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201 Cards in this Set

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Excreatory System
filters liquid waste from the blood, stores it, and gets rid of it; your body's waste removal system
filters liquid waste from blood; help maintain proper levels of salts and water in the body
Connects kidney to bladder
stores liquid waste (urine)
takes urine out of the body
Digestive System
takes in food, breaks it down to use for energy, growth, and repair, then gets rid of solid waste
takes in food
grinds up food
Salivary Gland (saliva)
add enzymes to food for digestion, moistens food
taste food, helps with swallowing and mixing food
tube that connects mouth to stomach
muscular contraction that pushes food down the esophagus
stores food, mixes it up for 1-3 hours
food plus gastric juices
produces bile (breaks down fat)
Gall Bladder
stores bile
Small Intestine
as food passes through nutrients are absorbed into the body; a coiled tubelike organ that is about 20 ft. long
large intestine (colon)
reabsorbes H2O from chyme
stores solid waste (feces)
muscle that holds waste in
Nervous System
takes in information, sorts, stores, and uses it; your body's message and controll center
Nerve Cell
neuron (no definition)
Cell Body
nerve cell
takes messages to cells
takes messages from the cells
main organ of the nervous system (no definition)
movement, thinking, senses
balance, coordination, posture
Brain Stem
heartbeat, breathing, digestion
Spinal Cord
connects body to brain
Endocryne System
chemicals that controll body structures and functions
Contains ACTH, TSH, Gonnadtropic, and Somatropic hormones; a gland that signals other endocryne glands to produce hormones when needed; master gland
Thyroxin hormone
Thymus hormone
Pineal hormone
Parathyroid hormone
Contains Corticosteroids, Adrenaline
Islets of Langerhans
produces hormones in the pancreas
Islets of Langerhans
Insulin hormone
(ovaries and testes)
estrogen, progesterone
Estrogen and Progesterone
female sex characteristics
testosterone hormone
male sex characteristics
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
controls adrenal gland
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
controls Thyroid gland
Gonadtropic Hormone
stimulates the Gonads to function
growth hormone
controls metabolism
starts immune system
daily rhythms and sexual development
regulates level of calcium in our blood
salt and water balance, metabolism, immune system
increases heart rate and breathing when under pressure
sugar level in the blood
Integumentary System
protects us from germs, regulates our body temperature, holds in body fluids
outside, dead, layer of skin
living layer of skin
Sweat Gland
rids body of fluids and salts, cools body, found in the dermis
Hair follicles
helps regulate body temperature, found in the dermis
Oil Gland
keeps skin and hair soft and supple found in the dermis
Nerve Endings
feelings: pain pressure, hot, cold, found in the dermis
Subcutaneous Layer of Fat
Insulates, keeps us warm and energy supply
Reproductive System
reproduce our species
holds eggs and produces hormones
Fallopian Tubes
Connects ovary to uterus
if the egg is fertalized the fetus develops here
neck of the uterus that opens for child birth
birth canal, leads to uterus
produce testosterone and sperm
sperm mature here
sack that holds testes and regulates their temperature
Vas Deferens
connects epididimus to urethra
Seminal Vesicle, Cowper's Gland, and Prostate Gland
together with sperm makes semen, protects the sperm, nourishes, and lubricates
tube that takes semen out of the body
Central Nervous System (CNS)
The brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Nerves that connect the central nervous system to all parts of the body
Somatic System
The part of the nervous system that deals with actions that you control
Autonomic System
A system dealing with actions you do not control
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
A condition caused by the Braun being jarred and striking the inside of the skull
Specialized nerve cells
Physical activity
Any form of bodily movement that uses up energy
The smooth and effective working togetherof your muscles and bones
The feeling of stability and control over your body
Units of heat that measure the energy available in foods
Physical fitness
The ability to handle the physical demand of everyday life without becoming overly tired
Planned physical activity done regularly to build or maintain one's fitness
Aerobic excersise
Rhythmic, non stop, moderate to vigorous activity that requires large announts of oxygen
Anaerobic excersise
Intense physical activity that requires little oxygen but uses short bursts of energy
Heart and lung (cardiovascular) endurance
A measure of how efficiently your heart and lungs work when you exercise and how quickly they return to normal when you stop
Muscle strength
A measure of the most weight you can lift or the most force you can exert at one time
Muscle endurance
A measure if of a muscle's ability to repeatedly exert a force over a prolonged period of time
The ability of your body's joints to move easily through a full range of motion
Body composition
The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, such as bone muscle and fluid
The passing of traits from parents to their children
Cross training
Switching between different activities and excercises on different days
FITT principle
A meathod for safely increasing aspects of your workout without injuring yourself
Frequency, intensity, time, type
FITT principle
Resting heart rate
the number of times your heart beats pr minute when you are relaxing
target heart rate
the range of numbers between which your heart and lungs recieve the most benefit from a workout
warm up
a period of low to moderate excercise to prepare your body for more vigorous activity
period of low to moderate excercise to prepare your body to end a workout session
a regular activity and excersise that prepares a person for a sport
protect, rest, ice, compress, and elevate
PRICE formula
condition caused by excesive water loss
heat exhaustion
an overheating of the body that can result from dehydration
the process of changing food into materials the body can use
proteins that effect the many body processes
the process of removing wastes from the body
an addictive drug found in tobacco leaves and in all tobacco products
capable of causing a user to develop intense cravings
a thick, oily, dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns
