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118 Cards in this Set

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It was difficult to amend the Articles of Confederation because
amendments had to be approved by how many states?
All of them
What was the Virginia Plan?
Each state = 2 senators; # of representatives based
on population; President named by Congress
pts. Bitter disputes on ratification of the Constitution in what state
led to publishing of the Federalist Papers?
New York
400 pts. Who proposed a convention in Philadelphia to deal with
constitutional reform after the Annapolis Convention failed
Alexander Hamilton
What was the 3/5ths Compromise?
Each slave would count as 3/5 of a person for
determining state’s representation in Congress &
share of federal taxes
What was Thomas Jefferson’s vision for the United States
Sought to preserve America as a nation of
minimal government & small independent farmers
In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall
established the power of the Supreme Court to do what?
Invalidate federal laws held to be in conflict with the
What did the Embargo Act of 1807 do?
Prohibited all exports & only allowed foreign vessels
to import goods to America
One of the major causes prompting Americans into the War of
1812 was the belief that the British were doing what?
Encouraging Native American tribes to attack
western settlers
Who emerged as a hero from the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
Explain the Missouri Compromise of 1820
No slavery north of 36 30’ if MO was allowed to
enter as a slave state and Maine as a free state
What was the result of the Treaty of Ghent?
Return to status quo ante bellum (nothing changed)
The invention of the cotton gin had what effect on the South?
Increase in the size of the slave system
The main campaign issue in the 1832 presidential election was
The Bank of the United States
What was the basic concept underlining the spoils system
Party workers must be rewarded with political
office after a successful campaign
Who was the senator that backed the renewal of the Bank of the
US in 1832 in order to embarrass Jackson politically?
Henry Clay
The challenge of South Carolina to the Tariffs of 1828 & 1832
is known as the what?
Nullification Crisis
William Lloyd Garrison is best known for his work in what
Abolition of slavery
What were the Articles of Confederation?
They were the first attempt at a government for the United States, but were eventually replaced by the Constitution. Gave legitimacy to continental congress, one state/one vote
What was the basic concept underlining the spoils system
Party workers must be rewarded with political
office after a successful campaign
Who was the senator that backed the renewal of the Bank of the
US in 1832 in order to embarrass Jackson politically?
Henry Clay
The challenge of South Carolina to the Tariffs of 1828 & 1832
is known as the what?
Nullification Crisis
The elimination of what marked the most “democratizing” of
politic in the Age of Jackson?
Elimination of property qualifications for voting & holding public office
William Lloyd Garrison is best known for his work in what
Abolition of slavery
What were the Articles of Confederation?
They were the first attempt at a government for the United States, but were eventually replaced by the Constitution. Gave legitimacy to continental congress, one state/one vote
Who could vote?
Property owners and taxpayers
What was the Land Ordinance Act?
Congress couldn’t tax people, so they raised money by selling largely unmapped territory west of the original colonies
In addition, the act provided for the political organization of these territories.
What was the Norwest Ordinance?
The land west of the Mississippi would not only be settled but become part of the US. Created the Northwest Territory.
What was Shay’s Rebellion?
poor farmers angered by crushing debt and taxes led an armed uprise. Failure to repay such debts often resulted in imprisonment in debtor's prisons or the claiming of property by the government.
Who suggested a Constitutional Convention be held in Philadelphia?
Alexander Hamilton
Who did NOT send a delegate to the Constitutional Convention?
Rhode Island
What three branches of government were agreed upon?
Executive, legislative, judicial
What was the New Jersey Plan?
one vote per state for equal representation
What was the Great Compromise?
House of representatives depends on population. Senate- equal representation, two members from each state. Selected by state legislatures.
What was the 3/5 Compromise?
Each slave is counted as 3/5 of a person
What is the Electoral College?
The Electoral College consists of the popularly elected representatives (electors) who formally elect the President and Vice President of the United States.
What did the Founding Fathers do to ensure that new powers would not be abused?
Checks and balances between three branches of government
Which was the first state to ratify the Constitution?
Which state was the last state to ratify the Constitution before it went into effect?
