priester/ created the first sachplakat which spawned Plakastil// new style revolutionized ad world with bold color, minimal lettering, change from era's visually complex style of Art nouveau/// started on a table and then was simplified multiple times////

Artist: Hans Rudi Erdt

Title: Opel Automobiles poster

Date: 1911

Style: Sachplakat (object poster)

*didn't always have to rely on a more or less realistically depicted object, used O as steering wheel/ continued the plakastil style, minimal// attractive to the higher class - not product w/brand, more connection w/ user market///

Artist: Alfred Leete

Title: Lord Kitchener Recruitment poster

Date: 1914

Style: WWI Propaganda

*drawn to more serious patriotic forms of print/ mustache spelled Kitchener's name with out saying it// british secretary of wars

Artist: James Montgomery Flagg

Title: Uncle Sam Recruitment poster

Date: 1917

Style: WWI Propaganda

*adapted from a magazine cover/ modeled uncle sam after his own features// issued in the 1st & 2nd world war/// created 45 other posters for the government////

Artist: Fillippo Marinetti

Title: Poems from Les Mots en Liberte futuristes (futurist-words-in-freedom)

Date: 1919

Style: Futurism

*understand the influence of Stephane Mallarme on the development of Futurist graphic design/ expression of text for experience, breaks from traditional type arrangement, imagery made with text, dynamic not traditional, exaggerated fonts [different sizes & diff fonts, sets a tone]

Artist: Fillippo Marinetti

Title: Zang tumb tuuum Adrianopoli ottobre (Adrianople October 1912: Words-in-Freedom) Milan

Date: 1914

Style: Futurism

*more tame, expressive, freedom/ the Futurists liberated words and letters from conventional presentation by destroying syntax, using verbs in the infinitive, eliminating adjectives and adverbs, abolishing punctuation, inserting musical and mathematical symbols, and employing onomatopoeia// read as literature, experienced as visual art, and performed as dramatic works.

Artist: Fortunato Depero
Title: Cover for Depero futurista
Date: 1927 
Style: Futurism

Artist: Fortunato Depero

Title: Cover for Depero futurista

Date: 1927

Style: Futurism

*overlapping text, simple color palette, response to technology, different types of paper, experience w/ type functional chaos, arrangement w/text for communication

Artist: John Heartfield

Title: Der Dada cover

Date: 1920

Style: Dada


*ideally suited to the task of promoting the dadaist movement/ medium was the message// pasted composite image, newspaper pieces w/ photos then photographed

Artist: John Heartfield

Title: Die Rote Fahne poster

Date: 1928

Style: Dada

*the whole arm being pushed upwards out of the page is a way to grab the viewer bc its realistic/ most memorable poster// represents 5 candidates of the party (hand is grabbing the nazi's

Artist: Theo van Doesburg

Title: De Stijl cover

Date: 1922

Style: De Stijl

*asymmetrical rectangle (outlined)

Artist: Alexander Rodchenko

Title: "Books" poster


Style: Russian Constructivism

*photography & graphic design, block san serif, clear no indication of artists hand, geometric, photomontage w graphic elements

Artist: El Lissitzky

Title: Beat the White with the Red Wedge


Style: Russian Constructivism

*political - aims exclusivley russian movement/ hard edged lines that shapes of primary colors, appeared in painting and posters// uses basic shapes as propaganda poster

Artist: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Title: Typophoto poster for tires

Date: 1923

Style: Bauhaus

TYPOPHOTO: an objective integration of word and image to communicate a message with immediacy

Artist: Herbert Bayer

Title: Exhibition poster

Date: 1926

Style: Bauhaus

*know that Bayer designed the universal alphabet type font/ quickly absorbed the principals of De Stijl & constructivism// led him to develop bauhaus style into its current state///

Artist: Edward McKnight Kauffer

Title: "Soaring to Success" poster

Date: 1919

Style: Art Deco

*commercial context/ tension between flock and two opposing guidelines// dynamic sense and movement does not lead up to a point///

Artist: A.M Cassandre

Title: Normandie poster

Date: 1935

Style: Art Deco

*considered his masterpiece/ breaking into geometry shapes// steamliner dominates the scene/// sets tone for luxury of Normandie//// look up (perspective)///// power draws us to it, advertisement

