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39 Cards in this Set

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What is the Anti-Imperialist League?

established on June 15, 1898, to battle the American annexation of the Philippines as an insular area

What is the Big-Stick foreign policy?

“speak “speak softly and carry a big stick.”

be kind but intimidating

What is the Black Legend?

Morally invest in the education of people you think are dumber than you because of their origin

What was the Boxer Rebellion?

Boxers are a secret society of chinese nationalist. Attacked foreign ministries and murdered dozens of Christian missionaries. *xenophobia- (don’t want foreigners in their country)*

What is Dollar Diplomacy?

-Encouraged private American financial investment in China and Central America

-guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries.

Who is Emilio Aguinaldo?

he achieved independence of the Philippines from Spain and was elected the first president of the new republic under the Malolos Congress

Who is General Jacob Smith?

Philippine-American War (torture, prosecuting a war throughout a countryside, male 10 or older, controversial)

What was the “Gentleman’s Agreement"?

TR arranged this agreement. Japan agreed to restrict immigration and TR would persuade CA to repeal discriminatory laws.

What was the Great White Fleet?

To demonstrate U.S. naval power, TR sent fleet of battleships on “WORLD TOUR” (1907-1909). Impressed by sight, Tokyo WARMLY received fleet.

Hay-Paunceforte Treaty

foreign powers to relinquish their powers

Hay-Buena Faria

overthrow panama exclusive government of 50 mile stretch USA owns part of their country

What is Imperialism?

argument that because of a nation's commercial/material interests, it is essential to find/possess/maintain and protect foreign possessions

What were the Insular Cases?

Supreme Court cases that sought to answer the question: Does the Constitution follow the flag?

Who were the Insurrectos (Philippines)?

fighting for Philippine independence against anyone trying to suppress them.

Who is John Hay?

open door policy agreements with the panama canal

What was the Jones Act (1916)?

granted territorial status to the Philippines

-promised Philippine independence upon the creation of a stable government

What was the Lodge Corollary?

HCL feared JAPAN had intentionsof purchasing Mexico's Baja Peninsula. In 1912 he introduced a SENATE resolution to preventnon-European powers from owning territory in the Western Hemisphere

Mark Twain’s “War Prayer”

recall the poem we read and videos we watched about people praying for war and not thinking about the consequences

Mexican Civil War/Revolutions

pancho villa and woodrow wilson, moral obligation to instruct mexicans to be more civilized and to have a better country, state of anarchy

Moral Diplomacy

the system in which support is given only to countries whosemoral beliefs are analogous to that of the nation

Nicaragua (Marine intervention)

prime examples in dollar diplomacy and moral diplomacy, using military force to stabilize

Who won the Nobel peace prize and for what?

teddy roosevelt wins for the portsmouth treaty

What is the Open Door policy?

a policy which would allow equal trading privileges for all countries, Hay asked for in 1899

Panama Canal

Began in 1904 and finished in 1914Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903): granted US long-term control of “canal zone”

Philippine-American War and McKinley rationale

make them money, filipinos can't govern themselves, can't give them back to spain (abyss), brother’s keeper ($, christianize, spain :(, filipinos=unfit) (Brooke wrote this)

Platt Amendment

US armed forces, businesses, and politicians oversee Cuban development

President William McKinley

-vice to Roosevelt

- McKinley reelected, inaugurated March 1901

-September 5, 1901: President McKinley Assassinated (died 9/14)

President Theodore Roosevelt

-foreign policy motto: “speak softly and carry a big stick.”

-portsmouth conference

-The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

President William Howard Taft

-dollar diplomacy

-secured American participation in a joint trans-Chinese railroad venture with European nations

-sent Marines to Nicaragua in 1912 (remained until 1933)

President Woodrow Wilson

-campaigned against Imperialism, The Big Stick and Dollar Diplomacy

-blockaded Mexican ports and occupied Vera Cruz

-moral diplomacy

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?

-student loans on a national scale

-US sailors and marines would occupy the country's major ports to ENSURE the collection of customs taxes until European debts satisfied

What is the Root-Takahira Agreement?

-mutually respect each other's Pacific possession

-support the Open Door policy in CHINA

Russo-Japanese War

1904-05 Imperialist Conflict between Japan and Russia

What are the Songs of the Spanish-American War?

song lyrics about democracy, freedom

Spheres of Influence (China)

area where foreign nations could Dominate trade and investment and shut out competitors

Teller Amendment

the US would help Cuba gain independance and then withdraw all its troops from the country

The “White Man’s” Burden

an appeal to the United States to assume the task of developing the Philippines, recently won in the Spanish-American War

Treaty of Portsmouth

displaying the US emergent foreign diplomatic status

between Japan and Russia

What is Xenophobia

intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. Had risen in China during the boxer rebellion