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Dutch East India Co
establish first European settlement at Table Bay in 1652; only 1,000 European settlers in S. Africa in 1700.
only suppliers of fresh meat at the cape & demanded higher prices for livestock (led to war of Khoi/Dutch War in 1659)
to ‘pull (a wagon)’ because like other pastoralists they were often on the move living in their ox-drawn wagons.


“scattering” between the Drakensberg and Highveld
former commander in Digiswayo’s army. Became ruler of Zulu in Natal region. Assassinated by half brother Dingane
 Won battle of Isandlwana & killed 1600 British
Olaudah Equiano
a prominent African involved in the British movement for the abolition of the slave trade
Sierra Leone
foundation and growth were results of abolition of slavery and slave trade
 Founded in 1787 as a settlement (of farmers) of 400 blacks from England
Toussaint l’Ouverture
began military career as leader of 1791 slave rebellion in the French colony of Saint Domingue
 Forced to resign by Napoleon’s forces to restore French authority in former colony
leader of the Haitian Revolution, led to establishment of Haiti
Samuel Ajayi Crowther
was one of the first students at Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leon
cattle pastoralists migrated into Hausaland from the west during this period.
market city of Kano prospered under the Hausa King Mohammad Runfa
Palm oil/gum Arabic
a principal export of Igboland; trading obtained by British at the Berlin Conference
African Association
a British club dedicated to explore West Africa, with mission of discovering origin & course of the Niger River & location of Timbuktu, the “lost city” of gold
Mungo Park
a Scottish explorer of African continent—wrote Travels into Interior of Africa
invasion succeeded but his occupation of Egypt failed, was opposed by Britain & Ottoman empire
Turkish slave horsemen; Egypt under Mamluk was a powerful military dictatorship
Muhammad Ali
Established between 1804 and 1809 Usman dan Fodio pursued a “jihad” against the Hausa city-states and established the ________
Sokoto Caliphate
Abd al-Qadir (Algeria)
gifted and energetic young Marabout (holy man) from western Algeria
 Used stimulus of Jihad to unite Arab-Berber clans and Muslim brotherhoods of Algeria into a single powerful Islamic state
 Exploited local rivalries and promised support; captured and exiled in 1947
Al-Hajj Umar Tal
attacked the French at Medine in Senegal River & moved west
 Died fighting Muslims on middle Niger succeeded by his Son Ahmad A Kabir
Abdel-Kader Mademba
is grandson of Al-Hajj Umar Tal, was only African subject to reach the Rank of major in the French Army before World War II.
Cecil Rhodes
made diamond fortune by investing in the Transvaal Gold mining industry
Suez Canal
opening of canal Egypt’s trade was dominated by European shipping; financed by France and Egypt
 Al-Nasir seized Suez Canal from French and his victory/Suez war ended the domination of British & French
contained huge quantities of diamonds (known as diamond mine); Employed 50K black workers & gave cash economy
Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahdi
a religious leader of the Samaniyya order in Sudan who proclaimed himself as the Mahdi or messianic redeemer of the Islamic faith
Samori Touré
was France’s formidable military opponent in western Africa; Ordered “Scorched-earth” as he conducted tactical withdrawal from capital Bissandugu
is the name of the urban eastern part of the Witwatersrand that is functionally merged with the Johannesburg conurbation.
 -settled by Europeans after a gold-bearing reef discovered in 1886 and sparked the gold rush that gave rise to the establishment of Johannesburg.
Conference of Berlin (1884/5)
an attempt for European leaders to add an International European agreement to the carving-up of Africa
 -Recognized Leopold’s so-called International Association as authority in Congo
 -Return Belgian King agreed to allow Europeans traders/missionaries free access to area
 European claim to any part of Africa would be recognized by other European governments
tricked into signing his kingdom to Rhode’s agents which gave them a free hand to exploit the minerals
Kevin Shillington estimated that the Germans killed about 64,000 _______ in the colony of German South West Africa in 1904-05.
