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84 Cards in this Set

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What Emperor built bath houses?
What Emperor built a wall that protected Romans for 100 years?
The Roman Dole was what?
welfare (probably the first kind in this world)
Who built the famous Roman Colosseum?
Around second century A.D. what country to the north did Rome not conquer?
T or F: 99% of German invasions were peaceful.
What did Rome offer for Germany, which was the reason for German invasions?
Food and security
Where did most of the Germans who invaded Rome come from?
Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway)
What kind of symbol-type writing did Germans have?
T or F: Germans were nomadic
What happened for Rome in 410 A.D.?
Gothic tribesman invade
What did tribesman leader Alerec ask Emperor Honorus for?
Land grant
What was the imperial retreat for the Roman Empire in 410 A.D.?
T or F: The imperial retreat was close by
T or F: Alerec was illiterate
False (he could read and write Latin)
Who was not around for Alerec and his people to appeal for land?
Roman Emperor Honorus
Who declared that they had no authority to grant land?
The Roman Senate
What did the Goths appeal for now that they were not granted land?
5000 pounds of gold, 1000's of pounds of pepper and 1 million bushels of wheat
What did Goths tell senate they will do if they don't give them what they want
They... will... KILL... them
The senate didn't give the Goths what they wanted and so the Goths did what?
They prepared for battle
How well was Rome ready to receive Gothic warriors?
Lightly guarded
What was the Trojan horse for the Goths?
They had prisoners already in Rome who rioted
Urban life fails. Towns declined. How did the towns decline?
people fled the towns
After the towns declined, what was no longer circulated?
What country assumed a barter economy?
What was the status of Rome after it fell?
it recovered
What replaced Roman loyalty?
Germanic loyalty
To whom did Romans owe their allegiance to?
The Empire
Who were Germans loyal to?
loyalty between chief and warrior, between knight (vassal) and Lord
T or F: Personal connections were not important in the medieval period
In 21st centurty, how do we seem to perceive the unfolding of history?
as a continuous succession of progress. History = progress
Not everything in our life is progress. We can have periods of setbacks. This is what happens with the ________ invasions.
What justice replaced Roman justice?
Germanic justice
Explain what the Medieval times was a blending of
a blending of Roman civilization and Germanic civilization
Romans had judges. Every Roman had a right to a trial by jury of your peers.
Roman justice consisted of...
written laws, judges, jury, lawyers
Explain Germanic justice
it was divine intervention through the Ordeal
What was trial by fire?
walk through plough sheers/grab pebble in hot cauldron, etc.
T or F: The Ordeal was based on class
What was trial by water?
in holy water, sinking = innocent, floating = guilty. Water test used at Salem whichcraft trials
Explain Tide Stakes
take people out and tie them up on these stakes at low tide, you would have to be here for high tide. You could die from hypothermia.
What is the Eucharist
for priest/clergy: Choking on wine = guilty
Who immolated (“cremated”) their dead?
What was Ordeal by Bier for murder?
blood stained = you’re guilty
What is the Ordeal by cross?
There was a way around the Ordeal called...
First Right Compregation for first offenders
On the night of a ____ ____, plaintiff would meet _________ for accusation.
full moon, defendant
These first right compregations for first offenders is similar to who what today?
A trial today
If things went well in your jury of being a first offender, you were usually
purged of the charges (charges cleared)
T or F: There was a supreme court for the Germans
What is a trial by combat?
the plaintiff could fight the defendant or you could hire someone to fight for you. They met on the night of the full moon.
Where are the very beginning of the Black Plague found essentially?
In the soil
What breaks up the soil to bring out the disease of the black plague (bacillus)?
Human or animal action/movement or movement by earthquake
What part of the earth did the Black Plague originate?
Central Asia
What in China caused the black plague to spread?
The silk road from China to Central Asia to Black Sea to (Asia Minor) Turkey
What in the silk road caused it to spread when it arrived to its destination?
Rats traveling with the caravan
What did the rats have on them that came in contact with the people and other rats?
Fleas that carried the disease called bacillus in their stomachs
How quiclkly did the bacillus spread by land?
Not quickly by land but faster by sea
Was Europe aware of the bacillus coming their way?
What was the first place in Europe that the bacillus hit?
How did they try to get the plague out of the air?
By burning with bon fires
What was the suspicion about the Jews pertaining to the balck plague?
Thought that the Jews poisoned the water
What physically, on people, spread the bacillus?
Their clothing and sheets (sold to others because it was contaminated)
The rich people fled to the countryside to avoid the towns and the plague but...
It was just as bad in the rural areas
What was the mortality rate of the plague?
What happened to the doctors in the time of the black plague?
it was terrible; all their patients died = no money to receive
What happened with the cures the doctors tried to use for the bacillus?
They failed; people got mad at doctors
How do we know about the two phases of the disease?
A man recorded his symptoms when he was "dying" of it
What is the first phase of the black plague?
PHASE 1: Bubonic stage; most common; least lethal; 40-60% chance of dying; swelling bluish-black lymph nodes/sores (hence Black Plague)
What is the second phase of the black plague?
PHASE 2: Pneumonia; pneumonic or lunge phase; less frequent but more lethal
What is the thrid phase of the black plague?
PHASE 3: (Discovered in modern times) Septicemic strain - Went to central nervous system and killed very rapidly. Took about one week for death to occur
How is the disease "not stupid?"
It knew it needed a host to live so it moved on to other places before it killed everyone off in order for the disease to "survive"
Plague hit Russia, went away, then came back to where/when?
London 1660
Because the plague hit London what happened to the city?
The entire city burned to the ground
After London was burned to the ground, what was used to build London anew?
Stone and brick
What did the stone in London keep out?
The weaker black rats (weaker rats carried disease - stronger brown rats did not)
After all this death because of the black plague, what was the silver lining?
Many die = not as many people to work = increase in labor value and income
What ended because labor value increased?
What impact did the Renaissance have on the U.S.?
Separation of powers;
Separation of Church and State;
Architecture - copied Greco-Roman: Infused to Washington D.C.;
Art - Linear perspective/realism/vanishing point - oil paintings;
Study of anatomy - adavances in knowledge of the body - surgery - knowledge that blood circulates;
Sculpture - (U.S.) Daling, a sculptor;
Science - astronomy and the telescope - heliocentric view of solar system
What did politics revolve around in the middle-ages?
not ideology... loyalties
What is feudalism land tenure?
Lord giving land grant to Vassal
What is a Vassal?
Knight who does military service in exchange for a land grant called a fief
How long did the Vassal give service?
40-45 days (like Army reserve)
What was the Ceremony of Vassals?
Kneeling before their Lord with cupping hands
What was the Oath of the fief?
The Vassal wouldn't harm the life or property of the Lord.