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reversal REVERSAL [ri'v2:s2l]
REVERSAL n. 反向,反转;运气不好(英) n. 反向,反转 (being reversed);运气不好(a piece of bad luck)
reverse REVERSE [ri'v2:s]
REVERSE n. 反面; 相反; v. 倒车, 反转(英) n. 反面 (the back part)相反(opposite)v. 倒车(to perform action in the opposite direction)反转(to turn backward)(记) re(反)+verse(转)→ 反转(例) He did the reverse of what we expected. (他做了和我们期望相 反的事)
reversion REVERSION [ri'v2:62n]
REVERSION n. 返回(原状,旧习惯); 逆转(英) n. 返回(原状,旧习惯) (an act of returning)逆转(an act of turning the opposite way)(记) re(回)+vers(转)+ion →转回去,返回(例) reversion to bad habits
revert REVERT [ri'v2:t]
REVERT v. 恢复,回复到;重新考 虑(英) v. 恢复,回复到( go back to);重新考虑( talk about or consider again)
revile REVILE [ri'vail]
REVILE v. 辱骂,恶言相向(英) v. 辱骂,恶言相向(to use abusive language; rail)(记) re(反复)+vile(卑鄙 的,邪恶的)→用邪恶 的话骂→辱骂(例) an editorial reviling the Government
revise REVISE [ri'vaiz]
REVISE n./ v. 改变,修正(英) n./ v. 改变,修正( change because of new information or more thought)(考) revise : manuscript / retouch : picture(修改文稿/润饰图画)(同) 派生词: revision (n. 修改,校订; 修订本)
revitalize REVITALIZE [ri:'vait2laiz]
REVITALIZE v. 使重新充满活力(英) v. 使重新充满活力(to give new life or vigor to; rejuvenate)(记) re(重新)+vital(有活 力的)+ize→使…重新 有活力(同) 同根词:vitality(生 命力,活力);vital (有效的)(例) The new business revitalized the downtown area.
revive REVIVE [ri'vaiv]
REVIVE v. 使苏醒;再流行(英) v. 使苏醒( become conscious again);再流行( come or bring back into use)(考) 反义词:wither(枯萎 ); lull(使麻痹)
revoke REVOKE [ri'v2uk]
REVOKE v. 废除,取消(英) v. 废除,取消 (to annul by recalling; rescind)(考) countermand : order / revoke : license(取消定单/吊销执照)(记) re(反)+voke(喊)→反 过来喊→取消(同) 派生词:revocable (adj. 可废除的);revocat ion (n. 废弃,取消)(例) revoke a driver's license(吊销驾驶执 照)
revolt REVOLT [ri'v2ult]
REVOLT v. 叛乱,造反; 反感(英) v. 叛乱,造反(to renounce allegiance or subjection; rebel),反感 (to turn away with disgust)(记) re(反)+volt(转)→反 过来转→叛乱
revulsion REVULSION [ri'v3l62n]
REVULSION n.厌恶,憎恶;剧烈反 应(英) n.厌恶,憎恶(sudden strong feeling of disgust);剧烈反应( sudden negative reaction)
reward REWARD [ri'w0:d]
REWARD n. 酬报,奖赏; v. 酬谢,奖赏(英) 酬报,奖赏(a return for doing something good or valuable)酬谢,奖赏(to give a reward to someone or for an action)(考) 反义词: relinquish(让与,放 弃)
rewarding REWARDING [ri'w0:di8]
REWARDING adj. 有益的,值得做的(英) adj. 有益的,值得做的(wo rth doing or having)(考) 反义词:drudgery(苦 工的)(记) reward(报酬)+ing
rhapsody RHAPSODY ['r9ps2di]
RHAPSODY n. 溢美之词; 狂想曲(英) n. 溢美之词 (extravagant praise)(记) rhapso(缝)+ody(颂歌 )→把颂歌连接起来→ 赞美(例) She went into rhapsodies over the beauty of the scene. (她赞美风景之美)
rhetoric RHETORIC ['ret2rik]
RHETORIC n. 修辞学,浮夸的言语(英) n. 修辞学,浮夸的言语( insincere or grandiloquent language)(记) 来自Rhetor(古希腊的 修辞学教师,演说家)(例) The debate was highly skilled in the art of rhetoric.
rhinestone RHINESTONE ['rainst2un]
RHINESTONE n. 水晶石,莱茵石(记) rhine(莱茵河)+stone (石),一种透明无色 的钻石仿制品,因首 制于莱茵河畔而得名
rhubarb RHUBARB ['ru:bb]
RHUBARB n. (植物)大黄; n./v.喧闹(英) n./v.喧闹(a heated dispute or controversy)(例) a Roman mob rhubarbing at the Palace door(冲着宫殿大门乱 嚷嚷的一群罗马暴民)
rhyme RHYME [raim]
RHYME n. 押韵;v. 押韵(英) n. 押韵(words that rhyme at the ends);v. 押韵( end with the same sound)
rhythmic RHYTHMIC ['ri5mik]
RHYTHMIC adj. 有节奏的(英) adj. 有节奏的 (marked by pronounced rhythm)(记) rhythm(节奏)+ic;(同) 参考: arrhythmic(无节奏的 )(例) We danced to the rhythmic drum.
rib RIB [rib]
RIB n. 肋骨, 伞骨(英) n. 肋骨; 伞骨(one of the stiff strips supporting an umbrella's fabric)(考) organ : kidney / bone : rib(肾是一种器官/肋骨 是一种骨骼)(例) the ribs of an umbrella(雨伞的伞骨 )
ribald RIBALD ['rib2ld]
RIBALD adj. 下流的,粗鄙的(英) adj. 下流的,粗鄙的 (crude, using coarse indecent humor)(考) 反义词:seemly(适宜 的)(记) 分割记忆:rib(肋骨) +bald(秃头的)→肋骨 露了出来→下流的(同) 派生词:ribaldry (n. 粗俗下流的言词或笑 话)(例) a ribald joke(粗俗的笑话)
rickety RICKETY ['rikiti]
RICKETY adj.不牢靠的,摇摇欲 坠的(英) adj.不牢靠的,摇摇欲 坠的(likely to break or fall apart)(考) cloth : ragged / furniture : rickety(破旧的衣服/破烂的 家具)(例) She started off down the rickety stairs.(她举步走下 摇摇欲坠的楼梯)
rider RIDER ['raid2]
RIDER n.附文,附件(英) n.附文,附件(amendme nt to a legislative bill)(考) rider : bill / endorsement : policy(法案的附件/保单的 背书)
ridge RIDGE [rid7]
RIDGE n. 脊(如屋脊,山脊等); 隆起物(英) 脊(如屋脊,山脊等) (the line of intersection at the top between the opposites slopes or sides of a roof),隆起物 (an elongate elevation)(例) the ridge of a roof
ridicule RIDICULE ['ridikju:l]
RIDICULE n. 奚落;v. 嘲笑(英) n. 奚落(unkind expression of amusement);v. 嘲笑( laugh unkindly at)(考) pillory : ridicule / guillotine : execute(颈手枷用来嘲弄/断 头台用来处决)satire : ridicule / elegy : sorrow(讽刺作品的目的是嘲 笑/哀诗的目的是哀悼)(记) rid(笑)+ic+ule
ridiculous RIDICULOUS [ri'dikjul2s]
RIDICULOUS adj. 荒唐的,可笑的(英) adj. 荒唐的,可笑的 (deserving ridicule)(考) 反义词:sublime(崇 高的)(记) rid(笑)+ic+ulous(多 ...的)→多笑的→可 笑的
rife RIFE [raif]
RIFE adj. 流行的,普遍的(英) adj. 流行的,普遍的(prev alent to an increasing degree)(考) 反义词:sparse(极少 的)(记) 和life(生命)一起记 ,生命是普遍的(例) This article is rife with errors.
rifle RIFLE ['raifl]
RIFLE n.步枪; v.抢劫(英) v.抢劫 (to ransack with the intent to steal)(例) rifle goods from a shop(抢劫商店的货物 )
rift RIFT [rift]
RIFT n.裂缝, 裂口, 断裂, 长狭谷, 不和 n. 矛盾; 裂缝,隙缝(英) n.裂缝,隙缝 (fissure, crevasse)(考) 反义词:reconciliat ion(和解)(例) a deep marital rift(夫妇间深深的裂 痕)
rig RIG [rig]
RIG v. 欺骗,舞弊,伪造(英) v. 欺骗,舞弊,伪造(to manipulate by deceptive or dishonest means)(考) rig : contest / gerrymander : district(竞赛舞弊现象导致结 果不真实/竞选中不正 当操作导致结果不真实)(例) She has rigged the evidence to save a man she is infatuated with.
righteous RIGHTEOUS ['rait62s]
RIGHTEOUS adj.正直的(英) 正直的,正派的(moral ly good and just)正当的(having just cause)(考) 反义词:reprobate( 堕落者)-righteous individual(正直的人)
rigid RIGID ['rid7id]
RIGID adj.硬性的(考) circular : asymmetrical / protean : rigid(圆形的不是不对称的 /变化的不是僵化的)反义词: pliable(柔软的)
rile RILE [rail]
RILE v.使...恼火;激怒(英) v.使...恼火;激怒(ir ritate; vex; muddy)(考) 反义词:appease(平 息)
rind RIND [raind]
RIND n. (西瓜等)外皮(英) n. (西瓜等)外皮 (hard or tough outer layer; peel, crust)(考) apple : skin / melon : rind(苹果皮/甜瓜皮)(例) watermelon rind(西瓜皮)
ringlet RINGLET ['ri8lit]
RINGLET n. 卷发(英) n. 卷发 (a long curl of hair)(记) ring(卷)+let(小)→ 小卷发(例) a pretty child with golden ringlets
rinse RINSE [rins]
RINSE v. 以清水冲洗,漂洗(英) v. 以清水冲洗,漂洗 (to cleanse by clear water)(例) rinse one's hands under the tap(用自来水冲洗双 手)
riot RIOT ['rai2t]
RIOT vi.参加暴动(考) 反义词: sedate(使镇静)
riotous RIOTOUS ['rai2t2s]
RIOTOUS adj. 暴乱的,蛮横的(英) adj. 暴乱的,蛮横的 (turbulent)(记) 来自riot(暴乱)+ous →暴乱的(例) riotous students(闹事的学生 )
rip RIP [rip]
RIP v. 撕裂,撕破(英) v. 撕裂,撕破 (to tear or split apart or open)(例) I ripped the letter open.
ripen RIPEN ['raip2n]
RIPEN v. 使成熟(英) v. 使成熟 ( become or make ripe)(考) ripen : maturity / harden : solidity(使成熟达到成熟/使 坚硬达到坚硬)(记) ripe(成熟的)+en
ripple RIPPLE ['rip2l]
RIPPLE v. 起涟漪 n. 细浪,涟漪(英) v. 起涟漪(move in small waves)(例) She threw a stone into the pond and watched the ripples spread.
risible RISIBLE ['riz2b2l]
RISIBLE adj. 可笑的,引人发笑的(英) adj. 可笑的,引人发笑的 (arousing or provoking laughter)(记) ris(笑)+ible→可笑 的;(同) 参考:derisive(嘲笑 的)
rite RITE [rait]
RITE n. (宗教的)仪式(英) n. (宗教的)仪式 (a ceremonial act or action)(考) 反义词:improvised act(即席的)(例) marriage rites(结婚仪式)
ritual RITUAL ['rit6u2l]
RITUAL n. 仪式,例行习惯;(英) n. 仪式,例行习惯(cere monial act or action)(记) rite(仪式)+ual→仪 式(例) Our society has many rituals of greeting, farewell and celebration.
rival RIVAL ['raiv2l]
RIVAL n. 竞争者,对手;v. 与...匹敌(英) n. 竞争者,对手(one competes);v. 与...匹敌( equal)(考) rival : competition / sycophant : flattery(竞争者竞争/马屁精 奉承)
rivalry RIVALRY ['raiv2lri]
RIVALRY n. 竞争,对抗(英) n. 竞争,对抗(being rivals)(例) the usual rivalry between brother and sister
rive RIVE [raiv]
RIVE v.撕开,分裂(考) 反义词:unite(联合)
riven RIVEN ['riv2n]
RIVEN adj. 撕裂的,分裂的(英) adj. 撕裂的,分裂的(spli t violently apart)(考) 反义词:intact(完好 无损的)(例) a family riven by ancient feuds
rivet RIVET ['rivit]
RIVET n. 铆钉; v. 吸引(注意力)(英) v. 吸引(注意力) (to attract completely)(例) The movie riveted the audience's attention.
riveting RIVETING ['riviti8]
RIVETING adj. 非常精彩的(英) adj. 非常精彩的(engrossi ng;fascinating)(例) a riveting speech
rivulet RIVULET ['rivjulit]
RIVULET n. 小溪,小河(英) n. 小溪,小河 (a small stream)(记) rivu(=river 河)+let(小)→小河
roadway ROADWAY ['r2udwei]
ROADWAY n.行车道(英) n.行车道(the middle part of a road where vehicles drive)
robe ROBE [r2ub]
ROBE n. 长袍,礼服(英) n. 长袍,礼服(a long flowing outer garment)(记) 分割记忆:rob(抢劫) +e,把长袍抢走(rob the robe)(例) The king and queen wore fine, silk robes on the throne.
robust ROBUST [r2u'b3st]
ROBUST adj. 健壮的(英) adj. 健壮的(having or exhibiting strength)(记) 分割记忆:ro看作rou nd, bust(半身像)→圆圆 的半身像→健壮的(例) If you want to be healthy and robust, get lots of exercise.
rococo ROCOCO [r2'k2uk2u]
ROCOCO adj.过分精巧的,俗丽 的(英) adj.过分精巧的,俗丽 的(ornate; highly decorated)
rodent RODENT ['r2ud2nt]
RODENT n. 啮齿类动物(如鼠等)(考) kangaroo : marsupial / squirrel : rodent(袋鼠是有袋动物/松 鼠是啮齿动物)(记) rod(咬)+ent→咬的动 物(同) 同根词:erode(侵蚀) ;corrode(腐蚀)
roe ROE [r2u]
ROE n. 鱼卵(英) n. 鱼卵(the eggs of a fish in the ovarian membrane)(考) egg : chicken / roe : silmon(鸡生鸡蛋/鲑鱼生鱼 卵)
roguish ROGUISH ['r2ugi6]
ROGUISH adj. 捣蛋的,无赖的(英) adj. 捣蛋的,无赖的(unsc rupulous; playfully mischievous)(记) 来自rogue(无赖)+ish(例) a roguish smile(调皮的微笑)
roil ROIL [r0il]
ROIL v. 搅浑,激怒(英) 搅浑,激怒(to make upset)(考) 反义词:settle(使稳 定); clarify(澄清); appease(安抚)roiste rer n. 喝酒喧哗者roisterer : carouse / recluse : withdraw(喝酒喧哗者喜欢狂欢 作乐/隐士喜欢隐居)(例) get roiled up over petty things (为琐事恼火)
rollcall ROLLCALL ['r2ul`k0:l]
ROLLCALL n. 点名、唱名(考) voting : roll call / termination : cloture(唱名是一种选举过程 /辩论结束是一种终止)
rollicking ROLLICKING ['r0liki8]
ROLLICKING adj. 欢乐的(英) adj. 欢乐的(noisy and jolly)(记) 分割记忆:rol(卷)+l ick(舔)+ing
roof ROOF [ru:f]
ROOF n.房顶(考) roof : room / summit : mountain(房顶是房屋的顶/山 顶是山脉的顶)
rookie ROOKIE ['ruki]
ROOKIE n. 新兵,新球员(英) n. 新兵,新球员(an inexperienced recruit; any novice)(考) professional : rookie / soldier : recruit(专业人员不是新手/ 老兵不是新兵)(记) 分割记忆:rook(秃鼻 乌鸦)+ie
roost ROOST [ru:st]
ROOST v./n. 栖息,鸟巢(英) v./n. 栖息,鸟巢(a perch on which birds can rest and sleep)(记) 注意不要和rooster( 公鸡)相混(例) A sparrow roosted on the small tree branch.
