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30 Cards in this Set

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Christopher Columbus

○ Received funding from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to find a shorter way to India. ■ “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” ○ Rejected by multiple countries, including Portugal. ○ Landed in the Bahamas ■ Made several trips to the Caribbean, etc. ○ He thought the world was shaped like a pear. ■ With the top being where he believed the Garden of Eden to be located. ○ Religious man

Zheng He

● Chinese seaman traveling aroundAsian lands ensuring continued Chinese allegiance and tribute. Ended voyagesmid 1400s because of domestic affairs○ Had seven voyages, like Sinbad.○ Eunuch

Vasco da Gama

○ Portuguese explorer, ■ First one to round cape of Africa, ■ made it to India, which enabled Portuguese to dominate the Indian Ocean Trade. ○ He wasn’t successful in regards to what he brought ■ (Cartaz: Portuguese license to trade in Indian Ocean→ $$$)

Charles V

○ 16th century. ○ Overlord of All German provinces, king over the West. ○ Divided empire into two: Western half to son (Americas, Spain, Netherlands) Philip, and other half to Ferdinand I (Hungary, Austria, Germany, etc.) ○ Known for opposing Protestants and pushed for the Council of Trent (Catholics combating Protestant Reformation).

Suleiman the Magnificent

○ “the lawgiver” Ottoman ruler. ○ Culmination of Ottoman Empire under his rule. Expanded the military, incorporated janissaries (received income from central treasury). ○ Also diverse, took recruits from Christian towns within the empire (devsirme), centralized government, militia, expansion of empire, etc.


○ Father of New Sciences (Mathematical Sciences). ○ Astronomer who supported Copernicus’ Heliocentric theory, and found evidence with his telescope to support it. ■ Was punished by the Catholic Church for his 'heresy.' Wouldn’t renounce his claim on heliocentric theory. ○ Became founder of (mathematized) New Sciences. ○ Condemned to house arrest and forced to make public repudiation of heliocentrism.

Isaac Newton

○ wrote Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy-basis of science until Einstein. (502 is the only page in the textbook about him). ○ gave us calculus, unified fields of physics and astronomy, the idea of a predictable mechanical universe

Nicolas Copernicus

○ First to suggest the heliocentrism theory, (earth revolved around the sun), suggested world is a sphere, using Ptolemaic theory (Greek philosopher) born in Poland kingdom


○ wrote The Prince-a satirical commentary on the politics of his day. ○ Reflected on ruthless political competition among the princes of Europe for dominance over his hopelessly disunified Italy. ○ Got in trouble with Catholic Church for saying religion is just a means of controlling the masses.

Leonardo Da Vinci

○ Italian Renaissance Artist, painted Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, also studied anatomy (and got excommunicated for it), ○ a focus on realism/humanism - the glory of man


○ Italian Renaissance Artist, painted the Sistine Chapel, “the David”, patronage was from the Pope


○ Renaissance painter. ■ Painted Greek and Roman mythological creatures. ● (Shows increase of middle-class people who can commission art for their homes, not just religious paintings anymore.)

Martin Luther

○ nailed 95 theses to Catholic door, ○ disliked indulgences, end corruption in church, no monasticism; ○ Inadvertently instigated the Peasant’s Revolt, ○ was able to escape Catholic captivity; ○ believed faith more important than works

John Calvin

○ Switzerland born, ○ believed social/religious reform go hand-in-hand; predestination, make salvation “sure,” live righteously to see into fate/destiny, wealth is not a bad thing.

Louis XIV

○ centralizing French, Sun King, built palace of Versailles. Absolutist leader. Kicked out Huguenots (Protestants).

Peter the Great

○ 7 feet tall, Russian leader, invited western Europeans (artisans, mariners, scholars, artists, soldiers) into his service; within a few years was able to establish army and a navy; established St. Petersburg. Absolutist.

Oliver Cromwell

○ Puritan; leader appointed underCharles I (Charles I and Charles V two different people) then ruled for about adecade around time of English Civil War (fought over religion Cath v Prot); ○ Ruled without consent even thoughhe handpicked his own Parliament; gained popularity amongst upper class, ragedagainst Scottish Presbyterianism and Irish Catholics.

Hernan Cortes

○ explorer from Spain, founded Veracruz, conquered Aztec nation in Tenochtitlan, used indigenous allies to conquer capital in 1519, had a native mistress

Francisco Pizarro

○ explorer from Portugal, ○ conquered Inca empire, ○ smallpox preceded him, ○ went to Cuzco to take down empire, ■ captured Atahualpa, ■ had them pay a ransom, ■ ended up killing him anyways; ○ Paralyzed Incan Empire

Queen Nzinga

○ 17th century African queen, ○ Christian convert, ○ dealt with slave trade, ○ became queen when her brother committed suicide.○ Tried to stop Portuguese from trading in her lands, ■ Reason she converted to Christianity (hoping it will help)■ Ends up fighting a war with the Portuguese for a very long time.

Bartolome de las Casas

○ He advocated for native slaves in Brazil, ○ protest labor exploitation of the natives, ○ he then became a monk and fought for rights of indigenous people

Qianglong Emperor

○ Qing Dynasty emperor, ○ longest reigning, ○ expanded Chinese territorial control, ○ defeated Mongols and Turks, ○ rejected British proposal for direct Trade, calls

Kangxi Emperor

○ Qing dynasty emperor, religious tolerance, ○ Manchu renamed empire of Ming to Qing; ○ had the Manchu queue, (shaved hairstyle with ponytail; required all men to have it, if not, they were killed)○ (born before Qianlong Emperor)

Tokugawa Ieyasu

○ First member of the Tokugawa clan, ■ won the civil war in 1600 that allowed him to assume control, ○ “tent government” established (bakufu), ○ moved capital to Edo, ○ had daimyo families as loyalty hostages, ones he trusted more were closer to the capital


○ French Enlightenment writer (1694 - 1778); ■ humans were atoms in space; organized religion pushes followers to think they’re chosen which made them assume that they could do anything they want; ■ had a protestant critique of Inquisitions; religious diversity produces tolerance


○ 1724-1804, ○ wrote about overcoming man’s immaturity, ○ not living in Enlightened age but living in Enlightenment; ○ “dare to be wise”, ○ huge proponent of pacifism and peace


○ French publisher who translated the first encyclopedia, during enlightenment, but it was banned by the Catholic Church and French Crown;


○ (1712-1778), ○ wrote Social Contract, ○ agrees with Locke, ■ people should have freedom; ■ “man is born free but everywhere else is in chains” ■ Humans had suffered decline from natural state of freedom, but they were slowly coming to freedom and equality - against monarchy and advocate for democracy

Adam Smith

○ considered founding father of modern economics; ○ introduced the British version of laissez-faire: “hands off” or “let it be”


○ “What God created, ______ organized” ○ wrote Systeme Naturae, ■ categorized 4,400 animals, and 7,000 plants; ■ found new evidences using scientific method; ■ categorized different races of humans; ● racism is now science, not prejudice