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37 Cards in this Set

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Kennedy's foreign policy
Followed cold war policies, nuclear arms buildup, block communist expansion
Flexible response
Have various options in case of int'l crises (not solely nuclear weapons), combat communism
Peace corps
Sent American volunteers tonwirk for two years in developing countries
Alliance for progress
Expanded economic aid to Latin america, billions of dollars, countries had to implement democ/capitalism, failure- not enough money
Berlin crisis
Khrushchev issued ultimatum- west must recognize sovereignty of east Berlin, Kennedy- sent more troops, Berlin wall built to stop ppl from leavin east Berlin
Area redevelopment act
Law that provided financial assistance go economically distressed regions
Jfk's cabinet
Attorney general- Robert Kennedy, closest adviser, took a stand on tough issues
Jfk's new frontier program
Managing economy, increase in gov't spending, keep inflation down, help disadvantaged
Kennedy and congress
Little cooperation, southern dems/conservative repubs opposes him
Volunteers in service to America, domestic version of peace corps, education, etc for low income fams
Rachel Carson
Wrote silent spring- marine bio, environmental movement, impact of DDT on wildlife
MLK & non violent protest
Non violent resistance, ghandi. SCLC, SNCC, lunch counter sit INS, Montgomery bus boycotts, marches
Souther Christian leadership council, church based, aa group, non violent resistance
Student nonviolent coordinating committee, aa and white students
Congress of racial equality, north based civil rights group, non violent protests against racial discrim
Lunch counter sit INS
Students from SNCC sat at white counters, didn't move, arrested, nashville
James Meredith
Wanted to go to universty of Mississippi, aa, governor didn't approve, went, harassed, transferred
Results of non violent protests
Massive arrests slowed movement, violence- good press for movement, Birmingham becomes focus
March on Washington
Build support for movement, I have a dream speech
Civil rights act of 1964
Banned discrim in employment on basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin
freedom summer 1964
campaign to register AA voters in MS during summer 64, workers murdered, ppl scared, not many registered
24th amendment
banned payment of poll taxes as condition for voting in fed elections, not state
voting rights act of 1965
put entire registration process under federal control
Malcolm X
leader of nation of islam, minister, criminal, pilgrimage to mecca- changed beliefs
Malcolm and MLK differ
x- separatism, violent means
MLK- integration, pacifism
Malcolm X's transformation
pilgrimage to mecca- greater acceptance of universal humanity of all races, unity among ppl
Black Power Movement
called for black separatism, racial pride, interest in African culture
Black Panther Party
fight for black freedom to determine own destiny, created black self defense groups that defended black community from racist police oppression
Kerner Commission
fed commission that investigated 1960's riots and blamed them on white racism
Assassination of MLK
shot by sniper in Memphis
assassination of JFK
open car motorcade from dallas airport, killed by lee harvey oswald
affirmative action
practice by some gov't agencies, biz, schools of giving preference to ethnic minorities and women in admissions and hiring
University of California v Bakke
white man been unfairly denied admission to med school on basis of quotas, example of affirmative action
supreme court 1971 ruling on busing
outlawed sending kids to schools outside their neighborhoods, integrated schools in charlotte
successes of civil rights movement
stokes mayor of cleveland, nat'l black political convention, more voters, more black owned biz
warren commission
jfk assassination, 10 months reviewing evidence of murder, both oswald and ruby acted alone
22 amendment
4 year term limit for presidents