rooster ROOSTER ['ru:st2]
ROOSTER n. 公鸡(英) n. 公鸡(the male of the chicken; cock)
rope ROPE [r2up]
ROPE n.绳子(考) splice : rope / weld : metal(连接绳子/焊接金属)
roster ROSTER ['r0st2]
ROSTER n. 值班表,花名册(英) n. 值班表,花名册(a list of military or naval personnel or groups; any list; roll)(考) roster : personnel / slate : candidate(职员花名册/候选人 名录)(记) 不要和rooster(公鸡) 相混(例) a membership roster
rostrum ROSTRUM ['r0str2m]
ROSTRUM n. 讲台,讲坛(英) n. 讲台,讲坛(a raised place for a public speaker)(考) rostrum : orator / bench : judge(演讲者在讲台上/法 官在法官席上)
rotate ROTATE [r2u'teit]
ROTATE v. 旋转,转动 ; 轮流,交替(英) v. 旋转,转动 ( turn round a fixed point or axis)
rotation ROTATION [r2u'tei62n]
ROTATION n. 旋转(考) torque : rotation / tension : elongation(转矩使旋转/张力使 伸长)
rote ROTE [r2ut]
ROTE n. 死记硬背(英) n. 死记硬背(a fixed, mechanical way of doing something)(记) rot(转)+e→来回转→ 反复转→死记硬背(例) speak one's lines by rote
rotten ROTTEN ['r0tn]
ROTTEN adj. 腐败的;糟糕的(英) adj. 腐败的(gone bad);糟糕的(unsatisfacto ry)(考) homogenization : uniform / putrefaction : rotten(一致化导致一致/腐 败导致腐烂)(记) rot(腐败)+en
rotund ROTUND [r2u't3nd]
ROTUND adj.(人)圆胖的,(声 音)洪亮的(英) adj.(人)圆胖的,(声 音)洪亮的(round; plump or stout; sonorous)(记) rot(转,圆)+und→→ 圆乎乎的→圆胖的(例) a rotund face
roughen ROUGHEN ['r3f2n]
ROUGHEN v. 变得粗糙,变得不平(英) v. 变得粗糙,变得不平( make or become rough)(记) rough(粗糙的)+en
roundabout ROUNDABOUT ['raund2baut]
ROUNDABOUT adj. 绕远道的,转弯抹角的(英) adj. 绕远道的,转弯抹角 的(indirect; circuitous)(记) 组合词:round(转圈) +about(例) We heard the news in a roundabout way.
rouse ROUSE [rauz]
ROUSE v. 唤醒,使觉醒;鼓舞(英) v. 唤醒,使觉醒( waken);鼓舞( make more active)(考) 反义词:mollify(抚 慰); quell(镇压)
rout ROUT [raut]
ROUT n. 大败,溃败(英) n. 大败,溃败(an overwhelming defeat)(记) 联想记忆:route(道 路),去掉e成rout(例) the total rout of the enemy force
rove ROVE [r2uv]
ROVE v. 流浪,漂泊(英) v. 流浪,漂泊(to wander about; roam)(例) rove over sea and land/rove the moors(流浪荒野)
rowdy ROWDY ['raudi]
ROWDY adj. 吵闹的,粗暴的(英) adj. 吵闹的,粗暴的(roug h, quarrelsome)(记) row(吵闹)+dy→吵闹 的,注意row还有'一 排(座位)'和'划船'等意思(例) The rowdy audience jeered the untalented opening act.
royalty ROYALTY ['r0i2lti]
ROYALTY n. 皇室; 版税(英) n. 皇室;版税(percenta ge paid for the work of an author, composer, etc. by the publisher)(考) royalty : payment / subpoena : writ(版税是一种酬劳/传 票是一种书面命令)(记) royal(王室的)+ty→ 皇室,注意'版税'一意(例) Besides copyright, the writer got a 10 percent royalty on sales. The young prince was trained for royalty.
rubber RUBBER ['r3b2]
RUBBER n. 橡胶(考) candy : suger / candle : wax / tire : rubber(糖果用糖制造/蜡烛 用蜡制造/轮胎用橡胶制
rubble RUBBLE ['r3bl]
RUBBLE n.(一堆)碎石,瓦砾(英) n.(一堆)碎石,瓦砾( rough and loose fragments of rock, or debris from buildings)(例) a building reduced to rubble by bombing
rubicund RUBICUND ['ru:bik2nd]
RUBICUND adj.(脸色)红润的(英) adj.(脸色)红润的(re ddish; ruddy)(考) 反义词:pale(苍白的 )(记) rub(红色)+icund→红 色的,红润的(同) 同根词:rubify(使成 为红色);ruby(红宝 石)
ruck RUCK [r3k]
RUCK n. 皱褶;普通群众(英) n. 皱褶(wrinkle)普通群众(the multitude or mass)(例) to get out of the ruck and become famous as a singer
rucksack RUCKSACK ['r3ks9k]
RUCKSACK n.(旅行等的)背包(英) n.(旅行等的)背包(a kind of knapsack)(记) ruck(=back背)+sack( 包)
rudder RUDDER ['r3d2]
RUDDER n. 船舵; 领导者(英) 船舵; 领导者(something in a boat, ship, or aircraft, serving to guide, direct, or control; leader)(例) Mary turned the rudder sharply to avoid hitting the rock.
ruddy RUDDY ['r3di]
RUDDY adj.(脸色)红润的,红 色的(英) adj.(脸色)红润的, 红色的(having a healthy red color)(记) rud(=red)+dy→红色 的(例) a ruddy complexion(红润的面 色)
rude RUDE [ru:d]
RUDE adj. 不礼貌的,粗鲁的(英) adj. 不礼貌的,粗鲁的 (intentionally bad-mannered)
rudimentary RUDIMENTARY [`ru:di'ment2ri]
RUDIMENTARY adj. 初步的,未充分发展的(英) adj. 初步的,未充分发展 的(fundamental; elementary)(记) rudi(无知的,粗鲁的 )+ment+ary→无知状 态→初_步的(同) 同根词:erudite(深 奥的)(例) This program is only rudimentary and is being developed for release next year.
rudiments RUDIMENTS ['ru:dim2nts]
RUDIMENTS n. 基础知识(英) n. 基础知识(fundamenta l of a subject to be learned)(例) the rudiments of grammar(语法入门)
rue RUE [ru:]
RUE n. 后悔,遗憾(英) n. 后悔,遗憾 (repent or regret)(考) longing : pine / remorse : rue(因渴望而憔悴/因懊 悔而悲伤)反义词:satisfactio n(满意)
rueful RUEFUL ['ru:f2l]
RUEFUL adj. 后悔的,遗憾的(英) adj. 后悔的,遗憾的(feel ing good humored regret)(考) 反义词:impenitent( 不悔悟的)(例) a rueful smile(后悔的苦笑)
ruffian RUFFIAN ['r3fi2n]
RUFFIAN n. 恶棍,歹徒; adj. 残暴的(英) n. 恶棍,歹徒(lawless person);adj. 残暴的(brutal, violent)
ruffle RUFFLE ['r3fl]
RUFFLE v. 弄皱,激怒; n.皱边(装饰衣服)(英) v. 弄皱,激怒(to become uneven, wrinkled; to become disturbed, irritated);(考) ruffle : shirt / molding : cabinet(花边用来修饰衬衫/ 木线用来修饰柜子)反义词: preen(赞扬)(例) the wind-ruffled surface of the lack(被风吹皱的湖面 ) / Don't get so ruffled.(别生气)
rumble RUMBLE ['r3mb2l]
RUMBLE v.发出持续的低沉的 声音(英) v.发出持续的低沉的 声音(make or move with a deep rolling sound)
ruminant RUMINANT ['ru:min2nt]
RUMINANT adj.(动物)反刍的,沉 思的(英) adj.(动物)反刍的, 沉思的(meditative; thoughtful)(记) rumin(=rumen 反刍动物的第一胃'瘤 骨')+ant→反刍的(例) Cows are ruminant animals.
ruminate RUMINATE ['ru:mineit]
RUMINATE v. 反刍,深思(英) v. 反刍; 深思(to turn sth. over in the mind; meditate)(例) The owner ruminated about giving the workers a raise.
rumple RUMPLE ['r3mp2l]
RUMPLE v. 弄皱,弄乱(英) v. 弄皱,弄乱(to make or become disheveled or tousled)(考) 反义词:preen(打扮 整洁)(记) rum(弄皱)+ple(例) her rumpled curls(她蓬乱的卷发)
run RUN [r3n]
RUN n. 一个完整的表演程序(考) journal : entries / run : performance(定期刊物由单个刊物 组成/表演程序由表演 组成)
rung RUNG [r38]
RUNG n. 梯子横挡,梯级(英) n. 梯子横挡,梯级(cros s-bars that form the steps of a ladder)
runic RUNIC ['ru:nik]
RUNIC adj. 北欧古代文字的; 神秘的(考) martial : military / runic : mysterious(同义: 军事的和军事的/神秘 的和神秘的)
rupture RUPTURE ['r3pt62]
RUPTURE n./v. 破裂,断裂(英) n./v. 破裂,断裂(to break apart or burst)(记) rupt(断)+ure→断裂(同) 同根词:erupt(喷发) ;corrupt(腐败的)
rural RURAL ['ru2r2l]
RURAL adj. 乡村的(英) adj. 乡村的(characterist ic of the country)(记) rur(乡村)+al(同) 同根词:ruralize(使 农村化);rurality( 农村景色)(例) Tired of the big city, the writer moved to quiet rural town.
ruse RUSE [ru:z,ru:s]
RUSE n.骗术,诡计(英) n.骗术,诡计(trick to deceive; stratagem)
rust RUST [r3st]
RUST n.锈(考) rust : corrosion / dew : condensation(腐蚀产生锈/冷凝产 生露)silver : tarnish / iron : rust(银失去光泽/铁生锈)
rustic RUSTIC ['r3stik]
RUSTIC adj. 乡村的,乡土气的(英) dj. 乡村的,乡土气的(la cking refinement, elegance, polish, or sophistication)(考) 反义词:polished(雅 致的); urbane(优雅的)(记) rust(乡村)+ic→乡村 的(同) 同根词:rusticity( 乡村风味,笨拙)(例) David owned a rustic inn near the lake.
rustle RUSTLE ['r3sl]
RUSTLE v.(使某物)发出轻而 爽的声音(英) v.(使某物)发出轻而 爽的声音(make slight sounds like silk moving or being rubbed together)
rustler RUSTLER ['r3sl2]
RUSTLER n. 偷牛(马)贼(英) n. 偷牛(马)贼(a person who steals cattle, horses, etc.)(考) plagiarism : ideas / rustling : cattle(剽窃偷思想/窃牛偷 牛)(记) rustle(沙沙声,急忙 )+r→急忙把牛赶走→ 偷牛贼,rustle可能 来自rush(匆忙)+hust le(快做)
ruthless RUTHLESS ['ru:4lis]
RUTHLESS adj. 无情的;坚决的(英) adj. 无情的(showing no human feelings);坚决的(firm in taking unpleasant decisions)(考) ruthless : mercy / insipid : flavor(无情的不会仁慈/无 味的不会有味道)
ruthlessness RUTHLESSNESS ['ru:4lisnis]
RUTHLESSNESS n. 无情,残忍(考) 反义词:clemency(仁 慈)(记) ruthless(无情的)+ne ss
sabbatical SABBATICAL [s2'b9tik(2)l]
SABBATICAL adj. 安息日的, 周期性休息的(考) sabbatical : leave / flattering : infatuation(休假使人休息/恭维 使人迷醉)
saber SABER ['seib2(r)]
SABER n. 军刀,击剑用刀(英) n. 军刀,击剑用刀(a heavy cavalry sword )
sabotage SABOTAGE ['s9b2t7]
SABOTAGE n. 阴谋破坏,颠覆活动(英) n. 阴谋破坏,颠覆活动( intentional destruction)(记) sabot(木鞋)+age,原 指将木鞋扔进机器进 行破坏(例) The destruction of our computer files was an act of sabotage.
saboteur SABOTEUR [`s9b2't2:]
SABOTEUR n.从事破坏活动者(英) n.从事破坏活动者(on e who commits sabotage)(考) saboteur : disrupt / apologist : defend(破坏者破坏/辩护者 辩护)
saccharin SACCHARIN ['s9k2rin]
SACCHARIN n. 糖精(考) butter : margarine / sugar : saccharin(黄油和人造黄油/糖 和人造糖精)(记) sacchar(糖)+in→糖 精(同) 同根词:saccharine( 声调极甜的);saccha rize(使糖化)
sack SACK [s9k]
SACK n. 粗布袋; v. 掠夺(英) n. 粗布袋(a bag of coarse cloth);v. 掠夺(to plunder or loot)(例) Nazi armies sacked Europe's art galleries.
sacrament SACRAMENT ['s9kr2m2nt]
SACRAMENT n. 圣礼,圣事(英) n. 圣礼,圣事(any of certain rites instituted by Jesus)(记) sacra(神圣)+ment(同) 同根词:sacrarium( 教堂内殿,圣堂);sa crifice(献祭,牺牲)
sacred SACRED ['seikrid]
SACRED adj. 神圣的,庄严的(英) adj. 神圣的,庄严的(conn ected with religion or religious rites)(例) They entered the sacred mosque.(他们进入神 圣的清真寺)
sacrifice SACRIFICE ['s9krifais]
SACRIFICE n. 牺牲; v. 宰牲祭神(考) worship : sacrifice / prediction : augury(宰牲祭神是一种敬神 活动/占卜是一种预测)
sacrosanct SACROSANCT ['s9kr2us98kt]
SACROSANCT adj. 神圣不可侵犯的(英) adj. 神圣不可侵犯的(very sacred, holy, or inviolable)(记) sacro(神圣)+sanct( 神圣)→十分神圣的(同) 同根词:sanctity(圣 洁,神圣);sanctum( 圣所,私室)
sadden SADDEN ['s9dn]
SADDEN v. 使伤心,使悲哀(英) v. 使伤心,使悲哀 ( make sad)(考) 反义词:exhilarate( 使高兴)(记) sad(悲哀的)+en
saddle SADDLE ['s9dl]
SADDLE n. 鞍,马鞍(英) n. 鞍,马鞍(a seat of a rider on a horse)
sadistic SADISTIC [s2'distik,sei-]
SADISTIC adj.施虐狂的,性施虐 狂的(英) adj.施虐狂的,性施虐 狂的(inclined to cruelty)
safari SAFARI [s2'fri]
SAFARI n. 狩猎旅行,长途考察(英) n. 狩猎旅行,长途考察( a journey or hunting expedition)(记) 来自阿拉伯语safar( 回历2月),safari指 该时间开始的游猎活动(例) an Arctic safari(北极考察)
safeguard SAFEGUARD ['seifgd]
SAFEGUARD n. 防卫措施,防范措施(英) n. 防卫措施,防范措施( guard against loss or injury)(考) safeguard : accident / quarantine : contamination / hedge : loss(警卫避免事故/隔离 避免传染/篱笆避免损 失)(记) 组合词:safe(安全的 )+guard(保卫)(例) smear one's skin with suntan lotion as a safeguard against sunburn.
saga SAGA ['sg2]
SAGA n. 英勇故事,长篇小说(英) n. 英勇故事,长篇小说( any long story of adventure or heroic deeds)(记) 注意不要和sage(智慧 的)相混(例) The author wrote a fivevolume saga about a powerful family.
sagacious SAGACIOUS [s2'gei62s]
SAGACIOUS adj. 聪明的,睿智的(英) adj. 聪明的,睿智的(show ing keen perception and foresight)(考) 反义词:without wisdom(无智商的); puerile(幼稚的)(记) sag(敏锐)+acious→ 敏锐的,聪明的
sagacity SAGACITY [s2'g9s2ti]
SAGACITY n. 聪慧(英) n. 聪慧(penetrating intelligence and sound judgement)(考) prudence : daredevil / constancy : turncoat / sagacity : simpleton(蛮勇者不会谨慎/变 节者不会坚持/傻子不 会睿智)反义词:fatuity(愚 蠢); folly(愚蠢)
sage SAGE [seid7]
SAGE adj. 智慧的; n. 智者(英) adj. 智慧的(wise, discerning);n. 智者(a very wise person)(考) sage : wisdom / philanthropist : benevolence(哲人有智慧/慈善家 有爱心)(记) sag(敏锐)+e→智慧的(例) The sages were their tribe's spiritual leaders.
