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112 Cards in this Set

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1. What is defined as “Optimal health and vitality, encompassing all dimensions of well-being”
2. List the 6 Dimensions of Wellness:
Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Environmental, Planetary
3. This Dimension of Wellness includes not just your body’s overall condition and the absence of disease but your fitness level and your ability to care for yourself.
4. This Dimension of Wellness reflects your ability to understand and deal with your feelings.
5. This Dimension of Wellness constantly challenges your mind.
6. This Dimension of Wellness is defined by your ability to develop and maintain satisfying and supportive relationships.
7. This Dimension of Wellness is to possess a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to your life, especially in difficult times.
8. This Dimension of Wellness is defined by the livability of your surroundings.
16. A child born in 1900 could expect to live only about how many years of age?
17. A disease that is communicable from one person to another is known as what?
Infectious Disease (flu)
18. A disease that develops and continues over a long period of time is known as what?
Chronic Disease
19. Our life expectancy right now is how many years?
20. What are the top 3 Key contributors to death among Americans?
Tobacco, Obesity, and Alcohol
21. What are the top 3 Leading Causes of death among Americans age 15-24?
Accidents, Homicide, Suicide
22. Name the 6 Health Issues for Diverse Populations.
Sex and Gender, Ethnicity, Income and Education, Disability, Geographic Location, Sexual Orientation
23. List the Factors That Influence Wellness.
Health Habits, Heredity, Family History, Environment, Access to Health Care
24. Get serious about your health. The first step in changing a health-related behavior is understanding that the behavior is a problem and that it can be changed. This often requires gathering information about resources available to help you change the behavior and acquire knowledge about yourself. List the steps involved in getting serious about your health. Examine your current health habits, choose a _____ _____, learn about your _____ _____, find help.
Target Behavior, Target Behavior
25. Name and the 6 stages of Transtheoretical, or “Stages of Change Model” Developed by Carl DiClemente and James Prochaska..
Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Mantience , Termination
32. What does the acronym “SMART” stand for?
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Time Frame specific
33. When you Devise A Plan of Action to make a change what should you do? Get what you need, Modify your ________________, Control related habits, Reward yourself, involve the people around you, plan for challenges.
34. Putting your Plan (change) into Action. As you continue with your plan, don’t be surprised when you run up against obstacles. Identify what is blocking your progress. List possible sources (obstacles). Social Influences, _______________________________________________, Choice of Techniques and level of Effort, Stress Barrier, Procrastinating, Rationalizing, Blaming.
Levels of motivation and Commitment
Situations that trigger physical and emotional reactions are termed _____________, and the physiological reactions are termed the _______________.
Stressors and Stress response
2. Physical responses to stressors are controlled by the __________ system and the ______________ system.
Nervous System and Endocrine system
3. The ______________ nervous system, the part of the nervous system not under conscious supervision, controls the stress response. The ______________ branch mobilizes the body for action, and the ______________ branch calms it down; the two constantly provide checks and balances on each other.
The Adocrine Nervous System / Sympathetic Branch / Parasympathetic Branch
4. The ______________ system helps control body systems by releasing hormones and other chemical messengers into the bloodstream.
5. The _____-_____-_______ reaction is the result of a predictable set of chemical reactions in a stressful situation.
Fight or Flight
6. Cognitive __________ or _____________ of a potential stressor affects how a particular stressor is viewed.
Appraisal or Perception
7. Effective behavioral responses promote wellness and include ___________, _____________, _____________, and _____________________ (expressing emotion, learning new skills, exercising, and meditating).
talking, Laughing, exercise, Time managament
8. Ineffective responses can impair wellness and include ______________, ________________, _____________ (and using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.)
over eating, procrastination, Stress
9. Type _______ individuals tended to me more controlling, schedule driven, competitive, and even hostile.
10. Type _________ individuals were less hurried and frustrated by daily events, more contemplative, and more tolerant of others.
11. A Type ________ personality may be characterized by anger suppression, difficulty expressing emotions, feelings of hopelessness and despair, and an exaggerated response to minor stressors.
12. _____________ refers to personality traits associated with social and academic success in at-risk populations such as children from low-income families and people with mental and physical disabilities.
13. __________ are more likely than __________ to find themselves balancing multiple roles.
Women / Men
14. ____________ generally feel compelled to be in charge at all times. This may create tension in interpersonal situations and limit their ability to build a support network.
15. G.A.S. stands for ____________ ____________________ _____________________.
General Adaptation Syndrome
16. The three stages of GAS can be triggered by a pleasant stressor, _____________, or by an
unpleasant stressor, ________________.
EuStress, Distress
17. The _________ stage is the fight-or-flight reaction. This stage makes the body vulnerable by mobilizing it to cope with a crisis.
