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81 Cards in this Set

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Health-related components of fitness

cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and muscle strength

Physical fitness

is the body's ability to respond or adapt to the demands of stress of physical effort.

CardioRespiratory endurance

Is the ability of the body to perform prolonged, large muscle, dynamic exercise at a moderate to high levels of intensity.

Muscular Enduance

The ability to sustain a given level of muscular tension over time.

Exercise intensity (FITT principal)

How hard you work when you exercise.

Target heart rate for endurance exercise

A range based on your maximum heart rate.

Reducing the risk of heart disease stroke and diabetes.

Increasing soluble fiber intake, increasing physical activity and decreasing saturated fat intake.

American College of sports medicine recommends

2 to 3 days per week workout to develop strength.

When developing a weight trainging program

8 to 12 repetitions are recommended for each exercise.

Stretching exercises

Should be held for at least 30 seconds.

The amount essential fat in males

3 to 5% of total body weight.

The amount essential fat in females

8 to 12% of total body weight.

Body mass index

26.5 is classified as overweight.

Factors that contribute to weight gain and loss

Diet, exercise and emotional factors.

Recommendations for weight management

Eating 4 to 5 small meals per day, including breakfast and snacks.


Fear of gaining weight.

Body fat in their abdomen

Increases risk for chronic disease.

Carbon monoxide

The ingredient tobacco smoke that limits oxygen use in the body.


A chemical that causes cancer only in combination with other chemicals.

Cellular death

Termination of metabolic processes.

Dying without having a will

Can lead to unnecessary hardship on survivors.

Majority of Americans

Die without leaving a will.


The person who makes the will


The term of having made no legal will.

Someone dies without a will

The state will distribute all the property according to state rules.

Persistent Vegetative State

A condition of profound unconsciousness with no reasonable hope for improvement.

4 R's: Reduce, recycle, reuse, rethink

Rapid population growth

Core reason for many of today's environmental problems.

Limit population growth

Energy water and food

Non-human factors contribute to air pollution

Forest fires, dust storms and plants

Single most important factor in determining an individual's level of wellness


The treatment considered to be most effective against modern health problems


The ability to share feelings and emotions without fear of rejection form another


Denying the reality of lives problems

Leads to psychological problems.

People with established established identities

Able to form intimate and lasting relationships, communicate, and love and be loved.

Recognizing feelings as they occur

Emotional intelligence.

Vital to a listing relationship


Optimal blood pressure for young adults


Smoking increases your cardiovascular risk

By reducing the level of high-density lipoprotein's, increasing blood pressure, and increasing heart rate.

Exercise can alter your blood fat levels

Raises your high-density lipoproteins.

Men are at a higher risk of stroke and heart disease than women

Because of estrogen levels in women


Can reduce inflammation, decrease buildup in the vessels, and has a anti-clotting agent.

Cholesterol checked

every five years after the age of 20.

Amino acids

Building blocks of proteins


4 calories per gram


4 calories per gram


9 calories per gram

Recommended daily intake f proteins

10 to 35% of your total daily calories.

Building strong bones

weight bearing exercises should be done.

By-products of hydrogenation

trans-fatty acids

Food are richest in complex coarbhydrates

Beans, lagooms, peas, lentils.

Single-parent families

Mor likely to have academic difficulties than two-parent familis.


Cancer cells can that enter the lymph and blood system can spread


A gene involved in the transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell.

Ways to reduce the risks of colon cancer

Intake of fruits and vegetables, being physically active, using aspirin and ibuprofen regularly.

HPV Virus

Infection that puts women at risk for cervical cancer.

Ways to reduce the risks of skin cancer

Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, avoiding sunburns, avoiding prolonged exposure.

Cancer initators

Ultraviolet rays

Lung cancer

Most common cause of death in the United States on all cancer deaths.

CD4 T-cell counts

Show the status of the immune system in someone withe HIV infection.

Psychological health and physical health

Are intertwined.

Type C personality

Have difficulty expressing emotions.

A person is still emotionally distressed weeks after a tragic event

Consider seeking professional help.

General adaptation syndrome (GAS)

Stress response

Your hearing and vision become more acute, your liver releases more sugar into the blood, your hearing and vision become more acute, and your air passages dilate and allow more air into the lungs.

Constructive response to setback

Accepting the fact that problems may periodically occur.

"SMART" goals

Specific, timely

Blood alcohol concetration

the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Carbination effects the body's absorbtion of alcohol

Speeds up ints rate causing increased impairment

dose-response function

The connection between the amount of alcohol consumed and its effects.


Disease of the liver caused by excessive and chronic drinking.


Most widely used illegal drug int eh United States.


Contains about 5% alcohol.


Is absorbed into the bloodstream through the small intestine.

How many minutes can a regular user of tobacco go between doses of nicotine before experiencing negative effects

40 minutes

Psychoactive drug



HPV infection

Increased risks of a pregnant woman having syphilis.


Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Nutrients that supply energy

Proteins, fats, and carbs.