saintly SAINTLY ['seintli]
SAINTLY adj. 圣徒似的,极为圣洁 的(英) adj. 圣徒似的,极为圣洁 的(of, like, or suitable to a saint)(考) 反义词:turpitude( 卑劣)-saintly behavior(高尚的行为)(记) saint(圣徒)+ly
salacious SALACIOUS [s2'lei62s]
SALACIOUS adj. 好色的,淫荡的(英) adj. 好色的,淫荡的(lech erous; lustful)(记) sal(跳)+acious,原指 动物跳来跳去追逐配偶(同) 派生词: salacity (n. 好色,淫荡)
salient SALIENT ['seili2nt]
SALIENT adj. 显著的,突出的(英) adj. 显著的,突出的(noti ceable; conspicuous; prominent)(考) salient : ignore / incomprehensible : understand(显著的不易被忽略/ 不可理解的不易被理 解)subtle : ignore / salient : observe(微妙的容易忽略/突 出的容易观察)反义词:unconspicuo us(不引人注意的)(记) sal(跳)+ient→跳起 来→突出的(例) the salient points of the speech
saliferous SALIFEROUS [s2'lif2r2s]
SALIFEROUS adj. 含盐的,产盐的(英) adj. 含盐的,产盐的(prod ucing or containing salt)(记) sali(盐)+fer(带有)+ ous→含盐的(同) 同根词:saline(盐的 );desalinzation(脱 盐)
saliva SALIVA [s2'laiv2]
SALIVA n. 唾液,口水
salmon SALMON ['s9m2n]
SALMON n. 鲑鱼,大马哈鱼(考) egg : chicken / roe : salmon(鸡生鸡蛋/鲑鱼生鱼 卵)salmon : ichthyologist / chameleon : herpetologist(鱼类学家研究鲑鱼/ 爬虫学家研究变色龙)
salubrious SALUBRIOUS [s2'lu:bri2s]
SALUBRIOUS adj. 有益健康的(英) adj. 有益健康的(promotin g health; salutary)(考) 反义词:unhealthy( 不利健康的); virulent(剧毒的); deleterious(有害的)(记) salubr(健康)+ious→ 健康的→有益健康的
salutary SALUTARY ['s9lju2t2ri]
SALUTARY adj. 有益的,有益健康的(英) adj. 有益的,有益健康的( promoting or conducive to health)(考) 反义词:unhealthy( 不利健康的); deleterious(有害健 康的)(记) salut(健康)+ary→有 益健康的,有利的
salute SALUTE [s2'lu:t]
SALUTE v. 行举手礼; 向...致意,问候 n. 举手礼,敬礼;鸣礼炮 ,降旗礼(英) v. 行举手礼 ( make a salute);向...致意,问候 ( greet with polite words or with a sign);n. 举手礼,敬礼(a military sign of recognition); 鸣礼炮,降旗礼 (a ceremonial firing of guns or lowering of flags in honor of a person of very high rank)
salvage SALVAGE ['s9lvid7]
SALVAGE n./v.(从灾难中)抢救 ,海上救助(英) n./v.(从灾难中)抢救 ,海上救助(save sth. from loss, fire, wreck, etc.)(记) salv(救)+age→抢救;(同) 参考:salvable(可抢 救的)
salvation SALVATION [s9l'vei62n]
SALVATION n. 得救,拯救(英) n. 得救,拯救(a saving ; rescue)(记) salv(救)+ation(例) seek salvation from trouble(寻求摆脱麻 烦)
salve SALVE [sv]
SALVE n. 药膏; v. 减轻,缓和(英) n. 药膏(oily substance used on wounds);v. 减轻,缓和(to soothe; assuage)(考) placebo : innocuous / salve : unctuous(安慰剂是无毒的/油 膏剂是油质的)(记) salv(救)+e→解救的 东西→药膏,安慰话(例) It was a sort of salve to her conscience.(那对她 的良心是一种宽慰)
sampler SAMPLER ['smpl2]
SAMPLER n. 刺绣花样,取样员(英) n. 刺绣花样,取样员(a cloth embroidered with designs, mottoes; a person who prepares or selects samples for inspection)(考) tile : mosaic / stitch : sampler(马赛克用瓷砖组成/ 刺绣花样用针脚组成)(记) sample(样子)+er→作 为样子的东西(同) 同根词:example(榜 样);sampling(取样 ,样品)
sanatorium SANATORIUM [`s9n2't0:ri2m]
SANATORIUM n. 疗养院,休养所(英) n. 疗养院,休养所(sani tarium;a quiet resort)(记) sanat(治疗)+arium( 地方)→疗养院(同) 同根词:sanatory(有 益健康的)
sanctify SANCTIFY ['s98ktifai]
SANCTIFY v. 使神圣(考) 反义词: desecrate(亵渎)
sanction SANCTION ['s98k62n]
SANCTION n./v. 批准,认可(英) n./v. 批准,认可(to ratify or confirm; countenance)(考) recommend : laud / sanction : foster(推荐是称赞的表现/ 批准是支持的表现)反义词:proscribe( 禁止)(记) sanct(神圣)+ion→神 圣之物,原指教会的 法令,引申为'批准' ,'赞许'(例) The mayor refused to sanction the city council's actions.
sanctuary SANCTUARY ['s98kt6u2ri]
SANCTUARY n. 圣堂,避难所(英) n. 圣堂,避难所(a place of refuge or protection; asylum)(记) sanct(神圣)+uary(地 方)→圣堂(例) The cabin provided sanctuary from the rain.
sandal SANDAL ['s9ndl]
SANDAL n. 凉鞋,拖鞋(英) n. 凉鞋,拖鞋 (a light open sided shoe worn in warm weather)
sane SANE [sein]
SANE adj. 神志清楚的,明智的(英) adj. 神志清楚的,明智的( having a normal, healthy mind; sensible)(例) No sane man would do that.
sangfroid SANGFROID [`s08'frw]
SANGFROID n. 沉着,临危不惧(英) n. 沉着,临危不惧(cool self-possession or composure)(记) 来自法语,原意为col d blood, sang(血)+froid(冷)
sanguinary SANGUINARY ['s98gwin2ri]
SANGUINARY adj. 有血的,血腥的(英) adj. 有血的,血腥的(acco mpanied by much bloodshed or carnage; bloodstained)(记) sanguin(血)+ary→血 的,流血的(例) sanguinary violence(血腥暴力) / sanguinary battle(血战)
sanguine SANGUINE ['s98gwin]
SANGUINE adj.乐观的(英) adj. 乐观的(cheerful and confident; optimistic)(考) 反义词:morose(忧郁 的); despondent(绝望的)(记) sanguine happy go lucky disposition(乐天逍 遥的性格)(例) sanguine happy go lucky disposition(乐天逍 遥的性格)
sanitary SANITARY ['s9nit2ri,`teri]
SANITARY adj. 卫生的,清洁的(英) adj. 卫生的,清洁的(in a clean, healthy condition; hygienic)(考) 反义词: noxious(有害的)(记) sanit(=sanat 健康)+ary→健康的→ 卫生的(同) 同根词:sanitizer( 消毒剂)
sanitation SANITATION [`s9n2'te62n,`s9ni'tei62n]
SANITATION n.(公共)卫生(英) n.(公共)卫生(the science and practice of effecting healthful and hygienic conditions; drainage and disposal of sewage)(考) censorship : information / sanitation : disease(审查制度是阻止信息 /保持卫生是阻止疾病)
sanity SANITY ['s9niti]
SANITY n. 神志清楚(英) n. 神志清楚(soundness of mind and judgement)(例) Many soldiers lost their sanity during the war.
sap SAP [s9p]
SAP n. 树液,活力; v.消弱,耗尽(英) n. 树液,活力(vigor; vitality);v.消弱,耗尽(weaken ; exhaust)(考) 反义词:bolster(支 持); fortify(支持)(例) The country was sapped by social decay.
sapient SAPIENT ['seipi2nt]
SAPIENT adj. 有智慧的(英) adj. 有智慧的(full of knowledge; sagacious; discerning)(考) 反义词:foolish(愚 蠢的)(记) sap(=wise 智慧)+ient→智慧(同) 派生词:sapience (n. 贤明,睿智)
sapless SAPLESS ['s9plis,'s9pl2s]
SAPLESS adj. 没有元气的(英) adj. 没有元气的(very weak; lacking of vigor)
sapling SAPLING ['s9pli8]
SAPLING n. 树苗,年轻人(英) n. 树苗,年轻人(a young tree; a young)(记) sap(树液)+ling(小) →小树(例) After the forest fire, saplings grew from the ashes.
sapphire SAPPHIRE ['s9fai2]
SAPPHIRE n. 青石,蓝宝石; adj.天蓝色的(英) n. 青石,蓝宝石(clear, bright blue jewel);adj.天蓝色的(deep-b lue)(例) a sapphire brooch(蓝宝石的别针 )
sarcasm SARCASM ['sk9z2m,'sar`]
SARCASM n. 讥讽,讽刺,嘲笑(英) n. 讥讽,讽刺,嘲笑(a taunting, sneering, or caustic remark)(记) sarc(肌肉)+asm(可能 来自spasm 痉挛)→使肌肉痉挛的 →讽刺(同) 同根词:sarcophagou s(食肉的)(例) The critic enjoyed the playwright's witty sarcasm.
sarcastic SARCASTIC [s'k9stik,sar`]
SARCASTIC adj. 讽刺的(英) adj. 讽刺的(sneering;ca ustic;cutting, etc.)(例) John's sarcastic comments insulted David.
sardonic SARDONIC [s'd0nik,sar'danik]
SARDONIC adj.嘲笑的(英) adj. 嘲笑的(disdainfully sneering, ironic, or sarcastic)(记) 来自sardinian plant(撒丁岛植物), 据说吃后让人狂笑而死(例) a sardonic comment(嘲讽的评语)
sartorial SARTORIAL [s't0:ri2l]
SARTORIAL adj. 裁缝的,缝制的(英) adj. 裁缝的,缝制的(of tailors; of their work)(考) tonsorial : hair / sartorial : apparel(理发的剪头发/裁缝 的裁衣服)(记) sartor(裁缝)+ial→ 裁缝
sash SASH [s96]
SASH n. 肩带(英) n. 肩带(an ornamental band, ribbon, or scarf worn over the shoulder)
satanic SATANIC [se't9nik,s2't9nik]
SATANIC adj. 穷凶恶极的(英) adj. 穷凶恶极的(like Satan; devilish; infernal)(记) 来自Satan(撒旦,与 上帝做对的魔鬼)
sate SATE [set,seit]
SATE v. 使心满意足,使厌足(英) v. 使心满意足,使厌足( gratify completely)(考) 反义词:starve(使挨 饿)(记) sat(满)+e→满足(同) 同根词:satiety(饱 足,厌腻);satisfy( 满足)(例) A long drink sated my thirst.
satiate SATIATE ['sei6ieit]
SATIATE v. 使充分满足,使饱足(英) v. 使充分满足,使饱足( satisfy fully)(考) slake : thirst / satiate : hunger(解渴/消饿)(例) be satiated with  pleasure(厌腻于 欢乐)
satiated SATIATED ['sei6ieitid]
SATIATED adj. 饱足的,厌腻的(考) satiated : food / saturated : moisture(食物过多导致饱足/ 湿度过高导致湿透)
satiety SATIETY [s2'tai2ti,s9`]
SATIETY n. 饱足,满足(英) n. 饱足,满足(the state of being satiated; surfeit)
satiny SATINY ['s9tini]
SATINY adj. 光滑的,柔细的(英) adj. 光滑的,柔细的(smoo th, soft, and glossy)(记) satin(缎子)+y→像缎 子一样的,光滑的
satire SATIRE ['s9tai2]
SATIRE n. 讽刺(作品)(英) n. 讽刺(作品)(the use of ridicule, sarcasm, irony to expose, attack, or deride vices, follies)(考) limerick : poem / lampoon : satire(打油诗是一种诗/讽 刺文章是一种讽刺作 品)satire : ridicule / elegy : sorrow(讽刺作品表达嘲弄/ 哀诗表达哀伤)(记) 可能来自sat(满足)+t ire(拉长)→不断地( 讽刺)而满足(例) This TV show is a satire of the ideal family.
satirical SATIRICAL [s2'tirik2l]
SATIRICAL adj. 讽刺的,爱挖苦的(英) adj. 讽刺的,爱挖苦的(in dulging in satire)(例) The satirical article about the prime minister was censored.
satirize SATIRIZE ['s9tiraiz]
SATIRIZE v. 讽刺(英) v. 讽刺( use satire against)(考) panegyric : eulogize / lampoon : satirize(颂词用来赞扬/讽刺 文章用来讽刺)
satisfaction SATISFACTION [`s9tis'f9k62n]
SATISFACTION n. 满意;满足(英) n. 满意(a feeling of happiness or pleasure);满足(fulfillment of a need, desire)(记) 来自动词satisfy(使 满足;satis[足够]+f y[化])
saturate SATURATE ['s9t62reit]
SATURATE v. 浸透;使充满(英) v. 浸透( put as much liquid as possible into);使充满( fill completely)(考) 反义词:dehydrate( 脱水)-saturate with water(使充满水)(记) satur(足够)+ate→ 使足够→饱和
saturated SATURATED ['s9t62`reitid]
SATURATED adj. 饱和的(英) 饱和的(having chemicals combined in a way that is thought to be harmful to the health when eaten)(考) small : minuscule / moist : saturated(程度: 小和极小/湿和湿透)satiated : food / saturated : moisture(食物过多是饱足/湿 度过多是湿透)(记) 来自动词saturate(使 饱和)
saturnine SATURNINE ['s9t2nain]
SATURNINE adj. 忧郁的,阴沉的(英) adj. 忧郁的,阴沉的(slug gish, taciturn)(考) 反义词:genial(愉快 的); jovial(欢愉的)(记) 来自Suturn(土星)+in e,据说生于土星宫时 的人性格忧郁
saunter SAUNTER ['s0:nt2]
SAUNTER v./n. 闲逛,漫步(英) v./n. 闲逛,漫步(to walk about idly; stroll)(考) prate : speak / saunter : walk(闲聊是无目的地说/ 闲逛是无目的地走)script : drama / score : music(剧本表演成为戏剧/ 乐谱表演成为音乐)(记) 分割记忆:s看作see, aunt(姑姑)+er,看姑 姑去→闲逛而去(例) She returned to the bedroom in a gay saunter.
