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140 Cards in this Set

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heme synthesis - must have these two components
1. iron
2. protoporphyrin
excess iron will be stored in tissue and body organs called what in when in the LUNGs and GI tract
1. hemo--sider-o-sis (iron overload in LUNGS) SIDE of the LUNGS
2. hemo--chromat-o-sis (iron overload in the GI tract) CHROM of GI TRACT
what is transferrin function
Fe TRANSPORT protein
what is ferritin function
major Fe STORAGE form
what is hermo-siderin function
H20 INSOLUBLE Fe storage form (long term), its an iron storage complex (ferritin being the other) found w/in cells as oppose to circulating)
with PROPHYRIAS, what happens when excessive formation of porphyrins occurs if any emzymatic step in heme syhtesis is ____
name the 5 Heme precursors
1. DELTA--aminolevulinic acid
2. POR--phobilinogen
3. UR--O--porphyrinogen
4. COP--porphyrinogen
5. PROTO--porphyrin
heme + globin = hemoglobin

while in the DELTA, POUR, YOUR COP, PRONTO, a cup of HEME
Protoporphyrin synthesis - porphyrias: emz deficiencies cause build up on heme precursors, what happens to the color of urine
urine turns RED or PORT wine colored
in the Porphyrias synthesis, name the early precursors (2) and what complications does it cause
1. DELTA--aminolevulinic acid
2. POR--phobilinogen

neuropsychiatric complication (ex: acute intermittent porphyria AIP)
in the Porphyrias synthesis, name the later precursors (3) and what complications does it cause
3. UR--O--porphyrinogen
4. COP--porphyrinogen
5. PROTO--porphyrin
heme + globin = hemoglobin

cutaneous/skin complications such as photosensitivity, facial hair (werewolf legend)
what is Porphyrias
Porphyrias are a group of inherited or acquired disorders of certain enzymes in the heme biosynthetic pathway They are broadly classified as acute (hepatic) porphyrias and cutaneous (erythropoietic) porphyrias, based on the site of the overproduction and accumulation of the porphyrins (or their chemical precursors)
Red Cell Indices: MCV formula & RR
HCT/RBC x 10

RR (micro) 80-100 (macro) fl
indication of Micro anemia or Macro anemia
Red Cell Indices: MCH formula & RR
HGB/RBC x 10
RR 28-32 pg

varies w/ HGB content & cell size
Red Cell Indices: MCHC formula & RR
HGB/HCT x 100
RR (hypo)32-36 (hyper)%

hypochromic cell
hyperchromic cell (spherocytes), Lipemia, HGB SS, CC
Red Cell Indices: RDW formula &RR
SD of MCV x 100/Mean MCV
RR 11.5-14.5%

>14.5 anisocytosis
name the following cell & its functions:
O2 transport to tissue and CO2
removal from tissue
cell nutrition
name the following cell & its functions: neutrophil
phagocytic response to bacteria (sim to monocyte)
name the following cell & its functions: lymphocyte
humoral and cell mediate immunity
name the following cell & its functions: monocyte
phagocytic response to bacteria (sim to neutrophil)
name the following cell & its functions: basophil
inflammatory response mediator
name the following cell & its functions: eosinphil
allergic response regulator
name the following cell & its functions: platelet
name percentage/RR & what would cause it to increase: neutrophils
increased in bacterial infection
name percentage/RR & what would cause it to increase: lymphocyte
increase in viral infection
name percentage/RR & what would cause it to increase: monocyte
increase in TB, syphilis, malignancies
name percentage/RR & what would cause it to increase: eosinophil
increase in allergies, parasites, CML (sim to basophil)
name percentage/RR & what would cause it to increase: basophil
increase in immediate hypersensitivity, CML (sim to eos)
name the WBC cells from most to least based on the reference ranges starting with Neutrophil
1. neutrophils 50-70%
2. lymphocytes 20-40%

3. monocyte 3-10%
4. eos 0-3%
5. baso 0-2%
this morphology is associated with what kind of disease:
hypersegmented neutrophil
pernicious anemia
this morphology is associated with what kind of disease: hyposegemented neutrophils (4)
Pelger Huet Anomaly
Pseudo-Pelger Huet
this morphology is associated with what kind of disease: toxic granulation & vacuoles (3)
Bacterial infection
Chemotherapy (vs May Hegglin for Dohle bodies)
this morphology is associated with what kind of disease: Dohle Bodies (RNA) (3)
Bacterial infection
May Hegglin (vs Chemo for toxic granulatx & vacuoles)
this morphology is associated with what kind of disease: Atypical lymphs (increase size & basophilia)
Epstein barr virus
other viral infection

remember that lymphs are increased in viral infections
this shape is seen in what disease: acanthocyte
Abetalipoproteinemia (aka Bassen Kornz Weig syndrome)
severe Liver disease

caused by formation cause by alternation of lipid compostx & fluidity of cell membrane
this shape is seen in what disease: echinocyte "burr" cell
Artifact (alkaline glass effect)

