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15 Cards in this Set

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List the prerequisites of the 2nd industrial revolution

1.Mass production became the hallmark of American industry

2. Consumer goods mass production contributed

3. The moving assembly line became the standard in most industries

4. Electric motor

5. Steam engines were replaced by electric motors

6. Production per workers increased

Discuss why the automobile industry grew in the 1920's

1. Due to rapidly growth of raw materials

2. With help of the River Rouge

3. Increase in production, increase in employees

4. Marketing strategies

5. Annual model car changes

6. Lower car prices

Discuss the social and economic results of mass production and the mass consumption of consumer goods

1.The American people by the 1920's enjoyed the high standards of living

2. American industrial output doubled

3. Most in consumer goods - auto, appliances, furniture and clothing

4. National per capita income increased

5. American workers highest paid in history

6. Expansion of installment credit

7. Income growth sparked purchasing spree

Describe the areas of economic weakness in the 1920's

1. Consumer goods declined of many traditional industries in 1920's, trucks, coal, cotton and textiles

2. 1921 farm exports had fallen

3. Factory wages rose only 11%

4. 1929 nearly half American earnings <1500$ year

5. Organized labor proved unable to advance in interest in workers

6. Union membership fell

Describe changes for women and the families in the 1920's

1.1920's percentage of women working barely changed

2. Most women workers low paying jobs

3. Women doctors deceased

4. Women had won right to vote 1920

5. Feminist movement, still showed signs vitality

6. Sheppard Tower Act 1921,provided federal aid to establish state programs for maternal and infant health care

7.1925 decline in humanitarian reform

8. Women Express themselves cutting hair, raising skirts to their knees

9. Women smoke cigarets and drank alcohol in public more freely

10. New and more liberal laws > in divorce rates

11.Family became smaller

12.College attendance increased

13.Prolonged adolescence youth revolt heavy drinking, causal sex,constant search for excitement

Describe the change in popular culture of 1920s

1. Both crimes and highly publicized sports events flourished

2. Sports became a national Mania people found more time

3. Golf boomed

4. Box scene drew huge crowds to see fighters

5. Baseball soared

6. Football became more popular than ever

7. Arts also flourished

8. Out pouring of African American literature, theater, visual arts, music, especially jazz

Explain the events of Red Scare

1. 1919 anti radical hysteria

2. Achieve unity at the expense of ethnic diversity found a new target in communism

3. Russian revolution 1917 and the triumph of Marxism frighten many Americans

4. Growing turns to communism among Americans radicals especially foreign born heightened fears

5. Almost 60000 communis in the US in 1919

6. Several strikes involving violence and communism

7. Strikes in iron and steel industries

8. Strikes in Seattle

9. Police strikes in Boston

10. Several homemade bombs

11. Number of raids

12. Aliens were deported without hearing or trials

Evaluate the support for and the results of prohibition

1. Supporters- Anti-saloon league started by Methodist and Baptist ministers

2. Urban progressive- middle upper class republicans mostly

3. Progressive concerns over social disease of drunkenness

4. Moral issues had already led to the inactmeant of prohibition laws by 1920

5. Drinking declined under prohibition

6. Middle class and wealthy drinking became fashionable

7. Bootlegger supplying liquor

8. Urban resistance to prohibition finally led to its repeal in 1933

Describe the membership and ideology of the 2nd Ku-Klux Klan

1. Only native born gentile Americans

2. Expression of protest against new urban culture

3. Anglo protestant men flocked into the clan

4. In braced clan values and demonstrated their hatred towards blacks, aliens, Jews, Catholics, Italians and Russians

5. Threat to American culture

6. Tension and conflict to pre war flood of migrants

7. Forgieners that spoke a different language, worship strange churches, lived in distant threatening cities

8. Enforced their own values

9. Punished blacks the didn't know their place and women that process new morality and alien theories used to conform

10. They entered politics

11. They established their own organizations for their families

Describe the growth and results of nativism in the 1920s

1. Immigrants from Europe seeking to escape from war ravaged Europe

2. Congress 1921 passed an emergency immigration act restricting immigration from Europe

3. 1924 national origins quata act limited immigration from Europe how allocating slots for GB, Ireland, Germany and scandinavian, band Asian immigrants

4. Allowing Mexicans immigrants for the unskilled workers for farms and in service farms a 100,000 a year

Describe the participants and results of this Scopes Trial

1. Christian fundamentalist campaign against teaching evolution in the public schools

2. Contests between modern liberalism and religious fundamentalism

3. Laws prohibiting teaching of evolution

4. Middle and upper class americans Gentile Christianity clung to old faith

5. Church of Christ, pentecostal, Jehovah witness grew rapidly aggressive fundamentalists

6. Clarence darrow and William Jennings argue the revolution case against a biology teacher in Dayton 1925

Describe scandals at the Harding administration

1. Attorney general Henry daughtry and secretary of Interior

2. The Albert Hall involved in questionable deals

3. Daughtery forced to resign

4. Albert Hall was chief figure in Teapot Dome scandal bribes helped two oil promoters secure leases on Navel oil reverses

Detail the Republicans polices and legislation priorities in the 1920s

1. Mixture of traditional and innovative measures

2. Republicanism William McKinley tariff and tax policy

3. Congress passed fordney Mccumber tariff act 1922

4. Number of people paying taxes dropped

5. Greatest tax relief was for the wealthy

6. 1921 new budget spending reduced government spending

7. Revenue acts 1920s greatly reduce burden of taxation

8. New bureaus to make American industries more efficient

Describe the function within the Democratic Party in the 1920s

1. Both Smith and Hover belief in opportunity upward mobility.

2. Neither advocated economic change nor redistribution of national wealth or power

3. Smith son of immigrants, Catholic and big city machine

4. Hoover old stock American protestant stood for efficiency individualism

5. Economics of mass production in politics of urban isolation drove country forward but persistent appeal of individualism and rule base values held it back

Evaluate the candidates and their supporters in election of 1928

1.Herbert Hoover Republican

2. Albert Smith Democratic

3. Hover supporters- protestants, oppossed big city politics and prohibitionist

4. Smith supporters- catholics, against prohibition, big city dwellers, Jews and immigrants