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24 Cards in this Set

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Health history

1. Bio graphic data /personal profile

2. Chief complaint

3. Present health history

4. Past health history

5. Family health history

6 current medications

7. Lifestyle

8. Social data

9. Psychological

10. Developmental level

Biographical data/personal profile

Name, address, age and birthplace, martial status, nationality, occupation

Chief complaint

Concise statement describing the reason for confrontation, confinement, consultation.

A. Brief spontaneous statement in the patient's own words that describe the reason for the visit.

B. Reasons for seeking care

C. Not a diagnostic statement - avoid translating it into terms of a medical diagnosis.

Present health history

Written narrative about what Transpired regarding health of client before confinement or consultation

A. For the well person, this is a short statement about general state of health.

B. For the I'll person, this is a chronological record of the reason for seeking care, from the time the symptoms first started until now.

C. The final summary of any symptoms should include the following

The final summary of any symptoms includes the following

1. Location

2. Quality or character - specific descriptive terms. Example pinpoint, thriving, crushing, sharp?

3. Quantity or severity - passion scale ;how bad is it

4. Timing : onset, duration, frequency

5. Setting - where was the person, what s person doing?

6. Aggravating or relieving factors.

7. Associated factors - accompanying signs and symptoms.

8. Patients perspective.

4. Past health history

Written narrative again.

A. Childhood illness

B. Accidents or injuries

C. Serious or chronic disease

D. Hospitilizations

E. Operation

F. Obstetric history

G. Immunization

H. Last examination date

I. Allergies

Family health history

A. Ages of siblings, parents, grandparents, and their current state health (1st degree only)

B. If they are deceased, cause of death is obtained

C. Particular attention should be given to disorders such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, allergies, arthritis, tuberculosis, bleeding, alcoholism and mental disorders

D. Note for management done, hospitilization and other procedures done by attending physicians and at what particular year.

Current medications

A. Note all meds, prescription and OTC and herbal remedies.

B. Ask specifically for vitamins, birth control pills, aspirin and acids.

C. For each medication, nor the name, dose and schedule and ask "how often do you take each day?" "what is it for?" & "how long have you been taking?"


A way of living day to day behavior and function of individuals included because lifestyle can affect health

A. Personal habits

B. Diet

C. Sleep patterns

D. Activities of daily living

E. Instrumental activities of daily living

F. Recreation

A. Personal habits

Alcohol, coffee, cola, tea and illegal or recreational drugs type? Amount? Frequency? Duration?

B. Diet

Description of a typical diet on a normal day or any special diet

C. Sleep patterns

Usually daily sleep /wake times

Difficulty sleeping? What remedies?

Independent nursing axn advice: warm milk

Activities of daily living

Any difficulties experienced in basic activities such as: eating, grooming, dressing, elimination, moving

E. Instrumental activities of daily living

Difficulties experienced in food prep, transportation, house keeping, laundry, finance handling, and managing medications

F. Recreation

Exercise, hobbies, vacations, anything done in your free time.

Tolerance doing it?

8. Social data

A. Family relationships

B. Ethnic affiliation

C. Educational history

D. Economic status

E. Home and neighborhood condition

F. Occupational history

9. Psychological data.

A. Major stressors

B. Usual coping strategies

C. Communication style

D. Interaction with client support system

Developmental level

Havighurst age periods and developmental tasks

1. Infancy and early childhood

2. Middle childhood

3. Adolescence

4. Early adulthood

5. Middle age

6. Later maturity

1. Infancy and early childhood

Birth to 5 years old

Learning to walk

Learning to control bodily wastes

Learning to talk

Learning to form relationships with family members

2. Middle childhood

6-12 years old.

Learning physical skills

Developing school related skills

Developing conscience and values

Attaining independence - eating, bathing,

3. Adolescence

13-17 years old

Establishing emotional independence from parents

Equipping self with skills needed for productive occupation

Achieving gender-based social role

Establishing mature relationships with peers of both sexes

4. Early adulthood

18-35 years old

Choosing a partner

Starting a family

Managing a home

Establishing a career

5. Middle age

36-60 years old

People settle into adult life

Maintaining economic standard of living

Performing civic and social responsibilities

Developing adult leisure - time activities

Adjusting to aging parents

6. Later maturity

Over 60 year old

Adjusting to deteriorating health and physical strength

Adjusting to retirement

Adjusting to death.