"crenated RBC" cause hyperosmotic solution & are ass w/ malnutritx
this shape is seen in what disease: elliptocyte aka "cigar" shaped
hereditary elliptocytosis (>50%)
this shape is seen in what disease: macroovalocyte
megaloblastic anemia
this shape is seen in what disease: helmet (keratocyte)
hemolytic process
this shape is seen in what disease: schistocyte (RBC fragments) aka bite cells
DIC and hemolytic processes

the membrane damage cause during passage to vessels
this shape is seen in what disease: sickle cell (drepanocyte & crescent shape)
this shape is seen in what disease: spherocyte (no CENTRAL pallor)
Hereditary spherocytosis
Increase MCHC
other Hemolytic processes
this shape is seen in what disease: stomatocyte (mouth cell)
Hereditary stomatocytosis (>50%)
Liver disease

cause by lost of indentation of one side = mouth cell
this shape is seen in what disease: target cell (codocyte)
liver disease
HGB C and other
this shape is seen in what disease: teardrop cells (dacryocyte)
extramedullary hematopoiesis:
myeloproliferative disorders
p. anemia

"pear shape" w/ tapered end
this red cell inclusion is composed of & what stain does it use: Howell Jolly Body
Wright stain
this red cell inclusion is composed of & what stain does it use: Basophilic Stippling
Wright stain
New Methylene Blue
this red cell inclusion is composed of & what stain does it use: Pappenheimer Bodies Siderotic Granules (siderocyte)
Prussian Blue
this red cell inclusion is composed of & what stain does it use: Heniz Body
Denatured precipitate HGB
Superviral stain example: Brillian Cresyl Blue or New Methylene Blue (NOT see w/ Wright Stain)
this red cell inclusion is composed of & what stain does it use: Cabot Ring
Remnants of Miototic Spindle
Wright stain
this red cell inclusion is composed of & what stain does it use: Parasites
use Wright
Howell JB is composed of DNA what would this indicate (4)
disturbed erythropoiesis
hemolytic anemia
megaloblastic anemia
post splenectomy
Basophilic Stippling is composed of RNA what would this indicate (2)
lead poisoning
Papperheimer body Siderotic Granules are composed of Iron what would this indicate (3)
sideroblastic anemia
hemoglobinopathies (severe anemia or thlassemia)

"pepper body w/ fat SIDES"
Heniz body is composed of denatured PPT HGB what would this indicate (3)
Unstable HGB
Cabot Ring is composed of remnant of mitotic spindle what would this indicate
megaloblastic anemia

(mega RING)
quick thought: Malaria is caused by which vector

ring form, or double dot ring (open)
quick thought: Babesia is caused by which vector
quick thought: Trypansomes is caused by which vector
HGB S structural mutation involves what substitution on the beta chain
Valine for Glutamic Acid
6th position, beta chain

Sr. Varsity = VVValine
HGB C structural mutation involves what substitution on the beta chain
Lysin for Glutamic Acid
6th position, beta chain

CL mercedes
Structural mutation on HGB D is found in which population and migrates with which HGB
East Indian people
migrates w/ HGB S at 8.6

east indian Score a D on their test
Structural mutation on HGB E is found in which population and migrates with which HGB
Southeast Asian people
migrates w/ HGB C and A2 at 8.6
(hypochromic, microcytic)

asian people enjoy Eating and Cooking
*Problem with Heme name (3) examples
Iron Defcny
Chronic Disease/Inflammation
*Problem with Globin name (2) examples
Normal (normocytic)
**give examples Antibody destruction conditions (3)
Transfusion reaction
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Normal (normocytic)
**give examples RBC membrane defect conditions (3)
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS)
Hereditary Elliptocytosis (HE)
Paroxysmal Noctural Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Normal (normocytic)
**give examples Emz deficiency conditions (2)
Pyurvate Kinase (PK)
Normal (normocytic)
**give examples decrease production, loss conditions (2)
Aplastic anemia
Acute blood loss
Normal (normocytic)
**give examples Hemoglobinopathies conditions (2)
other variants
High (macrocytic)
**give examples Megaloblastic maturation conditions (2)
B12 defncy
Folate defncy
High (macrocytic)
**give examples Non-megaloblastic maturation conditions (1)
Liver disease
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

decrease FE
increase TIBC (vs decrease TIBC = chronic dz/inflmatx)
decrease %Saturation
Iron defncy
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

decrease FE
decrease TIBC (vs increase TIBC = iron defncy)
Chronic disease/inflammation
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

