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100 Cards in this Set

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In geographic terms, Italy is a


The two major mountain ranges that run through Italy are the Alps and the


According to Roman legends, Rome’s founders descended from


According to Roman legend, which of the following happened before Aeneas reached Italy?

The Greeks destroyed Troy in the Trojan War

Under Rome’s tripartite government, the most powerful elected officials were


In what way was the Roman law of the Twelve Tables similar to the U.S. Constitution?

Both were written to protect people’s rights

Describe the development of laws in Rome’s Republic?

laws were established by the patrician officials in Rome, citizens complained about laws they did not know existed, Rome’s laws were written on 12 bronze tablets, Rome’s laws were displayed in public meeting places

The center of life in ancient Rome was the


What was the most important factor in Rome’s military success during the 300s BC?

Flexibility due to organization

Which general led an attack on Rome in 218 BC?


Cicero wanted the Romans to give power to

the Senate

After Caesar’s rule, what did Octavian do regarding his murder?

Worked to find the killers

Octavian became sole ruler after what?

Marc Antony died

Why did Marc Antony and Octavian became enemies?

Antony divorced Octavian’s sister to become co-ruler of Egypt

What did Galen influence?


What material did the Romans invent that helped their structures last?


In one word, describe the Roman approach to science and engineering?


What effect did the occupation of Judea have on the Roman Empire?

Jews rebelled against Roman rule

Summarizes the effect that military battles had on farming in Rome?

There were not enough farmers to grow food

What effect did Theodora have on the riots in AD 532?

She helped the emperor put an end to the uprisings

Where is the Arabian Peninsula located?

Southwest corner of Asia

Which physical feature dominates the landscape of Arabia?

Sandy deserts

In terms of importance to Arabian nomads, which concern would you rank first?

Getting food and water for their animals

What did the early followers of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all have in common?

All believed there was only one God

25. The Sunnah is based on the


After Muhammad’s death, the title given to Islam’s highest leaders was

caliph .

In what way were Córdoba and Baghdad similar?

Both were centers of art and learning

What were the Janissaries?

Slave soldiers in the ottoman army .

What was the key reason the Mughal Empire collapsed?

Tolerant religious policies changed and people revolted

What was the Sufism movement was based on?

Ancient Greek philosophy of rational thought

Great civilizations in West Africa arose where?

Along the Niger River

Which geographical feature was most important to people living in West Africa?

The Niger River

What activity would both men and women do in a West African village?

Work on farms

What activities were part of West African religious practices?

Meditating/marking sacred spaces

People south of the Sahara traded their gold for

salt .

Why was salt so valuable?

People need salt in their diets

How did Ghana’s kings govern such a large empire?

they delegated power to governors, who then answered only to the king.

Who were the Almoravids?

Muslims who attacked Ghana and cut off trade routes.

How did Mansa Musa spread Islam and education throughout Mali?

He hired artists and architects to build Mosques in Mali. He sent scholars to study in Morocco and then to set up schools in Mali. He stressed the importance of reading and writing in Arabic, the language of the Qur’an.

What are two lasting governmental concepts of Askia the Great?

Specialized government offices and a permanent professional army

What was the order of dynasties in China after the Han?

Sui, Tang, Song

How were the Sui dynasty similar to the Song dynasty?

reuinified China, ending a period of disunion

Why did so many people turn to Buddhism in the Period of Disunion?

they took comfort in the Buddhist teaching that people can escape suffering.

The capital of the Tang dynasty and the largest city in the world at the time was


The Grand Canal was built primarily for what purpose?

to transport rice and other foods from agricultural areas to the cities.

What effect did opening the Pacific ports to foreign traders have on China?

expanded China’s trading, contributing to a strong economy in China.

What is porcelain?

thin, beautiful form of pottery

How did advanced printing inventions limit the use of another Chinese invention—paper money?

because printing money was so easy that too much was printed, making it worthless.

How did Neo-Confucianism differ from Confucianism?

because it included a concern with spiritual matters.

Which leader ruled over the largest empire in world history?

Kublai Khan

Why was Japan isolated from Korea and China in ancient times?

