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42 Cards in this Set

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The tropics are warm all year round. What marks the center of the tropical zone?
The rainy and dry seasons in the Indian Ocean reflect the influence of what?
By 1200 human migrations that had spread many useful plants and animals around the tropics including _______, ________, & _______.
• Bananas
• yams
• cocoa yams
What is the form of extensive agriculture that was used in sub-saharan Africa called?
Shifting cultivation
Where was the greatest network of irrigation canals between the 14-19th century found?
Delhi Sultinate
Who are the Tuareg?
Western Sahara and pastoralists & caravan guides
What was the most abundant metal worked in the tropics?
Where was the largest concentration of pastoralists in the world?
North Eastern Africa & Arabia
The empires of Mali in West Africa and of Delhi in South Asia both utilized ________ administration.
What brought about the spread of Islam to land of the Sahara?
According to the Malinke legends, who was the founder of Mali?
From what did Mali derived significant income?
Gold & copper with North African Muslim traders
What did Mansa's Kankan Musa's famous pilgrimage demonstrate?
The enormous wealth
In addition to the filling his personal religious obligations, Mansa's Kankan Musa's pilgrimage resulted in what construction?
Of new Mosques & Quaranic Schools in Mali
Why were Turkish invaders able to successfully invade India?
The division of India into smaller states
by what innovation was the Turkish conquest of northern India aided?
The Crossbow
Sultan Iltutmish passed his empire to Raziya, his _______.
What was the most significant factor contributing to agriculture in the Delhi Sultanate?
Irrigation canals
When the Delhi Sultanate began to lose control of its realm, new kingdoms emerged in India called __________ & __________.
Bahmani & Vijayanagar
Sultan Muhammad Ibn Tughluq was noted by Chronicler Ibn Battuta as being remarkable for his what?
Religious Toleration
Although the Delhi Sultanate had its problems, what positive aspect it provide?
Centralized Political authority to India
List 4 factors that help to increase Indian Ocean trade between 1200 and 1500.
● construction of longer ships
● collapse of Mongol Empire
● increased demand for luxury goods : jewels textiles metals
● rising prosperity of Asian European and African states which stimulated expansion
The characteristic ship of the Arabian Sea was the _______.
What was the largest, most technologically advanced ship in the Indian Ocean?
The Chinese Junk
The different regional networks of the Indian Ocean trade were tied together by _______ interest.
commercial interests
By 1250 what was the most important trading city of the Swahili coast?
The economic and political power of the Great Zimbabwe was based on long-distance trade in what 3 commodities?
○ Gold
○ Salt
○ Copper
What caused the collapse of the Empire of Great Zimbabwe?
Deforestation and cattle over grazing
What significant cultural feature allowed the regions of Aden and Ethiopia to thrive commercially?
mutual tolerance of diverse religions
What was unique about Gujarat trade compared to African & Arabic?
Gujarat manufactured goods for trade
As trade increased in the 14th & 15th centuries, the Strait of Malacca became the center of political rivalry between _________ & _________.
° Majapahit
° Chinese pirates
Because of the trade through the Strait of Malacca, Malacca became an important port and meeting place for whom?
Traders from around the Eurasian world
The cultural blending associated with the expansion and spread of Islam from 1200 to 1500 can be seen by examining what?
The Mosque Designs
In Islamic society, what purpose did mosques serve?
They were Center of learning & promoted literacy
Prior to the spread of literacy with the extension of Islam in sub-saharan Africa, the only previously literate society was found in _______.
The spread of Islam to India promoted a new language that combined Persian in Hindi influence called __________.
What was the most profitable item traded from North America to Timbuktu?
Why was the spread of Islam into India different from that in Africa?
It was done largely by force, and removed many Hindu & Buddhist temples
The prosperity of the Asian and African kingdoms from 1200 to 1500 was accompanied by the growth of __________.
The status of women in tropical India may have improved, based on reports that what became optional
Sati or Widow Burning
List 4 of the active roles or special skills that women of the tropical regions played or contributed to their communities.
● farm work & child rearing
● food preparation / culinary skills
● spinning thread & weeding
● cloth making & clay pots
In India, by what was a woman status determined?
By their male master