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28 Cards in this Set

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After subduing the pirates what the DL did was establish a sort of colony known as a cleruchyUnlike most city states Cleruchies were not independent. What Athens did was move poor and often disaffected families to a cleruchy allowing them to retain their Athenian citizenship

On the surface this looked like a good deal as each citizen was granted a parcel of land productive enough to make them a zeugatai. However, what this also did was qualify these citizens to serve as hoplites, which they did not before.

City states had degree of independence, cleruchy did NOT


Where the Delion League had its treasury originally but it was moved from there to Athens in 450 during the Palopanesian war

Peace of Callias

The treaty between Athens and Persia is called the “Peace of Callias” and it is something of an historical enigma

It is named after Cimon’s brother-in-law who supposedly negotiated it but there is no actual text of the treaty

The only sources for it are from about 100 years later and some historians doubt its existence at all

Athens and Persia stop fighting for the first time since 490s.


Thurii a Greek colony in Italy founded during the 30 years peace (Pan-Hellenic)


In 441/440 war broke out between Samos and Miletus. The issue was the control of a small town called Pirene

Miletus asked Athens for help

An Athenian force sailed to Samos, altered their constitution, took 100 hostages to Lemnos, and installed a garrison


Early Athens Democracy

Met at the open air Pynx

Meetings were well attended (needed 6,000 for an ostracism)

By mid-fifth century was meeting every 10 days or so

Suggests a pretty engaged citizenry

Kratos and Demos

Symbolically the Athenian courtsare very meaningful as they suggest that the power (Kratos) wastruly in the hands of the people (Demos)


Oikos means family, family home, and family property

Father decides whether or not to expose an infant at birth

Boys considered more valuable for their labor and continuation of the lineage

Boys looked after parents in their old age while girls went off to another family after marriage


An Athenian boy, after birth, inherited membership into his fathers phratry and Deme

The father vouched before his phratry that the child was legitimate (his) and that he was born of an Athenian mother. Both of these steps were essential to attaining Athenian citizenship


Men whose families had made money with land or business started to compete successfully for political power

New words started to creep into the Greek lexicon that reflected this demagogos, for one

Cleon is branded a demegogoas

He never served in the military prior to public office


ten Athenian magistrates called hellenenotamiai who kept track of the money of the Delion League treasury


the installmentof pro-Spartan oligarchies set up by Lysander and called decarchies becausethey had 10 members


Rome was founded by the twinsRomulus and Remus who were sons of the God Mars and Rhea Silvia of Alba Longa

The citywas founded on the Palatine Hill afterRomulus killedRemus


Rome wasone of several Latin-speaking settlements in the area generally called Latium, central Italy.

In theAeneid Aeneas and his men fled to Latiumafter the Trojan War and founded Rome (Greek influence on Roman foundation myth)

Italian countryside that surrounded Rome

Magister Equitum

While Romans were not fans of oneman rule they did make exceptions in times of emergency. During a war, orinvasion, a single ruler was appointed by magistrates (in the dead of night) This newdictator then appointed a master of cavalry MagisterEquitum ashis second in command


a sort of drinking club that wascomposed of wealthy young men with oligarchic leanings. Alcibides was a part of these clubs. Treasured statues of hermes (for good luck) were damaged right before his expedition to Syracuse during the war with Sparta (Paloponesian war)

comitia curiata

The early Roman state was made upof three tribes Tites, Ramnes, Lucres underRomulus. Likelythe result of Greek influence. Eachtribe was divided into 10 curiaeconsisting of groups of families.Curiaewould meet to observe adoptions, wills etc. What this did wascontrol membership in the curiae.Other duties of the curiae were toratify a new king, confirm a death sentence etc. These were called comitia curiata andwere the principal assembly for the first few decades of Rome. Kings had pretty much absolute power but the comitia advised and confirmed decisions.

Tarquinius Priscus

The first Etruscan King 616-578BCE

Became king peacefully

credited with introducing games and a drainage system to Rome.


Those who were too poor to fit into a class were proletarii (often smiths and armors).

Under Marius allow for paid proletarii volunteers into the army. ((Also allowed them to carry more at one time which meant less reliance on capital which became an army loyal to one man rather than a nation).

Campus Martius

"Field of Mars"

The Comitia Centuriata would meet in the Campus Martius outside the city and vote on statematters

Capitoline Temple

Oneof the largest temples in the Mediterranean

Made ofwood and painted terracotta and was 61 meters long and 55 meters wide

There was a cult statue of Jupiter madeby Vulca of Veii (famous Etruscan sculptor of the day)

Significant because its size and splendorhelped to ensure that Jupiter would be the chief deityfor Rome

Would hold Triumphs and sacrifices here

pontifex maximus

Early Roman Republic

At thebeginning of the Republic the newly created pontifexmaximus (thehead pontiff or high priest—this would grow to be a very powerful position. Itwas open only to Patricians until the mid 3rdcentury) began to make a calendar ofreligious festivals and court days


Early Roman Republic Government

Both consuls (chief magistrates of republican rome) retained the twelve Lictors (acivil servant/body guard. This was another tradition credited to Romulus butwas likely Etruscan in origin) and the ivory sella curulis (akind of chair that was symbolic of authority). Ceasar did not use the lictors as he did not want to appear overbearing

Servian Wall

Credited to Servius Tullius (6th roman king) but the wall was not actually built until around 200 years later/earlier than Servius.

Girl in Fridge

misogynistic trope where women exists solely as romantic motivation/revenge for male hero. First originated in the year 1999. The author Gail Simon coined the term. Named for the 1994 comic Green Lantern where Kyle Rayner comes home to find his girlfriend (w no last name) stuffed into his fridge by the villain.


The name Panem derives from the Latin phrasepanem et circenses, which literally translates into 'bread and circuses'. The phrase itself is used to describe entertainment used to distract public attention from more important matters and revolting. Used as nation name in Hunger Games.

Senatus Consultum Ultimum

Created to overrule Sulla predecessor to Triumvate who tried to go behind/around senate to the people to get his bills past and reelected. Only to be used in times of emergency.


The 2nd Cateline Conspiracy: In 63 Catiline organized a revolt of colonists in Etruriawho were loyal to Sulla with the wider hope of spreading civil unrestthroughout Rome. He left Rome after being denouncedby Cicero leaving his co-conspirators behind. Tried toenlist the Allobroges (a tribe in Gaul) who immediatelytell the consul, Cicero - leading to conspirators being executed.