Basophillic Stippling
Increase Blood Lead level
increase FEP
lead poisoning
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

Normal: Fe
Norma: TIBC
increase in A2
increase F
Thalassemia trait
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

decrease B12
decrease Retics
Oval macrocytes
Hypersegemented Polys
HJ bodies
B12 defncy
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

Anti-IF + (intrinsic factor)
increase MMA (methylmalonic acid)
increase Homocysteine
Normal Schilling Test with IF
Pernicious anemia (PA)

versus Malabsorption & Folate Defncy has Anti-IF --
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

Anti-If -- (intrinsic factor)
Abnormal Schilling Test with and without IF
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

decrease Serum/erythrocyte folate level
Oval macrocytes
Anti-IF --
decrease Retics
hypersegmented Polys
increase Homocysteine
HJ bodies
Folate defncy
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

increase in Liver emz
Target cells
Round Macrocytes
Liver disease/Alcoholism
with the lab findings, name the Anemia

increase in Bili
decrease Haptoglobin
antibody mediated
with the lab findings, name the Anemia
that caused the antibody mediated condition:

Donath Landsteiner Ab
increase Bili
decrease Haptoglobin
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the antibody mediated condition:

IgM antibody
Cold Agglutinin Titer +
increase Bili
decrease Haptoglobin
Cold Agglutinin Disease
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the antibody mediated condition:

IgG antibody
increase Bili
decrease Haptoglobin
Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the membrane defect condtx:

increase Osmotic fragility
increase MCHC
Hereditary spherocytes
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the membrane defect condtx:

Elliptocytes >15 - 100%
Hereditary elliptocytosis
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the membrane defect condtx:

Ham Test +
Sucrose hemolysis +
CD 55 --
CD 59 --
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the emz defect condtx:

decrease G6PD
Heniz bodies

cause by x-link disease

G6PD likes Heinz ketcup
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused the emz defect condtx:

decrease PK
no Heinz body
Pyruvate Kinase (PK) which is an emz inv w/ glycolysis
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused an increase/decrease production condtx

"Dry tap" BM
Hypocellular BM
decrease Retics
Aplastic anemia
with the lab findings, name the Anemia that caused an increase/decrease production condtx

Normal BM
increase Retics
Acute blood loss
if you were able to see a definitive Poikylocytes on smear (HBC crystals, sickle cells, SC crystals etc) on HGB electrophoresis, what kind of defect would this be
HGB defect
name the following Hereditary Condtx:

has ineffective killing of bacteria
Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)

name the following Hereditary Condtx:

has large Azurophilic granules

increase muco-poly-saccharides (Hunter, Hurler)
name the following Hereditary Condtx:

has large Lysosomes (Fusion of primary granules)
Chediak Higashi

increase susceptibility to infection
name the following Hereditary Condtx:

has large Platelets
decrease # of Dohle Bodies in segs, mono & lyphms
May Hegglin

does not affect leukocyte functions
name the following Hereditary Condtx:

has Hyposegmented Polys
Pelger Huet

normal function
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Myeloblast w/out diff
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Myeloblast w/ minimal maturation
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Myeloblast w/ maturation
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Promyelocyte (APL)

PRO series at level 3
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Myeloblast & monoblast (AMMoL)
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Monoblast (AMoL)
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

Erythrocytic series
what is the following AML has predominant cell seen

which of the following belongs to: Leukemoid reactions or CML

increase LAP
increase Toxic Granules
Dohle Bodies seen +
Philadelphia Chromosomes -- (neg)
which of the following belongs to: Leukemoid reactions or CML

decrease LAP
decrease Toxic Granules
Dohle Bodies neg
Philadelphia Chromosomes +
CML (chronic myelocytic leukemia)
which of the following belongs to:
Hodgkin vs Non Hodgkins

present: Reed Sternberg cell
incidence: bi-modal
spread: stepwise (predictable)
which of the following belongs to:
Hodgkin vs Non Hodgkins

absent: Reed Sternberg cell
incidence: NO PATTERN
spread: unpredictable
Non Hogkins
this test measures RBC surface: Volume ratio by using salt tolerance to help detect the following

increase Hereditary Spherocytosis
decrease in Thalassemia, Target cells
Osmotic fragility
this test measures complement mediated lysis that helps indicate the following