Paul Kruger
Transvaal President deliberated a policy of taxing the mining industry heavily in order to benefit his political supporters, the rural Boers----Imposed a heavy cost on the British-dominating mining industry
-was State President of the South African Republic (Transvaal). He gained international renown as the face of Boer resistance against the British during the South African or Second Boer War
Tippu Tip
dominated Lualaba/Lomani region covered 1/3 of Leopold’s Congo state
 Threw his allegiance to Zanzibar and accept governorship of Free State’s eastern province
Adwa (Adowa)
a battle - Ethiopian victory over the Italians saved Ethiopia from European colonial conquest during the era of “Scramble for Africa”
Ras Tafari
(movement & ideology meaning way of life) (Haile Selassie- former and final Emperor of Ethiopia) denied the Eritreans even this limited level of political independence by annexing Erithrea as Province of Ehtiopia in 1962
Ottoman Empire
took control of North Africa all the way to Morocco in 16th Century until Napoleon invaded African in 1798. It was not able to spread its control to eastern coast of Africa nor into the Sahara.
Firestone Rubber Co.
biggest plantations in Liberia
King Leopold
& his “Congo Free States” brutally exploited peoples resources of Congo & ruled as his fiefdom from 1885- 1908
Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck
engaged by National African Co & competitors (Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Portugal)
 Not to be excluded from trading areas of Niger & Congo
Maji Maji
-violent African resistance to colonial rule in the German colony of East Africa/(cotton)
-sprinkled bodies with magic water
Elliot Kamwana
preached “second coming” which would liberate all of Africa
a masquerader who impersonates one of the ancestral spirits of the village; council of spirits
priestess, woman; also used of a man who has taken no title
Okonkwo’s step son, Son of Ogbuefi Udo, who killed girl
spirit of children who repeatedly dies and returns to its mother to be reborn, a changeling child
servile outcasts, dedicated to the gods;
father of Nwoye, his land called Mbanta. Killed himself after he did not get support from his clansmen for killing a man during a funeral
Efforts to gain freedom from British rule, members of the Kikuyu, Embu, Meru & Kamba took oaths of unity & secrecy so-called ______________
Mau Mau
father of Njoroge
Njoroge’s brother who killed Mr. Howlands because he tortured his father
Dedan Kimathi
leader of the Mau Mau which led an armed military struggle known as Mau Mau uprising against the British colonial gov. in Kenya
black who had land, one of the wealthiest for owing land, landlord of Ngotho
riflemen, segregated from rest of the French military
villages de liberté
a term used by the French referring to forced resettlement of refugees produced by their invasion of West Africa, the refugees referred themselves as esclaves or captives de blancs (white)
system involved the French purchase of African slaves for service in the navy or later in the Tirailleurs Senegalais
On June 7, 1940 a German officer killed his prisoner, ______________, for insisting on equal treatment with his fellow French officers.
Captain Charles N’Tchoréré
Blaise Diagne
a member of the French National Assembly, was African leader most responsible for the French recruiting efforts in West Africa during World War I.
- Conscription of “Blood Tax”
 -Convinced the French parliament to approve law (Loi Blaise Diagne) granting full citizenship to all resident of the so-called
Four Communes in Senegal
citizen of the Four Communes
culturally assimilated Africans (literally evolved ones)
die schwarze Schande
“black shame” argument suggested French had deliberately selected colonial troops to occupy Rhineland in order to humiliate a prostrate Germany
In When the Sleeper Wakes (1899) __________ speculated that by the year 2100 European governments would use black soldiers to quell civil disturbances in Europe
H. G. Wells
R, B, Cunningham Graham
was a Liberal Party Member of Parliament, first-ever socialist member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Founder and first president of Scottish Labor Party
last Tasmanian woman who saved Robinson’s life; skeleton is in the Tasmanian Museum in Hobart
Georges Cuvier
was a French naturalist and zoologist; establishing fields of comparative anatomy & paleontology
Robert Knox
prominent Edinburgh Physician, reputation was damaged with murders of Burke and Hare (cadavers for dissection)
an Algerian uprising at Setif, two Europeans started rumor about impending African uprising inspired by Algerians
- Rebels attack the White Fathers, the hotel in Zinder and all Europeans they could find
Carrier Corps
was a military organization created in Kenya in World War I to provide military labour to support the British campaign against the German Military forces in East Africa, commanded by Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck.
marketing boards
created by many producers to try to market their product and increase consumption and thus prices.
In 1944 Charles de Gaulle made promises at a Free French Conference at Brazzaville, which amounted to the French version of the _____________ of 1941.
