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52 Cards in this Set

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Define Health

Health is a state of comple physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Define Mental Health

Is a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with everyday stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to society

What is Mental illness?

-A diagnosable illness!

-Interferes with an individuals thinking emotion and ability to socialise

-e.g, depression, anxiety

What is Mental health problems?

-Often caused as a result of stressors.

- also have a negative impact on a Parsons thinking and emotions.

-Distinction is made but the severity and duration of the problem

-e.g Stress, social problems

Two Types of mental health?



Bipolar Disorder (Illness)

Bipolar mood disorders new name for maniac depressive illness!

-symptoms ; elevated mood, increased energy and over reactivity

Causes - Genetic factor, stress and seasons

Treatment: antidepressant medication, psychotherapy amd counseling.

People with this illa experience recurrent episodes of depression and elated moods. Both can be Mild to severe.


A word often user to describe feelings of sadness which all of us experience at some stage of our lives.

Also termed for a mental illness called CLINICAL DEPRESSION.

The term clinical depression deceives not just one illness, but a group of illness characterized by excessive or long depressed mood which affects the persons life.

Type of depression ; Postnatal Depression = Affects half of new mothers.

Causes: Heredity, Biochemical Inbalance, Stress, Personality

Treatment: Psychological Intervention and anti depressant medicating

Where to get help?

Beyond Blue

For anxiety depression and suicide.


No: 9810 0111

Define Sexuality

Sexuality is about how you feel about the person you are, your body , how you feel as a boy or girl, man or woman, the way you dress, .

"The physical, Physiological, emotional and spiritual characteristics which relates to sexual ideas, feelings and actions.

Types of power




Define Personal Power

The power a person feels when they make decisions and chose to take or not to take action.

Define Social Power

Refers to the power of dynamics that happen is the day to day relation between people in social situations. This power can be dervied fron this such as educational background, positions of authority, status, financial resources, Gender, sexual orientation, rave and so on.

Define Institutional/Structural Power

Something that is hard to see as it a part of everyday life and forms part of practices and messing of institutions, suchas the loose marriage/language and family. Institutional power cab also be expressed by active discrimination, omission and silence

The THREE things a person must be before they can give CONSENT

The Right Age - They mustbe old enough to make sexual decisions. 12 and Above.

Sober - Must be able to make clear decisions.

Mentally and Physically Able - A person has to hace mental ahility to make decisions and the physical ability to communicate their desires.

The law say CONSENT =?


List Micronutrients (4)

List Macronutrients (3)









Carbohydrates Sugar

Major sourve of QUICK RELEASE energy for the body.

Source: Cakes,Biscuit, Sugar, Fruit, chocolate and lollies

Carbohydrate Starch

Major source of low release energy for the body.

Food Source: Bread cereal pasta rice potatoes bananas

Carbohydrate fibre

Helps food move through the digestive system. Prvifrs bulk to assist the removal of waste from the body...regulatws waste removal

Food Source: Wholrgrain and wholemeal bras, bran, fruits and veg with skin left on.


Requires for growth repair and maintaince of body tissues. Secondary source of energy if insufficient amount of carbohydrates available.

Food Source: Meat Milk, eggs, fish, soy beans; nuts, legumes bean cheese


Major source of energy. Contains dat solube vitamins a d e k. Provides insulation and protects the body.

Source: Cream, meat,whole milk, vegetable oil, butter, margarine, oily fish.


All chemical reactions that take place in the body requires water.

Source: most food, fruits n veg


Required for the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth. Assist with muscle contraction.

Source: Dairy products, fish with soft jones, nuts green leafy veg


Needed for the formation for hemoglobin to carry oxygen in blood. Needed to prevent iron anaemia.

Source: meat liver eggyolk wholegrain cereals


Helps to maintain water balance in the body. Required for muscle contraction.

Source,; table salt, fast foods

Vitamin C

Needed for soft tissue formation and health.

Source: citrus gross, leafy green veg, tomatoes, potatoes kiwi fruit capsicum.

Vitamin A

Needed to maintain normal vision and got growth of soft tissue

Source: butter curse eggs green leafy bed

B group Vitamins

Enables energy to be released from the energy nutrients; carbohydrates, fat, protein

Source: lean pork, whole grain bread and cereal nuts and vegemite


Helps regulate thyroid glam activity which controls the body's production of energy and metabolism functioning.

Source: Dairy products, mushroom table salt.


Needed for growth, especially of the spinal cord in developing babies and red blood cell formation.

SOURCE; Leafy green veg, broccoli, green beans, eggs, peanuts, avocados and organge

Vitamin D

Mainatins the balancw of calcium abd phosphorus in bone formation, maintains adequate calcium level in the blood produces when body is exposed to sun.

Source: fatty fish, nuts, butter, egg yolk

Components of Fitness (11)

Muscular Strength

Muscular Power




Local Muscle Eburance

Cardioresiratory Endurance



Reaction Time

Body Composition

Muscular Strength

The extent to which muscles can exert force by contracting against resistance.

Muscular Power

The ability to exert maximum muscular contraction in I've explosive effort.


The ability to change directions quickly whilst maintaining balance.


The ability to control the bodys positiob, either stationary or whilst moving.


The amount of movement possible around a joint. It regs to the ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being impeded by excess tissue.

Local Muscle Endurance

A single muscles ability to perform sustained work.

Cardioresiratory Endurance (Aerobic Power)

The ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to produce energy aerobically. Long distant running


The ability to link a series of actions into a flowing movement pattern with appropriate timing and accuracy. Hand eye or foot eye coordination. Tennis or football.


The ability to move whole body or body parts quickly.

Reaction Tine

The tine it takes to respond to a signal that movement is required.

Body Composition

The realtive make up of the body muscles in fat abd other vital oarts.

The percentage of body weight which is fat muscle and home.

This means that we are looking at what the body is of rather than simply how it looks.

Diet Related Diseases (6)


-Colorectal Cance4

-Cardiovascular disease

-Dental Cariea


-type II Diabetes

Cardiovascular Disease

Any condition relating to the hard and blood vessels. E.g hypertension

It is the build up of plague on the walls of blood vessels which narrows the passage the blood has to pass through.

Protective Nutrients: Fibre, Unsaturated Fats

Risk Nutrients: Saturated Fats, Sodium, Carbohydrates

Colorectal Cancer

Cancer in the colon or the rectum. Uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells in the lower digestive system.

Protective Nutrients: Fibre> waste removal, Vitamin C n A > keeps cell healthy

Risk Nutrients: Fats, Sugar, Alcohol

Diabetus Mellitus

When he body is unable to utilise blood glucose correctly. Glucose is the fuel for energy and requires by the tell maintain normal functions .

Protective Nutrients: Low GI carbohydrates.

Risk Nutrients: High GI carbohydrates abd Fats


Makes bones brittle.

Protective: Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D

Risk: insufficient of the above

Dental Carries

Tooth Decay

Protective Nutrients: Nutrients

Risk: Sugar



Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation and can lead to serious illness or death.

Symptoms: Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, pain in joints and jaundice.

The infection is spread their blood that contains the hepatitis B virus, if effected blood and body fluids enter another person's blood stream that person may become infected.

Treatment is essential!



Most common REPORTED STI amound young people in Australia.

Caused by a different type of bacteria.

It is usually spread by vaginal and anal sex without condoms. Always use a condom with watee based lubricant to avoid getting chlamydia.

Symptoms: Burning sensation during urination, Discharge from penis or urination, pain in Let abdomin, pain in testicles, painful sexual intercourse in women