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117 Cards in this Set

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Pope Gregory
- adopted Paganism beliefs, holidays, statues, Mary worship
- strengthened papacy (pope.like first presidency)
- missionary oriented
- promoted monasteries and convents
- said priests could marry
- worship of nature
Kingdom of Angles and Saxons
- invaded after Romans left
- association with King Arthur
Evidences of King Arthur
- found a grave in Cadbury
- found a round table in church in Somerset
Kingdom of Franks
- accepted Christianity
- settled in Gaul
- King Clovis
- son of Pepin the Short
- crowned emperor in Rome in 800 AD
- King of Franks, Lombards
Carolingian Dynasty
- stable government: legal & chivalry system
- intellectual revival: scholars copied books, influenced by Northumbria
Louis Pious
- son of Charlemagne
- weak leader
- his three sons divided kingdom (treaty of Verdun)
Post Carolingian invasions
-invaded by Vikings and Muslims
- effects- feudalism, castles
Viking Invasions
- they were sailors and fighters
- used ships with a shallow draft
- had keel to keep balance on the water
why middle ages called dark ages
- creativity stifled because no time to be creative
agriculture in Crusades
- curved metal plow
- horse collars
- horse instead of ox
- three field system: increased food production, rotation system
- sturrups
technology and science in Crusades
- water wheels and windmills during this time
Number system in Crusades
- interest calculations
- Fibonacci
- Arabic/Indian number system
Hugh Capet
- king during Capetian Dynasty
- beginning of France nation
Otto the Great
- united Lords in Germany and Italy
- had conflicts with Popes over Papal states
- defeated many principalities to create empire
Henry IV
- weak
- rivaled with popes
Edward the Confessor
- no heir
- Harold Godwinson declared himself King before Edward died
William the Conqueror
- leader of Normandy
- not well loved
- built series of castles
- always fighting Harold Godwinson for thrown
Domesday book
- census by William to know what he owned
Henry I
-because Richard accidently died from hunting, Henry took the thrown
- conquered older brother's land, Normandy
- gave Matilda land
Henry II
- given heir from mother, Matilda
- created English Common Law
Magna Carta
- written by nobles
- states people's rights
Origins of Parliament
- 25 people that ensured peace and liberty
- limited power of the King, monarchy growth
- Nobles had regular meetings of Parliament
- first by Turks
- called by Pope Urban II
- eight total, battles in Holy Land
1st Crusades
- good for Europe, bad for Byzantine
- only one that was successful
- Christian's won
- encouraged knights to be more noble
3rd Crusade
- most organized
- 3 main kings, England, France, Germany
4th Crusade
- lacked funding
- overthrew Constantinople
- Children's Crusade, 30,000 sold into slavery
- french boy said god told him children march to gates of Jerusalem
- disaster
Knights during Crusades
- took vows of loyalty and warfare
- orders rewarded land after victory
- power threatened king
Genghis Kahn
- great Mongol leader
- warrior during Yuan Dynasty
- kind, made friends by helping others
- brought several tribes into alliance
Henry I
-because Richard accidently died from hunting, Henry took the thrown
- conquered older brother's land, Normandy
- gave Matilda land
Henry II
- given heir from mother, Matilda
- created English Common Law
Magna Carta
- written by nobles
- states people's rights
Origins of Parliament
- 25 people that ensured peace and liberty
- limited power of the King, monarchy growth
- Nobles had regular meetings of Parliament
- first by Turks
- called by Pope Urban II
- eight total, battles in Holy Land
1st Crusades
- good for Europe, bad for Byzantine
- only one that was successful
- Christian's won
- encouraged knights to be more noble
3rd Crusade
- most organized
- 3 main kings, England, France, Germany
4th Crusade
- lacked funding
- overthrew Constantinople
- Children's Crusade, 30,000 sold into slavery
- french boy said god told him children march to gates of Jerusalem
- disaster
Knights during Crusades
- took vows of loyalty and warfare
- orders rewarded land after victory
- power threatened king
Genghis Kahn
- great Mongol leader
- warrior during Yuan Dynasty
- kind, made friends by helping others
- brought several tribes into alliance
Genghis Kahn's war tactics
-used intimidation
-promoted according to skill
-used a system of flags
-attacked Poland
- captured silk road
