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9 Cards in this Set

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Define mindfulness:

An awareness of the present moment, a focused, thoughtful, and attentive way of perceiving the world with all of it's flaws and beauty, and refraining, from judgement.

Key components of mindfulness:

Acceptance of things, as they are, non-judgmental, present minded mindfulness, nonattachment, openness s to experience compassion, connection, intention, gratitude, peace and equanimity.

Distinguish spirituality and spiritual intelligience from religiosity and explain their role in cultivating a meaningful life.

Sprituality: an internal, or personal, search for meaning and answers about life, the sacred, or the transcendent. Individual's sense of peace, purpose, connection to others and beliefs about the meaning of life.

Characteristics of religion that are the opposite of spirituality

Observable, measurable, objective, formal, orthodox, organized behavior-oriented, outward practices authoritarian in terms of behaviors, doctrine separating good from evil.

Define: Spritual intelligience

Term discovered by philosopher Danal Zoar. It means the ability to access higher meanings, values, abiding purposes, and unconscious aspects of the self. The intelligience of the deep self, humility, the capacity to consider ideas that fall outside of the box, to hope, to dream, and to tap into energies outside the ego are part of Zohar's definition. It allows us to utilize values, meanings, and purposes to enrich our lives.

4 components of spiritual intelligience by Robert emmons

-The capacity to transcend the material world, sense of oneness with all things.

-The ability to experience heightened states of consciousness i.e. increased intuition and mental clarity.

-The ability to sanctify everyday experience, recognizing, the higher purpose in knees day to day.

- The ability to utilize spiritual resources to solve problems and cope with life's challenges.

Discuss the evidence that mindfulness and spirituality contribute to health.

Four intriguing areas of research into the physical benefits of mindfulness and spirituality include their capacity to alter perceptions and control chronic pain, to promote wright loss, to Increase cancer coping and to help patients manage the symptoms of chronic disease. It has also helped with stress, anxiety disorders, and depression.

Describe skills you can develop and action you can take to integrate mindfulness and spirituality into your life.

Cultivate compassion, express gratitude, simplify your day, start each day with intention, examine the way you deal with life's challenges. Altruism can significant.yvimprove psychological and physical well-being , so can meditation and prayer.

Different types of meditation:

Mantra meditation: repeating a word or phrase. Example: Om

Breath meditation: counting breathes

Color meditation: Focusing on a color while in meditation

Candle meditation: focus on the flame of the candle

Loving kindness meditation: imagining a loved one