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38 Cards in this Set

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Bacons Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon

Fight over hog and one of Bacons men was killed

So he burned down Native American tribe and goes to governor to get help

Governor wouldn't help him so he burned down Jamestown


Example of tension between town center and outliers

Boston Massacre

English and Americans

When Americans boycotted and protested, English sent troops to Boston

Tension because overwhelming amount of troops


John Calvin

Believed in predestination

Puritans are calvinists

His life 1509-1564

His followers are trying to purify the Church of England

Common Sense

Thomas Paine

Jan 1776

Said that we are better and England and that we need to separate England

Helped influence people and create Declaration of Independence

Ferdinand and Isabella

King and Queen of Spain

They combined their kingdoms to create Spain



Hired Columbus and gave him ships which led to the Colombian exchange

French and Indian War

Mainly English vs. France

George Washington becomes general


Proclamation Line of 1763 was created and England became worlds most powerful empire

Then Americans had to start paying taxes bc of the debt from the war

The Great Awakening

1730s and 40s

Many churches were created such as baptist, Presbyterianism etc.

Methodist preacher George Whitefield encouraged people to challenge their religious leaders, leading to questioning all people in power (the King)


A culture with French and West African influence

The Carolinas

Storytelling tradition




First successful colony,

Allowed people to believe we could actually be successful in colonizing

Anthony Johnson

One of the first slaves

Arrived in 1621

Earns his freedom and owns land.

He was sued over a cow and went to court

Shows that back in those days slaves had freedom to go to Ct and move

Anne Hutchinson

Was a Puritan and kept saying the Reverend was wrong

She went to trial for challenging church authority

Banned from town

Shows that women have some rights

William Penn

Pennsylvania charter (1681)

He was a Quaker

Penn gives the people power

Almost no poverty

George Whitefield

He was a Methodist preacher

Encouraged people to question religious leaders, leading to questioning of gov leaders

1730s and 40s

Stono Rebellion

Slave rebellion where white people were killed

South Carolina


Then laws and restrictions were set for slaves

Proclamation Line of 1763

Resulted from Seven Years War

Said people cannot go past the line into the Indian Reserve


Created boundaries for states


Government controls trade

Import more export less

Triangular trade between N America,West Indies, Europe and Africa

Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations in 1776

Shays Rebellion

Daniel Shays wanted to overthrow gov



Articles of Confederation

Ratified in 1781

First draft of constitution

Successes: named our country

All states are equal

Created a system to create new states


Weaknesses: no ability to tax

No national army or navy

No national cts

Thomas Paine

Wrote Common Sense in Jan 1776

Helped make America independent by saying we are better than English and we need to separate

Martin Luther

He started the Lutheran church and retranslated the Bible

Worked for the Catholic Church around 1517

Luther said you can only go to heaven based only on faith

Encourages people to start their own churches and be independent

A short account of the Destruction of the Indies


Batolomé de Las Casas

Went to new Spain and discovered the massacres of Native Americans

It develops the idea of the Black Legend (that Spain is evil) which helped create the colonies

Halfway Covenant



People could be Puritan and not follow the rules but if their grandparents were Puritan they could be Puritan

Did this because they wanted to try and save the church

City on a hill

Was in a speech by Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts

Around 1662

Idea that we are an example of how a colony should be run

tabula rasa

The idea in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding that a child's mind is a blank skate because they have not learned anything


John Locke

Stamp Act

Tax on all official documents and stamps are like receipts


English taxed Americans because of war debt

Sons of Liberty were created in response and helped start revolution

Treaty of Paris

End of revolution


Then America created country

Federalist Papers


Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay

Collection of 85 essays arguing for ratification

Helped influence the ratification

Navigation Acts

Passed 1651, 1660, 1663

Designed to regulate colonial trade and allowed England to collect taxes from colonists

Navigation Acts

Passed 1651, 1660, 1663

Designed to regulate colonial trade and allowed England to collect taxes from colonists

Puebla Revolt


New Spain

Uprising of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish

Led to the expulsion of Spanish settlers and this showed that a revolt could be successful

Navigation Acts

Passed 1651, 1660, 1663

Designed to regulate colonial trade and allowed England to collect taxes from colonists

Puebla Revolt


New Spain

Uprising of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish

Led to the expulsion of Spanish settlers and this showed that a revolt could be successful

Quok Walker

American slave that went to court to earn his freedom

June 1781


He said all men are equal according to constitution and won his freedom

Navigation Acts

Passed 1651, 1660, 1663

Designed to regulate colonial trade and allowed England to collect taxes from colonists

Puebla Revolt


New Spain

Uprising of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish

Led to the expulsion of Spanish settlers and this showed that a revolt could be successful

Quok Walker

American slave that went to court to earn his freedom

June 1781


He said all men are equal according to constitution and won his freedom

Walker v. Jennison


Slavery was inconsistent with the Massachusetts constitution

Walker won his freedom

Slavery was gotten rid of in Massachusetts

John Peter Zenger


New York

German printer who published bad thing about the governor

Went to Ct

Was found not guilty

Helped establish the freedom of press