carbon monoxide
poisonous, colorless, odorless gas
smokeless tobacco
ground tobacco that is chewed or inhaled through the nose
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
a condition in which passages in the lungs become swollen and irritated, eventually losing their elasticity
cardiovascular disease
a disease of the heart and blood vessels
a process in which the body needs more and more of a drug to get the same effect
physical dependance
type of addiction in which the body itself feels a direct need for a drug
psycological dependance
an addiction in which the mind sends the body a message that it needs more of a drug
physical and psycological reactions that occur when someone stops using an addictive substance
secondhand smoke
enviromental tobacco smoke
sidestream smoke
smoke that comes directly from a burning cigarette, pipe, or cigar
mainstream smoke
smoke that is exhaled by a smoker
passive smoker
a nonsmoker who breathes in secondhand smoke
negative peer pressure
pressure you feel to go along with harmful behaviors or beliefs of others your age
a group of cells or an organ that secretes a hormone
the male sex cell
the release of one mature egg cell each month
when the lining material, the unfertalized egg, and some blood flow out of the body
mentrual cycle
hormonal changes that occur in females from the beginning of one menstruation to the next
substances in food that your body needs
the study of nutrients and how the body uses them
the psycological desire for food
the body's physical need for food
sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants
the parts of fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans that your body cannot digest
nutrients your body uses to build, repair, and maintain cells and tissues
saturated fats
fats that are solid at room temperature; found in meat and dairy products
unsaturated fats
fats that remain liquid at room temperature; mainly come from plants
substances that help your body fight infections and use other nutrients, among other jobs
elements that help form healthy bones and teeth, and regulate certain body processes
a unit of heat that measures the energy available in food
empty calorie foods
foods that offer few, if any, nutrients but do supply calories
nutrient density
the ammount of nutrients relative to the number of calories they provide
a drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and grains
drugs that slow down the body's functions and reactions
reaction time
the ability to respond quickly and appropraitely to situations
a person's mental and physical abilities have been impared by alcohol
blood alcohol content (BAC)
a measure of the ammount of alcohol present in a person's blood
alcohol poisoning
a dangerous condition that results when a person drinks excessive ammounts of alcohol over a short period of time
a condition in which the body doesn't get the nutrients it needs to grow and function properly
fatty liver
a condition in which fat builds up in the liver and can not be broken down
a disease characterized by scarring and eventually destruction of the liver
binge drinking
the ocnsumption of a large quantity of alcohol in a very short period of time
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
a group of alcohol related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems
physical or psycological need for a drug
a progressive, chronic disease involving a mental and physical need for alcohol
persons who create an atmosphere suitable for alcoholics
substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind
prescription medicines
medicines that can be sold only with a written order from a physician
over the counter medicines
medicines that are safe enough to be taken without a written order from a physician
drug misuse
taking or using medicine in a way that is not intended
side effect
any effect of a medicine other than the one intended
drug abuse
intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal
specific drugs that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain
feeling of wellbeing or elation
withdrawl symptoms
symptoms that occur after chronic use of a drug is reduced or stopped
drugs that speed up activity in the human brain and spinal cord
when a drug is taken repeatedly and at increasingly high doses
drug that distorts moods, thoughts, and senses
any substance whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to produce mind altering sensations
the physical process of freeing the body of an addicitive substance
withdrawl symptoms like headaches, increased chance of stroke because of lack of oxygen to the brain
short and long term effect of tobacco on the nervous system
more mucus or phlegm, and athsma is more likely. Lung cancer, emphysema and other lung diseases are also more common
short and long term effects of tobacco on the respiratory system
upset stomach, dulled taste buds, tooth decay, cancers of the mouth and gums
short and long term effects of tobacco on the digestive system
heartrate increases, energy decreases, cholesteral levels increase
short and long term effects of tobacco on the circulatory system
height, weight, gender
three things that effect the way alcohol effects the body
liver, one drink
this organ processes this many drinks per hour
___oz of beer=___oz of wine=___oz of liquor
openings in the skin
a blocked and infected pore
spinal cord
reflexes are handled by this organ
sensory, connecting, motor
three types of neurons
nutrient that builds, repairs, and maintains cells and tissues
help form bones and teeth, and needed to regulate body processes
the most common nutrients
vitamin C
substances that help fight infection and use other nutrients
fat soluable
vitamins stored in body fat
water soluable
vitamins that cannot be stored in the body
fat soluable vitamins
B complex and C
water soluable vitamins
solid, animals, bad
saturated fats are____ at room temp; their main source is from ___; and it is ___ cholesteral
liquid, plants, good
unsaturated fats are____ at room temp; their main source is from ___; and it is ___ cholesteral
water, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats
seven nutrients
liver, eggs, green vegetables, whole grain
four good sources of vitamins
calcium, phosphorus, iron
three minerals used by the body
simple, sugar
____carbohydrates come from ___
complex, starch
____ (c)carbohydrates come from ___
high density lippoprotein (HDL)
good cholesteral
protein, carbohydrates
two nutrients that give us energy
solid waste