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21 Cards in this Set

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What was the Northern opinion on slavery c. 1850 (percentages)?
25% were indifferent
25% were neutral
35% were pro-free soil
12% were moderate abolitionists
3% were extreme abolitionists
What were the "M" words c. 1830?
population 15 million, developing communication, trade in Orient, clipper ships, railroads, installment plan purchasing
railroads to move goods and steam power
greater use of corporate business model
ramping up of the division of labor w/ machines replacing skilled workers
Gregg's attempt to bring industry to the South
New immigrants esp. Irish-farmers
Sewing machjine revolutionizing the clothing industry
1790- 4,000 bales cotton; 1860-4 million bales and increase in iron production
Weapons of management vs. Labor organization?
-yellow dog contracts and iron clad oaths
-use of federal courts and more conservative judges to overrule state laws and state courts
-court injunctions to end strikes
-use of strikebreakers (scabs) and immigrants to undercut workers
-use of federal and state troops and company "goons"
-society's ciew (un-AMerican/anti-self-reliant)
-control of press and politicians
Rise of Unions-post Civil War? (two)
1.Knights of Labor-founded 1869 by Terrence Powderly
-All workers (including 40,000 blacks)
Unions formed post CIvil War?
1. Knights of Labor-founded in 1869 by Terrence Powderly
-membership of all workers (including 40,000 Blacks): in 1884- 750,000
in 1900- 100,000
-opposed strikes and wanted negotiation and arbitration
-goals included: social change, improved quality of life, ownership of factories by workers, 8 hr. day, greater equality of workers and owners, skilled and unskilled workers together.
-failed because it was seen as unAmerican (Haymarket Square Riot)

2. American Federation of Labor- founded in 1886 by Samuel Gompers
-only skilled craft workers were members
In 1900-500,000 members
In 1905-over 1 million
-used strikes and boycotts with "wordnest" to help during the strikes
-some goals were; higher salaries, shorter hours, better conditions, anti-socialist, closed shops
-merged with Congress of the Industrial Org. in 1955 to become the largest U.S. union
(the AFL-CIO)
-made Labor Day a legal holiday in 1891
What were the problems with "King Cotton", i.e., the cotton industry?
-plantation agriculture was wasteful-exhaust the soil, move west and buy more land
-economic structure became increasingly monopolistic (small farmers forced to sell out to bigger ones)
-financial instability in overspeculation of land and heavy investment in slaves themselves ($2 billion by 1860)
-subject to a one crop economy at the mercy of world conditions
-discouraged healthy diversification into other agricultural products of manufacturing
-many middlemen got rich (bankers, agents, shippers)
-falling behind the North in politics, population, and finance
-repelled European immigration (in 1860, foreign born pop. was 18.7% in North and only 4.4% in the South)
Slave owning families in 1850?
-1,733 own 100 or more
-6,196 own 50-99
-29,733 own 20-49
-54,595 own 10-19
-80,765 own 5-9
-105,683 own 2-4
-68,820 own 1 each
Why did non-slave holding Southerners support slavery?
-a message heard from infancy
-hope of someday holding slaves
-economic concerns on impact on South without slavery
-racial superiority
-for poor whites-feeling of being above somebody on the social ladder
-a "circle the wagon" mentality against the increasingly strident attacks of the northern abolitionists
-legal justification fro slavery
What were some methods of slave resistance?
-preservation of culture by oral tradition
-African names
-broke tools
-destroying crops
-letting farm animals loose
-steal from the master
-slow down work
-slave revolts
What are some examples of the good and bad of prison reform and mentally ill that Dorothea Dix worked to improve?
GOOD: advanced prisons, institutions for mentally ill, improved treatments of disorders
BAD: prison torture, Patriot Act, POW's in Iraq, mentally ill treated poorly, thought of as inferior, advanced study and knowledge of disorders
What are some examples of the good and the bad that Frederick Douglas worked to change?
GOOD: legal end of segregation, equality in rights, breaking into the political scene
BAD:discrimination, not as great representation in politics, some segregation, still hate groups in existance
What are some examples of the good and the bad of public education that Horace Mann strived to better?
GOOD: widespread public education, required to have public schools in towns of certain pop., well-educated and trained teachers, truancy and other laws concerning school and education methods.
BAD- schools sometimes overcrowded, old and decrepit at times, standards not always up to par.
What are some examples of the good and the bad concerning women's rights that Elizabeth Cady Stanton worked to achieve?
GOOD-allowed to vote, participation in politics, high-status careers acceptable, talk of women President, scientific achievements, etc.
BAD-sometimes discriminated against, not as represented as men in politics, mindset that women are still inferior, "glass ceiling" in companies, lower salaries than men in some instances.