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133 Cards in this Set

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increase in bacterial infections, is seen in which cell
neutrophil (50-70%)
increase in viral infections, is seen in which cell
lymphocyte (20-40%)
increase in TB, syphilis, malignancies, is seen in which cell
monocyte (3-10%)
increase in allergies, parasites & CML, is seen in which cell
eosinphils (0-3%)
increase in immediate hypersensitivity, CML, is seen in which cell
basophil (0-2%)

CML - baso & philly chrom +
which cell does the following functions: O2 transport to tissue + CO2, removal from tissue & cell nutrition
red cell
which two cell does the following functions: phagocytic response to bacteria
neutrophil & monocyte
which cell does the following functions: humoral & cell mediate immunity
which cell does the following functions: inflammatory response mediator
when eva WBC morphology, what morphology is associated with hypersegmented neutrophil
pernicious anemia
which WBC morphology is associated with hypo segmented neutrophils
pelger huet anomlay
pseduo pelger huet
which WBC morphology is associated with toxic granulation & vacuoles
bacterial infections
which WBC morphology is associated with dohle bodies (RNA)
bacterial infections
which WBC morph is associated with atypical lymphs (increase size & basophilia - RIGHT photo)
IM (epstein bar virus)
other viral infections
what abnormal RBC shape am I & where am i seen in
acanthocyte seen in:
abetalipoproteinemia (aka Bassen Kornzweig synd)
severe liver disease
this formation happens is cause by an alternative of lipids compstx & fluidity of the CM
what abnormal RBC shape am I & where am i seen in
echinocyte "burr cell" see in:
uremia - back up of urea ass w/ kidney failure
artifact (alkaline glass effect)
ass w/ malnutritx
uniform shapre
greek: urchin
"created RBC" cause HYPEROSMOTIC solutx
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
macro-ovalocyte seen in:
megaloblasic anemia
aka Megamacrocyte
inc cabot ring (figure 8)
what abnormal RBC shape am I & where am i seen in
helmet/horn (keratocyte) seen in hemolytic process
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
schistocyte (RBC fragments) seen in:
DIC and hemolytic process

aka bite cells - membrane damages cause by encountered during passage through the vessels
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
sickle cell (drepanocyte)/crescent shape seen in:
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
hereditary spherocytosis
(increase MCHC)
ABO/HDN and other hemolytic process
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
stomatocyte (mouth cell) seen in:
hereditary stomatocytosis (>50%)
liver disease

mouth part is cause by lost of indentation of one side
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
target cells (codocyte) seen in:
liver disease
HGB C (bar shaped)
other hemoglobinopathies
what abnormal RBC shape am I and where am i seen in
tear drop cell (dacryocyte) "pear shaped w/ tapered end/tennis racket seen in
extramedullary hematopoiesis
(myelofibrosis, myeloproliferative disorders, p. anemia, thalassemia )
what RBC inclusion am I and what does this indicate
howell jolly body indications:
disturbed erythropoiesis
hemolytic anemia
megaloblastic anemia
post splenectomy
B12 defncy
what RBC inclusion am I and what does this indicate
basophillic stippling indicates:
lead poisoning
what RBC inclusion am I and what does this indicate
pappenheimer bodies/siderotic granules (siderocyte) indicates:
sideroblastic anemia
hemoglobinopathies (severe anemia + thalassemia)
what RBC inclusion am I and what does this indicate
heniz bodies indicates:
G6PD defncy
unstable HGB
what RBC inclusion am I and what does this indicate
cabot ring indicates:
megaloblastic anemia (inc macrocytes)
what RBC inclusion am I and what does this indicate
parasites indicates:
PA infections
(pix shown is babesia)
if we are looking for this red cell inclusion, which stain would be used & what would the stain show

howell jolly body
wright and composed of DNA

note: baso stippling has RNA
if we are looking for this red cell inclusion, which stain would be used & what would the stain show

basophilic stippling
wright/new methylene blue (super viral stain) and composed of RNA

note: howell jolly body has DNA
if we are looking for this red cell inclusion, which stain would be used & what would the stain show

pappenheimer bodies/siderocytes
wright & prussian blue and composed of iron
if we are looking for this red cell inclusion, which stain would be used & what would the stain show

heniz body
super vital stain (ex: brillian cresyl blue/new methylene blue) composed of denature ppt HGB

