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111 Cards in this Set

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any planned combination of educational, political, environmental, regulatory or organizational mechanisms that support actions and conditions of living conducive to the health of individuals, groups and communities
health promotion
the process of reducing risks and alleviating disease to promote, preserve, and restore health and minimize suffering and distress
disease prevention
what is disease prevention
what to do to decrease risk of disease
what does HP want to increase
well being and actualize human potential
what does DP have the desire to do
actively avoid illness and maintain equilibrium
what is not specific about HP
attempt to depict the multidemensional nature of ppl interacting with the environment
health promotion model
what does the HP model enable us to do
try and figure out why ppl do what they do
req'd for HP model
direct nsg interventions
how are goals accomplished
health education
social marketing
an activity that seeks to inform the individual on the nature and causes of health/illness and that individual's personal level of risk associated with their lifestyle behavior
health education
dynamic process that results in the ability to change a behavior
the hardest to teach
attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and values
affective learning
where is the affective domain learned from
role models
knowledge, intellectual ability
cognitive domain
what does the cognitive domain involve
thought processes
characteristics of the cognitive domain
thought processes
learning new facts
learned by practice
psychomotor domain
characteristics of psychomotor domain
learned by practice
easy to teach
need to be capable
assessment of pt should include what
need to learn
readiness to learn
ability to learn
what are the barriers to learning
what are the internal barriers to learning
px (pain, fever, age)
social (prior education, culture)
psychological (stres, anxiety, motivation)
what are the external barriers to learning
px environment (noise, distractions)
teaching methods (learning style)
iatrogenic hlth education disease
prime for education
PG women
why is stress a good and bad thing when learning
need some to learn but too much is bad
needs, drives, and impulses that cause behavior
what does the learner need
feel ready to learn and a need to
when teaching, what should be taught
behaviors that need to be changed
info needed to make the change
strategies for teaching
give yourself enough time
teach at q opportunity
use as many senses
repeat info diff ways and levels
just the facts
to the point
present, emphasize, summarize
% of ppl that remember what they read
% of ppl that remember what they hear
% of ppl that remember what they see
% of ppl that remember what they see and hear
% of ppl that remember what they say or write
what are some implementation strategies
abstraction levels
client assessment
px limitations to learning
what are some vision limitations to learning
large print
audio tapes
magnifying glass
brighter lights
computers that talk
hearing limitations
computer programs
captioned videos/dvds
hearing aids
read lips
what is involved in the educational ability
literacy abilities
picture books
appropriate computer programs
word use
reading level
language ability
foreign language materials
picture books
learn the language
with the onset of nausea, diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disturbances, consult your physician
college readin level
if you experience nause, diarrhea, or other stomach or bowel problems, call your physician
12th grade
if you start having nausea, loose bowel movements, or other stomach or bowel problems call your doctor immediately
8th grade
if you start having an upset stomach, or loose bowel movements, call you doctor right away
4th grade
evaluation includes what
evaluation over cognitive
test over material
evaluation over affective domain
observe behavior
evaluation over psychomotor domain
return demonstration
observe behavior
evaluation of self should include what
your performance
your program
your materials
have others evaluate you
application of commercial marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, execution and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences in order to improve their personal welfare or that of society
social marketing
what does social marketing do
get ppl to change their habits by marketing
ex of social marketing
tv ads
enabling individuals or communities to acquire the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and allowing individuals or communities to make those decisions
what is needed to be empowered
freedom to act on knowledge
what is the nurse role in empowering
provide knowledge
be a resource
let community/individual make the decision
characteristics of knowledge
need to know as much and more than pt
up to date
appropriate for age group
read popular mags, watch tv
seeking knowledge and changing behavior to be healthy
health promotion
published by the US dept of agriculture
dietary guidelines
how often are the dietary guidelines updated
5 years
what is missing in the 2010 guidelines
food pyramid
what does the dietary guidelines include
5 focus areas
25 general recommendations
used to dx obesity
what is the BMI
ratio between height and weight
formula for BMI
wt x 705
divided by ht in inches two times
healthy BMI
under 25
obese BMI
over 30
overweight BMI
sodium intake/day
less than 2300mg
calories from saturated fatty acids
less than 10%
dietary cholesterol consumption/day
less than 300mg
what trio of foods should be limited
refined grains
solid fat
ETOH drinks for women
ETOH drinks for men
what is 10% of calories from fat for women
what is 10% of calories from fat for men
how much is less than 2300 mg of sodium
1 tsp of salt
what is salt used as
preservative and thickening agent
foods and nutrients that should be increased
1/2 daily grains should be whole grain
FF or reduced fat dairy
oils to replace solid fats
what should be used to replace solid fats
how much daily grains should be whole grain
should be followed for preparation and eating
food safety guidelines
knowledge needed to prevent or detect early disease
disease prevention
#2 cause of death
risk factors for brst cancer
being female
getting older
what puts a woman at higher risk for brst cancer
personal hx of brst or ovarian Ca
relative with brst Ca b4 menopause
brst ca screening guidelines for women 40 or older
yearly mamo
yearly CBE
monthly SBE
BC screening guidelines for women 20-39
CBE q3yrs
monthly SBE
risk factors for cervical cancer
HPV exposure
early sexual activity
multiple partners
weak immune system
accounts for 25% of cervical cancer cases
women 65 and older
immunizations for cervical Ca
girls and boys 11-12 before sexual activity
when should screening begin for cervical cancer
3 yrs after intercourse but no later than 21 and then yearly
what happens after the age of 30 with pap smears for cervical Ca
if 3 paps are normal then go to q2-3yrs
colorectal cancer risk factors
personal hlth hx
family hx
tobacco use
have the highest rectal cancer risk
african americans
when should screening begin for colorectal cancer if the individual does not have sx or family hx
at age 50
why are regular screenings important for colorectal cancer
sx are silent
done annually for CRC
fecal occult blood test
done every 5 yrs for CRC
flexible sigmoidoscopy
done every 10 yrs for CRC
done annually for CRC
digital rectal exam
what is the gold standard for checking for CRC
risk factors for prostate cancer
older age
relative with hx
high fat diet
screening guidelines for prostate Ca
begin at age 50
yrly PSA blood test
yrly digital rectal exam
when should screening for prostate cancer begin if at increased risk
age 45
prevention to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors
responsible sexual activity
avoid tobacco
eat fruits and veggies
maintain hlthy wt
what is your best protection
early detection