savage SAVAGE ['s9vid7]
SAVAGE adj. 凶猛的,野蛮的(英) adj. 凶猛的,野蛮的(fier ce; ferocious; untamed)(记) sav(树木,森林)+age →森林状态→野蛮的(例) a savage tribe(野蛮部落)
savanna SAVANNA [s2'v9n2]
SAVANNA n. 热带或亚热带之大草 原(英) n. 热带或亚热带之大草 原(treeless grassy plain in tropical and subtropical regions)
savant SAVANT ['s9v2nt]
SAVANT n. 博学之士,大学士(英) n. 博学之士,大学士(a learned person; eminent scholar)(考) 反义词:unlearned person(无知者)(记) sav(=sap智慧)+ant→ 有智慧之人,大学士
save SAVE [seiv]
SAVE v.储存(考) wait : lurk / save : hoard(潜伏是偷偷等待/隐 藏是偷偷储藏)
savor SAVOR ['seiv2]
SAVOR n. 滋味; v. 品尝,欣赏(英) n. 滋味(a particular taste or smell);v. 品尝,欣赏(to taste or smell with relish)(例) savor the pleasure of country life in the summer
savory SAVORY ['seiv2ri]
SAVORY adj. 味道可口的; 健康的(英) adj. 味道可口的(pleasant in taste);健康的(wholesome)
saw SAW [s0:]
SAW n. 锯(考) saw : carpenter / scissors : tailor(木匠的工具是锯/裁 缝的工具是剪刀)
sawdust SAWDUST ['s0:d3st]
SAWDUST n. 锯屑(英) n. 锯屑(minute particles of wood formed in sawing wood)(考) wood : sawdust / metal : filings(锯木头会产生锯屑/ 锉金属会产生锉屑)soot : combustion / sawdust : woodcutting(燃烧产生烟尘/伐木 产生木屑)(记) saw(锯子)+dust(灰尘 )→锯子下的灰尘→锯屑
scab SCAB [sk9b]
SCAB n. 创口上所结的疤、痂(英) n. 创口上所结的疤、痂( a crust that forms over a sore or wound)
scabbard SCABBARD ['sk9b2d,`2rd]
SCABBARD n.(刀剑)鞘(英) n.(刀剑)鞘(a sheath or case to hold the blade of a sword, dagger)(考) dagger : scabbard / pistol : holster(匕首放在刀鞘里/手 枪放在枪套里)(记) 分割记忆:scab(疤)+ bard(马的铠甲)
scabrous SCABROUS ['skeibr2s]
SCABROUS adj. 粗糙的(英) adj. 粗糙的(rough with small points or knobs; scabby)(记) scab(疤)+rous→有疤 的,粗糙的
scads SCADS [sk9dz]
SCADS n. 大量,巨额(英) n. 大量,巨额(a very large number or amount)(考) 反义词:paucity(少 量)(记) 不要和scab(痂,疤) 相混(例) He has hooked scads of fish.(他钓到了大量 的鱼)
scaffold SCAFFOLD ['sk9f2ld,-f2uld]
SCAFFOLD n. 脚手架(造房时搭的架 子)(英) n. 脚手架(造房时搭的架 子) (a temporary wooden or metal framework for supporting workmen and materials)
scald SCALD [sk0:ld]
SCALD v. 烫,用沸水消毒; n. 烫伤(英) v. 烫,用沸水消毒(to burn with hot liquid or steam);n. 烫伤(an injury caused by scalding)(例) He scalded his tongue on the hot coffee.
scalding SCALDING ['sk0:ldi8]
SCALDING adj. 滚烫的(英) adj. 滚烫的(hot enough to scald)
scale SCALE [skeil]
SCALE n. 鱼鳞; (音乐)音阶(英) n. 鱼鳞;(音乐)音阶(a graduated series of musical tones)(考) bird : feathers / fish : scales(鸟有羽毛/鱼有鱼鳞)scale[skeIl]v. 攀登(英) v. 攀登(to climb up a wall, clift)(例) She scaled the barrier like a commando.(她像突击 队员似地翻过栅栏)
scalpel SCALPEL ['sk9lp2l]
SCALPEL n. 外科手术刀,解剖刀(英) n. 外科手术刀,解剖刀 (a small straight thin-bladed knife used in surgery)(考) scalpel : surgeon / telescope : astronomer(外科医生用手术刀/ 天文学家用望远镜)tackiness : adhesive / sharpness : scalpel(黏合剂的特点是粘/ 手术刀的特点是锋利)(记) 分割记忆:scalp(头 皮)+el
scamper SCAMPER ['sk9mp2]
SCAMPER v. 奔跑,快跑(英) v. 奔跑,快跑(to run nimbly and playfully about)(记) 来自scamp(强盗)+er , 强盗抢了东西就跑(例) The mouse scampered into its hole.
scan SCAN [sk9n]
SCAN v.浏览;细看;分析(考) scan : metrical / parse : grammatical(分析韵律/剖析文法)
scandal SCANDAL ['sk9ndl]
SCANDAL n. 丑闻; 恶意诽谤(英) n. 丑闻;恶意诽谤(mali cious or defamatory gossip)
scandalous SCANDALOUS ['sk9nd2l2s]
SCANDALOUS adj.丢脸的,诽谤性的(英) adj.丢脸的,诽谤性 的(libelous, defamatory)
scant SCANT [sk9nt]
SCANT adj. 不足的,缺乏的(英) adj. 不足的,缺乏的(bare ly or scarcely sufficient)(考) 反义词:profuse(丰 富的)(例) scant knowledge / scant sleep
scanty SCANTY ['sk9nti]
SCANTY adj. 不够的,贫乏的(英) adj. 不够的,贫乏的(hard ly enough in size or quantity)
scapegoat SCAPEGOAT ['skeipg2ut]
SCAPEGOAT n.替罪羊(英) n.替罪羊(someone who bears the blame for others)
scar SCAR [sk(r)]
SCAR n. 伤痕,伤疤(英) n. 伤痕,伤疤(a mark remaining on the skin from a wound(例) a face scarred by smallpox(麻子脸)
scarcity SCARCITY ['ske2siti]
SCARCITY n. 不足,缺乏(英) n. 不足,缺乏(a state of being scarce)(考) 反义词:plethora(过 多)(记) scarce(缺乏的)+ity
scarf SCARF [skf]
SCARF n. 围巾,披肩
scarp SCARP [skp]
SCARP n. 悬崖,陡坡(英) n. 悬崖,陡坡 (steep slope; escarpment)(记) 分割记忆:scar看作s care(惊恐),p看作pl ace(地方),让人惊恐 的地方→悬崖
scathe SCATHE [skei5]
SCATHE n./v. 损害,烧焦(英) n./v. 损害,烧焦(to do harm to; scorch, sear)
scathing SCATHING ['skei5i8]
SCATHING adj. 苛刻的,严厉的(英) adj. 苛刻的,严厉的(bitt erly severe)(考) 反义词:calmly complimentary(冷静 赞扬的)(例) a scathing condemnation(严厉的 谴责)
scatter SCATTER ['sk9t2]
SCATTER v. 散开,驱散(英) v. 散开,驱散( separate or cause to separate widely)(考) 反义词:collect(收 集); nucleate(聚合)
scavenge SCAVENGE ['sk9vind7]
SCAVENGE v. (在废物中)寻觅; (动物)食腐肉(英) v. (在废物中)寻觅(salv age useful materials);(动物)食腐肉(to feed on carrion or refuse)(记) 和revenge(报复,复 仇)一起记(同) 派生词: scavenger (n. 食腐动物;拣破烂的 人)
scenario SCENARIO [si'nri2u]
SCENARIO n. 剧情说明书; 剧本(英) n. 剧情说明书(an outline or synopsis of a play)剧本(screenplay)(记) scen(=scene 场景)+ario→剧情梗 概
scenery SCENERY ['si:n2ri]
SCENERY n. 风景,景色(英) n. 风景,景色(natural surroundings)
scent SCENT [sent]
SCENT n. 气味,香气(英) n. 气味,香气(a particular odor; esp. one that is agreeable)(记) scent(=sent 感觉)→sense(感觉)(例) the overpowering scent of garden flowers(强烈的花园 花香)
scepter SCEPTER ['sept2]
SCEPTER n. 权利杖;君权(英) n. 权利杖 (a staff as an emblem of authority);君权(sovereignty)
sceptical SCEPTICAL ['skeptik2l]
SCEPTICAL adj. 怀疑的,不相信的(英) adj. 怀疑的,不相信的(of an attitude of doubt)(记) 通常写作skeptical, scept(怀疑)+ical(同) 同根词:sceptism(怀 疑主义);sceptic(怀 疑者)
schematic SCHEMATIC [ski:'m9tik]
SCHEMATIC adj. 纲要的,图解的(英) adj. 纲要的,图解的(of or relating to an outline)(记) 来自schema(图表,纲 要)+tic→纲要的
schematize SCHEMATIZE ['ski:m2taiz]
SCHEMATIZE v. 扼要表示(英) v. 扼要表示(to express or depict in an outline)
scheme SCHEME [ski:m]
SCHEME n. 阴谋; (作品等)体系,结构(英) n. 阴谋(a crafty or secret plan);(作品等)体系,结构( a systematic or organized framework;design)(考) interest : inveigle / plan : scheme(诱惑是通过欺骗使感 兴趣/阴谋是通过欺骗 计划)(记) 注意不要和schema(轮 廓)相混,尤其作为' 阴谋'一意(例) a scheme to escape taxes(逃税的诡计)
schism SCHISM ['siz2m]
SCHISM n. 组织分裂(英) n. 组织分裂 (division, separation; discord)(记) a schism in a political party(同) 派生词: schismatic (adj. 分裂的)(例) a schism in a political party
school SCHOOL [sku:l]
SCHOOL n. 学校;鱼群(考) deport : nation / expel : school(驱逐出国家/开除出 学校)school : fish / flock : birds / crowd : people(鱼组成鱼群/鸟组成 鸟群/人组成人群)
scintilla SCINTILLA [sin'til2]
SCINTILLA n. 一点,丝毫(英) n. 一点,丝毫(spark, trace)(记) scintill(闪火花)+a →像火花闪→一点点(例) charges without a scintilla of evidence
scintillate SCINTILLATE ['sintileit]
SCINTILLATE v. 闪烁,(谈吐)流露机智(英) v. 闪烁,(谈吐)流露机 智(to emit sparks; sparkle)(记) scintill(火花)+ate →闪火花,闪烁(例) The stars scintillated in the winter sky.
scion SCION ['sai2n]
SCION n. 嫩芽; 子孙(英) n. 嫩芽(a detached living portion of a plant joined to a stock in grafting);子孙 (descendant, child)(例) Ford was a scion of a wealthy stock. (福特是一位富家子弟 )
scissors SCISSORS ['siz2z]
SCISSORS n. 剪刀(英) 剪刀(two sharp blades with handles at one end, fastened at the center so that they can cut when they close)(考) saw : carpenter / scissors : tailor(木匠的工具是锯/裁 缝的工具是剪刀)
scoff SCOFF [sk0f,skaf]
SCOFF v. 嘲笑n. 嘲笑,笑柄;v. 狼吞虎咽(英) v. 嘲笑(to show contempt by derisive acts or language);v. 狼吞虎咽(to eat greedily)(例) the scoffs of one's fellow(同伴的嗤笑)
scoop SCOOP [sku:p]
SCOOP n. 小铲,勺子; v. (用勺子)取出,舀出(英) v. (用勺子)取出,舀出 ( take up or out with a scoop)(考) scoop : concave / spatula : flat(勺子是凹的/刮刀是 平的)
scope SCOPE [sk2up]
SCOPE n. 范围(英) n. 范围 (the area within the limits of a question, subject, action)(例) a job with scope for self-fulfilment
scorch SCORCH [sk0:t6]
SCORCH v. 烤焦,烧焦(英) v. 烤焦,烧焦 (to dry or shrivel with intense heat: parch)(例) The maid scorched the shirt in ironing it.
scorching SCORCHING ['sk0:t6i8]
SCORCHING adj. 酷热的(例) The slight haze presages another scorching day(薄雾预示酷热的 一天).
score SCORE [sk0:]
SCORE n. 乐谱(英) n. 乐谱 (musical composition in written or printed notation)(考) symbols : rebus / notes : score(画迷由符号组成/乐 谱由音符组成)text : extemporize / score : improvise(即兴演讲不需原稿/ 即兴演出不需乐谱)(记) score作为'分数、得 分'大家都很熟悉(例) the score of an opera(歌剧总谱)
scorn SCORN [sk0:n]
SCORN n. 轻蔑; v. 轻蔑,瞧不起(英) n. 轻蔑(disrespect or derision mixed with indignation);v. 轻蔑,瞧不起(to reject or dismiss as contemptible)(考) venerable : reverence / redoubtable : regard(awe)/despica ble :scorn(contempt, disregard)(可敬的被尊敬/可怕 的被敬畏/可鄙的被鄙 视)scorn : reject / adulate : flatter / disparage : ignore(程度: 不屑做→放弃/谄媚→ 奉承/轻蔑→忽视)(例) dismiss a suggestion with scorn
scorpion SCORPION ['sk0:pi2n]
scotch SCOTCH [sk0t6]
SCOTCH v. 镇压,粉碎(英) v. 镇压,粉碎 (to put an end to)(考) 反义词:encourage( 鼓励)(记) 苏格兰Scotch和scotc h 拼写一致(例) Luckily the rebellion was quickly scotched.
scoundrel SCOUNDREL ['skaundr2l]
SCOUNDREL n. 恶棍,无赖(英) n. 恶棍,无赖(a wicked, selfish, or dishonest man)
scour SCOUR ['skau2]
SCOUR v. 擦洗,擦亮(英) v. 擦洗,擦亮(to rub hard with a rough material for cleansing)(例) (1) scour the saucepans so that they shine(把长柄锅擦亮) (2) They scoured the grounds for the missing keys.scour['skaUE]v. 四处搜索(英) v. 四处搜索(to go through or range over in a search)(例) They scoured the grounds for the missing keys.
scourge SCOURGE [sk2:d7]
SCOURGE n. 鞭笞; 磨难; v.鞭笞,磨难(英) n. 鞭笞(whip);磨难(a cause of great affliction);(记) 和courage(勇气)一起 记,也可分割记忆scour(擦亮) +urge(敦促)
scowl SCOWL [skaul]
SCOWL n. 怒容 v. 生气地皱眉,怒视(英) n. 怒容(a threatening expression showing anger or strong disapproval);v. 生气地皱眉,怒视 ( make a scowl; frown angrily)(考) scowl : displeasure / kiss : affection / hurl : disgust(怒容表示不高兴/接 吻表示友爱/愤慨表示 厌恶)(例) The receptionist scowled at me.
scramble SCRAMBLE ['skr9mb2l]
SCRAMBLE v. 攀登; 争夺(英) v. 攀登(to move or climb hastily);争夺(to struggle eagerly for possession of sth.)(记) 分割记忆:scr看作sc ale(攀登)+amble(快 走)(例) scramble up the ladder(爬上梯子)
scrap SCRAP [skr9p]
SCRAP n. 小片,碎屑; v. 废弃(英) n. 小片,碎屑(a fragment of something);v. 废弃(to abandon)(记) 和scrape(刮,擦)一 起记(例) The cook gave some scraps of meat to the dog. scrap an agreement(废止协议)
scrape SCRAPE [skreip]
SCRAPE v. 刮擦,擦掉(英) v. 刮擦,擦掉(to remove from a surface by repeated strokes of an edged instrument)(例) scrape the mud from one's boots
scrappy SCRAPPY ['skr9pi]
SCRAPPY adj. 碎片的,好斗的,坚毅 的(英) adj. 碎片的(made of disconnected pieces);好斗的(liking to fight);坚毅的(determined, gutsy)(考) 反义词:timorous(胆 怯的)(记) 来自scrap,意为“斗 殴,吵架”,注意不要 和scrape“刮,擦”相混(例) 来自scrap,意为斗殴, 吵架,注意不要和scra pe刮,擦相混
scrawl SCRAWL [skr0:l]
SCRAWL v. 潦草地写,乱涂(英) v. 潦草地写,乱涂(to write awkwardly or carelessly)(记) s+crawl(爬)→乱爬→ 乱写(例) scrawl a brief note(草草写个便条)
screech SCREECH [skri:t6]
SCREECH v. 发出尖叫声(英) v. 发出尖叫声( make an unpleasant high sharp sound)(例) the screech of tyres
screed SCREED [skri:d]
SCREED n. 冗长的演说,长篇大论 的文章(英) n. 冗长的演说,长篇大 论的文章(a lengthy discourse)(记) 可能来自speech(讲话 )和creed(信条)的缩合
screen SCREEN [skri:n]
SCREEN n. 屏风,幕; 掩蔽物,屏障; v. 遮蔽(英) 屏风,幕(an upright frame used as a small movable wall for dividing a room, protecting people from view, from cold air, from fires)掩蔽物,屏障(somethi ng that protects, shelters, or hides)遮蔽(protects from light, wind)(考) screen : movie / stage : play(电影在荧幕上演出/ 戏剧在舞台上演出)
screw SCREW [skru:]
SCREW n.螺丝钉(考) gear : tooth / screw : thread(齿轮的齿/螺丝钉的 螺纹)
screwdriver SCREWDRIVER ['skru:`draiv2]
SCREWDRIVER n. 螺丝起子;改锥(英) n. 螺丝起子;改锥(a tool for turning screws)(记) 组合词:screw(螺钉) +driver(驱动)
scribble SCRIBBLE ['skrib2l]
SCRIBBLE v. 乱写,乱涂(英) v. 乱写,乱涂(to write and draw hastily and carelessly)(考) calligraphy : scribble / sonnet : doggerel(乱写相对书法/打油 诗相对十四行诗)babble(mumble): talk / scribble : write(乱说和说/乱写和写)(记) 来自scrib(写)+ble→ 潦草乱写
scripture SCRIPTURE ['skript62]
SCRIPTURE n. 经文,圣典(英) n. 经文,圣典(a boby of writing considered sacred or authoritative)(考) diary : biographer / scripture : theologian(传记作家研究日记/ 神学家研究经文)(记) scrip(写)+ure→写出 的东西→经典(同) 参考:script(笔迹、 手书);scripted(照 稿念的)
scroll SCROLL [skr2ul]
SCROLL n. 卷轴,纸卷,画卷(英) n. 卷轴,纸卷,画卷(a roll for writing a document)(记) 分割记忆:sc看作sce ne(风景)+roll(卷)→ 卷着的风景→画卷
scrub SCRUB [skr3b]
SCRUB n. 矮树丛; 身体矮小的人(英) n. 矮树丛 (shrub);身体矮小的人(a person of insignificant size)(例) It is so dry that only isolated trees and low scrub can survive there.scrub[skrAb]v. 用力擦洗(英) v. 用力擦洗(to clean with hard rubbing; scour)(例) (1) It is so dry that only isolated trees and low scrub can survive there. (2) scrub the floor
scrumptious SCRUMPTIOUS ['skr3mp62s]
SCRUMPTIOUS adj. (食物)很可口的(英) adj. (食物)很可口的(deli ghtful, excellent; delicious)(记) 可能来自scrump(偷苹 果),偷来的苹果最好 吃,所以scrumptious 有'可口'的意思
scruple SCRUPLE ['skru:p2l]
SCRUPLE n. 顾忌,迟疑; v. 顾忌,迟疑(英) n. 顾忌,迟疑(an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action);v. 顾忌(hesitate)(例) He did not scruple to tell when it served his interests.