NOT seen with wright stain
if we are looking for this red cell inclusion, which stain would be used & what would the stain show

cabot ring
wright composed of remnants of mitotic spindle
if we are looking for this red cell inclusion, which stain would be used & what would the stain show

wright and composed of ex: malaria, babesia and trypanosomes
which PA is infected by a mosquito
which PA is infected by a ticks
which PA is infected by a fleas
schuffer's granules are seen in which PA
Plasmodium vivax

these granules appear as orange to pink colored stippling throughout the red blood cell. They may not be visible when normal staining times are used. To detect these granules, the smears should be allowed to stain for three hours
what would be the lab results for cold agglutinin disease (CAD) and how would you rerun the sample
increase MCV
increase MCHC
decrease RBC count

warm sample and rerun
babesia is caused by
B. microti
tick: Ixodes dammini = tick fever
what RBC inclusion am I and where am i see
Auer rods are elongated, bluish-red rods composed of fused lysosomal granules seen in:
the cytoplasm of myeloblasts promyelocytes
monoblasts and
in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia
what structural mutations is for HGB B
Valine for Glutamic Acid (6th postx, beta chain)
what structural mutations is for HGB C
Lysin for Glutamic Acid (6th postx, beta chain)
for HGB D, who does it mostly effect and where does the HGB migrate to
east indian people
migrates with HGB S at 8.6
for HGB E, who does it mostly effect and where does the HGB migrate to
southeast asian people
migrates with HGB C and A2 at 8.6 (hypochromic, microcytic)

name 3 disease that has problems with heme
Fe defncy
Chronic Dz/Inflamtx
name 2 problem with globin conditions
name 3 antibody destruction conditions
Transfusion Rtx
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
name 3 RBC membrane defect conditions
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS)
Hereditary eilliptocytosis (HE)
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH): is a rare disease in which red blood cells break down earlier than normal. Persons with this disease have blood cells that are missing a gene called PIG-A. This gene allows a substance called glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) to help certain proteins stick to cells.
name 2 emz defncy conditions
Pyruvate kinase (PK)
name 2 conditions that indicates decrease in blood production and loss
Aplastic anemia
Acute blood loss
name some hemoglobinopathies condtx
HGB S, C, etc
name 2 megaoblastic maturation condtx
B12 defncy
Folate defncy
name 1 non-megaloblastic maturation condtion
liver disease
name two problems when MCV be microcytic (low) in HGB/HCT
problem with heme
problem with globin
name two problems when MCV be macrocytic (high) in HGB/HCT
megaloblastic maturation & nonmegaloblastic maturation
what is the condition that has the following lab results:

decrease Fe
decrease Saturation
increase TIBC
iron defncy
what is the condition that has the following lab results:

decrease in Fe
decrease in TIBC
chronic disease/inflamtx

decrease Fe and decrease Saturation
INCREASE TIBC = iron defncy
what is the condition that has the following lab results:

baso stippling
increase blood lead level
increase FEP
lead poisoning
what is the condition that has the following lab results:

Fe normal
TIBC normal
increase A2
increase F
thalassemia trait
what is the condition that has the following lab results:

decrease B12
decrease Retics
oval macrocytes
hypersegemented polys
howell jolly bodies (HJ)
B12 defncy
what is the conditions with the following lab results:

Anti-IF + (intrinsic factor)
increase MMA (methylmanoic acid)
increase homocysteine
Normal Schilling Test with IF
Pernicious anemia

is a chronic illness caused by impaired absorption of vitamin B-12 because of a lack of intrinsic factor (IF) in gastric secretions.
B12 has a coemz that uses this conversion _______ to _______
methylmalonyl CoA to succinyl
what is the condition with the following lab results:

decrease serum/erythrocyte folate levels
oval macrocytes
Anti-IF --
decrease Retics
hypersegmented polys
increase homocysteine
HJ bodies
folate defncy
what is the condition with the following lab results

increase liver emz
target cells
round macrocytes
liver dz/alki
what is the condition with the following lab results:
Donath landsteiner Ab

AB mediated: increase in bili
decrease haptoglobin
what is the condition with the following lab results:

IgM Ab
Cold Agglutinin Titer +
Cold agglutinin disease, aggregates disappear after the sample is warmed at 37°C
what is the condition with the following lab results:
Donath landsteiner Ab

AB mediated: increase in bili
decrease haptoglobin
what is the condition with the following lab results:

IgM Ab
Cold Agglutinin Titer +
Cold agglutinin disease, aggregates disappear after the sample is warmed at 37°C
what is the condition ass with the following lab results
IgG Ab

AB mediated: increase bili
decrease haptogloblin
what is the condtx ass with the following lab results:

increase OSMO
increase MCHC
hereditary spherocytosis

hallmark: microspherocyte, loss of membrane surface, abn of and intact spleen w/ an intrinsic membrane protein defect = abn RBC morph = cytoskeleton instability
what is the condtx ass with the following lab results:

elliptocytes >15 to 100 %
hereditary elliptocytosis
what is the condition ass with the following lab results:

