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95 Cards in this Set

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diet is cause of how many deaths?
2/3 of all related - heart 29%, cancer 22, cerebrovascular 7, diabetes 3
six essential nutrients
carbs, protein, fats/lipids, vitamins, minerals, water
carbs (simple/complex), protein, fats (sat, unsat)
vitamins, minerals, water
soluble v. insoluble (water, fat). protects against cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease
mediterranean diet
large amount fo olive oil, little to no red meat
healthy eating pyramid
more traditional, oils on bottom
low-fat diet
less than 10% calories from fat, 75% carbs, avoid simple sugars
low-carb diet
atkins, south beach - high protein, low carb
benefits of exercise
bone mass, body image, mental/emo well-being, cardiorespiratory fitness, immune system, longevity/quality of life,weight/stress management
to maintain health and reduce chronic disease risk:
moderate cardio 30 min per day, 5 days per week OR vigorous cardio 20min 3 days per week AND 8-10 strength training exercises
to lose weight/maintain weight loss:
60-90 min may be necessary
physical fitness health components
muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance
principles of phys training
specificity: exercises spec designed for a certain component
progressive overload: body adapts, when amt is progrssively increased, fitness continues to improve
FITT principle
women and exercise
less lean body weight, half as strong in upper body, two thirds as strong in lower body
obesity rates
doubled in last 30 y, 1/3 of American adults, costs $117 billion p y, females cost $495 higher
factors influencing weight
genetics, metabolism, culture, environ, socioeconomic status, behavior
Determining healthy weight
Body Mass Index, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio
recommended percentage body fat
women: 21-32%
men: 8-19%
losing weight
unhealthy: yo-yo dieting, diet pills, fad diets, hunger/starvation
healthy: caloric input<caloric output, increase BMR thru exercise, keep food log
energy balance
energy expenditure=energy intake
what is body image?
how we perceive our bodies visually, how we feel about physical appearance, our sense of how others view our bodies, our level of connection to our bodies
development of body image
74% of normal weight college women think about weight/appearance all the time or frequently
development of body image
factors of influence: family history of disorders, comments from friends fam, exposure to images of ideal bodies, frequent comparison to other bods, physical activity, abuse, discrimination
negative body image
distorted perception of size and shape, feeling of shame and anxiety, assoc size shape with personal failure, low self-esteem, depression, sexual dysfunction, dieting eating disorders
positive body image
realistic perception, enjoy body as is, separate physical appearance from personal value, understand healthy comes in different sizes, dont spend unreasonable amts of time worrying about food
how to boost body image
broaden perspective of health and beauty, de emphasize numbers, stop comparing, accept body type, nurture self
eating disorders
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder
risk factors for developing eating disorders
young age (college) men on rise, middle to upper class, low self esteem and perfectionism, ocd depression anxiety
characteristics of anorexia
rigid dieting and extreme weight loss,distorted body image, rituals with food/exercise, panic after small weight gain, rigid control discipline, preoccupation with food, preparation, others eating
anorexia health problems
lowered body temp, lanugo and loss of hair, lowered BMR/heart rate, rough dry skin, nutrient deficiencies esp iron, low white blood cell count, ammenorrhea, constipation
characteristics of bulimia nervosa
secret binge eating, binge and purge, eating when depressed, fluctuating weight, loss of control
bulimia nervosa health problems
demineralazation of teeth, lowered blood potassium, stomach ulcers/bleeding, constipation
characteristic of binge eating disorder
recurrent episodes of binge eating, eating rapidly and when not hungy until overly full, disgust and distress over binging, secret eating
anorexia treatment
hospitilization for severe cases, eating disorder clinic
bulimia treatment
psychotherapy for self acceptance, est. normal eating habit, group/long term therapy, antidepressants
binge eating treatment
address hidden emotions, antidepressants, support groups like OA
study of pattern of disease in a pop
new cases of condition over pd of time
total people affected by condition at given time
mortality rate
morbidity rate
incidence of death in given population over pd of time (#deaths/total pop).
incidence of illness in given pop over pd of time (#new cases/total pop)
primary prevention
reducing exposure to risk factor: healthy nutrition, phys activity, smoking cessation, safe sex
secondary prevention
early detection and prompt treatment:
screenings (hpv, mammogram), meds, lifestyle behaviors to control disease (diabetes)
tertiary prevention
once disease has advanced: alleviating pain, providing comfort, halting progression, restoring function thru rehab
diversity of motherhood
delay of marriage/fam for careers, choice not to have children, teen mothers
by 2030
1 in 5 women of hispanic heritage, 1 in 14 asian
global health issue for women
underweight, unsafe sex, high blood pressure, tobacco, alcohol
young adult women top 5 causes of death
risky behaviors
unintentional injuries, homicide, malignant neoplasms, suicide, heart disease.