scrupulous SCRUPULOUS ['skru:pjul2s]
SCRUPULOUS adj. 谨慎小心的,细心的
scrutinize SCRUTINIZE ['skru:tinaiz]
SCRUTINIZE v. 详细检查, 细读(英) n. 详细检查, 细读(to examine closely and minutely)(考) observe : scrutinize / question : grill(程度: 观察和细察/询问和盘 问)scrutinize : gloss / delve : skim(反义: 细查对表面做/钻研对 浏览)反义词:gloss over(敷衍); mysterious(神秘的)- scrutable(可辩查的)(记) scrutin(检查)+ize→ 详细检查(同) 同根词:scrutable( 可辨认的);scrutiny (精读)(例) The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws.
scrutiny SCRUTINY ['skru:tini]
SCRUTINY n.细察(英) n.细察(close examination)(考) 反义词:casual glance(偶然一瞥)
scud SCUD [sk3d]
SCUD v. 疾行,疾驶(英) v. 疾行,疾驶 (to move or run swiftly)(例) The boat scudded before the strong west wind.
scuff SCUFF [sk3f]
SCUFF n. v. 拖着脚走, 磨损(考) scuff : abrasion / heat : vaporization(拖着走使磨损/加热 使蒸发)
sculpt SCULPT [sk3lpt]
SCULPT v. 雕刻(英) v. 雕刻(carve, sculpture)(记) sculpture(雕刻),去 掉ure(例) a nude woman sculpted in marble
sculptor SCULPTOR ['sk3lpt2]
SCULPTOR n. 雕刻家(英) n. 雕刻家(someone who makes sculptures)(考) canvas : painter / marble : sculptor(画家在画布上作画/ 雕刻家在大理石上雕 刻)
sculpture SCULPTURE ['sk3lpt62]
SCULPTURE n. 雕塑(考) brush : painting / chisel : sculpture(画用画笔画成/雕塑 用凿子凿成)statue : sculpture / ode : poem(雕像是一种雕塑/赋 是一种诗)
scurrilous SCURRILOUS ['sk3ril2s]
SCURRILOUS adj. 下流的(英) adj. 下流的(being vulgar and evil)(记) scurril(下流)+ous→ 下流的;可以和scurr y(急奔)一起记(例) a scurrilous jest(下流庸俗的笑话 )
scurry SCURRY ['sk3ri]
SCURRY v. 急跑,疾行(英) v. 急跑,疾行 (to move in a brisk pace: scamper)(例) scurry off to find a doctor(急忙赶去找医 生)
scurvy SCURVY ['sk2:vi]
SCURVY adj. 卑鄙的,可鄙的(英) adj. 卑鄙的,可鄙的(desp icable)(考) 反义词:above reproach(无可指责的 )(记) 不要和scurry(急赶) 相混(例) a scurvy fellow(卑鄙的家伙)
scuttle SCUTTLE ['sk3tl]
SCUTTLE v. 急赶,疾走,逃避(英) v. 急赶,疾走,逃避(sc urry)(例) scuttle out of one's responsibilities.scuttle['skAtl]n. 舷窗,舱口盖.(英) n. 舷窗,舱口盖 ( hatchway of a ship)(例) scuttle across the street / scuttle out of one's responsibilities.
scythe SCYTHE [sai5]
SCYTHE n. 大镰刀(英) n. 大镰刀(an implement used for mowing)(考) scythe : reaper / axe : woodcutter(收割者的工具是镰刀 /伐木工的工具是斧头)
seafaring SEAFARING ['si:`fe2ri8]
SEAFARING adj. 航海的,跟航海有关的(记) 来自seafarer(水手、 海员),sea+fare(过 日子)+er→靠海生活的人
seal SEAL [si:l]
SEAL n. 印章,图章; 封条; v. 盖章于; 封(英) 印章,图章(the official mark of a government, company, etc., often made by pressing into red wax, which is fixed to certain formal and official writings)封条(a small piece of paper, wax, or wire fasten across an opening)盖章于(fix a seal onto)v. 密封(考) glue : seal / manure : fertilize(胶水用来密封/肥料 用来施肥)lubricate : abrasion / seal : leakage(润滑防止磨损/密封 防止泄露)absord : sponge / seal : caulk(海绵用来吸收/填漏 物用来密封)
seam SEAM [si:m]
SEAM n. 缝,接缝(英) n. 缝,接缝(line along which two edges are joined)(记) Water was coming in through the seams of the boat.(例) Water was coming in through the seams of the boat.
seamstress SEAMSTRESS ['semstris]
SEAMSTRESS n. 女裁缝师(A woman who sews, especially one who makes her living by sewing.)
seamy SEAMY ['si:mi]
SEAMY adj. 肮脏的,恶劣的(英) adj. 肮脏的,恶劣的(unpl easant, degraded, sordid)(考) 反义词:decent and respectable(体面而 值得尊敬的)(记) seam(缝)+y→裂缝里 的→黑暗的(例) the seamy side of city life
sear SEAR [si2]
SEAR v. (以烈火)烧灼(英) v. (以烈火)烧灼(to burn or scorch with intense heat)(考) trickle : gush / warm : sear(程度: 滴流对喷涌/温暖对灼 烧)(例) He seared his hand on a hot steam pipe.
seascape SEASCAPE ['si:skeip]
SEASCAPE n. 海景(英) n. 海景 (a view of the sea)(同) 参考:landscape(风 景);cityscape(城市 景色)
seasoned SEASONED ['si:z2nd]
SEASONED adj.有经验的,训练有 素的(英) adj.有经验的,训练有 素的(experienced)
seasoning SEASONING ['si:z2ni8]
SEASONING n. 调味品,佐料(英) n. 调味品,佐料 (an ingredient added to food)(例) Salt,sugar,pepper and vinegar are seasonings.
secede SECEDE [si'si:d]
SECEDE v. 正式脱离或退出(组织 )(英) v. 正式脱离或退出(组织 )(to withdraw from an organization)(记) se(分开)+cede(走)→ 走开,脱离(同) 派生词: secession (n. 脱离,退出)
seclude SECLUDE [si'klu:d]
SECLUDE v. 和别人隔离(英) v. 和别人隔离(to isolate; shut off, screen)(记) se(分开)+clude(关闭 )→分开关闭→隔绝, 隐居(例) seclude oneself from society
seclusion SECLUSION [si'klu:72n]
SECLUSION n. 隐遁,隔离(英) n. 隐遁,隔离 (the condition of being secluded)(考) sequester : seclusion / endanger : jeopardy(使隐退进入隐居/使 危及进入危险)
secret SECRET ['si:krit]
SECRET adj.秘密的(考) 反义词:bruit(传播 消息); divulge(泄密); promulgate(公布)-ke ep secret(保守秘密)
secrete SECRETE [si'kri:t]
SECRETE v. 隐藏(英) v. 隐藏(to deposit and conceal in a hidden place)(考) depart : abscond / store : secrete(潜逃是偷偷离开/隐 藏是偷偷储藏)反义词:absorb (吸收)(记) 来自secret(秘密的)+ e(例) The child secreted himself behind the door.
secretive SECRETIVE ['sikr2tiv,'si:kritiv]
SECRETIVE adj. 守口如瓶的(英) adj. 守口如瓶的(liking to keep one's thoughts, intentions, or actions hidden from other people)(考) 反义词:grandiloque nt(夸大的,张扬的)
secretiveness SECRETIVENESS ['sikr2tivnis]
SECRETIVENESS n. 隐匿(考) frank : secretiveness / callow : maturity(坦率的无隐匿/幼稚 的无成熟)
sect SECT [sekt]
SECT n. (宗教等)派系(英) n. (宗教等)派系(a dissenting or schismatic religious body)(例) a philosophical sect(哲学派别)sec tarianadj.宗派的、 派系的
sectarian SECTARIAN [sek'te2ri2n]
SECTARIAN adj. 宗派的,派系的(英) adj. 宗派的,派系的(char acteristic of a sect)
secular SECULAR ['sekjul2]
SECULAR adj. 世俗的,尘世的(英) adj. 世俗的,尘世的(of the worldly or temporal)(例) secular affairs(世事)/secul ar drama(世俗戏剧)
secure SECURE [si'kju2]
SECURE adj. 安全的;稳固的; v. 固定; 使安全(英) adj. 安全的 (safe); 稳固的; v. 固定(hold or close tightly); 使安全(make safe)(考) 反义词:unfasten(松 开)
securities SECURITIES [si'kju2ritiz]
SECURITIES n. 证券(英) n. 证券(an official piece of writing giving the owner the right to certain property)(考) portfolio : securities / dossier : reports(股票集中成为股票总 体/报告集中成为档案)(例) government securities
sedate SEDATE [si'deit]
SEDATE adj. 镇静的(英) adj. 镇静的(keeping a quiet steady attitude;unruffled )(考) 反义词: riot(骚动)(记) sed(=sid 坐下)+ate→坐下来的 →安静的
sedative SEDATIVE ['sed2tiv]
SEDATIVE adj. (药物)镇静的; n. 镇静剂(英) adj. (药物)镇静的(tendin g to calm excitement);n. 镇静剂(a sedative drug)(考) sedative : drowsiness / anesthetic : numbness(镇静剂使人想睡/麻 醉剂使人麻木)sedative : pacify / antiseptic : sterilize(镇静剂可以使人平静 /杀菌剂可以杀菌)
sedentary SEDENTARY ['sed2nt2ri,`teri]
SEDENTARY adj. 久坐的(英) adj. 久坐的(requiring much sitting)(考) 反义词:migratory( 迁徙的)(记) sed(坐)+entary→久 坐的(例) a sedentary occupation
sediment SEDIMENT ['sedim2nt]
SEDIMENT n. 沉淀物,渣(英) n. 沉淀物,渣(the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid)(记) sedi(坐)+ment→坐下 去的东西→沉淀物
sedition SEDITION [si'di62n]
SEDITION n. 煽动叛乱(英) n. 煽动叛乱(incitement of rebellion or resistance)(记) sed(=se分开)+it(走) +ion→分开走→煽动(同) 同根词:itinerate( 巡回)(例) He was charged with sedition.
seditious SEDITIOUS [si'di62s]
SEDITIOUS adj. 煽动性的(英) adj. 煽动性的(tending towards sedition)
seduce SEDUCE [si'dju:s]
SEDUCE v. 勾引,诱惑(英) v. 勾引,诱惑 (to lead astray by persuasion or false promises)(记) se(分开)+duce(引导) →引开→勾引(例) be seduced by curiosity
seductive SEDUCTIVE [si'd3ktiv]
SEDUCTIVE adj. 诱人的(英) adj. 诱人的(having alluring or tempting qualities)
sedulity SEDULITY [si'dju:l2ti]
SEDULITY n. 勤奋,勤勉(考) 反义词:lack of industriousness(缺 乏勤奋)
sedulous SEDULOUS ['sedjul2s]
SEDULOUS adj. 聚精会神的,勤勉的(英) adj. 聚精会神的,勤勉的 (showing a lot of hard work)(考) 反义词:careless(粗 心的)(记) sed(坐)+ulous(多… 的)→坐得多的→勤勉的(例) a sedulous student
seedling SEEDLING ['si:dli8]
SEEDLING n. 幼苗(英) n. 幼苗(a young plant grown from seed)(记) seed(种子)+ling(小) →小苗,幼苗
seedy SEEDY ['si:di]
SEEDY adj. 多种子的;衣衫褴褛 的(英) adj. 衣衫褴褛的(run-down ; decrepit)
seemly SEEMLY ['si:mli]
SEEMLY adj. 得体的,适宜的(英) adj. 得体的,适宜的(plea sing by being suitable to an occasion )(考) 反义词:indecorous( 无礼的); uncouth(笨拙的); ribald(下流的)(例) It would be more seemly to tell her after the funeral.
seep SEEP [si:p]
SEEP v. (液体等)渗漏(英) v. (液体等)渗漏 (to flow or pass slowly;ooze)(记) 参考:peep(偷看)(同) 参考:peep(偷看)(例) Water seeped in through a crack.
seethe SEETHE [si:5]
SEETHE v. 沸腾,汹涌(英) v. 沸腾,汹涌(to be in a state of rapid agitated movement)(记) 分割记忆:see(看)+t he;连句:see the sea to seethe(看大海汹涌)(例) Look down into the seething sea around the rocks.
