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32 Cards in this Set

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Forced open mouth, which mastication muscle is involved?

Lateral pterygoid (all anterior neck muscles can depress mandible)

Which of the mastication muscles you cannot perform oral massage?


Which muscle is at the lateral wall of the oral cavity?


To massage buccinator you put ___ finger and to massage masseter, you put ____ finger.

Partial finger, whole finger.

Can suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles depress mandible?


Temporomandibular joint articulation is?

Concave on Convex

Which muscle controls the "disk" inside the TMJ joint?

Lateral pterygoid

These two muscles Elevate, Retract and same side Deviation of mandible.

Temporalis and Masseter

Medial Pterygold can be felt in upper or lower molar?

Lower molar (medially, inferiorly past the gum)

Actions of Medial Pterygoid?

Elevate, opposite side deviation

Lateral Pterygoid can be felt on the last upper molar, what is the actions?

Inferior portion DEPRESS mandible. Upper portion elevates. Opposite side deviation of mandible unilaterally. Bilaterally, it PROTRACTS.

Digastric does?

Depress and retract mandible (around hyoid)

During TMJ AF ROM Test, if you see C-wobble, it means?

Capsular problem

During TMJ AF ROM Test, if you see S-wobble, it means?

Trigger point

Disc hernia often happens at what side of Disc (annular fibre)?

Posterior and lateral (weaken annual fibre with nucleus pulposus protruding out)

Which of the following is a good test for disc herniation?

A. Slump

B. Kemp's

C. Kernig's

D. All of above

D. All of above (also Valsalva and Straight Leg Raise)

McKenzie low-back exercise is good for which 3 syndrome?

Postural, Dysfunction and Derangement syndrome

What is Dysfunction syndrome?

Pain caused by contracture, tight muscle, adhesive tissues.

What is Derangement syndrome?

Pain caused by joint/bone structures that are out of alignment. Pain is very sensitive to certain movements like flexion or extension.

Best treatment for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?

Steroid / Cortisone to reduce inflammation

Osteoarthritis mostly affects big or smaller joints?

Bigger joints (knee, hip, ankle)

What are two unique sign and symptoms for Osteoarthritis?

Bouchard's Nodes and Heberden's Nodes on hands.

Bony bump on the finger joint close to the fingernail (distal interphalangeal joint) is called?

Heberden's Node

Bony bump on the proximal interphalangeal joint is called?

Bouchard's Node

Which CNS Lesion condition is linked to Circumducted Gait?


Which two places release Epinephrine?

Medulla of adrenal gland and post-ganglion of sympathetic nerve neuron.

What is Diplopia?

Double Vision

Nystagmus is?

constant, involuntary, cyclical motion of eyeball

What is Status Epilepticus?

One seizure after another. This is 911 event.

What's Petit Mal seizure?

Absence/Partial seizure. A mild form of epilepsy that causes a brief period of unconsciousness but without losing posture.

What is Grand Mal seizure?

A Generalized tonic-clonic type. Loss of consciousness with violent muscle contraction.

Describe Hemiplegic shoulder.

Adduction of shoulder

Internal rotation of GH joint

Retraction of Scapula