sexual activity, substance abuse, violence, poor nutrition, lack of exercise
CVD kills
450,000 women annually, most coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease
arteriosclerosis: disease of arteries that leads to thickening and hardening of artery wall
myocardial infarction: heart attack
embolus/thrombus: circulating/stationary blood clot
treatments: balloon angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery
acute coronary syndrome
new diagnostic category for heart attack or unstable angina: treatment before serious damage occurs
congestive heart failure
weak heart muscles cant perform pump with proper vigor, often older women
congenital heat disease
babies born with hole in septum, imperfect blood vessels or left ventricular imperfections
rheumatic heart disease
results from bacterial infection of streptococcus which damages heart valves
angina pectoris
chest pain from insufficient supply of blood/oxygen to heart
peripheral artery disease
extremities - blood supply is diminished
metabolic syndrome
group of diseases that occur together and cause CVD - elevated waist circumference, high blood lipids, low HDL, high blood cholesterol, elevated fasting blood glucose
cerebrovascular disease
stroke - blood vessels to and from brain become damaged
types of stroke: ischemic
most common, cause by cerebral thrombus or embolism (mass circulating or stationary)
hemorrhagic stroke
caused by ruptured blood vessels like aneurysm
transient ischemic attacks
TIAs warning sign of stroke
types of disabilities cause by stroke
lost ability to feel touch/pain/temp, paralysis, lang impairment, emo issues depression anxiety
risk factors for CVD
age, genetics, race, obesity, smoking, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, menopause
gender differences for CVD
age 25-34: 2x prevalent in males
45-54: equal btw genders
55+: higher in women (after menopause)
from heart attack
women more likely to die
cancer- main groups
carcinoma, sarcoma, leukemia, lymphoma, hepatoma, melanoma, neuroblastoma
benign breast disease
fibrocystic, hyperplasia, fibraodenoma
five levels of breast cancer
larger lump, less likely to survive
risk factors for breast cancer
gender, age, family history, never children or first child after 30, early menarche or late menopause, oral contraceptive, high fat diet, alcohol, obesity
breast cancer treatment
lumpectomy, partial or segmental mastectomy, simple/radical mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, adjuvant therapies: chemo, radiation, hormone
gynecological conditions: cervical cancer
stage 0-IV, screening - pap smear, hpv test, causes: hpv, risk: smoking early sex, treatment: cyrosurgery, cone biopsy, laser cone biopsy
benign uterine conditions
fibroids, endometriosis - treat with hormone therapy, hysterectomy
malignant uterine tumors
risk: over 50, diabetes, smoking, infertility
treatment: hysterectomy radiotherapy
benign ovarian growths
cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome
ovarian cancer
risk: no chldren, early menarche
screening: pelvic exams
lung cancer
risk: cigarettes, asbestos
surgery and radiotherapy
US healthcare system - payment
third party payer system, indemnity/fee-for-service model, managed care model
managed care plans types
Preferred Provider Orgs PPOs
Point-of-Serive POS
Health Maintenance Org HMOs
choosing an insurance plan factors to consider
pre-existing med conditions, need for services that may not be covered, co-payments, perscription plans, existing providers not in network
private health insurance
purchased and subsidized by employers or individuals
public health insurance
provided by gov: medicare, medicaid, vet administration VA, dept of defense DOD, bureau of indian affairs
American 65+, largest single insurer in US > 40 million, fed controlled
insurance for low-income Americans, by fed and state govs, maj or people women and children, 40 million
medicaid qualifications
income, level of disability, need for long-term care, dependent of medicaid recipient
medicaid basic services
inpatient/outpatient med care, lab and x-ray services, transportation etc.
uninsured Americans
01-02: 74.7 million
58% women and children
higher in Af American and HIspanics
most under 30
uninsured Americans: consequences
significant financial risk if emergency care,avoidance of preventative care and follow-up, ineligible for discounts, significantly less access to care results: poorer health, higher hosp rates, advanced disease states, earlier deaths
preventative care and focus on womens health
mammogram, cerv cancer screening, smoking cessation, prenatal check ups, universal coverage gynecological exams
investment in prevention and education leads to
fewer maj med problems, earlier diagnosis of disease, lower health costs
women as healthcare consumers
make most med decisions for fam, more woman handle bills than men,
healthcare reform: universal
in canada and UK
proponents: it is a right for all
opponents: costly, prefer private sector free-market approach
life expectancy men- 74.5 women 79.9, burden of aging falls on women w/o support of spouse
long-term care
home care - 20,000 nursing home 74.000 - most women spend life savings on services
long term care insurance options
private programs or medicaid
insurance considerations
deductibles, benefits, network, co-insurance, emergency services, co-payments, benefits cap