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44 Cards in this Set

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includes physical, mental-emotional, and family-social health
is a chance that has and unknown outcome
is the quality of life that results from a person's health status
health advocate group
educates the public about specific health conditions and raises funds for reserch
health care provider
a trained, licensed professional who helps people maintain or restore health
personal health record
documents an individual's health history and lists the person;s health-care providers
health behaviors
an action that promotes health
risk behaviors
an action that threatens health
an automatic behavior
the way you act in a situation
is the arts, beliefs, and customs that make up a way of life for a group of people at a certain time
media literacy
skill in recognizing and evaluating messages in media
forms of mass communication, such as TV, radio, and news paper
amino acids
the basic building blocks of protein
caloric intake
the number of calories a person takes in from foods and beverages
good character
a person who uses self-control to act on responsible values
standard or belief, such as compassion, good citizenship, and respect
delayed gratification
is voluntary postponement of an immediate reward in order to complete a task before enjoying the reward
self control
the degree to which a person regulates his/her own behavior
vegan diet
a diet that excludes foods of animal origin
dietary guidelines
recommendations for diet choices among healthy Americans who are two years of age or older
eating disorder
a condition in which a person has a compelling need to starve, binge, or binge and purge
a nutrient that becomes electrically charged when in a solution, such as bodily fluid
lactase deficiency
the name for a condition in which the enzyme that breaks down the milk sugar present in the cells of the small intestine ia missing
the disease casuses bones to fracture easily
a food-borne illness in which the bacterium salmonella contaminates undercooked chicken, eggs, and other meats
chemical involved in controlling states of consciousness and mood
hidden anger
unrecognized, inappropriately expressed anger
a chronic state of anger
blaming others for actions or events for which they are not responsible
the releasing of anger on someoner or something other than the cause of anger
anger MGMT. skills
writing in a journal, breathing deeply, and exercise
GEN'L adaptation syndrome
aka GAS. series of bady changes resulting from stress-the alarm, resistance, and exhausting stages
stress MGMT. skills
techniques to prevent and deal with stressors and to protect one's health from the harmful effects produced by the stress response
life crisis
event or experience that causes a high stress level
minor depression
a mood disorder accompanied by feelings of hopelessness, sadness, or helplessness
a source or cause of stress
major depression
mood disorder with long-lasting feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, or sadness
dysthymic disorder
a long lasting form of depression.
a harmful response to a stressor
a healthful reponse to a stressor
suicide attempt in which the person does not intend to die
cluster suicide
series of suicides that occur within a short period and involve people who are somehow connected
the physiological need to eat