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76 Cards in this Set

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When did one of modern human's earliest ancestors, Ardipithecus ramidus of Ethiopia, live?

4.5 million years ago

When did australopithecines emerge and how did they compare to modern humans?

Emerged in East Africa on 4.3 MYA - walks on two feet, and brain is 1/3 the size of modern humans.

When did Australopithecus afarensis live / where?

East Africa 3 MYA

Around when were the first human tools thought to be used?

2.6 - 1 MYA

Around when is it thought that humans first mastered fire?

1.8 MYA - 500,000 YA

How long ago did Homo erectus establish itself in Asia?


When did Homo heidelbergensis flourish in Central Europe?

600,000 YA

What were Acheulean stone tools?

Tools carefully flaked on both surfaces to have a sharp cutting edge - best example being a triangular hand ax.

When did Homo neanderthalensis emerge in Europe?

350,000 YA

When did the first Homo sapiens emerge in Africa?

195,000 YA

When was the start of recent global cooling that halted the spread of the Homo sapiens population?

~ 70,000 YA

How many years ago were the oldest Cro-Magnon cave paintings made in Western and Central Europe?

30,000 YA

What were some of the building materials used by Cro-Magnons during the ice age to make shelters?

Mammoth bones

When did Homo neanderthalensis disappear?

24,000 YA

When were the first known pottery vessels made (China, Japan)?

20,000 - 16,000 YA, example: Jomon pottery

When is it thought that Homo sapiens first settled down and developed agriculture?

10,000 BCE - Anatolia, Levant, Mesopotamia

When and where is the oldest evidence of animal domestication?

Anatolia (Turkey), Levant, Mesopoamia, evidence of early sheep and goat domestication in northern Mesopotamia

When did the Chinese first settle and cultivate the Yangtze Valley?

7000 BCE

When did copper smelting and obsidian trade first emerge?

6500 BCE in modern Turkey

When was the oldest continuously inhabited first built and where?

8000 BCE - Jericho, Palestine

When / where were cattle first domesticated?

6500 BCE in North Africa, Indus Valley, Asia

When was the worlds earliest irrigation system developed / where?

Mesopotamia, 5500 BCE

When / where was the Linearbandkeramik farming culture?

Central Europe, 5500-4500 BCE

When does it seem that corn cultivation first began?

5000 BCE, Ecuador, North America - Tehuacan valley, Central America

When / where was the horse first domesticated?

4500 BCE Central Asia

When was the plow first used?

4000 BCE, Mesopotamia

Around when was stonehenge construction started?

3100 BCE

When did King Narmer complete unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and become the first Pharaoh?

3100 BCE

When / where were the first known city-states?

3500 BCE, Mesopotamia, Uruk being possibly the first city

When did Otzi the Ice Man die in the Alps?

3350 BCE

When were the first hieroglyphs developed in Egypt?

3200 BCE

When / where was the wheel invented?

First evidence of wheeled transportation was in Sumer and Slovakia, 3200 BCE

Where is the earliest evidence of fire 'hearths'?

Gesher Benot Ya'aqov, Israel, 800,000 YA

What range of time covers the Paleolithic?

2.5 MYA to 10,000 BCE - the first stone tools up through the beginning of agriculture

What was Lucy / how old?

Lucy was a female Australopithecus afarensis found 3.2 MYA

When did Homo ergaster appear?

First 'recognizeably human' ancestor, emerged around 2 MYA

What are the earliest possible candidates for the first species to split from the ancestors of the chimpanzee?

Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Chad, 6-7 MYA)

Orrorin tugenensis

Ardipitheus ramidus

What is our oldest evidence of bipedal human ancestors?

3.75 MYA a volcanic eruption left a layer of ash at Laetoli, Tanzania, preserving the footprints of Australopithecus afarensis.

What is some of the earliest fossil evidence of speech?

400,000 YA fossilized hyoid bone of Homo heidelbergensis, though 300,000 YA is when the vase of the skull evolved to physically allow fully articulated speech

Did Neanderthals have the ability to speak?

Possibly, a hyoid bone was found in Kebara Cave, Israel belonging to a neanderthal.

What are the oldest known human ornaments?

Blombos beads - 75,000 YO perforated shell beads from Blombos Cave, South Africa

How old are the paintings in the Lascaux cave?