Japan’s island location separated it from other people in Asia

The efforts of Prince Shotoku led to the spread of


The raked rock garden helped Zen Buddhists to


How was the Buddhism of the Japanese nobles different from the Buddhism of the common people?

Elaborate rituals practiced by nobles but not by common people

What was the main duty of a samurai warrior?

defend his daimyo and his daimyo’s property.

In what ways did Samurai warriors improve their discipline?

flower arranging, tea ceremonies, and Zen Buddhist meditation.

What did the two Mongol attacks on Japan have in common?

Japan was aided by weather in both attacks

What was the political situation in Japan during the 1400s?

Japan was divided, with many daimyo controlling different territories

Who unified Japan in the 1500s?

Oda Nobunaga

Why did the samurai period in Japan lasted until the 1800s?

The samurai period in Japan lasted until the 1800s for all of the following reasons: Japanese rulers limited technology. Japanese rulers banned guns. Japan was isolated from the rest of the world.

Summarize how the forests affected the early Maya?

Provided valuable resources.

Why did Maya cities battle one another?

To gain control of the land

Which factor in the decline of Maya civilization was completely beyond the control of the Maya?

drought made it difficult for farmers to grow crops,
What happened to soldiers after the Maya captured them in battle?

They became slaves

What were the first Aztecs?

Farmers from what is now Northern Mexico

What were the key factors in the rise of the Aztec Empire?

War, tribute, and trade

Why did other Native American tribes make alliances with Cortés?

Because they did not like paying tribute to the Aztecs

Where did the first Incas live?

Andes Mountains

What event took place soon before the Spaniards arrived and led to the fall of the Inca Empire?

A civil war

Why was the Inca road system important?

Because it connected all parts of the empire

Which geographic feature covers most of southern Europe?

Mountains covered most of Southern Europe

How did the peninsulas of southern Europe affect the way people lived?

They became great seafarers and traders

In what way did the geography of northern Europe affect the spread of Christianity there?

The flat lands made it easier for missionaries to travel there

Who were the people most important in spreading Christianity throughout Europe?

Popes, monks, and missionaries

Who was Saint Patrick?

He converted the Irish to Christianity

Who built a European empire and was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800?


In what way were Charlemagne’s empire and the old Roman Empire similar?

They included large parts of Europe

The invaders from Scandinavia who attacked Europe during the 700s and 800s were called


What did knights receive in exchange for their pledge of loyalty to a lord?


Why did the manor system evolve?

knights could not work their own fields.

Why did Medieval Christians fear excommunication?

they believed that those cast out from the church would not get into heaven.

Why did a split in the Christian Church start in the 1000s?

bishops in Eastern Europe refused to recognize the authority of the pope.

As popes tried to increase their power, they came into conflict with _______.


Why were the Crusades fought?

regain control of Palestine, the Holy Land.

Why did the Byzantine emperor ask the pope for help?

because Muslim Turks threatened Constantinople.

What was the outcome of the Crusades?

the Holy Land remained under Muslim control.

After the Crusades, why did the Byzantines distrust western Christians?

because the Crusaders sacked Constantinople.

What is a pilgrim?

a person who journeys to a religious location

How were the lives of friars different from the lives of monks?

Friars lived in villages with the general public whereas, monks lived apart in monasteries.

Why did nobles make King John sign Magna Carta in 1215?

they wanted to limit the kings power

How did the Mongols help increase trade between Europe and Asia?

making the Silk Road safe to travel again

Describes Cosimo de´ Medici.

powerful ruler of Florence who valued education and culture.

How do prices affect trade?

when prices are low, trade increases.

What did Dante and Desiderius Erasmus have in common?

both wrote about problems they observed in societies

How are classical and Renaissance statues alike?

both feature realistic and lifelike poses

Summarizes the Renaissance in one word?


In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo says, “Juliet is the sun.” What does this represent?

a humanist idea because a human can be as important as the sun

In what way did Desiderius Erasmus differ from Martin Luther?

Desiderius did not break comepletely from the church

What three words best describe what took place at the Council of Trent?

discussion, debate, and reform

What were the results of the Reformation?

people became more curious about science and the natural world, the idea of self-government began to take hold, and Northern European countries became largely Protestant.