segment SEGMENT ['segm2nt]
SEGMENT n. 部分(英) n. 部分( bit, fragment)(考) 反义词:make whole(使完整)(记) seg(=sect 部分)+ment→部分(同) 参考:segmentable( 可分割的);segmenta l(部分的,片断的)
segregate SEGREGATE ['segrigeit]
SEGREGATE v. 隔离(英) v. 隔离 (to separate or set apart from others)(记) se(分开)+greg(团体) +ate→和团体分开→ 隔离;(同) 参考:aggregate(集 合)
seine SEINE [sein]
SEINE n. 拉网,大捕鱼网(英) n. 拉网,大捕鱼网(a large net)(考) bird : snare / fish : seine(罗网捕鸟/鱼网捕鱼)
seismic SEISMIC ['saizmik]
SEISMIC adj. 地震的(英) adj. 地震的(of or caused by an earthquake)(记) seism(地震)+ic→地 震的(同) 同根词:seismograph (地震仪);seismolog y(地震学)
selectivity SELECTIVITY [`silek'tiviti]
SELECTIVITY n. 选择性(考) industriousness : activity / fastidiousness : selectivity(过分活动是刻苦/过 分选择是挑剔)
self-assertion SELF-ASSERTION []
SELF-ASSERTION n. 坚持己见,自信(英) n. 坚持己见,自信(asse rting one's own rights, claims, or opinions)(记) 其他self组词:self- consuming(自耗的), self-contained(有克 制力的),self -content(自满的)
self-assurance SELF-ASSURANCE []
SELF-ASSURANCE n.自信(记) self(自己)+assura nce(信心)
self-centered SELF-CENTERED []
SELF-CENTERED adj. 自我中心的,自私的 (selfish)(英) 自我中心的,自私的(s elfish)(记) self(自己)+center ed(以...为中心的)
self-confident SELF-CONFIDENT []
SELF-CONFIDENT adj. 自信的(英) adj. 自信的 (sure of one's own power to succeed)(考) self-confident : timid / open : shy(反义: 自信对胆小/开放对害 羞)(记) self(自己)+confid ent(有信心的)
self-control SELF-CONTROL []
SELF-CONTROL n. 自制(英) n. 自制 (control over one's feelings)(记) self(自己)+contro l(控制)
self-deprecation SELF-DEPRECATION []
SELF-DEPRECATION n. 自我贬低(记) self(自己)+deprec ation(贬低,轻视)
self-effacing SELF-EFFACING []
SELF-EFFACING adj. 不爱抛头露面的(英) adj. 不爱抛头露面的(keep ing oneself from attracting attention)(记) self(自己)+efface (抹掉)+ing
self-evidently SELF-EVIDENTLY []
SELF-EVIDENTLY adv. 不证自明地,不言而 喻地(记) self(自己)+eviden tly(明显地)
self-explanatory SELF-EXPLANATORY []
SELF-EXPLANATORY adj.不解自明的(英) adj.不解自明的 (explaining itself)(考) 反义词: cryptic(神秘的)(记) self(自己)+explan atory(解释的)
self-interest SELF-INTEREST []
SELF-INTEREST n. 私心(英) n. 私心(concern for what is best for oneself)(记) self(自己)+intere st(利益)
self-possession SELF-POSSESSION []
SELF-POSSESSION n. 沉着,镇定(英) n. 沉着,镇定(composur e)(例) regain one's self-possession(恢 复镇定)
self-reliant SELF-RELIANT []
SELF-RELIANT adj. 自力更生的(英) adj. 自力更生的(able to act without depending on the help of others)(记) self(自己)+relian t(依靠的)
self-righteousness SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS []
SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS n. 自以为是(记) self(自己)+righte ousness(正当)
self-satisfaction SELF-SATISFACTION []
SELF-SATISFACTION n. 自满(考) preen : self-satisfaction / fume : anger(打扮表示自满/怒火 表示愤怒)(记) self(自己)+satisf action(满意)
semblance SEMBLANCE ['sembl2ns]
SEMBLANCE n. 外貌; 相似(英) n. 外貌 (outward and specious appearance)(记) sembl(相像)+ance(同) 同根词:resemble(相 似);dissemble(掩饰)
seminal SEMINAL ['semin2l]
SEMINAL adj. 有创意的(英) adj. 有创意的(containing the seeds of later development;origin al)(考) 反义词:hampering further development(阻碍发 展); derivative(派生的)(记) semin(种)+al→种子 的→有创见的(同) 同根词:disseminate (播种)
seminary SEMINARY ['semin2ri]
SEMINARY n. 神学院(英) n. 神学院(an institution for the training of candidates for the priesthood)(考) seminary : theologian / conservatory : artist(神学家在神学院培养 /艺术家在音乐学院培 养)(记) semin(种子)+ary→培 养(上帝)种子的地方 →神学院;(同) 参考:seminar(研究 班)
senile SENILE ['si:nail]
SENILE adj. 年老的(英) adj. 年老的 (of old age)(记) sen(老)+ile→老的(例) a senile condition(衰老状态)
sensation SENSATION [sen'sei62n]
SENSATION n. 知觉; 轰动(的事)(英) n. 知觉 (awareness);轰动(的事) (a cause of excited interest or feeling)(考) analgesic : pain / anesthetic : sensation(止痛剂防止疼痛/麻 醉剂防止有感觉)numb : sensation / stiff : suppleness(反义麻木对知觉/僵 硬对柔软)反义词:unnoticed event(未被注意的事 件); anaesthesia(麻醉); numb(无知觉的)(记) sens(感觉)+action→ 感觉,知觉(同) 同根词:sensible(明 智的);sensitive(敏 感的)
sensational SENSATIONAL [sen'sei62n2l]
SENSATIONAL adj. 耸人听闻的,轰动的(英) adj. 耸人听闻的,轰动的( exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great)(例) a sensational discovery(轰动的发 现)
sensible SENSIBLE ['sens2b2l]
SENSIBLE adj. 明智的,合理的;可感 觉到的(英) adj. 明智的,合理的 (reasonable);可感觉到的(noticeab le)(记) sens(感觉)+ible
sensibleness SENSIBLENESS ['sensiblnis]
SENSIBLENESS n. 明智(考) 反义词:fatuousness (愚蠢)(记) sensible(明智的)+ne ss
sensitive SENSITIVE ['sensitiv]
SENSITIVE adj. 敏感的(英) adj. 敏感的(strongly or easily influenced by something)(考) quixotic : idealistic / touchy : sensitive(程度: 过分理想和理想/过分 敏感和敏感)反义词: numb(麻木)(记) sens(感觉)+itive
sensitivity SENSITIVITY [`sens2'tiviti]
SENSITIVITY n. 敏感,灵敏性(考) neophyte : experience / boor : sensitivity(新手不会有经验/愚 钝的人不会敏感)indecorous : propriety / boorish : sensitivity(无礼的人缺乏礼貌/ 愚钝的人缺乏敏感)反义词:analgesia( 无痛觉)-sensitivity to pain(对疼痛敏感)(记) sensitive(敏感的)+i ty
sensitization SENSITIZATION [`sensitai'zei62n]
SENSITIZATION n. 敏化(英) n. 敏化(来自动词sensit ize[使敏感])(考) sensitization : allergic / habituation : inured(使敏感产生过敏/使 习惯养成习惯)(记) 来自动词sensitize( 使敏感)
sensual SENSUAL ['sen6u2l]
SENSUAL adj. 肉欲的,淫荡的(英) adj. 肉欲的,淫荡的(cons isting in the gratification of the senses)(记) sens(感觉)+ual(例) sensual appetites(情欲)
sententious SENTENTIOUS [sen'ten62s]
SENTENTIOUS adj. 好说教的; 简要的(英) adj. 好说教的(abounding in excessive moralizing);简要的(terse; pithy)(记) sentence(句子)+ious →一个句子说完→简 要的
sentient SENTIENT ['sen62nt]
SENTIENT adj. 有知觉的; 知悉的(英) adj. 有知觉的(conscious of sense impressions)知悉的(aware)(考) 反义词:unconscious (无知觉的)(记) sent(感觉)+ient→有 感觉的(例) be sentient of a tense atmosphere(意识到一 种紧张气氛)
sentiment SENTIMENT ['sentim2nt]
SENTIMENT n. 多愁善感; 思想感情(英) 多愁善感(tender feelings of pity, love, sadness or imaginative remembrance of such feelings in the past)思想感情,情绪(thoug ht of judgment caused by feeling)(记) senti(感觉)+ment →感觉→感情
sentimental SENTIMENTAL [`senti'mentl]
SENTIMENTAL adj. 感情上的; 多愁善感的(英) 感情上的(showing tender feelings rather than reasonable)多愁善感的(showing too much of such feelings)(记) sentiment(感情)+al
sentinel SENTINEL ['sentin2l]
SENTINEL n.哨兵,卫兵(英) n.哨兵,卫兵(sentry; lookout)(考) sentinel : watchful / epicure : discriminating(卫兵的特点是警戒/ 美食家的特点是有识 别力的)
sentry SENTRY ['sentri]
SENTRY n. 哨兵,步哨(英) n. 哨兵,步哨 (a soldier standing guard)(记) sent(感觉)+ry→感觉 者→哨兵
separate SEPARATE ['sep2reit]
SEPARATE v. 使分开;adj. 不同的;独自的(英) v. 使分开( move apart);adj. 不同的(not the same);独自的(not shared with another)(考) enclose : parentheses / separate : comma(括号用来包括/逗号 用来分隔)centrifuge : separate / colander : drain(离心机用来分离/滤 器用来排液)反义词:amalgamate( 合并); compound(混合); meld(合并); concatenate(连接); serried(密集的)
septic SEPTIC ['septik]
SEPTIC adj. 受感染的,腐败的(英) adj. 受感染的,腐败的(ca using infection)(考) 反义词:free of infection(未受感染 的)(记) sept(细菌,腐烂)+ic(同) 同根词:antiseptic( 杀菌的,防腐的)
sepulchral SEPULCHRAL [si'p3lkr2l]
SEPULCHRAL adj. 坟墓的,阴深的(英) adj. 坟墓的,阴深的(sugg estive of burial; deep and gloomy)(考) 反义词:merry(快乐 的)(记) 来自sepulcher(坟墓)(例) a sepulchral look(阴沉的脸色)
sequacious SEQUACIOUS [si'kwei62s]
SEQUACIOUS adj.盲从的(英) adj.盲从的(intellec tually servile)(记) sequ(跟随)+acious( 多…)
sequential SEQUENTIAL [si'kwen62l]
SEQUENTIAL adj. 连续的,一连串的(英) adj. 连续的,一连串的(se rial)(记) sequ(跟随)+ent+ial →跟随的→一连串的; 参考:sequence(连续)
sequester SEQUESTER [si'kwest2]
SEQUESTER v. (使)隐退,隐居(英) v. (使)隐退,隐居(secl ude, withdraw)(考) sequester : seclusion / endanger : jeopardy(使引退进入隐居/使 危及进入危险)反义词:permit to mingle(使混合)(记) 注意不要和sequestra te(扣押)相混,两个 单词均来自sequ(跟随)(例) sequester oneself from the world
sequestrate SEQUESTRATE [si'kwestreit]
SEQUESTRATE v. 扣押,没收(to place property in custody)
seraphic SERAPHIC [si'r9fik]
SERAPHIC adj. 如天使般的,美丽的(英) adj. 如天使般的,美丽的( like an angel)(记) 来自seraph(守卫上帝 宝座的六翼天使)+ic(例) seraphic purity(天使般的纯洁 )
sere SERE [si2]
SERE adj.干枯的,凋萎的(英) adj.干枯的,凋萎的( being dried and withered)(考) 反义词:verdant(翠 绿的); lush(青翠的); damp(潮湿的)(记) 不要和sear(烧灼)相 混(例) Leaves become sere under the searing sun.
serenade SERENADE [`seri'neid]
SERENADE n.夜曲(英) n.夜曲(a work performed outdoors at night for a woman being courted)(记) seren(安静)+ade→ 夜曲(同) 同根词:serene(安祥 的,宁静的)
serendipity SERENDIPITY [`ser2n'dipiti]
SERENDIPITY n.善于发掘新奇事物 的天赋(英) n.善于发掘新奇事物 的天赋(the ability to find valuable or agreeable things not sought for )(考) serendipitous : effort / inevitable : chance(偶然的不需要努力/ 不可避免的不需要运 气)(记) 出自18世纪英国作家H orace(荷拉斯)的童话 故事the Three Princes of Serendip,书中主人 公具有随处发现珍宝的本领(同) 派生词:serendipito us(偶然发现的)
serenity SERENITY [si'ren2ti]
SERENITY n. 平静(英) n. 平静(tranquility, equanimity)(考) perturb : serenity / reassure : doubt(打扰使不宁静/安慰 使不怀疑)反义词:havoc(混乱)
serial SERIAL ['si2ri2l]
SERIAL adj. 连续的,一系列的(英) adj. 连续的,一系列的( arranged in a series of things)(例) a serial murderer
seriousness SERIOUSNESS ['si2ri2snis]
SERIOUSNESS n. 严肃,认真反义词:levity(n. 轻率);flippancy(n. 轻浮)
sermon SERMON ['s2:m2n]
SERMON n. 布道(考) sermon : homiletics / argument : logic(学布道术为布道/学 逻辑学为辩论)nitpicker : criticize / preacher : sermon / quibbler : cavil(吹毛求疵者喜欢批评 /传道士喜欢布道/吹 毛求疵者喜欢挑错)
sermonize SERMONIZE ['s2:m2naiz]
SERMONIZE v.说教,讲道(英) v.说教,讲道(to compose or deliver a sermon)(记) sermon(布道)+ize;(同) 参考:homiletics(布 道学)
serpentine SERPENTINE ['s2:p2ntain]
SERPENTINE adj.似蛇般绕曲的,蜿 蜒的(英) adj.似蛇般绕曲的, 蜿蜒的(winding or turning one way or another)(记) serpent(蛇)+ine→ 像蛇一样的(例) A serpentine path through a garden.
serrated SERRATED [si'reitid]
SERRATED adj.呈锯齿状的(英) adj.呈锯齿状的(havi ng marginal teeth)(考) 反义词:without notches(无刻痕的); smooth(平滑的)(记) serr(=saw锯子)+at ed→锯齿状的(同) 同根词:serration( 锯齿状);serried(密 集的)(例) a serrated leaf
serviceable SERVICEABLE ['s2:vis2b2l]
SERVICEABLE adj. 可用的,耐用的(英) adj. 可用的,耐用的 (fit for use)(记) service(服务)+abl e
servile SERVILE ['s2:vail]
SERVILE adj.奴性的,百依百顺 的(英) adj.奴性的,百依百 顺的(meanly or cravenly submissive; abject)(考) compliant : servile / trusting : gullible(过分服从是奴性/过 分信任易受骗)gullible : chicanery / servile : domination(易受骗的容易受诈骗 /奴性的容易受控制)imperious : servile / bellicose : peaceable(反义: 专横对奴性/好斗对和 平)bigoted : tolerant / provincial(记) serv(=slave 奴隶)+ile(例) servile obedience(奴性的顺 从)
servitude SERVITUDE ['s2:vitju:d]
SERVITUDE n. 奴役,劳役(英) n. 奴役,劳役(the condition of a slave who is forced to obey another)
setback SETBACK ['setb9k]
SETBACK n. 挫折(英) n. 挫折(something that prevents successful progress)
setting SETTING ['seti8]
SETTING n. 下沉; 背景,环境(英) n.背景,环境(a background)
settle SETTLE ['setl]
SETTLE v. 安置于;决定;栖息(英) v. 安置于(place); 决定(decide on); 栖息( come to rest)(考) 反义词:roil(搅浑, 扰乱,激怒)
settled SETTLED ['set2ld]
SETTLED adj. 固定的(英) adj. 固定的 (fixed)(考) 反义词:nomadic(游 牧的)(记) 来自动词settle(安定 )
sever SEVER ['sev2]
SEVER v.切断,脱离(英) v.切断,脱离 (divide)(记) 和severe(严重的)一 起记(同) 派生词: severance (n.切断,分离)
severe SEVERE [si'vi2]
SEVERE adj. 严格的, 凶猛的(考) mitigate : severe / qualify : general(缓和排除严重/限制 排除一般)
severity SEVERITY [si'veriti]
SEVERITY n.严肃,严厉;朴素(英) n.严肃,严厉(harshne ss; sternness);朴素( austerity)(考) palmy : prosperity /draconian : severity(同义: 繁荣的和繁荣/严峻的 和严峻)
sewer SEWER ['sju:2,'su:2]
SEWER n.排水沟,下水道(记) 和缝纫者(sewer)一样 拼写
sextant SEXTANT ['sekst2nt]
SEXTANT n.六分仪(航海定向仪 器)(考) abacus : calculate / sextant : navigate(算盘用来计算/六分 仪用来航海)(记) sex(=six六)+tant →六分仪
shabby SHABBY ['69bi]
SHABBY adj.破烂的;卑鄙的(英) adj.破烂的(dilapida ted);卑鄙的(despicable, contemptible)(例) a shabby armchair(破旧的扶手 椅)
shack SHACK [69k]
SHACK n.简陋的小屋,棚屋(英) n.简陋的小屋,棚屋 (hut, shanty)(记) shackle(镣铐)大家应 该熟悉,去掉le便成s hack
shackle SHACKLE ['69k2l]
SHACKLE n.脚镣,枷锁(英) n.脚镣,枷锁 (a manacle or fetter)(考) 反义词:emancipate( 释放); loose(放松)(例) the shackles of convention(传统的束 缚)
shade SHADE [6eid]
SHADE n.阴影; 细微差别(英) n.阴影;细微差别 (a minute difference;nuance)(例) delicate shades of meaning(意义上细微 的差别)
shadow SHADOW ['69d2u]
SHADOW n. 阴影; 影子; v. 秘密尾随; 遮蔽(英) 阴影(darkness caused by the blocking of direct light)影子(a dark shape made on a surface by something between the surface and direct light)秘密尾随(follow and watch closely)遮蔽(make a shadow on; darken with a shadow)(考) follow : shadow / leave : abscond(尾随是偷偷跟随/潜 逃是偷偷离开)反义词:overt(公开 的)
shaft SHAFT [6ft,69ft]
SHAFT n.矛柄,把柄(英) n.矛柄,把柄(the long handle of a spear or similar weapon)
shale SHALE [6eil]
SHALE n.页岩(英) n.页岩 (a stratified fissile rock)(考) shale : lode / well : aquifer(矿脉中含页岩/水土 层中含源泉)(记) 可能是shell(贝壳)的 变体
shallow SHALLOW ['69l2u]
SHALLOW adj. 浅的;浅薄的(英) adj. 浅的 (not deep);浅薄的(lacking serious thinking)(考) 反义词:profound(极 深的)(例) a shallow writer
sham SHAM [69m]
SHAM n.虚假; v.伪装(英) n.虚假(hypocrisy;h oax);v.伪装(feign)(记) 把shame(害臊)的e去 掉,成sham(例) Her illness was a sham to gain sympathy.