- controlled trade in Asia
Creativity in Middle ages
- weather, cities, nations, vikings and mongols (warfare)
- strive to be more righteous
- purpose: draw close to God, fulfill promise
- identified and protected by clothes
- Jerusalem, location of visions
4 Lateran Councils
- separate the church from secular influence
- reaffirm celibacy
- supported pilgrims
- addressed doctrinal issues
- to avoid persecution moved to eastern Europe
- began by St. Francis
- captured in crusades
- formed Mendicant order
- loved God's creatures
-founded by Dominic
-order of Friars presearchers
- vows of obedience, chastity, poverty
- smart, many become popes and enforced rules
-Muslims and Jews expelled
-Run by Dominicans
-authority more important than doctrine
- began in Spain and Africa by Muslims
- better quality of teaching
- allowed church to control what people learned
- brought in money
- problems- poor housing, terrible food, not enough jobs
Monastic Learning
- emphasized silence, obedience, submission
- not allowed to question
- teaching method
Bernard of Clairvaux
- conservative thinker and teacher
- influenced choice of Pope
- disagreed with other teaching methods
- one of Monastic teachers
Scholastic Method
- logic and discussion to explore philosophy and theology
- used didactic method by Abelard
Peter Abelard
-was a teacher at University of Paris
- gave up inheritance to study philosophy
- chastised by Pope
- was castrated for having a secret marriage and son, Heloise
- church official
Thomas Aquinas
-wealthy family
- people made fun of him for being a large, clumsy man
- called him flying cow
- memorized bible when imprisoned becuz of parents
- became Dominican
- Doctor of the Church
- wrote 40 books and hymns
Romanesque Architecture
- think walls
- few small windows
- rounded or Roman arches
- vaulted ceilings
- simple, undecorated
- looked like a fortress
Gothic Architecture
-pointed arch
- flying buttresses
- stain glass windows
- tall spires
- gargoyles
- vary decorated and busy
Byzantine Architecture
- domes
- pendentive
Gregorian Chant
- by Pope Gregory I
- used to enhance worship
- sung in unison
- one note per syllable
- about scriptures
Guido d'Arezzo
- monk that created 4-line staff
- treble and bass clef
- came up music terminology
- to sing poetry
art in middle ages
- halos
- showed God's power,
- 2 dimensional
- very few non-religious art
- painted Lamentation (burial scene of Christ)
- bridge into Renaissance
- began realism
Arthurian Legend
- medieval writer
- wrote Geoffry of Monmouth, Mallory
- wrote epics
Courtly Love
- marriage no excuse for not loving
- made public, not endurable
- pure love of a knight for a lady
- books entertaining
- jealous increases feeling of love
Dante Alighieri
- well educated
- spiritual
- loved Beatrice at 9 and wrote poems for her
- was exiled
- wrote divine (perfection) comedy (start sad end happy)
- was catholic, only truth
- truth absolute
- knowledge gets us only so far
Francesco Petrarch
- secular writer
- Renaissance man
- self taught
- wrote love poems to Laura
Development of English Language
-comes from Anglo- Saxon
- has Dutch similarities
- Latin base and rhyming
Why did Middle English occurred when it did
- England more interactive with Europe
- English became language of court and peasants
- Official language of prestige
Tri-lingual English
- French words added by nobility
- Latin words added by clergy
- to sing poetry
art in middle ages
- halos
- showed God's power,
- 2 dimensional
- very few non-religious art
- painted Lamentation (burial scene of Christ)
- bridge into Renaissance
- began realism
Arthurian Legend
- medieval writer
- wrote Geoffry of Monmouth, Mallory
- wrote epics
Courtly Love
- marriage no excuse for not loving
- made public, not endurable
- pure love of a knight for a lady
- books entertaining
- jealous increases feeling of love
Dante Alighieri
- well educated
- spiritual
- loved Beatrice at 9 and wrote poems for her
- was exiled
- wrote divine (perfection) comedy (start sad end happy)
- was catholic, only truth
- truth absolute
- knowledge gets us only so far
Francesco Petrarch
- secular writer
- Renaissance man
- self taught
- wrote love poems to Laura
Development of English Language
-comes from Anglo- Saxon
- has Dutch similarities
- Latin base and rhyming
- eliminated linguistic gender
- short words, strong consonants
- Tri-lingual : French words added by nobility, Latin words added by clergy
Why did Middle English occurred when it did
- England more interactive with Europe