New Hampshire
What were the Federalist Papers?
Defended new government
What state were the Federalist Papers written for?
New York
Which was the very last state to ratify the Constitution?
Rhode Island
What was the temporary capital city?
Who was elected president?
George Washington
Who was George Washington’s vice-president?
John Adams
Who was in George Washington’s Cabinet?
Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox, Thomas Jefferson, and Edmond Randolph
What did the Judiciary Act do?
Established judicial courts, 13 Federal District courts, 3 courts of appeal, 6 supreme court justices. John Jay- Chief Justice
What were the first amendments to the Constitution?
Bill of Rights, no infringement on speech, press, religion, trial by jury, right to bear arms, can’t be deprived of life liberty and property, no unreasonable search and seizsures, can’t testify against oneself, powers not delegated to nat’l gov’t resided in state
Who put together a national banking system?
Alexander Hamilton
What compromise did Alexander Hamilton propose to convince southern states to support his national “getting out of debt” plan?
the new national capital would be in the South
What made people change their minds about sending slaves to Africa?
They were no longer Africans; they were now African Americans and were no longer suitable for life in Africa
What internal improvements were made that facilitated getting goods to market?
Roads, Steamboats, Canals
Who was elected the fifth President?
James Monroe
What was the Transcontinental/Adams-Onis Treaty?
settled a border dispute in North America between the United States and Spain. In addition to ceding Florida to the United States, the treaty settled a boundary dispute along the Sabine River in Texas and firmly established the boundary of U.S. territory and claims through the Rocky Mountains and west to the Pacific Ocean and relinquishing its own claims on parts of Texas west of the Sabine River and other Spanish areas under the terms of the Louisiana Purchase.
Who was James Monroe’s Secretary of State?
John Quincy Adams
List all pieces of architecture that made the American Republic.
Declaration of Independence, peace of Paris, declaration of neutrality, jay’s treaty, Louisiana purchase, war of 1812, adams-onis treaty, Monroe doctrine
Of all the issues facing the United States, what was the most divisive?
What was the Missouri Compromise?
An agreement between the North and the South that allowed Missouri to be admitted as the 24th state in 1821. The debates resulted in a compromise that involved the drawing of a line through the territory prohibiting slavery north of the latitude 36°30′ and allowing it in the south.
One slave state and one free state were admitted to the Union.
The balance of power between free and slave states in Congress was maintained.
The congressional balance of slave and free states was maintained.
To ease tensions between the North and South
Who was the 6th President?
John Quincy Adams
Why did Andrew Jackson call the 6th presidential election a corrupt bargain?
Because Henry Clay was appointed Secretary of State if he swayed the electoral college in favor of John Quincy Adams instead of Andrew Jackson who won the popular vote
What did John C. Calhoun call the Tariff of 1828?
the Tariff of Abominations
What did Andy Jackson’s opponents call him?
Who became the 7th President?
Andrew Jackson
What is the spoils system? Who established it?
When the president gives their friends and supporters cabinet positions. Andrew Jackson
Who was Jackson’s Secretary of State?
Martin Van Buren
Where did Jackson decide most Indians should live?
Who was Jackson’s vice-president? Why did he resign?
John C. Calhoun. Resigned because he did not agree with Jackson's Tariffs and was on South Carolina's side when the state refused to acknowledge the federal tariff
Who was the 8th President?
Martin Van Buren
Who was the 9th President? How long was he President? Who was his vice-president?
William Henry Harrison. President for 31 days because he died in office. Vice president- John Tyler
Who was John Tyler’s vice-president?
Had no vice president
What reforms were undertaken as part of the reform movement?
Prohibition, Abolitionist Crusade, Social Issues
What was the most significant reform movement?
Abolitionist crusade (drive to abolish slavery)
Who was William Lloyd Garrison?
Established his own newspaper in Boston and called for the immediate abolition of slavery. Wanted slavery set free immediately.
Who was Frederick Douglass?
Was a slave, knew how to read and write. Had opportunities that many slaves did not. Said abolition of slavery had to be full equality. Talk to people about what it was like to be a slave.
Where were the seeds of the women’s movement planted?
