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18 Cards in this Set

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Name two methods an archaeologist would use to locate a site.

Aerial photography and field walking.

Archaeologists sometimes describe the earliest Irish people as Hunter-gathers. What is meant by this term?

These were early Irish settlers that did not know the skills of farming and survived by hunting wild animals and gathering berries and nuts.

Name two types of tomb from Neolithic Ireland.

Dolmen and court cairn.

Give two important effects of the coming of Christianity to Ireland.

The shamrock had become a symbol of ireland and has been adopted as the symbol for the national airline, Aer Lingus.

State two functions of a guild in medieval times.

To maintain high standards of goods. A yearly fee was paid to the guild,which was used to pay for the care of sick colleagues and towards the up keep of families of deceased members.

Give two reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy.

Italy was the crossroads of the world, it was the main trading centre of Europe. Wealthy patrons were willing to pay good money for works of art.

Give two effects of the development of the printing process.

Books became smaller and cheaper. It made it possible for writers to reach a larger audience.

Name the civilisation conquered by the Spanish conquistador, Hernando Cortès.

The Aztecs.

What was the Reign of Terror in France during the 1790s?

Summer of 1793 to summer of 1794 when thousands of people were arrested and killed by the Committee of Public Safety.

What was the Solemn League and Covenant, 1912?

It was a petition against Home Rule organised and signed by unionists.

Why did James Connolly set up the Irish Citizen Army in 1913?

To protect Irish Transport and General Workers Union from attack by the police.

Mention two reasons why Sinn Féin won the 1918 general election.

Michael Collins and Eamonn de Valera promised to give Ireland a Republic if they won the election.

Name the political party founded by Eamonn de Valera in 1926.

Fianna Fáil.

During the period, 1959-1966, mention two important decisions taken by the government of Seán Lemass.

He met with his Northern Ireland counterpart, Captain Terence O'Neill in 1965. Irish soldiers served as UN peacekeepers in the Congo.

Which European leader was known as Il Duce?

Benito Mussolini.

In November 1938, what happened during Kristallnacht?

On this night in November 1930s Jews were attacked and their property was damaged.

During World War II, what was Operation Overlord?

It was the code name given to the invasion of Normandy on D-day , 6 June 1944.

What is meant by decolonisation?

Decolonisation is when European countries withdrew from other countries they once ruled in like Africa.