shambles SHAMBLES ['69mb2lz]
SHAMBLES n.凌乱景象;杂乱无章(英) n.凌乱景象;杂乱无章 (complete disorder or ruin; wreck; mess)(例) The room was a shambles after the dinner party.(宴会后房间里 乱七八糟)
shanty SHANTY ['69nti]
SHANTY n.简陋的小木屋(英) n.简陋的小木屋(a small crudely built dwelling or shelter)(记) 参考:shack(小木屋)
shard SHARD [6d]
SHARD n.(陶器等)碎片(英) n.(陶器等)碎片(frag ment of a brittle substance)(考) shard : pottery / fragment : bone / crumb : bread(陶器的碎片/骨头的 碎片/面包的碎屑)(例) The pole lay in shards on the pavement.
shattered SHATTERED ['69t2d]
SHATTERED adj. 粉碎的,破坏的(记) 来自动词shatter(粉 碎)
shavings SHAVINGS ['6eivi8s]
SHAVINGS n.刨花(英) n.刨花(something that shaves off)(记) shave(刮、刨)+ings →刨花
shawl SHAWL [60:l]
SHAWL n.(妇女用)披肩(英) n.(妇女用)披肩(a covering for the head or shoulders)
sheaf SHEAF [6i:f]
SHEAF n.一捆,一束(英) n.一捆,一束(a bundle)(例) She stands after a sheaf of lilies.(她站在一束 百合花后面)
shear SHEAR [6i2]
SHEAR v.剪(羊毛),剪发(英) v.剪(羊毛),剪发(to cut off the hair from)(记) 分割记忆:she+ear( 她的耳朵)→把耳朵边 上的头发剪掉→剪发(同) 派生词: shears (n.大剪刀)
sheath SHEATH [6i:4]
SHEATH n.(刀、剑)鞘、套(英) n.(刀、剑)鞘、套(a case for a blade)(例) draw a sword from its sheath
sheathe SHEATHE [6i:5]
SHEATHE n.将(刀,剑等)插入鞘(英) n.将(刀,剑等)插入鞘 ( insert into or provide with a sheath)(例) He sheathed his dagger.
shed SHED [6ed]
SHED v.流出(眼泪等); 脱落(叶子)(英) v. 流出(眼泪等) (to pour forth in drops);脱落(叶子) (to let fall)(考) molt : feathers / shed : hair(羽毛脱落/头发脱落)(例) shed one's blood for one's country
sheen SHEEN [6i:n]
SHEEN n.光辉,光泽(英) n.光辉,光泽 (a bright or shining condition)(例) The moon laid a brilliant sheen across the water.
sheet SHEET [6i:t]
SHEET n.床单(考) tablecloth : table / sheet : mattress(桌子上有桌布/床垫 上有床单)
shell SHELL [6el]
SHELL n. 壳; 炮弹 v. 剥去...的壳(英) n.炮弹(an explosive firing from a large gun);(考) chaff : wheat / shell : pecan(小麦有谷壳/山核桃 有外壳)
shelve SHELVE [6elv]
SHELVE v.搁置(英) v.搁置 (to put off or aside)(记) 来自shelf(架子);例 :shelve a problem(暂时搁置问 题)(例) shelve a problem(暂时搁置问 题)
sheriff SHERIFF ['6erif]
SHERIFF n.县治安官(英) n.县治安官(an important official of a shire or county charged primarily with judicial duties)(考) understudy : star / deputy : sheriff(替补演员和名角/代 理长官和长官)
shibboleth SHIBBOLETH ['6ib2le4]
SHIBBOLETH n.陈旧语句; 习俗(英) n.陈旧语句 (truism, platitude)(记) 此词源自《圣经》, 用于区别逃亡的以法 莲人,若不会发音, 而读作siboleth, 必是以法莲人,即被 拿住杀死
shield SHIELD [6i:ld]
SHIELD n. 盾; v. 掩护,遮挡(英) v. 掩护,遮挡( protect from harm)(考) epitaph : tombstone / motto : shield(墓志铭刻在墓碑上/ 题铭刻在盾牌上)earplug : noise / shield : impact(耳塞挡住噪音/盾牌 挡住攻击)
shiftless SHIFTLESS ['6iftlis]
SHIFTLESS adj.没有决断力的; 偷懒的(英) adj.没有决断力的(in efficient),偷懒的(lacking in ambition or incentive)(考) shiftless : ambition / ingenuous : guile(懒散的没有雄心/真 诚的没有诡计)(记) shift(转移)+less(例) live in a shiftless way(得过且过地生活)
shimmer SHIMMER ['6im2]
SHIMMER v.闪烁,微微发亮(英) v.闪烁,微微发亮 (to shine with a soft tremulous light;glimmer)(记) shim(=shine发光)+ mer(例) Moonlight shimmering on the sea.
shingle SHINGLE ['6i8g2l]
SHINGLE n.木瓦,屋顶板; 木质小招牌
shipshape SHIPSHAPE ['6ip6eip]
SHIPSHAPE adj.整洁的,井然有序 的(英) adj.整洁的,井然有 序的 (trim, tidy)(考) shipshape : disarray / squalid : cleanliness(反义:整齐对杂乱/ 肮脏对干净)(记) 分割记忆:ship(船) +shape(形状)→船的 形状→整洁的(例) Everything was clean and shipshape.
shipwright SHIPWRIGHT ['6ip`rait]
SHIPWRIGHT n.造船者(英) n.造船者(a carpenter skilled in ship construction and repair)(记) ship(船)+wright(做 …人)→造船者;(同) 参考:cartwright(造 车匠)
shirk SHIRK [62:k]
SHIRK v.逃避,规避(英) v.逃避,规避 (avoid, evade)(考) parry : question / shirk : duty(回避问题/逃避责任)parsimonious : skimp / malingering : shirk(吝啬的[人]节约/装 病的[人]逃避)(例) shirk one's duty(逃避责任)
shoal SHOAL [62ul]
SHOAL n.浅滩,浅水处; 一群(鱼等)(英) n.浅滩,浅水处(a sandbank that makes the water shallow)(考) 反义词:deep(深的)(例) strike on a shoal(搁浅)/a shoal of tourists(大批旅客)
shoddy SHODDY ['60di]
SHODDY n.劣质的,冒充好货的(英) n.劣质的,冒充好货的 (cheaply imitative)(例) shoddy merchandise(劣质商 品)
shoot SHOOT [6u:t]
SHOOT n.嫩芽,新芽(英) n.嫩芽,新芽(new growth from a plant)
shoplift SHOPLIFT ['60p`lift]
SHOPLIFT v. 在商店里偷窃货品(英) v. 在商店里偷窃货品( take goods from a shop without paying)(同) 派生词: shoplifter (n. 商店扒手)(例) started to shoplift as a fifteen-year-old
short-range SHORT-RANGE [60:t]
SHORT-RANGE adj.短程的;短期间的(英) adj.短程的(fit for short distances);短期间的(involving a short period of time)(例) a short-range missile(近程导弹)/ a short-range plan(短期计划)
shoulder SHOULDER ['62uld2]
SHOULDER n. 肩; 路肩; v. 把...扛在肩上; 担负(英) 肩(the part of the body at each side of the neck where the arms are connected)把...扛在肩上(place a load on one's shoulder)担负,承担(accept a heavy responsibility, duty, etc.)(考) epaulet : shoulder / ring : finger(肩章带在肩膀上/戒 指带在手上)shoulder : roadway / margin : page(马路的路肩/书页的 白边)
shove SHOVE [63v]
SHOVE v.推挤,猛推(英) v.推挤,猛推(to move something by using force)(记) 注意不要和shovel(铁 锹)相混(例) Police shoved the playwright and his wife into a van.
showpiece SHOWPIECE ['62upi:s]
SHOWPIECE n.陈列品,精品(英) n.陈列品,精品(a prime or outstanding example used for exhibition)(记) 组合词:show(展览) +piece(物品)
showy SHOWY ['62ui]
SHOWY adj.鲜艳的,显眼的(英) adj.鲜艳的,显眼的 (making an attractive show)(例) a showy bracelet and earrings
shrew SHREW [6ru:]
SHREW n.悍妇(英) n.悍妇(scolding woman)
shrewd SHREWD [6ru:d]
SHREWD adj.判断敏捷的,精明 的(英) adj.判断敏捷的,精 明的(marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen)(考) alacrity : prompt / acumen : shrewd(敏捷和敏捷的/聪明 和精明的)(记) 注意不要和shrew(泼 妇)相混(例) a shrewd businessman(精明的 生意人)
shriek SHRIEK [6ri:k]
SHRIEK v.尖叫(英) v.尖叫 (to utter a sharp shrill sound)(记) 参考:shrill(尖声的 ),都带有象声词色彩(例) the shriek of chalk on the blackboard(粉笔划过 黑板的刺耳声)
shrill SHRILL [6ril]
SHRILL adj.尖锐的,刺耳的(英) adj.尖锐的,刺耳的( having a sharp high-pitched tone)(例) the shrill screaming of jet engines
shrine SHRINE [6rain]
SHRINE n.神龛,圣地(英) n.神龛,圣地(a place in which homage is paid to a saint or deity)(考) shrine : pilgrim / peak : climber(朝圣者的目的地是圣 地/攀登者的目的地是 顶峰)(记) 参考:enshrine(把... 奉为神圣)(同) 参考:enshrine(把… 奉为神圣)
shrink SHRINK [6ri8k]
SHRINK v.收缩,退缩(英) v.收缩,退缩(to become smaller or more compacted)(例) Flannel shrinks in the wash. shrink from responsibility(逃避 责任)
shrivel SHRIVEL ['6riv2l]
SHRIVEL v.枯萎,皱缩(英) v.枯萎,皱缩(to draw into wrinkles with a loss of moisture)(例) plants shriveling in the dry heat
shroud SHROUD [6raud]
SHROUD n.寿衣; 遮蔽物; v.覆盖(英) n.寿衣(burial garment)v.覆盖(to cover for protection)(例) be wrapped in a shroud of mystery
shrub SHRUB [6r3b]
SHRUB n. 灌木(英) n. 灌木(a low bush with several woody stems)
shrug SHRUG [6r3g]
SHRUG v.耸肩(表示怀疑等)(英) v.耸肩(表示怀疑等)( to raise in the shoulders to express aloofnesss, indifference, or uncertainty)(考) embrace : affection / shrug : indifference(拥抱表示挚爱/耸肩 表示不关心)(记) 和shrub(灌木)一起记
shuck SHUCK [63k]
SHUCK n.(植物的)壳,夹; 无用之物(英) n.(植物的)壳,夹 (the outer covering of a nut)无用之物 (something of little value)
shudder SHUDDER ['63d2]
SHUDDER v. 发抖,战栗(英) v. 发抖,战栗 ( shake uncontrollably for a moment)(考) macabre : shudder / hilarious : laugh(因为可怕而颤抖/因 为可笑而笑)
shuffle SHUFFLE ['63f(2)l]
SHUFFLE v.拖步走; 支吾; 洗牌(英) v.支吾(to act or speak in a evasive manner)(同) 参考:reshuffle(重 新改组)(例) Don't shuffle, give a definite answer.
shun SHUN [63n]
SHUN v.避免,闪避(英) v.避免,闪避(to avoid deliberately)(考) 反义词:seek actively(积极寻找)(例) He was shunned by his former friends.(他的老朋友 们都回避着他)
shunt SHUNT [63nt]
SHUNT v.使(火车)转到另一 轨道,转移方向(英) v.使(火车)转到另一 轨道,转移方向(to switch a train from one track to another)(考) divert : shunt / retard : brake(转轨为了转向/刹车 为了减速)(例) Shunt the car into a sidling.(把这节车厢 转到岔线)
sibilant SIBILANT ['sibil2nt]
SIBILANT adj. 发出咝咝声的(英) adj. 发出咝咝声的 (making a sound like that of s)(考) hiss : sibilant / drone : monotonous(咝咝声是咝咝的/嗡 嗡声是单调的)
sibling SIBLING ['sibli8]
SIBLING n.兄弟或姊妹(英) n.兄弟或姊妹 (one of two or more individuals having one common parent)(记) sib(同胞)+ling(小)
sibyl SIBYL ['sibil,sib2l]
SIBYL n.女预言家,女先知(英) n.女预言家,女先知( a female prophet)
sidereal SIDEREAL [sai'di2ri2l]
SIDEREAL adj.恒星的(英) adj.恒星的 (of stars or constellations;ast ral)(考) arboreal : trees / sidereal : stars(树木的和树木/恒星 的和恒星)(记) sider(星)+eal→星 的,分割记忆:side +real
sideshow SIDESHOW ['said62u]
SIDESHOW n. 杂耍,穿插表演(英) n. 杂耍,穿插表演(a separate small show at a circus)
sidesplitting SIDESPLITTING ['said`spliti8]
SIDESPLITTING adj.令人捧腹大笑的(英) adj.令人捧腹大笑的( extremely funny)(记) side(旁边)+spilt( 分开)+ting→(笑得) 浑身散架(例) a sidesplitting laughter
sidestep SIDESTEP ['saidstep]
SIDESTEP v. 横跨一步以躲避;回避(英) v. 横跨一步以躲避( take a step to the side to avoid);回避(avoid)(考) 反义词:confront directly(直接面对)(例) He side-stepped the issue by saying it was not part of his responsibilities.
sidle SIDLE ['saidl]
SIDLE v.(偷偷地)侧身而行(英) v.(偷偷地)侧身而行 (to go one side foremost in a furtive advance)(记) side(旁边)+le→用 侧面走(例) A man sidled up to me and asked if I wanted a ticket for the football match.
siege SIEGE [si:d7]
SIEGE n.包围,围攻(英) n.包围,围攻(a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender)(同) 参考:besiege(围攻)(例) be in a state of siege(处于被围状态)
sieve SIEVE [siv]
SIEVE n.筛,滤器,漏勺;v .筛出,滤出(英) 滤出(sift)(记) 和siege(围攻)一起记 ; 参考:sift(筛)(例) shake flour through sieve
sift SIFT [sift]
SIFT v.筛,过滤(英) v.筛,过滤(to separate out by a sieve)(同) 派生词: sifter (n.筛子)(例) Heavy soot sifted in through the open window.