- English became language of court and peasants
- Official language of prestige
Geoffrey Chaucer
- captured and ransomed during 100 year war
- involved in court life
- wrote Canterbury Tales in English (wrote for a French-Speaking Class)
- used many dialects and legitimized middle English
- basis for other writers
- to sing poetry
art in middle ages
- halos
- showed God's power,
- 2 dimensional
- very few non-religious art
- painted Lamentation (burial scene of Christ)
- bridge into Renaissance
- began realism
Arthurian Legend
- medieval writer
- wrote Geoffry of Monmouth, Mallory
- wrote epics
Courtly Love
- marriage no excuse for not loving
- made public, not endurable
- pure love of a knight for a lady
- books entertaining
- jealous increases feeling of love
Dante Alighieri
- well educated
- spiritual
- loved Beatrice at 9 and wrote poems for her
- was exiled
- wrote divine (perfection) comedy (start sad end happy)
- was catholic, only truth
- truth absolute
- knowledge gets us only so far
Francesco Petrarch
- secular writer
- Renaissance man
- self taught
- wrote love poems to Laura
Development of English Language
-comes from Anglo- Saxon
- has Dutch similarities
- Latin base and rhyming
- eliminated linguistic gender
- short words, strong consonants
- Tri-lingual : French words added by nobility, Latin words added by clergy
Why did Middle English occurred when it did
- England more interactive with Europe
- English became language of court and peasants
- Official language of prestige
Geoffrey Chaucer
- captured and ransomed during 100 year war
- involved in court life
- wrote Canterbury Tales in English (wrote for a French-Speaking Class)
Canterbury Tales
- written in middle english
- clever phrases
- basis for other writers
- used many dialects
- gave a wide angle view of nature
- specific on plants and people
- why french- meter, thyme, meaning, dialect
- about: 30 pilgrims on way to Canterbury and all tell different stories
-traveling singers from village to village singing about tales, news
- looked lowly on status
14th century
- worst century because of plague, war, taxess, bad government
Change in clergy
- corrupt popes (focused on making money)
- bishops (multiple benefices)
- priests (ignored celibacy rules)
Adopted Symbols in Church
- sign of the cross
- Virgin Mary
- saints
Philip IV, the fair
- wanted to tax clergy
- France
Pope Boniface VIII
- interacted with Phillip IV
- forced hermit to resign then elected
Avignon Papacy
- 7 popes
- positions were purchased
- accepted fees for forgiveness
Great Schism
- Pope Gregory moved to Rome to die
- two popes excommunicated each other
- Europe divided
- had a Council in Pisa where elected new pope then refused to resign~> became 3 popes
100 year war
- between France and England
- tactics and weapons improved, swords, crossbows, longbows
- last phases of war Joan of Arc
Change role of women
- common class,
- women serfs added to family income
- high infant mortality
Black Death
- famine in n. Europe
- plague because of sailors that spread through europe
- reduced labor force and had excess materials
Technology during 14th century
-imported from China and Islam
- magnetic compasses
- paper, eye glasses
- clocks, calendar
- GUTENBERG PRESS, movable type ~>made public more literate
Changes in Nobility
- kings gained more power at expense of church and minor nobles
Factors enabling conquest of Americas
-strong central rule
-capitalism with credit and entrepreneurship
- competition between nations
- putting technology together (chinese, Arabic)
Henry the Navigator
- established maritime exploration pursuits, compass, catogrpahy
- utilized caravel, gunpowder
Bartholomeu Diaz
- discovered cape of Good Hope
- could have sailed around Africa
Vasco da Gama
- gained control of spice trade
- first to sail around africa to india
-accidentally found America
-funded by Spain because of his reconquest of Spain by the Mores
- good sailor, bad governor
Treaty of Tordesillas
- line of demarcation
- circumnavigating the earth
- discovers cape horn
- Spain
- defeated Aztecs because they were awed of firearms/ fores, and they thought he was the white God Quetzalcoatl
- defeated Incas, peru
- looking for north west passage for trade
St Lawrence
- founded Quebec
America Vespoochi
- America named after him
- map maker and named captain of ship and named it after himself
-did very little to earn it and it was a self rewarding act
- came to america looking for gold
- started right away as missionaries
- later missions turned into work camps and slaves