18. The _____________ stage occurs with continued stress, the body develops a new level of homeostasis to cope with the added stress.
19. The _______________ stage results in the depletion of resources that leave the body vulnerable to disease. The stress response itself now is believed to be the cause of disease over time.
20. Researchers have termed the long-term wear and tear of the stress response the _____________ _________________. A high _______________ ________________ is linked to a greater risk of disease.
Allastatic Load / Allostatic Load
21. ______________________________ (PNI) studies the interactions among the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Hormones and other chemical messengers released during the stress response may inhibit or strengthen the immune system.
22. Many health problems have links to stress. Blood pressure rises during the stress response, and chronic high blood pressure leads to ______________________________, a major component in cardiovascular disease. Emotional responses that include hostility, anger, and mistrust seem to be especially harmful.
23. Each of life’s daily hassles may provoke a moderate stress response that cumulatively may have a significant effect. _____________ is the site of major life changes and daily hassles, including academic stressors, interpersonal stressors, time pressures, financial concerns, and worry about the future.
24. _______________ support systems may be one tool people can use to buffer themselves against the damaging effects of stress. People who have family and friends to help them through times of stress stay healthier and recover faster than those who do not. Consider volunteering to help build your social support system and enhance your spiritual wellness.
Social Support
25. ____________________ skills that help people express feelings nonaggressively, overcome shyness, and improve listening skills help reduce stress in interpersonal relationships.
26. Regular _________________ can reduce various effects of stress and even stimulate the birth of new brain cells. It can also reduce many of the negative effects of stress.
27. A healthy ______________ provides energy stores for use in stressful situations; eating wisely also improves feelings of self-control and self-esteem. Limiting or avoiding caffeine may be helpful in stress management. Many people overeat in response to stress.
28. Lack of ___________ can be both a cause and an effect of excess stress. It can affect physical and mental functioning.
29. Efficient __________________________________ may help to lower stress levels. Common factors that negatively affect ____________________________________ for college students are perfectionism, overcommitment, and procrastination. Some suggestions for avoiding procrastination and managing time better include the following.
time Management / Time Management
30. Strive for greater ________________ to provide an ethical path to personal fulfillment that includes connectedness with self, others, and a higher power or larger reality.
31. Confide in yourself through writing in a ________________________.
33. Thinking and acting in a __________________ way about things that can be controlled.
34. Taking _________________; feeling that the environment is out of control creates
35. _____________________________ to regain control and identify solutions.
Problem Solving
36. Keeping self-__________________ reasonable. No one can please everyone, and to expect to do so is to be set up for failure and frustration.
37. Maintaining a ______________ attitude.
38. Cultivating a ______________ ______ ________________; laughter induces both physiological and
psychological relaxation.
Sense of Humor
39. Focusing on what’s _______________ in life.
40. Many ______________________________________ trigger the relaxation response—a physiological state that is the opposite of the fight-or-flight reaction. It may be helpful to choose one and practice it until it becomes comfortable. Some work better than others for different people, so it may take experimentation to decide which is best for each person.
Relaxation Techniques
41. Name some Counterproductive Coping Strategies: __________________, ___________________, ________________________, _______________________________________________.
Tobacco / Alcohol / Drugs / Unhealthy Eating Habits
42. Creating a Personal Plan for Managing Stress: _________________________, _______________ ____________________ ________________________, ______________ ________________.
Journal / Creative Behavior/ Change plan / Support Group
1. Psychological health can be defined ___________ as the absence of sickness or ____________ as the presence of wellness.
Negatively / positively
2. Psychological wellness means being aware of one’s own ____________.
3. Name the 5 hierarchy of needs: _______________________, _________________________,
________________________, ____________________________, ______________________.
Physiological / Safety and Security / Self actualization / Love and Belongingness / Self Esteem
4. Psychological health is not the same as psychological ______________.
5. According to Erik Erikson, the development of personality and identity proceeds through ____
stages that increase the potential for psychological growth.
6. Achieving healthy self-esteem means developing a positive _____________.
Self Concept
7. Self-esteem is grounded in the positive experiences of love received in ____________________.
Although children originally build their self-concepts on characteristics adopted from parents, a
healthy self-concept is integrated—resulting in a new, individual __________________.
Childhood / Personality
8. Those who do not have a _______________ self-concept have conflicting, polar views of
themselves, which makes it impossible to see themselves and others realistically.
12. Flexibility—finding a reasonable level of self-assertiveness that allows you to adjust based on needs
and circumstances—may be the best approach to dealing with __________________.
13. When dealing with an angry person, react ______________ and allow the person to explain his/her
position. If the person cannot be calmed, disengage until the anger has subsided enough to allow
14. ____________________ disorders involve feelings of fear that are experienced on a recurring basis
or in response to typical, unavoidable life situations. They have no basis in specific threats to one’s
15. __________________ phobias include fear of specific animals, high places, enclosed spaces, and air
travel. The fears may originate in bad experiences with the feared object.