signal SIGNAL ['sign2l]
SIGNAL n. 信号; v. 发信号; adj. 显著的(英) 信号(something intended to warn, command, or give a message)发信号(give a signal)(考) 反义词:unremarkabl e(不明显的)(记) sign(信号)+al
signatory SIGNATORY ['sign2t2ri]
SIGNATORY n. 签署者,签署国(英) n. 签署者,签署国(any of the signers of an agreement)
signify SIGNIFY ['signifai]
SIGNIFY v. 表示;有重要性(英) v. 表示( be a sign of);有重要性 ( have significance)(记) sign(信号)+ify→ 用信号表示→象征
silence SILENCE ['sail2ns]
SILENCE n.寂静(英) 寂静(absence of sound)沉默(the state of not speaking)使安静(cause to stop making a noise)(考) 反义词:din(喧闹)(例) try to silence a noisy crowd
sill SILL [sil]
SILL n.基石; 门槛; 窗台(英) n.门槛(the threshold)(记) 联想记忆:silly去掉 y
silt SILT [silt]
SILT n.淤泥,淤沙(英) n.淤泥,淤沙(loose sedimentary material)(考) artery : plaque / channel : silt(血小板阻碍动脉/淤 泥阻碍河道)(例) The harbor is being choked up with silt.
silversmith SILVERSMITH ['silv2smi4]
SILVERSMITH n. 银匠(英) n. 银匠 (a person who makes things out of silver)
simian SIMIAN ['simi2n]
SIMIAN adj.猿的,猴的; n.猴, 类人猿(英) adj.猿的,猴的(rese mbling apes);n.猴, 类人猿(monkey, ape)(记) 来自simi=simil(相 似的)+an→和人类相 似的动物→猿
similarity SIMILARITY [`simi'l9riti]
SIMILARITY n. 类似(英) n. 类似(being like something);(考) liken : similarity / discriminate : difference(比喻是因为存在相似 /区分是因为存在差异)(记) similar(相似的;si mil[相类似]+ar)+ity
simile SIMILE ['simili]
SIMILE n.直喻,明喻(英) n.直喻,明喻(compar ison of one thing with another)(记) simil(相似)+e(例) To say that sb. is as brave as a lion is a simile.
simper SIMPER ['simp2]
SIMPER v.微笑,假笑(英) v.微笑,假笑 (to smile in a silly manner)(考) simper : smile / babble : talk(傻笑和笑/说傻话和 说)(记) 可能是simple(蠢的) +laughter(笑)的缩合
simpleton SIMPLETON ['simp(2)lt(2)n]
SIMPLETON n.笨蛋(英) n.笨蛋(a fool)(考) prudence : daredevil / sagacity : simpleton(蛮勇的人不会谨慎/ 傻瓜不会睿智)
simplicity SIMPLICITY [sim'plisiti]
SIMPLICITY n. 简单,朴素(英) n. 简单,朴素 (the quality of being simple)(考) labyrinthine : simplicity / jejune : interest(复杂的不会简单/枯 燥的不会有趣)(记) simple(简单的)+ic+i ty
simplify SIMPLIFY ['simplifai]
SIMPLIFY v. 简化(英) v. 简化( make plainer, easier, or less full of detail)(考) 反义词:elaborate( 详述)(记) simple(简单的)+ify
simulate SIMULATE ['simjuleit]
SIMULATE v.假装,模仿(英) v.假装,模仿(to assume the appearance with the intent to deceive)(记) simul(相同)+ ate(例) simulate indignation(假装愤 慨)
simulation SIMULATION [`simju'lei62n]
SIMULATION n. 假装,模仿(英) n. 假装,模仿(represen tation; imitation)(考) 反义词:authentic article(真实)
simultaneous SIMULTANEOUS [`sim2l'teini2s,`sai`]
SIMULTANEOUS adj.同时发生的(英) adj.同时发生的(exac tly coincident)(考) contiguous : abut / simultaneous : coincide(接触的和接触/同时 发生的和同时发生)(记) simult(相同)+aneou s→时间相同的(例) a simultaneous interpreter(同声传 译员)
sin SIN [sin]
SIN n. 罪;过错v. 犯过失(英) n. 罪 (an offence against God);过错(something that is regarded as wrong);v. 犯过失 ( do wrong)(考) peccadillo : sin / admonishment : castigation(程度: 小过失→罪恶/训诫→ 严责)
sincerity SINCERITY [sin'seriti]
SINCERITY n. 真诚,诚挚(英) n. 真诚,诚挚 (the quality of being sincere)(考) poseur : sincerity / recluse : gregariousness(装腔作势者不会真诚 /隐士不会群居)authenticity : fraudulent / sincerity : hypocritical(真实无欺骗/真诚无 伪善)(记) sincere(真诚的)+ity
sinecure SINECURE ['sainikju2,'sin`]
SINECURE n.挂名差事,闲职(英) n.挂名差事,闲职(an office or position that requires little or no work and that usu. provides an income)(考) 反义词:arduous employment(费力的职 业)(记) sine(无)+cure(关心 )→不用关心的职位→ 闲职
sinew SINEW ['sinju:]
SINEW n.腱; 力量(英) n.腱(tendon);力量( solid resilient strength)(考) 反义词:weakness(弱 )(记) 分割记忆:sin+new(例) intellectual and moral sinew(智慧和道德力 量)
sinewy SINEWY ['sinju:i]
SINEWY adj.多腱的; 强壮有力的(英) adj.多腱的 (tough, stringy);强壮有力的(strong)(考) 反义词:weak(虚弱的 )
singe SINGE [sind7]
SINGE v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦(英) v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫 焦 (to burn superficially or lightly;scorch)(记) 分割记忆:sing+e→ 烧焦了还唱(例) I'm afraid I've singed the collar of your shirt.
singularity SINGULARITY [`si8gj2'l9riti]
SINGULARITY n.独特,奇异(英) n. 独特,奇异 (unusual or distinctive manner or behavior; peculiarity)(记) singular(独一的,非 凡的)+ity(例) The giraffe's chief singularity is the length of its neck.
sinister SINISTER ['sinist2]
SINISTER adj.不吉祥的; 险恶的(英) adj.不吉祥的(presag ing ill fortune);险恶的(singularly evil)(记) sinist(左边的)+er ,罗马占卜时,视左 侧出现的征兆为不吉祥(同) 同根词:sinistral( 左边的);sinistrors e(左旋的)
sinkhole SINKHOLE ['sinkh2ul]
SINKHOLE n. 污水池(记) 组合词:sink(水池 )+hole(洞)
sinuous SINUOUS ['sinju2s]
SINUOUS adj.蜿蜒的,迂回的(英) adj.蜿蜒的,迂回的( having many curves and twists winding)(考) 反义词:direct(直接 的)(记) sinu(弯曲)+ous→弯 曲的;(同) 同根词:insinuate( 暗指)
sip SIP [sip]
SIP v.啜饮(英) v.啜饮 (to drink in small quantities)(考) quaff : sip / stride : mince(gobble : nibble )(畅饮对啜饮/大步走 对小步走)swill : sip / gobble : nibble(狂饮对啜饮/狼吞虎 咽对小口进食)sip : drink / mince : walk(程度: 小口喝和喝/小步走和 走)反义词: swill(狂饮)(记) 参考:imsipid(乏味的 ); sipid(味道好的)(同) 参考:imsipid(乏味 的);sipid(味道好的)
siren SIREN ['sai2r2n]
SIREN n.汽笛,警报器(英) n.汽笛,警报器(a device for producing a penetrating warning sound)(记) 原指希腊神话中半人 半鸟的女海妖,以美 妙歌声迷住海员,使 船只触礁沉没
sizzler SIZZLER ['siz2l2]
SIZZLER n.炎热天气,大热天(英) n.炎热天气,大热天( scorcher)(记) 象声词:sizzl(咝咝 作声)+er→被太阳烤 得咝咝响→大热天
skein SKEIN [skein]
SKEIN n.一束(线或纱)(英) n.一束(线或纱) (a loosely coiled length of yarn or thread)(例) a skein of wool(一束毛线)
skeleton SKELETON ['skelit2n]
SKELETON n. 骨骼; 骨架,框架; adj. 最基本的,骨干的(英) 骨骼(the structure consisting of all the bones in a human or animal body)骨架,框架(something forming a structure on which more is built or added)最基本的,骨干的(eno ugh to keep an operation or organization going, and no more)(考) skeleon : animal / framing : building(动物有骨架支撑/建 筑物有框架结构支撑)
skeptic SKEPTIC ['skeptik]
SKEPTIC n. 怀疑论者(英) n. 怀疑论者(a person who is sceptical)(考) fervor : zealot / doubt : skeptic(狂热者喜欢狂热/怀 疑者喜欢怀疑)反义词:votary(信仰 者)
skeptical SKEPTICAL ['skeptik2l]
SKEPTICAL adj.怀疑的(英) adj.怀疑的(having an attitude of doubt)(考) lethargic : stimulate / skeptical : convince(刺激消除困乏/说服 消除怀疑)(记) 参考:sceptical(怀疑 的)
skepticism SKEPTICISM ['skeptisiz2m]
SKEPTICISM n. 怀疑论(英) n. 怀疑论 (a doubting state of mind)(考) 反义词:conviction( 坚信); credulity(轻信)
sketch SKETCH [sket6]
SKETCH n.草图; 素描(考) sketch : painting / outline : essay(画画先画草图/写短 文先写提纲)
sketchy SKETCHY ['sket6i]
SKETCHY adj.概略的,粗略的(英) adj.概略的,粗略的( lacking thoroughness or detail)(考) articulate : unclear / fawn : imperiousness / elaborate : sketchy(清楚地说不会不清楚 /奉承不会专横/详述 不会粗略)(记) 来自sketch(素描)+y(例) be sketchy about some important details(对重要细节 一带而过)
skew SKEW [skju:]
SKEW adj.不直的,歪斜的(英) adj.不直的,歪斜的 (running obliquely;slanting )(例) The picture was skew.
skewer SKEWER ['skju:2]
SKEWER n.(烤肉用的)穿肉杆; v.用杆穿好(英) (烤肉用的)穿肉杆 (a pin of wood or metal for fastening meat to keep it in form while roasting);v.用杆穿好 (to fasten or pierce with a skewer)(例) skewer the chicken before cooking
skiff SKIFF [skif]
SKIFF n.轻舟,小船(英) n.轻舟,小船 (any of various small boat)(考) dart : missile / skiff : boat(标枪是一种投射物/ 小艇是一种船)(记) 和skill(技巧)一起记
skillet SKILLET ['skilit]
SKILLET n.煎锅(英) n.煎锅 (frying pan)(记) 分割记忆:skill(技 术)+et, 煎饼需要技术
skim SKIM [skim]
SKIM v. 从液体表面撇去;浏览 ,略读(英) v. 从液体表面撇去( remove floating fat or solids from the surface of a liquid);浏览,略读 ( read quickly to get the main ideas)
skimp SKIMP [skimp]
SKIMP v.节省花费(英) v.节省花费(to give insufficient or barely sufficient funds for)(考) parsimonious : skimp / malingering : shirk(吝啬的[人]节约/装 病的[人]逃避)(例) to skimp on food to save money
skimpy SKIMPY ['skimpi]
SKIMPY adj.吝啬的,贫乏的(英) adj.吝啬的,贫乏的( deficient in supply;scanty)
skin SKIN [skin]
SKIN n. 皮; 皮肤(考) apple : skin / melon : rind(苹果和苹果皮/瓜和 瓜皮)pediatrics : children / dermatology : skin(儿科学的对象是儿童 /皮肤病学的对象是皮 肤)podiatrist : feet / dermatologist : skin(足科医生检查脚/皮 肤科医生检查皮肤)
skinflint SKINFLINT ['skin`flint]
SKINFLINT n.吝啬鬼(英) n.吝啬鬼 (miser, niggard)(考) gourmand : appetite / skinflint : thrift(贪吃者过分有食欲/ 吝啬鬼过分节俭)(记) 来自词组:skin a flint(刮石头皮,爱 钱如命)
skirmish SKIRMISH ['sk2:mi6]
SKIRMISH n.小战,小争吵(英) n.小战,小争吵(a minor dispute or contest)(考) skirmish : insignificance / duel : formality(小战的特点是不重要 /决斗的特点是正式)(例) A skirmish between a wife and a husband is insignificant.
skirt SKIRT [sk2:t]
SKIRT n. 裙子; v.环绕,逃避(考) 反义词:seek(追求); face(面临)
skit SKIT [skit]
SKIT n. 幽默讽刺短剧(英) n. 幽默讽刺短剧(a short humorous acted-out scene)(考) anecdote : story / vignette : scene / skit : play (drama)(轶事是一种故事/装 饰图案是一种图案/幽 默短剧是一种戏剧)(例) a skit on Macbeth
skittish SKITTISH ['skiti6]
SKITTISH adj.轻浮的,轻佻的(英) adj.轻浮的,轻佻的(c apricious; frivolous; not serious)
skulduggery SKULDUGGERY [`sk3l'd3g2ri]
SKULDUGGERY n.舞弊(英) n.舞弊(underhanded or unscrupulous behavior)(记) 分割记忆:skul(=sk ull头颅,脑袋)+dug (挖)+gery→挖脑袋 →想方设法作假
skunk SKUNK [sk38k]
SKUNK n.臭鼬,黄鼠狼
sky-rocket SKY-ROCKET [skai]
SKY-ROCKET v.陡升,猛涨(英) v.陡升,猛涨 (to shoot up abruptly)(记) 组合词:sky+rocket (火箭)
skyscraper SKYSCRAPER ['skai`skreip2]
SKYSCRAPER n. 摩天大楼(英) n. 摩天大楼 (a very tall modern city building)(考) bone : body / girder : skyscraper(身体有骨骼支撑/摩 天大楼有钢梁支撑)
slab SLAB [sl9b]
SLAB n.厚板,厚块(英) n.厚板,厚块(a thick plate or slice)(考) 反义词:sliver(细条 )(记) 和stab(刺、戳)一起 记(例) a slab of bread(一块厚面包)
slack SLACK [sl9k]
SLACK adj.懒散的,懈怠的;( 绳)松弛的v.松懈,怠惰(英) adj.懒散的,懈怠的(s luggish; inactive);(绳)松弛的(loose);(考) 反义词:taut(紧张的 )
slacken SLACKEN ['sl9k2n]
SLACKEN v.(使)松弛,放松(英) v.(使)松弛,放松(to make less active)(考) slacken : tension / blunt : sharpness(使松懈是不再紧张/ 使变钝是不再锋利)slacken : tautness / dilute : strength(放松不紧/稀释不浓)反义词:tauten(绑紧 )(记) 和slack(松弛的)+en(例) His business slackens in the winter.
slag SLAG [sl9g]
SLAG n.炉渣,矿渣(英) n.炉渣,矿渣(the dross or scoria of a metal)
slake SLAKE [sleik]
SLAKE v.解渴,消渴(英) v.解渴,消渴 (satisfy, quench)(考) slake : thirst / satiate : hunger(解渴使不再渴/饱足 使不再饥饿)gratify : desire / slake : thirsty(满足欲望/解除口渴)(记) 分割记忆:s+lake, 一湖水→解渴(例) slake one's thirst
slanderous SLANDEROUS ['slnd2r2s]
SLANDEROUS adj.诽谤的(英) adj.诽谤的(false and defamatory oral statement)(记) slander(诽谤)+ous, slander可能来自 scandal(丑闻,诽谤)
slant SLANT [slnt]
SLANT v.倾斜; n.斜面; 看法(英) v.倾斜; n.斜面(a slanting direction);看法(a peculiar or personal point of view)(例) slant the roof to allow water to run off(倾斜屋顶使水流 下).
slapdash SLAPDASH ['sl9pd96]
SLAPDASH adv./adj.马虎地(的)(英) adv./adj. 马虎地(的) (haphazard, slipshod)(记) slap(拍打)+dash(溅 )→拍打把水溅出来→ 草率的(例) a slapdash painting(草草作就的 画)
slate SLATE [sleit]
SLATE n.石板; 候选人名单; v.提名(英) n.石板;候选人名单( a list of candidates for nomination or election);v.提名 (to designate)(考) roster : personnel / slate : candidate(员工的花名册/候选 人的名单)(记) 来自slat(板条)+e→ 石板,古希腊选举时 在石板上刻上候选人名单