Atlantic Charter
Lord Frederick Lugard
a former Governor of Nigeri; he formulated British “indirect rule” in his book “The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa”
Group Areas Act
was title of 3 acts of Parliament of South Africa enacted under the apartheid gov. of South Africa
-The acts assigned racial groups to different residential and business sections in urban areas in a system of urban apartheid. An effect of the law was to exclude non-Whites from living in the most developed areas, which were restricted to Whites
Kwame Nkrumah
Leader of Ghana
emerged powerful spokesman against colonialism when he condemned British troops opening fire on peaceful protest of military veterans.
 -became Prime minister of the Gold Coast with internal self-government
 -Convenes the All-African Peoples Conference in Accra, Ghana with Egypt’s President Abdel Nasser
Leopold Senghor
broke away from RDA to fund the Bloc Democratique Sengalais (BDS). BDS won Senegalese seats to the French National Assembly
 -Poet & philosopher of Negritute cultural movement emphasized Africans equality with Europeans
 -Warned of dangers of Africans becoming assimilated into French culture

-for two decades served as the first president of Senegal
used by the descendants of 17th & 18th century Dutch settlers, formerly referred as Boers
African National Congress (ANC)
a multiracial organization goal to establish equal rights for Africans
Jomo Kenyatta
secretary of Kikuyu Central Association, he campaigned for reform of colonial system particularly with land, labor and acts of racial discrimination. KCA called for repeal of Crowns Land Ordinance of 1915
 -leader of KAU- involved in a rebellion and sentenced for 7 yrs life in prison
 -Achieves internal self-government from Britain
Abdal Nasser
seizes power in Egypt; British troops are removed from Egypt & Naser is elected Egypt’s first president
 -Nationals the Suez Canal and the British, French, and Israelis invade the Suez Canal Zone
secedes as an independent nation from the former Belgian Congo under Moishe Tshombe
Patrice Lumumba
Congolese Prime minister
Mobutu Sese Seko
murdered Patrice Lumumba w/assistance of Belgian intelligence officers while in Katanga detention
Organization of African Unity (OAU)
signed by heads of 30 African states in Addis Ababa, creating the first inter-governmental African organizing body.
Ian Smith
resists British pressure and declares Unilateral Independence (UDI) for whites-only Southern Rhodesia in order to stop the movement toward majority rule
-prime minister of Rhodesia
Robert Mugabe
President of Zimbabwe and leader of the guerrilla movements against white-minority rule
 -Rose to prominence as Secretary General of Zimbabwe African National Union during conflict against the white-minority of Ian Smith
Pan African Congress
was a series of seven meetings to address issues facing Africa as a result of European colonization; gained reputation as peace maker for decolonization in Africa & West Idies
Nigerian-Biafran War
was a political conflict caused by the attempted secession of the Southeastern provinces in Niger as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra (conflict was over economic, ethnic, cultural, religion)
Yusuf Dadoo
Leader of Defiance Campaign and defendant at Treason Trail in 1956
-Muslim Indian South African communist
Desmond Tutu
a South African social rights activist and retired Anglican bishop
Umkhonto we Sizwe
“Spear of the Nation” an underground military wing which launched a sabotage campaign
Jonas Savimbi
an Angolan political and military leader. Founded and led UNITA a movement that first waged a guerrilla war against Portuguese colonial rule then confronted the rival MPLA during the decolonization conflict
South-West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO)
began its long campaign of guerrilla activity against the occupying forces of South Africa
40 Committee
prevent victory by Soviet-backed forces in Angola; approved forwarding of arms to Savimbi and formation of interagency working groups
Phoenix Program
agency’s terrorist program in Vietnam
Mangosuthu Buthelezi
former prime minister of Zululand and South African Zulu politician who founded the Inkatha Freedom Party in 1975
protest at the new Pass Laws which limited the movement of blacks, killing 69 of them-- in which police opened fire on men, women, and children
Holden Roberto
founded and led the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA)
People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA)
early beginnings of the socialist guerrilla independence movement, based in northern Congo, led by Agostinho Neto then Jose Eduardo Dos Santos takes over
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
was founded in Lagos; preferred to concentrate on gradually increasing regional economic cooperation, starting transport and telecommunications & greater financial and commercial interchange
concept formed the basis of Julius Nyerere’s social and economic development policies in Tanzania after it gained independence from Britain in 1961.
IMF/World Bank
are twin intergovernmental pillars supporting the structure of the world’s economic and financial order
Charles Mangnin
wrote La Force Noire arguing for the use of African soldiers in the French army