Artist: A.M Cassandre
Title: poster for Dubonnet
Date: 1932
Style: Art Deco

DUBO(doubt)-the man eyes his glass uncertainly
DU BON(of some good)-the beverage is tasted;
DUBONNET-the product is identified as the glass is refilled

Artist: A.M Cassandre

Title: poster for Dubonnet

Date: 1932

Style: Art Deco

DUBO(doubt)-the man eyes his glass uncertainly

DU BON(of some good)-the beverage is tasted;

DUBONNET-the product is identified as the glass is refilled

*meant to be shown as a series/ product name is being repeated

Artist: Lester Beall

Title: Rural Electrification Administration Series2

Date: 1939

Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*used bands to associate background plane to foreground/ first time graphic design was hung in the MOMA// electricity in rural areas - electriticty is good for the USA

Artist: Alexey Brodovitch

Title: Pages from Harper's Bazaar


Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*diagonal division appears/ makes a surrealistic contrast between the coiffed & elegantly dressed model & props(ladders)// modernist devices grabbed readers attention which Brodovitch directed to clothes/// modern styles are taking from Europe

Artist: Massimo Vignelli

Title: Corporate Identities


Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*know NYC subway map and Bloomingdale's/ long live modernism// solution to a problem is the problem itself/// if you can design one thing you can design anything//// subway- framed in black, focused on subtle movements of above ground activity, takes complex system and simplifies it (color codes)/ swiss design at its best

Artist: Giovanni Pintori

Title: Olivetti Lettera 22


Style: Modern Graphic Design

*element of playfulness was fundamental to success of commercial modernist design/ helped humanize new range of unfamiliar products// convinced the public it was for everyone, not just mechanically minded///conveying the idea of what its like to type

Artist: Paul Rand

Title: Eye Bee M poster (rebus)

Date: 1981

Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*passion for corporate identities/ introduced new ways of feeling & thinking// took risks and made mistakes/// stayed relevant for 60+ yrs/// americas best known graphic designer//// rand forced IBM to cohere into a single logo graphic entity

Artist: Paul Rand

Title: Logos


Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*simplicity is a modern idea/ his worked helped make the world of business take the profession of design more seriously// rand was given full license to express his artistically inspired brand of Modernist design within commercial context

Artist: Robert Gage (DDB, Inc.)

Title: "You don't have to be Jewish to Love Levy's" campaign

Date: 1950's

Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*photography became a dominant medium/ campaign does nothing, not based on facts or logic, just humor and emotion// one of the most successful campaigns///

Artist: Gene Federico

Title: Woman's Day magazine advertisement

Date: 1954

Style: Modern Graphic Design in America

*similar idea to Opel - integrating the O's as wheels/ witty word play demanded close relations w/ art director & copywriter// modernism is here!

Artist: Josep Muller-Brockmann

Title: Auto Club of Switzerland poster "Protegez l'enfant!" (Protect the Child)

Date: 1955

Style: Swiss Design

*asymmetrical organization/ mathematically constructed and objective photography// san serif type/// flush left ragged right= swiss design

Artist: Armin Hofmann

Title: poster for Basel Theater production of Giselle

Date: 1959

Style: Swiss Design, Basel School of Design

*Hofmann and Ruder were instructors that taught sensitivity to white space/ soft image compared to crispness of the text/black bkgd// image and type used in harmony///

Artist: Carlo L.Vivarelli

Title: Fur das Alter (Help the Aged)

Date: 1949

Style: Swiss Design Zurich

*increasing emphasis on clarity and functionalism within swiss graphic design/ everything in design was dedicated to importing posters message// placement of head within a daring but fitting symmetry created drama///

Artist: Josef Muller-Brockmann

Title: Der Film poster Zurich Museums of Arts and Crafts exhibition poster

Date: 1960

Style: Swiss Design

*universal type approach/ how mathematics & geometry can be a basis for design// 3/5 ratio (most beautiful rectangle arrangement/perfect ratio)/// negative space//// won a competition for charity///// GOLDEN MEAN - pinnacle of swiss design

Artist: Helmut Krone (art director) & Larry Levinson (writer) Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach Inc.

