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50 Cards in this Set

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Andrew Jackson
He was a lawyer, judge, land speculator, politician, and Indian fighter
First president elected from a state west of original 13 colonies
Made his causes those of common people
Spoils System
Set an unwise precedent government job distribution
Kitchen Cabinet
Name given to the informal group of advisors with whom Andrew Jackson discussed ideas
Indian attitudes and policies
gained no benefits from Jackson's interest in the common people
treaties signed under Jackson showed that they were not considered citizens by the US government
Samuel A Worcester
ran into trouble with Georgia over his position an Indian lands
Worcester vs. Georgia
ran into trouble with Georgia over his position on Indian lands
Trail of tears
name given to the journey of the Cherokees from Georgia to Indian territory
Black Hawk
Indian leader who stumbled into war with the American troops in Wisconsin
protective tariff
tax on goods coming into the country
protected American business and manufactures from foreign competition
disliked by the south because:
forced the south to by American made products
reduced trade with foreign countries
caused cotton prices to fall
first introduced by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in opposition to the alien and sedition acts in their Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
debated by Wster and Hayne
Daniel Webster
stood strongest for the supremacy of the federal government
South Carolina
state that issued the ordinance of nullification
withdrawal of state from union
Compromise of 1833
gradually lowered tariff duties
Nicholas Biddle
Philadelphia banker
president of the banker of US
Bank of US
Jackson viewed this bank as unconstitutional and harmful
clay brought up the recharter of the national bank to help his election as president
Jackson vetoed the bill to recharter this
issue of recharter become central to the 1832 presidential campaign
pet banks
state banks that Jackson used to deposit government revenues
ultimately caused the failure of many state banks
increase in money supply that causes a corresponding rise in prices
Specie Circular
act that required anyone who bought governor lands to pay for them in gold and silver
Jackson's effort to curb inflation
gold or silver coins
new political patry that became a challenge to the democrats in the 1836 election
wanted to restore the national bank
more openly concerned with religion and morals
generally opposed to slavery
supported high tariffs and internal improvements
election of 1836
whigs strategy for winning including attempting to throw elction to house of representatives
Martin Van Buren
handpicked by Jackson to be the next democratic presidential candidate
term was plagued with severe economic depression
proposed an independent treasury system to separate the government for private banking
Roger B. toney
succeeded john marshall as chief justice of supreme court
William henry harrison
first president to die in office
served the shortest term of any president
logically his administrations was the least significant
John Tyler
running male of Tippecanoe
texas was added during his presidency
settlers without titles to the land
allowed to buy western lands at $1.25 acre by preemption act
Webster ashburten tray
settled the Canadian boundary question
lame duck
term that describes a president who is serving during the period of time between the election and the inauguration of the new president
Debated by Webster and hayne
a Philadelphia banker
the running mate of tippicanoe
ran into trouble with Georgia over his position on indian lands
resigned vice presidency to lead the fight for states rights in senate
the compromise of 1833 gradually lowered ______
a president whose term was plagued by severe economic depression
van buren
set an unwise precedent for government job distribution
spoil system
name given to informal group of advisors for Andrew Jackson
kitchen cabinet
state that is sued the ordinance of nullification
south Carolina
withdrawal of state farm union
succeeded john Marshall as chief justice from supreme court
roger b taney
state added to union during presidency of john tyler
why did nullification become a major issue during the Jackson administration
President Andrew Jackson strongly opposed the renewal of its charter, and built his platform for the election of 1832 around doing away with the Second Bank of the United States.
It began the Nullification Crisis, and Jackson threatened to send troops to South Carolina to enforce the tariff.
president serving during time between election and inauguration of new president
lame duck
Jackson's effort to curb inflation
specie circular
treaty that settled the Canadian boundary issue
Webster ashburten treaty
journey of Cherokees from Georgia to Indian territory
trail of tears
Indian leader that stumbled into war in Wisconsin
black hawk
act that required anyone buying government land to pay in gold/silver
specie circular
new politician party