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31 Cards in this Set

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What are the indications for the use of POP ?

Avoid ostrogenic side effects

CI for estrogens:

Previous history of VTE

Smokers >35 years



Lactating mothers

> 40 years

What are the problems associated with the use of POP ?

It has to be taken every day at the same time

Irregular menstrual cycles

Not as effective

Small percentage develop amenorrhoea

What is the pearl index ?

It is a way to express the efficacy of a contraceptive method and is calculated as follows:

Total accidental pregnancies x 12 x 100


Total months of exposure

This will reflect how many pregnancies will occur in 100 sexually active women in one year.

What are the risk factors for endometrial Ca ?

Obesity (peripheral estrogen production and anovulation)

Nulliparous infertile (unopposed)

Family History

Delayed menopause

Exogenous estrogen

Endogenous estrogen

Medical Disorders

What is the management of early endometrial Ca ?


With or without

Pelvic irradiation

What is the management of late endometrial CA ?

Radical hysterectomy, pelvic node dissection, pelvic irradiation

What are the advantages over hormonal methods as emergency contraception when comparing it to a Copper T A380 IUCD ?

It is more effective

Can be used up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse (versus 3 days)

Can be left in situ as future contraception

No hormonal side effects (such as nausea and vomiting)

What are the absolute contra-indications to inserting an IUCD ?

Shortened or distorted uterine cavity


AUB of which the diagnoses is unkown

Active genital tract infection

Valve prosthesis or past attack of infective endocarditis

A patient presents with a white vaginal discharge and a history of vulvovaginal itch. What is the most likely causative organism ?

Candida Albicans

A patient presents with a white vaginal discharge and a history of vulvovaginal itch. What are the predisposing factors to this condition ?

Candida infection predisposing factors:




Superinfection due to antibiotic use

Abnormal genital environment promoting infection:

Tight fitting clothing

What are the microscopic signs of candida albicans ?



Yeast cells

Define: Hirsuitism

Hirsuitism is the growth of terminal hair in amounts that is socially undesirable. Characteristically, follicles on the face, upper lip, breasts, lower abdomen and upper thighs are induced to grow in a male pattern.

Define: Virilisation

The development of secondary male sexual characteristics in a woman. These may include severe hirsuitism associated with defeminisation, clitoromegaly, deepening of the voice and sometimes temporal balding. Muscle bulk increases and the body habitus is altered.

When would you refer a patient for colposcopy ?

High grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia

two consecutive low grade squamous intraepthelial neoplasias (SIL)

Clinically apparent lesion

Follow-up after large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ)

What are the best treatment options for a 26 year old G1P1 CIN III ?

Local destructive therapy if she wants more children can be considered:


CO2 Laser

If however her family is complete a vaginal or total abdominal hysterectomy can be considered.

What are the ultrasound findings characteristic of malignancy ?

Papillary growths

Thick cystic walls

Irregular margins

> 8cm in size

Frequently bilateral

Ascitic fluid present

Fixed to surrounding tissues

Areas of necrosis or haemorrhage

What biochemical marker is used for the diagnoses of ovarian Ca ?


Define: Krukenberg tumour

A tumour of the ovary that has metastasized from a primary site, clasically the GIT

Define: Menopause

Natural menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation, determined retrospectively after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhoea without any other pathological or physical cause

What is the average age of menopause ?

51.4 years

How is menopause diagnosed ?

History of 12 months of amenorrhoea

Climacteric symptoms

Hormonal changes

What are the major causes of vaginal bleeding in a child ?

Infection (most importantly)

Prolapse of the urethral mucosa, hymenal tags; warts

Foreign material

Sexual abuse or trauma

Precocious menarche

Rare tumours of the vagina and cervix

Bleeding disorders

3 major hormonal changes during menopause ?

Decreased estrogen

Increased FSH

Increased LH

List the causes of FSH and LH deficiency



Kallmann syndrome

What are the advantages of MVA over sharp curretage ?

Minimal bleeding (decreased intraoperative bleeding)

Decreased operation time

Decreased pain

Decreased risk of uterine perforation

Decreased risk of long term endometrial damage

List the different methods of anaesthesia for MVA

Short acting opiods and sedatives

Intracervical block

General anasethesia

What is the difference between condylomata lata and condylomata accuminata ?

Lata is a sign of syphilis whereas accuminata is associated with HPV

List the conditions and organisms responsible for genital ulcers

Syphilis - Treponema pallidum

Chancroid - Haemophilus ducreyi

Granuloma inguinale - Calymmobacterium granulomatis

Herpes - HSV

Discuss follow-up care of a pessary ring

Intial follow up after 2 weeks and then 3 monthly

Remove it, clean it and then reinsert it

Examine for signs of erosion and/or infection

List the different compartments and types of prolapses

Anterior - Urethrocele, cystocele

Middle - Uterine, vault

Posterior - Rectocele, enterocele

What are the indications for a pessary ring ?

Patient not suitable for surgery

Patient does not want surgery

Patient pregnant (surgery needs to be postponed)