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55 Cards in this Set

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What are the psychological effects of exercise?
It increases self-esteem and decreases state anxiety
What does exercise do to a women’s mortality?
Women who exercise have about the same rate of all-cause mortality as do men who exercise
Women who consistently exercise in physical exercise in physical activity can lower their risk of death from?
Cardiovascular disease
Organic Fitness is determined by
Inherent characteristic of the body
Dr. Cooper maintains that an optimum level of cardiovascular fitness can be attained by?
Jogging or running three miles a day for 5 days a week
Pushing muscles hard against an immovable object is an example of ___________ exercise?
Isometric exercise
8. If you are satisfied with your upper body but you want to lose weight on your hip what kind of exercise would you do?
Understand that spot reduction does not work
9. If you are satisfied with your upper body but you want to work on your thighs what is a good exercise for you?
a) does leg lifts.
b) jogs 3 or 4 miles a week.
c) diets and jogs regularly.
d) jogs while wear a rubber warm-up suit on her legs.

e) none of these strategies will allow her to reduce her thighs alone.
What gender benefits more with exercise?
Women and men benefit about equally from physical activity
A person binges but doesn’t purge what does she probably suffer from?
Binge eating disorder
Which disease is most likely described lack of impulsive control?
What are the characteristics of bulimics?
a) Recurrent episodes of binge eating
b) A sense of lack of control over eating
c) Inappropriate drastic measures to compensate for the binge
d) Eat huge quantities of food in an uncontrolled manner and then get rid of it by vomiting.

E) They look very normal
People who ______ lose weight may experience benefits, people who ______ lose weight are increased risk for health problems
intentionally, unintentionally
What is the association with exercise and losing weight?
Exercise alone is sufficient for weight loss
What weight loss program is likely to have the greatest problem for relapse?
Diet, because they don't work
The positive weight incentive model of weight control, people?
Eat for pleasure
Research shows there is a positive relationship between obesity and?
A) high blood pressure
B) Nonfatal heart disease
C) Diabetes
D) Gallbladder disease

E) All of the above
Amphetamines are?
Anabolic steroids do what?
Decrease body fat and increase muscle mass
From the stomach, food digest passes into the
Small intestine
22. Hormones and neurotransmitters that signal hunger and satiation have receptors in the brain, especially in the?
The set point concept assumes that?
A type of internal thermostat that regulates weight and makes fluctuations in either direction difficult, and the hormone leptin may be part of that regulation
During the past 20 years, Americans have reduce the percent of calories obtained from dietary fat and
They have increased their sugar consumption
With regard to eating and metabolism, research has shown that?
Both overeating and undereating can change metabolism
When the participants in the starvations study were re-fed at the end of the starvation phase they?
Many of them gained more weight than they had lost
Between high school and college students who has the most alcohol consumption?
What is the main goal for AA?
Complete abstinence
29. The observation that people in different cultures have different beliefs about alcohol’s effect tend to support?
The social learning model
What is a positive condition related to light and moderate alcohol consumption?
Decreased heart disease.
Heavy consumption of alcohol may affect pregnancy by?
- Alcohol reduces fertility (p.384 - both)
- The increased risk of developmental problems for the fetus. The most severe form is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
In the US, people of this ethnic background have the highest rate of binge drinking and heavy drinking?
Native Americans
Since 1980, the per capita consumption of alcohol in the US has?
A history of social attitudes toward drunkenness reveals that?
Drunkenness has always been unacceptable except for special occasions
Alcohol consumption in the US reached its peak during?
The early 1800's
36. Compared to children from less wealthy families, children from wealthy families are at ____ risk for drug and alcohol problems?
Smokers who are most likely to quit are?
Those who have supports from their therapist and their families
Research suggests that nicotine gum is
Less effective than other forms of Nicotine replacement
39. Randy has been smoking for 20 years and enjoys the smell of cigarette smoke. The smell of burning cigarette would be?
Among 9-to 14 year old children, who is more likely to smoke for weight control?
What factors are the most common to addicted smokers?
A) They never leave home or the office without checking their supply of cigarettes
B) They give very accurate replies when asked about how long it has been since their last cigarette
C ) They are aware of the fact that they are not smoking

D) All of the above
42. If someone starts smoking at 14 years old, and has smokes 200 cigarettes in their life what should they know?
Quitting now will be quite difficult
Nicotine is?
- Extremely toxic in large doses, but its harmful effects on smokers are hard to measure, because its level in commercial cigarettes varies
- Has addictive properties
Is nicotine addictive?
At 16 a young girls wants to lose weight. She is a risk for?
An eating disorder
In the US, the age range with the lowest mortality rate?
Children between 5-9 have the lowest death rate of any group
Which age group has the highest rate of death from unintentional injuries?
Young people ages 15-24
Almost half of all unintentional deaths in the US are from?
Motor vehicle crashes
50. If a young woman has been a victim of sexual assault when she was younger she is more likely to become?
If you were an athlete in college but have not exercise since what kind of fitness would you have?
Organic Fitness
Among high school students, participants in risky behaviors is most dependant on?
Alcohol, drugs, sexual behavior, etc.
An example of the influence of health-consciousness on a national policy level is the ________________ report that included both broad and specific goals. The broad goals included increasing the span of healthy life and reducing health disparities among Americans.
Healthy People 2010
If the people of the US can increase their span of healthy life, they they will have
Increases their number of well years
the term well year refers to
A year of life free from health-related problems
Health expectancy
The portion of life that a person spends free from disability
The greatest challenge facing the health care system in the United States is
Escalating costs