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128 Cards in this Set

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President Hoover was generally criticized for
not taking dramatic steps to bring immediate relief.
President Herbert Hoover
encouraged Americans to be optimistic
All of the following conditions proved harmful to farmers during the Great Depression except
rural free delivery
Which one of the conditions of international finance was true in the 1920s
America was lending large sums of money to Germany
In the 1920s Americans tended to invest in the stock market for all of the following reasons except that they were
concerned with the earnings of the corporation and the dividends their stock would pay
Because of the loyalties gained during the New Deal era, the Democratic Party could expect to win many votes from all of the following groups except
Business executives
all of the following were parts of the New Deal except
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
the winner of the presidential election of 1932 was
Franklin Roosevelt
During his first term in office, Toosevelt received a large measure of support for his programs from
When Franklin Roosevelt became president, he quickly did all of the following except
stir up the hostility of the press.
The policies Franklin Toosevelt promised would solve the economic problems of the nation were called
the New Deal
The Great Depression brought about all ofthe following except
a major religious revival
President Hoover believed in
Local responsiblilty for giving aid to the needy
Which of the following programs was intended to eliminate wasteful competition in business and was declared to be unconstitutional
the National Recovery Adminstration
the New Deal programs brought about all of the following for athe nation except
recovery for the economy
The naval and air strength of the United States was severely crippled in an attack at
pearl harbor
The leader of the Nazi Party in Germany was
Adolf Hitler
The man, known as II Duce, who tried to establish a Second Roman Empire was
Benito Mussolini
All of the following were Axis powers except
the Soviet Union
The method introduced by President Hoover for dealing with Latin America was called
the Good Neighborhood Society
"Appeasment" is most closely identified with
Neville Chamberlian
Before attacking Poland, Hitler made a nonagression pact with what nation
the Soviet Union
The only Allied Power standing against Germanyduring the early part of 1941 was
Hitlers invasion of what country proved to be a serious mistake for him
the Soviet Union
Before America entered World War II because of an action taken by
Lend-Lease Act
All of the following were part of the civilian effort to support the war except
a bank holiday
the primary objective of the Allies at the beginning of America involvement in the war was to
defeat Germany
All of the following men were Allied leaders involved in the meetings to determine Allied strategy except
Emperor Hirohito
A significant part ofthe fighting of World War II took place in
THe code name for the Normandy Invasion was
Operation Overlord
The D-Day invasion of Normandy, France, occured on
June 6, 1944
One of the major reasons the American forces did not push to capture Berlin was
the Yalta Meeting
Amajor part of hte war in the pacific invovled America's trying to maintain or regain control of
the Philippines
The location in the Solomon Islands where, after a long and costly fight, Americans stopped the Japanese from completing a stratigic airfield was
The costliest chunk of rock and black sand ever captured by the U.S. Marine Corps was
Iwo Jima
One of the most devastating tactics used by the Japanese in World War II was
Kamikaze Attacks
The last islan taken from the Japanese before the final assault on the Japanese mainland began was
At which conference did President Truman warn Japan to surrender unconditionally or face total destruction
One of the Japanese cities on which an atomic bomb was dropped was
The "green revolution" refers to
Agriculture improvements
In 1950 a conflict between United Nations peacekeeping forces and Communists began in
The Truman Doctrine was the president's policies regading
Each of the following was createdto defent the free world against Communist advances exccept
the Marshall Plan
The United Nations organization includes all of the following parts except
the Works Progress Administration
The power that in 1948 began denying all road, rail, and riveraccess acrossthe zone of Germany that it controlled to West Berlin was
the Soviet Union
Part of President Truman's Fair Deal was
the G.I. Bill
All of the following could be described as incidents ofthe Cold War except
the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway
All of the following are closely associated with postwar Germany except
the Warsaw Pact
All of the following were the Big Three countriesthat called for the formation of another world peacekeeping organization except
The United States finally entered World War II because of an action taken by
Ho Chi Minh was the Communist leader in
The Republican candidate for president in 1952 was
Dwight Eisenhower
All of the following awere COmmunist leaders except
Chiang Kai-shek
One of the new states addeddto the Union during the Eisenhower administration was
The Korean War ended with
a divided Korea
Who popularized the phrase " Iron Curtain," referring to the division of the free countries of Europe from the Communist-controlled lands
Winston Churchill
Which one of the following countries received the most extensive aid from the United States following World War II
All of the following conditions occured in America following World War IIexcept
a depression
The New Frontier was a political program proposed by
John F. Kennedy
All of the following incidents created great ensions for the United States during the Kennedy administration except
the Gulf of Tonkin attack
All of the following were major issues in America during the 1960s except
All of the following men were assassinated during the 1960s except
Lyndon Johnson
Which one of the following is most closely associated with the Kennedy administration
Lyndon Johnson called his domestic policy program
the Great Society
All of the following decisions or legislations were steps taken in the 1950s and 1960s to guaruntee the civil rights of blacks except
Plessy v. Ferguson
Allof the following tactics were used by blacks inthe 1960s to gain their civil rights except
yellow journalism
Matin Luther King Jr.