Ham test +
Sucrose hemolysis +
CD 55 --
CD 59 --
what is the condition ass with the following lab results:

decrease G6PD
heniz bodies
G6PD defncy
what is the condtx ass w/ the following lab results:

decrease PK
NO heniz bodies
pyruvate kinase (PK) defncy
what is the condtx ass w/ the following lab results:

dry tape bone marrow
hypocellular BM
decrease retics
aplastic anemia
is a syndrome of bone marrow failure characterized by peripheral pancytopenia and marrow hypoplasia, and mild macrocytosis is observed in association with stress erythropoiesis and an elevated fetal hemoglobin levels.
what is the condtx ass w/ the following lab results:

normal BM
increase retics
acute blood loss
what is this
dohle bodies: blue cytoplasmic inclusion that rep remnants of rough endoplasmic reticulum from earlier maturational stages

ass w/ "left shifts" and conjtx w/ toxic granules
name something that PK defncy (pyruvate kinase) will do that will cause it to become hemolytic anemia
PK defncy will rapidly become def in ATP and can undergo hemolysis that then results in hemolytic anemia
Osmo frag measures what and is a test that indicates this
RBC surface: volume ration

increase in Hereditary Spherocytosis
decrease in Thalassemia
decrease in Target cells
Ham's/Acid's hemolysis measures what and is a test that indicates this
complement mediated lysis

PNH (definitive)
Sucrose hemolysis (sugar water) measures what and is a test that indicates this
effect on Complement (activated by sucrose) on RBC

PNH (screen only)
Ham/Acid is definitive
Heniz body prep (supervital stain) measures what and is a test that indicates this
effect of Oxidizing agent on HGB

G6PD defncy, unstable HGB, HGB H
formation triggered by Oxidants (anti-malaria drugs, fava beans and sulphur drugs)
Sickle cell screen measures what and is a test that indicates this
reduce Solubility of deoxygenate

HGBS w/ Na Dithionate (reducing agent)
Kleihauer Berke Acid Elution measures what and is a test that indicates this
resistance of Fetal HGB to Acid Elution

fetal maternal hemorrhage, hereditary persistence of fetal HGB
HGB Electrophoresis measures what and is a test that indicates this
migration of various HGB

suspect HGB-pathies
Cold Agglutinin screen measures what and is a test that indicates this
presence of Cold AutoAB

cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia

IgM Ab, Anti-I specificity
Donath Landsteiner Test measures what and is a test that indicates this
presence of biphasic DL antibody

paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria

IgG Ab, Anti-P specificity
which WBC disease has the following characteristics:
large azurophillic granules
Alder Reilly

increase in Mucopolysaccharides
(Hunger, Hurler)
which WBC disease has the following characteristics:

large lysosomes (fusion of primary granules)
Chediak Higashi

albinism (lack of pigment)
increase susceptibility to infection
abn gene fail to release granules for bacterial infection - inherit auto recess
which WBC disease has the following characteristics:
Large platelets
decrease # Dohle bodies in segs
Mono and Lymphs
May Hegglin

does not affect leukocyte functions
which WBC disease has the following characteristics:

Hyposegmented polys
Pelger Huet

normal function
which condtx characterizes the following lab results:

LAP increase
Toxic granulation increase
Dohle bodies - present
Philadelphia chromosome - not present
Leukemoid reactions are characterized by blasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes in the peripheral blood.

Leukemoid reactions may be secondary to benign or malignant conditions.

The WBC count is often in a range of 50.0-100.0 x10 9/L.
which condtx characterizes the following lab results:

LAP decrease
Toxic granulation decrease
Dohle bodies - not present
Philadelphia chromosome - present

p. chrom is due to abn chrom creating a new gene. bld cell swapping = creates extra short chrom 22: PA chrom/extra long chrom 9
which of the following Lymphoma is characterized with the following lab results:

Reed Sternberg cell: present
Incidence: bi-modal
Spread: stepwise (predictable)
Hodgkin lymphoma
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M0), which PO cell are seen
M0: myeloblast w/out differentiation
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M0), which PO cell are seen
M0: myeloblast w/out differentiation
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M1), which PO cell are seen
M1: myeloblast w/ minimal maturatx
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M2), which PO cell are seen
M2: myeloblast w/ maturatx

Bone marrow smear from a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation showing several blasts with prominent nucleoli, a promyelocyte, and a myelocyte. Two of the blasts contain prominent Auer rods. (Wright-Giemsa stain)
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias, which PO cell are seen
M2: myeloblast w/ maturatx