Ham's acid hemolysis which is a definitive test vs Sucrose hemolysis who is only a screen test
this test measures effect of complement (activated by sucrose) on RBC that helps indicate the following -- used for screen only

Sucrose hemolysis (sugar water)
this test measures effect of oxidizing agent on hemoglobin to help indicate the following

G6PD defncy
Unstable HGB
Heniz Body prep

formation triggered by Oxidants such a s Anti-Malarial Drugs, Fava Bean & Sulphur drugs
this test measures reduced solubility of deoxygenated HGB S that helps indicate the following

Sickle cell screen

reducing agent: Na Dithionate
this test measures resistance to fetal HGB to acid elution, that helps indicate

fetal maternal Hemorrhage
Hereditary persistence of Fetal HGB
Kleihauer Betke Acid Elution

cells w/ increase HGB F stain pink
normal adults cells = GHOST cells
this test measures migration of various HGB by indicating suspected hemoglobinopathies
HGB electrophoresis

may be performed at various pHs
this test measures presence of cold autoantibody that indicates the following

Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Cold agglutinin screen

IgM anitboy, Anti-I specificity
this test measures presence of Biphasic DL antibody by indicating the following

Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria
Donath Landsteiner Test

IgG antibody, Anti-P specificity
which one am I: Multiple Myeloma or Waldenstrom

Bone involvement: Yes
Serum Viscosity: +/--
Immunoglobulin: IgG (Bence Jones)
Multiple Myeloma
which one am I: Multiple Myeloma or Waldenstrom

Bone involvement: No (organ)
Serum Viscosity: INCREASE
Immunoglobulin: IgM (Heavy Chain)
name the Lysosome/Lipid Storage Disease

LAB ID: Macrophage
ACC LIPID: Glucocerebroside

macrophage Cytoplasm looks like an unfolded crumpled piece of paper
name the Lysosome/Lipid Storage Disease

LAB ID: Macrophage
ACC LIPID: Sphingo--myelin
Niemann Pick

macrophage has globular cytoplasm
sea blue histiocytes
name the Lysosome/Lipid Storage Disease

LAB ID: Vaculoated lymphocytes, Foam cells (BM)
ACC LIPID: Sphingo--lipids
Tay sach

diagnosed by increase Startle Reflex, Cherry Red spot in macular of eye & CNS studies
name the Lysosome/Lipid Storage Disease

LAB ID: large granules in Lymphocytes, Alder Reilly Bodies, also in Histiocytes & Lymphocytes (BM)
ACC LIPID: Muco-poly-saccharides
Hurler Hunter

unmetabolized products detected in urine (toluidine blue spot test)
which stain indicates glycogen and has significance in the following:

Erythroleukemia, ALL (Chunky +)
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)
which stain indicates Iron and has significance in the following:

Sideroblastic anemia
Prussian Blue
which stain indicates Alkaline phosphatse and has significance in the following:

increase Leukamoid Rtx
P. vera
decrease CML
which stain indicates Myeloperoxidase/Lipid and has significance in the following:

AML: M1 - M4 +
AML: M5 -
Peroxidase/Sudan Black
which stain indicates esterase in granulocyte precursors and has significance in the following:

AML: M1 - M4 +
AML: M5 --
Specific Esterase
which stain indicates non specific esterase in Monocyte precursors and has significance in the following:

AML: M4+
AML: M5++
(w/ Fluoride inhibition step, M5 --)
Non specific Esterase
which stain indicates tartrate resistant acid phosphatase and has significance in the following:

Hairy Cell Leukemia
which stain indicates abnormal granulocyte function and has significance in the following:

Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Abnormal NBT
which stain indicates coalition of 1 degree granules and has significance in the following:

ALL --
Auer rods
which stain indicates Myeloblasts and has significance in the following:

ALL --
CD 13
CD 33
which stain indicates T-lineage and has significance in the following:

B-ALL --
AML --
CD 2
CD 3
CD 5
CD 7
which stain indicates B-lineage and has significance in the following:

T-ALL --
AML --
CD 19
CD 22
which stain indicates chromosomes translocation inv Retinoic Acid Receptor Gene and has significance in the following:

Acute Progranulocytic Leukemia (AML M3)
treated w/ ATRA (ALL Trans Retinoic Acid)
t (15, 17)
which stain indicates steam cells and has significance in the following:

stem cells for transplantation
CD 34
which stain indicates Megakaryocytes and has significance in the following:

CD 42, CD 61
which stain indicates Monoblasts and has significance in the following:

CD 116
CD 14