Title: Volkswagen "Think Small" ad

Date: 1959

Style: Modern Design

*"first" use of the grid system, much speedier/ 3 columns, white space, san serif type// copy isn't a (buy me, buy me) copy is setting a scene

Artist: Otl Aicher

Title: Pictograms for the Munich Olympics

Date: 1972

Style: Design Systems

*symbols for generally intelligent & multilingual/ perfected these pictograms-set the standard// grid vertical and horizontal/// removes visual noise//// all had the same angles


object poster


poster style - [school in berlin for poster design] - characterized by clear, crisp, saturated, minimal color, design approach, antithesis of decorative style, abstract


an objective integration of a word and image to communicate a message w/ immediacy


most important art movement in the 20th century

analytical cubism - subject matter is analyzed then combined in a new way. experience w/ subject matter. not the still life - sense of movement, geometry, minimal color/ focus on form [picasso, vincent vangoh]

synthetic cubism - representative, pasted paper/collage is very influential w/design cubism is short lived but most influential/ analytical and synthetic cubism


Marinetti was the founder of futurism/ marinetti argues for the distruction of the past so we can start over. he for the WWI so we could start over// futurism calls the youth to rebel from the past and they glorified speep and new technology, war


ZURICH DADA - dada is a lifestyle - started with cubism in literature (not visual)/ started in zurich switzerland// dadaist were artists/writers who wanted freedom from tradition, they wanted to shock the viewers/// rebelled in modern society (thought it was corrupt//// religion and moral codes were ignored


BERLIN DADA - John Heartfield - changes the name to this to protest/ used graphic art to protest against politics/ corrupted society - used photomontage


art should have a purpose/ It borrowed ideas from Cubism, Suprematism and Futurism, but at its heart was an entirely new approach to making objects, one which sought to abolish the traditional artistic concern with composition, and replace it with 'construction.' Constructivism called for a careful technical analysis of modern materials, and it was hoped that this investigation would eventually yield ideas that could be put to use in mass production, serving the ends of a modern, Communist society/// Constructivists proposed to replace art's traditional concern with composition with a focus on construction. Objects were to be created not in order to express beauty, or the artist's outlook, or to represent the world, but to carry out a fundamental analysis of the materials and forms of art, one which might lead to the design of functional objects.///Constructivists were to be constructors of a new society - cultural workers on par with scientists in their search for solutions to modern problems.


cubist, futurism constructivism art inspired/ term used for a style grown out of art neouvau/ industry/// The art deco style, which above all reflected modern technology, was characterized by smooth lines, geometric shapes, streamlined forms and bright, sometimes garish colours. Initially a luxury style (a reaction against the austerity imposed by World War I) employing costly materials like silver, crystal, ivory, jade and lacquer, after the Depression it also used cheaper and mass-produced materials like chrome, plastics, and other industrial items catering to the growing middle class taste for a design style that was elegant, glamorous and functional.


rebellion against tradition, many people rejected from Salon/patronage of wealthy, forward-looking/ immigration from europe/ redefines the position of art direction at major magazines/ search for truth & integrity and richness of the mind/spreads in the US by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the great depression/ 1935 FDR instituted the new deal and the WPA was created/ allows people understand and comprehend easily/ bauhaus is part of modernism

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

WPA employed the most people (artists) to beautify and design/ gov. paid artists// over 2015 pieces of art were made


design is an important and socially useful activity/ designers job to spread info between components of society/ personal expression & eccentric solutions rejected for universal & scientific approach/ emerged in Switzerland/ influenced by Bauhaus & Destijl/ flush left and ragged right margin/ clear and factual copy/ objective photography/ mathematical grid/ san serif/ asymmetrical/ GOLDEN MEAN/RATIO


founded Unimark/ Unigrid systems/ used helvetica always/ was an Italian designer who worked in a number of areas ranging from package design through houseware design and furniture design to public signage and showroom design// Vignelli worked firmly within the Modernist tradition, and focused on simplicity through the use of basic geometric forms in all his work// "If you can design one thing, you can design anything"/ believed that grid can be used in every design


dutch for "The Style" also known as neoplasticism/ founded in 1917 in Amsterdam/ Proponents of De Stijl advocated pure abstraction and universality by a reduction to the essentials of form and color; they simplified visual compositions to vertical and horizontal, using only black, white and primary colors/// De Stijl is also the name of a journal that was published by the Dutch painter, designer, writer, and critic Theo van Doesburg