75,000 YA

How old is Cuneiform writing?

3000 BCE West Asia

About how many humans were alive on Earth 500,000 YA?

1 million

When did humans start spreading outside of Africa?

120,000 YA

How far back to the paintings at Altamira date?

15,000 YA - famous for their representations of bison, boar, and red dir in charcoal and earth pigments by people of the Magdalenian (Paleolithic) culture of southern Europe.

When were the Klasies River Mouth Caves of South Africa occupied?

120,000 YA by hunter-gatherers.

When did humans arrive in Zhoukoudian?

Most likely 40,000 YA, possibly 100,000 YA

When did humans arrive in Australia?

60,000 - 45,000 YA - Lake Mungo in southern Australia

When did humans arrive in Europe?

45,000 YA

When did humans cross the Beringia Land Bridge to North America?

15,000 YA

Who were the Clovis people?

A group of humans who lived 12,000 YA in North America, known for hunting big game animals - mammoths, mastodons, giant sloths. Also known for their characteristic flint spearpoints.

When did humans reach South America?

14,800 YA - Monte Verde

How long ago was the eyed needle invented?

30,000 YA

What is the oldest known ceramic in the world?

A "Venus" figurine dating to 29,000 - 25,000 BCE. A similar date has been given to the Venus of Willendorf in Austria (15,000 - 25,000)

When did bows and arrows appear?

During late Ice Age, around 10,000 BCE became prevalent.

When is it thought that conscious thought showed up (the ability to plan and conceptualize ideas?)

~ 50,000 YA

What is one of the oldest musical instruments and when was it discovered?

The Cro-Magnon flute, 45,000 YA, discovered in a cave at Divje Babe in the Idrijca valley of Western Slovenia, made from the femur of a yuong cave bear.

What is a Quernstone?

A simple hand mill to grind cereal crops - about 10,000 BCE

When did farming emerge in South America?

5000 BCE in the Andes Mountains, primarily potatoes and root vegetables. Llamas and alpacas were shortly after tamed.

When did agriculture emerge in Africa?

Varying locations - 7000 BCE along the Nile, 6000 BCE in Tunisia from settlers from the Levant, and 1500-2000 BCE along middle of Africa

When did South and East Asia begin growing crops?

8000 BCE seems to have seen millet cultivation around the Yellow River valley. Pigs may have been domesticated on 10,500 BCE at Nanzhuangtou, and rice was also domesticated after 8000 BCE.

When did farming start in Europe?

Around 7000 BCE, spreading East to West - 6000 BCE eventually to central Europe 5300 BCE and up to England and the Northern Europe.

When did farming start in North America?

In the southern plains regions, around 2500 BCE, but in Mexico, around 5000 BCE

When did the practice of burying people with grave goods start?

Around 40,000 BCE

What was characteristic of the Kofun culture relating to its burial practices?

Large keyhole shaped burial mounds - 3rd Century

What was remarkable about how the Anglo-Saxon King Raedwald was buried?

He was buried beneath a huge mound at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, Britain, in his richly adorned ship, in 620 CE.

When did metalworking emerge?

5000 BCE in Anatolia and Mesopotamia, eventually spreading into Europe (4000-3000 BCE), Northern European plain (3000-2000 BCE), and into Asia as well

When did the Beaker culture exist?

2800-1900 BCE at the beginning of the Bronze age in northern Europe - associated with flint and bronze tools

What was the approximate time frame of the bronze age?

In the Middle East, approximately 3000-1200 BCE

What is the earliest evidence of iron work?

1200 BCE in the Middle East, eventually used more than bronze because of its durability

When was steel first created?

Around 500 BCE in China - an alloy of iron and carbon.

What was Eridu?

The earliest Mesopotamian town, founded during the Ubaid Period 5900 - 4200 BCE. Legend stating it was the dwelling place of Enki, God of the Abyss, fountain of human wisdom.

What was Uruk?

Likely the first true city, by 2800 BCE, it covered about 620 acres, and housed 5000 people, with many more living in adjacent areas.

What was the Palette of Narmer?

Dating to 3000 BCE, a slate palette from the temple at Hierakonpolis, shows an early king and the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Who assumed the first role as a divine king in unified Egypt?

Horus Aha, also called Menes