spoke of using social action to liberate the poor
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was an act that was probably favored most by
The president responsible for sending large numbers ofAmerican soldierds to Vietnam in combat roles was
Lyndon Johnson
American efforts in Vietnam were hindered by all of the following except
the lack of sophisticated weapons
The most disturbing incident ofthe Vietnam War for many Americans was probably
the tet offensive
The winner ofthe Democratic nomination for president in 1968 was
Hubert Humphrey
South Vietnam fell to Communist control in 1975 largely because of
the refusal of congressto vote for aid to force North Vietnam to remain faithful to peace agreements
Because of its inability to control Americas involvement in the Veitnam War, Congress in 1973 passed the
War Powers Act
WHich president was responsible for bringing an era of detente in Soviet-American relations
Richard Nixon
Shuttle diplomact was instrumental in settling
Israel Yom Kippur War
The president who ordered wage and price controls to curb inflation was
Richard Nixon
The only bice president to resign his office because of criminal charges was
Spriro Agnew
The first president to resign his office was
Richard Nixon
The most important lesson learned from Watergate was that
the Constituion's system of checks and balances works
Among the American celebrations in the 1970d and 1980s were all of the following except
the Bicentennial of the founding of Jamestown
The only man to serve as president without being elected to national office was
Gerald Ford
As president, Gerald Ford did all of the following except
engineer a major peace agreement between Israel and Egypt
Which one of the following was a Democrat
Jimmy Carter
President Carter based his foreign policy decisions on the principle failures of
Human Rights
All of the following could be classified as foreign policy failures of President Carter except
The meeting of Sadat and Begin at Camp David
The president directly responsible for turning over the control of the Panama Canal to Panama was
Jimmy Carter
The person most responsible for the Iranian Hostage Crisis was
Ayatollah Khomeini
Reagan's remedy for the nation's economic troubles was
supply- side economics
All of the following were justices on the U.S. Suprme Court except
Henry Kissenger
In 1986 the United States, in an effort to curb terrorist activities, made a serprise bombing raid on
During the 1980d, Conttras were fighting against the Communist Sandinistas who had control of
What incident hampered the effectiveness of President Reagan during his secon term
The Iran- Contra scandal
Which phrase was spoken by Ronald Reagan
"evil empire"
Which word best describes the administration of George H.W. Bush
oreign success occurred during Bush's administration
Invasion of panama
Thhe most controversial result of the Persian Gulf War was
the failure to capture Saddam Hussein
An unfunded federal mandate
a federal requirement not paid for by the government
What desastrous decistion ledd to Bush's defeat i nhis reelection campaign
1990 budget deal
What independent cadidated received 19 percent of the vote in the 1992 presidential election
Ross Perot
Why did Toss Perot receive so much support in his bid for the presidency
He proposed drastic measures to wipe out the deficit
Which statement best describes the first two years of the Clinton administration
He found hiself mired in controversy over his liberal nomination an new social policies
Which piece of legislation did President Clinto succesfully push through Congress
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances
Which statement is true about the major tax plan that Clinton passed soon after becoming president
It increased taxes by $496 billion
Which program was first propsed during Clinton's 1992 election campaign
What was the main cause for the failure of health-car reform
Taxpayers feared the high costs of government supervision
What plan did Newt Gingrich propose for Republicans to retake control of Congress
Contract with America
Which one of the folowing was not a part of the Contract of America
Goals 2000
Which of the following rolled back a major New Deal program
Welfare Reform Act
Which of the followng was a provision of the Welfare Reform Act
to put a lifetime cap of five years for welfare assistance
What two issues ledto the impeachment of Bill Clinton
Perjury and Ovstruction of justice
Who was the first woman to serve as secretary of state
Madeleine Albright
The Dayton Accords helped to end the fighting in
NAFTA created fre trade between Canda, the United States and
Bush called his policies of working with religious organizations to seek solutions to urban problem
compassionate conservatism
On the votes of which state did the presidential election of 2000 hang
President Bush called the war on terror the
first war of the twenty-first century
Which act of Congress made it easiert for the U.S. government to fight internal terrorist threats
Patriot Act
Which woman has been called the "First Lady of the civile rights movement"
Rosa Parks
Bush's administrion included a faily large representation of conservative
evangilical christians
Bush's tax cut plans abolished which important disciminatory feature
the marriage penalty
The biggest corpotate bankruptcy in American history occurred in 2001 and involved
Which Aeab nation was Bush able to convince to renounce terrorism
The 2004 presidential election was shaped by
national security
All of the following families had presidential dynasties except the
Clinton family
The first country that the United States invaded in its war on terrorism was
The symbol of the evangelica megachurch is the
Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois
What did the United States use in the wars in Afganistan and Iraq to minimize civilian casualties
"Smart" weapons