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47 Cards in this Set

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Duns Scotus

Represents the pinnacle of scholastic thought

William of Ockham

Gnomanalist (One who says the easiest explanation is the best one)

Berengar of Tours

Argues that Jesus is present spiritually (In bread and wine)


Monk group, but didn't obey the pope

Meister Eckhart


Marburg Colloquy

Luther and Swingly: Differing between the Lord supper

Basic Menno Simons Theology

All anabaptists believe separation of church and state, were against infant baptism

Basic John Calvin


T - Total Depravity

U - Unconditional election

L - Limited atonement

I - Irresistible grace

P - Perseverance of the saints

English reformation

- Henry VIII

- Six articles

- Elizabeth

Henry VIII - Divorces

Six articles - Shows that he is still catholic

Elizabeth - Chooses a middle ground )neither catholic nor protestant

Pope Pius IX

Longest Pope

Vatican I

- Anti-liberal

- Pope is declared infallible

- Never reduces the power of the pope

John Huss

Influenced by Wycliffe

Karl Rahner

Anonymous christian

Halfway Covenant

Solution to Puritans

- What do we do with children who didn't have a conversion?

Socinians-basic beliefs

Do not reject free will

Immanuel Kant

Category Imperative

Catholic Counter Reformation

Moves the church to anti-augustinian

Ulrich Zwingli


Synod of Dort

- Calvinism is given definition

- Francis Gomarus - Main figure here

- Affirms Calvinism

Thomas Aquinas

Most well known scholastic

Transubstantiation - IV Lateran

Was affirmed

Arminianism and Calvanism

Calvinism - Tulip


- Free will or human ability

- Conditional election

- Universal redemption or general atonement

- The holy spirit can be resisted

- Falling from grace

Johnathan Edwards

Emphasizes God's sovereignty

David Hume and Skepticism

He was a skeptic


Wrote "on religion speeches to cultures despisers"

George Hegel

Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis



Baur and Strauss

Strauss - Miracles are myth

Baur - applied haggles to new testament

Albrecht Ritschl


Basic tenets of the History of Religions school

Rejected Ritschl, all religions are not different or special

Syllabus of Errors

List of No No's for Catholic Church

Immaculate conception of Mary

Mary born without sin

Basic Pentecostalism

Charles Parphem - Main figure

Adolf von Harnack

not unitarian

Walter Rauschenbusch

Social Gospel

Social Gospel

Sin is poverty

Liberation Theology

Closest to Markis views, took place in South America, rejected, Geustavo

Carl F.H. Henry

evangelical (most important)

Why did puritans come to America

Come to practice what they wanted

Charismatic Movement

Crossed denominational boundaries

The 5 fundamentals

1. The inspiration and inerrancy of scripture

2. The deity of Jesus Christ

3. The virgin birth of Christ

4. The substitutionary: atoning work of Christ on the cross

5. The physical resurrection, and the personal bodily return of Christ to earth

John Wycliffe

1. English Philosopher

2. Influential dissident in roman catholic church

3. Followers were called Lollards

4. Lollards were a precursor to protestant reformation

5. Early advocate of translation of Bible in common language

6. Challenged the clergy

7. Completed a translated Bible and was called the Wycliffe Bible


1. German Theologian and philosopher

2. Influential in evolution of higher criticism

3. His work is partial to the foundation of hermeneutics

4. "Father of modern Liberal theology"

5. Considered an early leader in liberal theology

6. Biblical scholar

7. Attempted to reconcile criticisms of the enlightenment with traditional protestant christianity

Social Gospel

1. Christian intellectual movement

2. Prominent in U.S. and Canada

3. Applied Christian ethics to social problems

4. Specifically social justice

5. More popular among the clergy

6. Leaders predominantly in the liberal wing

7. Inspired movements like "Christians Against Poverty."

Karl Barth

1. Swiss reformed theologian

2. Regarded as greatest protestant theologian

3. Rejected training in the liberal theology

4. Also rejected conservative forms of christianity

5. developed dialectical theology

6. Father of net-orthodoxy

7. Became a leader of the confessing church


1. Christian movement

2. Origin during Radical reformation

3. Delayed baptism until candidate confesses faith

4. Word means "one who baptizes again"

5. Name given to them by their persecutors

6. Rejected the baptism of infants

7. Were heavily persecuted during 16th century

Thomas Aquinas

1. Italian Friar

2. Catholic Priest

3. Influential philosopher

4. Formost proponent of natural theology

5. Father of Thomism

6. Catholic Church models him as saint and model teacher

7. Considered as Catholic Church's greatest theologian