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50 Cards in this Set

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Paleo- Indians
the name given by scientists to the first inhabitants of the americas, an Ice Age people who survived largely by hunting big game, and to a lesser extent by collecting edible plants and fishing
archaic era
period beginning approximately nine thousand years ago lasting an estimated six thousand years. this period was marked by more intensive efforts on the part of ancient societies to shape the environment to enhance food production
led by the mexica tribe, the _____ created a powerful empire whose capital, the great city of tenochtitlan, was created on an island in lake texcoco in 1325 CE
monotheistic faith whose teachings followed the word of the prophet muhammad, and whose follwers controlled most of the overland trade routes to the far east
an economic system in which the market economy determined the prices of goods and services
individuals who advocated a revival of ancient learning, particularly ancient greek thought, and encouraged greater attention to secular topics including a new emphasis on the study of humanity
the movement for religious reform started by martin luther
spanish inquisition
a spanish tribunal devoted to finding and punishing heresy and rooting out spain's jew and muslims
columbian exchange
the term used by modern scholars to describe the biological encounter between the two sides of the atlantic, including the movement of plants, animals, and diseases
an english settlement or fortified outpost in a foreign land dedicated to producing agricultural products for export. (later the term would beomce synonymous with a distinctive slave-based labor system used in much of the atlantic world)
a form of state-sponsored piracy, usually directed agains spanish treasure fleets returning from the americas
founding of tenochtitlan-aztec empire becomes dominant power in mesoameric
gutenberg invents printing press- print revolution transforms the way kknowledge is organized and spred
hernan cortes conquers aztecs- founding of spanish empire in what is now mexico
henry VIII breaks with Rome- Henry strengthens the forces of the protestant reformation and greatly weakens the english catholic church
english establish colony of roanoke on north carolina's outer banks- england's first permanent settlement in america fails and no trace is found of the settlers when new supplies are brough to the colony
english defeat spanish armada- spanish dominance of the atlantic world challenged
quebec founded- france's major settlement in north america established
an incentive system to encourage additional immigrants by giving 50 acres to any man who would pay their own fare to virginia and 50 additional acres for each person brought with him
this english legal title carried with it enormous political pwer, giving its possessor almost king-like authority over his domains. colonial proprietors carried similar powers
this strain of english protestantism argued for a totla separation from the established church of england
the society of friends, who believed each individual possessed a divine spark of grace, an inner light that could lead them to salvation
in 1660 Charles II became king of england, restoring the monarchy to power after the civil war and cromwellian rule
bacon's rebellion
a popular uprising in virginia in 1676 named after its leader, nathaniel bacon
glorious revolution
the relatively bloodless revolution that led to the ascension of william and mary, which was widely seen as a vindication for english liberty
whigs (english, 17th century)
the group that supported parliamentary power after the glorious revolution
theory of empire that advocated strict regulation of trade between colonies and the mother country to benefit the latter
founding of jamestown- first successful english colony in america
john rolfe exports first tobacco crop from virginia- the struggling jamestown colony finally finds a cash crop for export
mayflower compact signed- pilgrims arrive in massachusetts without a legal title to the land and frame their own government
colony of maryland estblished- first proprietary colony
roger williams founds providence- first colony founded on religious toleration established in colonial america
anne hutcheinson banished to rhode island- antinomoian controversy ends
english civil war- english puritans under oliver cromwell take up arms agains charles I
england captures new netherland, which is renamed new york- james, duke of york, gains control of new york and new jersey
william penn obtains royal charter for pennsylvania- quaker william penn founds pennsylvania
glorious revolution in england- william and mary ascend to the throne, and whig political ideals triumph
salem witchcraft trials- a witchcraft hysteria engulfs salem village and salem town
the colonia american desire to emulate english society, including english taste in foods, customs, and architecture
virtual representation
a theory of representation in which legislators do not serve their localities but rather the whole nation
an international philosophical movement that extolled the virtues of reason and science and applied these new insights to politics and social reform
great awakening
a religious revival movement that emphasized a more emotional style of religious practice
old lights
opponintes of the great awakening who favored traditional forms of religious worship
new lights
supporters of the great awakening and its more emotional style of worship
middle passage
the harrowing voyage across the atlantic from africa to the americas during which slaves endured meager rations and horrendoulsly unsanitary conditions
indentured servants
a form of bound labor in which servants had their passage to america paid in return for a specified number of years of service
middle ground
a cultural and geographical region of the great lakes in which indians and the french negotiated with each other for goods and neither side could impose its will on the other
massachusetts house battles crown over permanent salary for the royal governor- massachusetts house and the royal governor disagree over salary, an important indicator of the growing power of colonial legislature
new york's jewish community builds the first synagogue in british north america- new york's pluralistic society expands to include jews as well as christians
james oglethorpe founds georgia to rehabilitate the poor- a utopian experiement and a buffer between carolina and spanish florida, georgia eventrually accepted slavery and became a platation society
benjamin franklin founds library company- america's first circulation library
first moravian community established in america in savannah, georgia- moravians, an evangelical protestant sect from germany, bring their messgae to america
englihs preacher george whitefield arrives in america and embarks on a tour that generates new enthusiasm for religious revival- the great evangelical preacher creates an inter-colonial sensation and extends the reach of the great awakening
war of jenkins' ear- british fight spain, and later france
academy of philadelphia founded (later renamed the University of Pennsylvania)- franklin hleps found the university of pennsylvania
benjamin franklin publishes his experiemnts on electricity- earns franklin fame and symbolizes america's contribution to the enlightenment
eliza pinkckney inttroduces indigo to south carolina- the sought-after dye produced by indigo bacame carolina's second most important export
quebec falls to british troops under general wolfe- the decisive battle in the french and indian war signals the defeat of the french in canada
proclamation of 1763 closes land west of the appalachians to colonial settlement- to prevent further encroachment on indian lands and avoid future conflicts, britain forbids colonial settlement beyond the appalachian mountains
treaty of paris between brtain and france ends french and indian war- the formal end of hostilities legally acknowledges british domination in North america