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18 Cards in this Set

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Health consumer

anyone who purchases or uses health products or services


The various methods of communicating information


A written or spoken media message design to interest consumers in purchasing our product or service

comparison shopping

A method of judging the benefits of different products by comparing several factors such as quality features and cost


A companies or stores written agreement to repair a product or refund your money shall not the product function properly

online shopping

using the Internet to buy products and services

healthcare system

all the medical care available to the nations people the way they receive care in the method of payment

Primary care physicians

medical doctors who provide physical check ups and generally care


medical doctors trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions

prevention care

actions that prevent the onset of disease or injury

Health insurance

A plan in which private companies or government programs pay for part or all of a persons medical cost

medical history

complete and comprehensive information about your immunizations and any health problems you have to date


deliberate deceit or trickery

Health fraud

also known as quackery is the sale of worthless products or services that claim to prevent disease or cure other health problems


failure by a health professional to meet excepted standard

Public health

A communitywide effort to monitor and promote the welfare of the population


The scientific study of patterns of disease in a population

consumer advocate

A group or people whose sole purpose is to take on regional national and even international consumer issues