Planted in the abolitionist movement. Women realized they were not much more than slaves.
What problems immediately faced the new government?
Instead of keeping the United States unified, the Articles were causing it to fall apart. There was no unity because there was no leadership and no court system. Each State attempted to cede land for it own from other States. The boundaries were constantly changing. This had a negative effect on the loyalty of the people, and on the economics of each area. Without a national court system, laws that kept the nation secure could not be made or enforced.
Why was it difficult for the Articles of Confederation to enforce any new laws?
There was nothing in the Articles that gave Congress the power to enforce laws or unify the States.
What was the Virginia Plan?
Representation based on population
What two political parties battled each other?
Republican and Federalist Party
What was the whiskey rebellion?
Farmers were beginning to get taxed on grain, the farmers rebelled, had a convention and threatened to burn the town down, Washington sent troops to make them comply
What was the Alliance of 1778?
US promised to help protect France’s Caribbean territories
How did George Washington respond to the Alliance of 1778 when the French Revolution broke out?
He issued an order of neutrality; Treaty of Neutrality
Who negotiated a treaty with England to get the British out of the West?
John Jay
What was the Treaty of San Lorenzo?
Spain pulled our of US territory, recognized border of Florida, this gave Americans the right to ship from the Port of New Orleans
What port was most important to the Americans?
The Port of New Orleans
What was the treaty of Greenville?
Indians gave up their land to the Americans
Who became the 2nd President of the United States? Who was his Vice-President?
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson
What was the XYZ affair?
France was attacking American ships so Adams sent a commissioner. The French said they were open to bribes, Americans were offended and wanted to go to war, 2nd commission sent, peace was made and a treaty was signed.
What was the Alien and Sedition Act?
Have to live in the US 14 years to be a citizen, power to punish publications, could make unwanted non-citizens (aliens) leave the country
What defined John Adams’ Presidency?
the Alien and Sedition act
Who was the 3rd President? Who was his vice-president?
Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Buhr
What was Marbury vs. Madison?
formed basis for judicial review
What was Thomas Jefferson’s major achievement?
The Louisiana Purchase
Whom did the United States buy Louisiana from? For how much?
France, 15 million
Who led the expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
Louis and Clark
What was the Chesapeake incident?
The Confederate army captured a Northern ship and attempted to sail it to Britain to sell its goods, but were captured by 2 Northern ships
What was the Embargo Act?
Banned trade between the US and all other nations
Who was the 4th President? What was his former position?
James Madison, Secretary of State
Who was governor of the Indian Territory?
William Henry Harrison
What defined James Madison’s presidency?
the war of 1812
Where were the British most successful in the War of 1812?
The Chesepeake Bay
During which battle did Frances Scott Key write the Star Spangled Banner?
The attack on Fort McHenry
. What Treaty ended the War of 1812?
The Treaty of Ghent
What battle was fought after the Treaty ending the War of 1812 was signed?
The battle of New Orleans
Who was the American commanding general in New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
Asserted that the Western Hemisphere was not to be further colonized by European countries, and that the United States would not interfere with existing European colonies nor in the internal concerns of European countries
. In 1820 what issue made slavery such a hot topic?
the Missouri Compromise had just been settled
. What was the African Colonization Society?
Helped the freed slaves that were sent back to Africa establish Liberia
What became John Quincy Adams’ greatest legacy?
naming of John Marshall as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States
Who were Jackson’s advisors?
the kitchen cabinet
Who wanted their own independent state?
the indians
What is the Trail of Tears?
Andrew Jackson forced the Indians from GA to move west
The most famous slave insurrection was led by..
Nat Turner
By the time of the Civil War, about ______ of the population were slaves.
How did slavery hurt the smaller farmer, the poor whites, the unemployed?
Their jobs were being taken by the slaves.
Why did manufacturing not develop in the South?
Because they were too dependent on slavery
What best seller hit the stores just before the Civil War? This was the first written work that dealt with slaves as _______________.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, people
. Explain the circumstances through which Alexander Hamilton met his demise.
Had a duel with Aaron Burr, was shot and fatally wounded.