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57 Cards in this Set

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what is stress
stress is the body's emotional and physiological response to any situation that is new, threatening, frightening or exciting
stress prepares a person to what...
..react to the stress-causing event or stressor.
- we do not all react the same way: some THRIVE under stress while others are unable to handle it.
-the problem is not the stress it is how we react to it
what is a stressor?
a situation that triggers physical and emotional reactions
-eustress: pleasant stressor
-distress: unpleasant stressor
physiological stress response:
two major control systems: nervous system ad endocrine system
physical responses to stress
actions of the nervous system: ~autonomic nervous system
- sympathetic nervous system: fight or flight response, influences in modern day life
- parasympathetic nervous system: return to homeostasis
- endocrine system: hormones
actions of the endocrine system
-glands, tissues and cells that secrete hormones (chemical messengers) to help control the bodily functions during stress.
helps the body prepare to respond to stress (fight or flight)
effects of epinephrine or adrenaline on the body
hearing and vision, lungs, heart and blood pressure, liver, sweat glands, endorphins (pain receptors), muscles and digestive system
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
2 branches of involuntary control:
-sympathetic: responsible for fight or flight. uses neurotransmitter epinephrine/morepinephrine
- parasympathetic: "quiets" the body. usually in control (digestion, energy storage and growth)
3 stages of general adaptation syndrome
- alarm (fight or flight)
- resistance (can be a new level of homeostasis for the time being)
- exhaustion: depleted sources
links between stress and specific conditions
can cause: cardiovascular disease: from chronic high blood pressure, strokes, cardiomyopathy
- altered functioning of the immune system: colds and other infections, asthma, cancer, chronic disease flare-ups
psychological problems
emotional and physical changes: despression, panic attacks, anxiety, eating disorders
other health problems
headaches, insomnia, injury, pregnancy complications. type 2 diabetes
common sources of stress
major life changes, daily hassles, college: academic, interpersonal, time-related , financial, job related, social
creating a plan for managing stress
1. identifying stressors
2. design your plan
3. getting help
stress facts:
43% of Us adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
many doctors visitors are due to stress.
1/4 of medicine prescribed is stress related.
stress can lead to: heart disease, cancer, lung alliments and suicide
stress can weaken your immune system
when does stress occur
when there is a mismatch between the demands we experience and the resources we have to deal with demand
stress is not an event but...
...your reaction to that event
stress is the tension or...
pressure that is a natural and often good, part of life
the two sides of stress:
the bright side: in short bursts, followed by periods of relaxation stress can be STIMULATING and actually help us PERFORM our best.
the bleak side: when left UNCHECKED, physical, emotional and mental resources can become depleted and lead to illness
diseases associated with CHRONIC STRESS:
-coronary heart disease, hyper tension, eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, depression, migraine head, sleep disorders, cancers, fatigue
our body's response to stress:
heart rate and blood pressure increase.
muscle tension
hearing and vision become acute
breathing becomes faster and more shallow
perspiration increases
"fight or flight"
there has always been stress since the beginning of time its just different kinds of stress
cave men: stress of saber tooth tigers
todays sabertoothed tigers: bills, traffic, deadlines, marriage, family, job-related, daily hassles, major life changes, college, social
emotional stress symptoms
- partly determined by inborn personality and temperament.
- depression
- low self- esteem
Positive behavioral responses to stress
practicing time-managment skills
relaxation skills
(behavioral responses)
two factors can reduce the magnitude of the stress response:
-successful prediction of the stressor
-perception of control over the situation
Negative behavioral responses to stress
over eating
lashing out
increase of smoking and drinking
reckless driving
the key to manage stress
1. ID symptoms and the causes
2. categorize your stress
3. important and can change-> take action
4.if it is beyond your control->learn and practice acceptance and coping skills
type a personality
controlling, schedule driven, can be explosive or hostile, competitive
type b
less hurried
more contemplative and tolerant
less frustrated by the flow of daily events
laid back
type c
difficulty expressing emotions
feeling hopeless
exaggerates stress
hardy personality
can cope more positively with stress
can be the class clown
views stressors as a challenge
stress coping techniques
eat a sensible diet
get sleep but not too much
avoid destructive thoughts
time management
help others
practice relaxation
one of the most effective tools to manage stress
physical activity and exercise:
can release muscle tension
helps rid the body of stress hormones
improves energy
gives you endorphins
sensible diet help with stress
supplies energy to cope with stress
focus on balance
avoid excess sugar, alcohol and extreme diets
psychological health
...chapter 3
1.suicide is the _______ cause of death among college students
2. _____ is among most common methods on campus
3.___ of people with depression commit suicide.
most adults with high risks of suicide have impulsive and hyper personalities, while college students are more quiet and isolated
2. jumping
3. 15%
defining psychological health:
-it is more than just the absence of mental health
- NOT defined in terms of normality
-encompasses mental, emotional, social and spiritual
triangle of psychological health
bottom: physiological needs (food water housing)
next: safety and security
next: love and a sense of belonging
next: self-esteem
top: self-actualization
psychologically healthy people are:
have a capacity for intimacy
live their lives with creativity
Meeting Life’s challenges
Develop an adult identity
Establish intimate relationships
Develop effective coping mechanisms
Develop values and purpose in life
Achieve a healthy self-esteem
Maintain honest communication
Learn to deal with loneliness
Learn to deal with anger
positive psychology:
recent branch of psychology that "studies" the strengths and virtues that enable...
individuals and communities to thrive!
martin seligman is cosidered the
"father of positive psychology"
happiness can be________
people today are _____times as likely to suffer depression than those 2 generations ago
research shows that people.....
learned and cultivated
3 times
...grow happier with age!
happiness helpers
-strong relationships
-high self-esteem
-about 1/2 of a persons potential for happiness is inheritated
how to "work" on happiness
find the right goal and pursue them
cultivate positive emotions
use humor
establish a safe environment
be grateful
have hope
learn optimism
achieving healthy self esteem
-developing a positive self-concept:begins in childhood
-meeting challenges to self-esteem: notice your patterns of thinking, avoid focusing on negative, develop realistic self-talk
-be less defensive
-be optimistic
-maintain honest communication
-deal with loneliness
-deal with anger
psychological disorders
people suffering from mental illness often do not recognize them for what they are
-26.2% of adults suffer from a diagnosable psychological disorder
what is an anxiety disorder
irrational fear that interferes with daily life
specific (simple) phobias
a persistant and excessive fear of a specific object, activity or situation (afraid of lightening, spiders, etc)
social phobias
public speaking
panic disorders
a syndrome of sever anxiety attacks accompanied by physical symptoms
Generalized anxiety disorder
characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry about all kinds of things and anxiety in many situations
uncontrollable and recurring thought and performance of senseless rituals
O- recurring, unwanted thought or impulse
C- an irrational, repetitive, forced action, usually associated with obsession
post traumatic stress disorders
reliving traumatic events through dreams, flashbacks, etc
mood is orders: Depression
most common mood disorder :10% adults, 9% adolestants, 50% college students
suicide warning signs
expressing a wish to be dead
discussing method of death
increasing social withdrawal
sudden, lightening of mood (they have decided to go through with it)
mood disorders: Mania and bipolar
mania: excessive elation, irritability, hyper, talkative
bipolar: alternating periods of mania and depression