Bone marrow smear from a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation showing several blasts with prominent nucleoli, a promyelocyte, and a myelocyte. Two of the blasts contain prominent Auer rods. (Wright-Giemsa stain)
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M1), which PO cell are seen
M1: myeloblast w/ minimal maturatx
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M3), which PO cell are seen
M3: Promyelocyte (APL)
which Acute myeloid leukemia has the following PO cell seen
M4: myeloblast and monoblast (AMMOL)
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M3), which PO cell are seen
M3: Promyelocyte (APL)
in Acute Myeloid Leukemias (M4), which PO cell are seen
M4: myeloblast and monoblast
which Acute myeloid leukemia (M6) has the following PO cell seen
M6: Erythrocyte series
which Acute myeloid leukemia (M7) has the following PO cell seen
M7: Megakarocyte
which of the condition has the following characteristics

Bone involvement: yes
Serum viscosity +/-
Immunoglobin: IgG (Bence-Jones)
Multiple myeloma
which of the condition has the following characteristics

Bone involvement: no (organ)
Serum viscosity: increase
Immunoglobin: IgM (heavy chain)
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia demonstrating excess mature lymphocytes, lymphoplasmacytic cells and plasma cells
Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

ALL ("chunky" +)
Prussian blue a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

Sideroblastic anemia

Prussian blue stain for iron
Nuclei, hemofuschin—bright red
LAP a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests (3)
Alkaline phosphatase

increase Leukemoid Reaction
P. vera
decrease CML
Peroxidase/Sudan Black a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

AML M1 - M4 +
AML M5 --
ALL --
Specific Esterase a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Esterase in Granulocyte precursors

AML M1 - M4 +
AML M5 --
Non Specific Esterase a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Non Specific Esterase in Monocyte Precursors
TRAP a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase

Hairy cell leukemia
Hairy cells are characterized by their fine, irregular pseudopods and immature nuclear features. Bone marrow aspiration is often unsuccessful because of complete infiltration by hairy cells, resulting in a dispersed spongy web of cells in an increased meshwork of reticulin fiber.
Abnormal NBT a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Abnormal granulocyte function

Chronic Granulomatous Disease
Auer Rods a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Coalition of 1 degree granules

ALL --
CD 13, CD 33 a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

ALL --
CD 2, 3, 5, 7 a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests (3)

B-ALL --
AML --
CD 10, 19, 22 a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

T-ALL --
AML --
t (15, 17) a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Chromosome Translocation inv Retinoic Acid Receptor Gene

Acute Progranulocytic Leukemia (AML M3) Treat w/ ATRA (ALL Trans Retinoic Acid)
CD 34 a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests
Stem cells

Stem cells for transplant
CD 42, 61 a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

CD 116, 14 a stain/cell marker indicates this ______ and is important for the following tests

AML M4 and AML M5
which of the lysosome/lipid storage disease is shown

is a genetic disease in which a fatty substance (lipid) accumulates in cells and certain organs. Gaucher's disease is the most common of the lysosomal storage diseases. It is caused by a hereditary deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase (also known as acid β-glucosidase). The enzyme acts on a fatty substance glucocerebroside (also known as glucosylceramide). When the enzyme is defective, the substance accumulates, particularly in cells of the mononuclear cell lineage. Fatty material can collect in the spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs, brain and bone marrow.
which of the following lysosome/lipid storage disease is shown
Tay Sach
Gaucher disease has which accumulated lipid _____ with what lab results are usually seen

Lab ID: macrophage
macrophage cytoplasm looks like an unfolded crumpled piece of paper
Niemann-Pick disease has which accumulated lipid _____ with what lab results are usually seen

Lab ID: macrophage
macrophage has globular cytoplasm - sea blue histiocytes

Neimann-Pick is a disease in which excess material is stored inside cells (metabolic storage disease). These cells are referred to as "foam cells" because of their foamy or soap-suds appearance.
Tay-Sach disease has which accumulated lipid _____ with what lab results are usually seen
Spingo-lipids (GM2 ganglioside: nerves cells in brain leading to premature death cells)

Lab ID: vacuolated lymphocytes, foam cells (BM)

diagnosed by increase Startle Reflex, Cherry Red Spot in Macuala of Eye & CNS studies
Huerler, Hunter disease has which accumulated lipid _____ with what lab results are usually seen
Mucopolysaccharides (bd of by products: dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate

Lab ID: large granules in lymphocytes (Alder Reilly Bodies)
Histiocytes and Lymphocytes (BM)