16. ___________________ phobias, the fear of humiliation or embarrassment while being watched by
others, occur in interpersonal settings; very shy people may experience these fears in nearly any
social situation.
17. __________________________________ are characterized by sudden, unexpected surges in
anxiety. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, loss of physical equilibrium, and a
feeling of losing mental control.
Panic Disorder
18. _________________________________________________ is a diagnosis given to people who
worry about ordinary future threats, such as financial concerns or passing an upcoming exam. The
end result is a persistent feeling of nervousness, often accompanied by depression.
Generalize and anxiety Disorder
19. _______________________________________________________ is a diagnosis given to people
with obsession or compulsion or both.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
20. ___________________ are recurrent, unwanted thoughts or impulses that are not ordinary concerns.
21. ____________________ are repetitive, difficult-to-resist actions usually associated with obsessions,
such as hand washing. Feeling anxious, out of control, and embarrassed are common emotions of
people with OCD.
22. _________________________________________________ is a physiological and emotional
reaction to events that produce a sense of terror and hopelessness; these include assaults, military combat, and natural disaster.
Post Traumatic Disorder
23. ______________ disorders vary in kind and degree; the most common forms are depression and bipolar disorder.
24. In major depression, symptoms are often severe; a diagnosis of ___________________ disorder may be applied to people who experience persistent symptoms of mild or moderate depression for 2 or more years.
25. ____________________ is a danger associated with severe depression.
26. ______________ is a mood disorder characterized by restlessness, excessive energy, insomnia, and
extremes of behavior.
27. A person who has _________________ disorder swings between manic and depressive states.
Bipolar Disorder
28. ____________ are nearly twice as likely as ________________ to be clinically depressed; numbers
of men and women with bipolar disorder are about equal.
Women / Men
29. ____________________________________ is a relatively common disorder. Although we are
uncertain about the exact causes, they have identified possible chemical and structural differences in
the brain. Several genes appear to increase risk.
30. Four useful models of human nature are the ________________, __________________,
__________________, and __________________________ models.
Biological / Behavioral / Cognitive / Physchodynamic
31. The ________________________ model emphasizes that the mind’s activity depends on an organic
structure, the brain, whose composition is genetically determined.
32. The _______________________ model focuses on people’s overt behavior rather than on brain
structure of consciousness.
33. The ______________________ model looks for complicated attitudes, expectations, and motives.
34. The ______________________________________ model also emphasizes thoughts. Proponents of
this model do not believe thoughts can be changed directly because they are fed by other
unconscious ideas and impulses.
35. ________________________, using behavioral and cognitive approaches, can succeed and provide
self-awareness, increased assertiveness, improved self-esteem, and improved communication.
Self Help
36. _____________________ counseling and support __________________ allow you to share your
concerns with others; religious groups provide both social support and a path for transformation.
Peer Concealing and Support Groups
37. Professionals involved in health care include: _______________________, specialized medical
physicians who can prescribe medications and determine whether there is a medical cause or connection for the patient’s medical problems. ____________________________, who usually have a Ph.D. degree. Generally their treatment is based on behavioral and cognitive therapies. __________________________________________, who have a master’s degree. Generally they are skilled in finding community support. ______________________, whose requirements vary by state. ______________________ who have additional training in counseling.
Determine the Need / Phychiatrists / Clinical Physhologysics / License Councilors / Clergy
9. Pessimists can learn to be more ________________ by recognizing and disputing the negative self-
statements they make about themselves.
10. Maintaining honest ______________________________ with others is a critical step toward being
psychologically healthy.
11. Learning to deal with ___________________________ and discovering how to be happy by
yourself are important to psychological health.
32. The _______________________ model focuses on people’s overt behavior rather than on brain
structure of consciousness.
26. People at this stage of change do not think they have a problem and do not intend to change their behavior.
27. People at this stage of change know they have a problem and intend to take action within 6 months.
28. People at this stage of change plan to take action within a month or may already have begun to make small changes in their behavior.
29. During this stage of change people outwardly modify their behavior and their environment.
30. People at this stage of change have maintained their new, healthier lifestyle for at least 6 months.
31. People at this stage of change have exited the cycle of change and are no longer tempted to lapse back into their old behavior.
Dimensions of Wellness
fitness level / ability to care about yourself
Dimensions of Wellness
ability to understand and deal with your feelings
Dimensions of Wellness
active mind / Detects problems/ never stop learning
Dimensions of Wellness
Ability to develop satisfying and supportive relationships / Social
Dimensions of Wellness
possess a set of guiding beliefs / Principals / Values
Dimensions of Wellness
The livability of your surroundings. Health of Planet