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49 Cards in this Set

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What Development made it possible for early people to establish permanent settlements?
Cuneiform and hieroglyphics were important early steps in the devlopment of what?
How did the reign of Alexander the Great change Greece?
Unified city states with one ruler
The Indus River Valley was the location of what ancient civilization?
The art and architecture of ancient Egypt were designed to emphasize their...?
Religious beliefs
What is the name of the earliest set of laws, developed in Mesopotamia?
Hammurabi's Code
Judaism differed from other ancient religions in that it was...?
Democracy in ancient Greece was a direct democracy which means?
All citizens participated
Ancient India developed a strict social structure called the...?
Castle system
The teachings of Confucius were important in Ancient China because he emphasized...?
Respect for authority with order
The comcepts of civic duty, a written Constitution, and checks and balances were introduced by what ancient government?
Roman Republic
During Medieval times what group was legally tied to the land?
Which Roman emperor moved the capital of the Empire to Byzantium in an attempt to protect it from the barbarians?
As the religion of Islam spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa, what contribution of Islam was adopted in these areas?
Arabic language
From what other civilization did the western world get the compass, wood block printiong, and gunpowder?
Being located between the trans-Saharan traders and the southern gold fields allowed the people of Ghana to act as...?
The pilgrimage of what famous Mali king introduced the African kingdoms to the world?
Mansa Musa
Feudal Japan was divided into three distince groups. Name them.
Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai
The feudal system in Europe developed after the fall of the Roman Empire primarily because of a need for what?
What do the following facts describe: spread by infected fleas, brought to Europe on trade ships from the East, killed over 3 million people?
Bubonic Plauge
The Mayan, Aztec, and Incan cultures all built complex sturctures for what purpose?
Religious ceremonies
What historic period was characterized by realism, individualism, and an increase in secularism?
Many of the scientists of the Scientific Revolution found themselves in opposition to traditional views held by what organization?
Catholic Church
What man posted his 95 Theses which led to the movement called the Reformation?
Martin Luther
What was the first attempt at self government in the English colonies?
Mayflower Compact
The English Bill of Rights attempted to limit the power of whom?
The king
What religious movement swept through the colonies and chenged colonial religion, society, and politics?
Great Awakening
What 3 basic rights are listed in the Declaration of Independence?
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
What major issue divided the colonies during the debate ofver the Declaration of Independence?
The idea of natural laws that govern society came from the European period called the...?
In the Declaration of Indepencdence Jefferson stated that there are certain truths that are self evident. Give one of these truths.
All men are created equal; endured by creator with certain unalienable rights
According to the Declaration of Independence, if a government violates the rights of people, the people have the right to do what?
Overthrow it
The English Bill of Rights kept the king or queen from passing new taxes or changing laws without the approval of...?
What document, signed in 1215, required the King to follow the same laws as other English people?
Magna Carta
What was the name of the document that created the first central government for the United States?
Articles of Confederation
One reason the Articles of Confederation was not a success is that it did not have an... or a... system.
Executive, court
What document written by Thomas Jefferson for the state of Virginia, estableshed a precedent of religious tolerance and freedom?
The Virginia statue of Religious Freedom
Shay's Rebellion illustrated the need for...?
A stronger central government
This proposal created a two-house legislature with representation determined only by population.
Virginia Plan
This agreement determined how slaves would be counted for representation.
Three fifths comprimise
The principle designed to keep any one branch of government from becoming too powerful is know as?
Checks and Balances
This proposal created a one house legislature based solely on equal representation.
New Jersey Plan
What is the sharing of power between national and state governments called?
This agreement between the large and small states established a two house legislature with representation in one house determined by population and equal representation in the the other house.
Great Compromise
What nation most influenced the formation of the U.S. government?
How was land divided in the Land Ordinance of 1785?
Into townships with land set aside for public schools.
What foreign country was most influenced by the American Revolution?
What did many states and individuals demand befor the Constitution would be ratified?
Bill of Rights
What are the seies of essays that were published in support of ratification of the Constitution called?
Federalist papers.