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numb NUMB [n3m]
NUMB adj. 麻木的(英) adj. 麻木的(devoid of emotions)(考) numb : insensible / burnish : lustrous(使麻木是使人没有知 觉/磨光是使东西有光 泽的)numb : sensation / stiff : suppleness(麻木是没有感觉/僵 硬是没有柔软)(记) number去掉er,成为n umb(例) finger numb with cold
numerology NUMEROLOGY [`nju:m2'r0l2d7i]
NUMEROLOGY n. 数字命理学(通过数字 算命)(记) numer(数字)+ology( 学)→根据数字算命的 学科
numerous NUMEROUS ['nju:m2r2s]
NUMEROUS adj. 许多的,很多的(英) adj. 许多的,很多的 (many)
numinous NUMINOUS ['nju:min2s]
NUMINOUS adj. 庄严的,神圣的(英) adj. 庄严的,神圣的(supe rnatural; divine)(记) numin(=numen守护神) +ous→守护神的→庄 严的
numismatic NUMISMATIC [`nju:miz'm9tik]
NUMISMATIC adj. 钱币学的(记) numisma(钱币)+tic→ 钱币的(例) The misprinted stamp had a high numismatic value.
numismatist NUMISMATIST [nju:'mizm2tist]
NUMISMATIST n. 钱币学家,钱币收藏家(考) philatelist : stamps/ numismatist : coins(集邮家收藏邮票/钱 币家收藏钱币)
nunnery NUNNERY ['n3n2ri]
NUNNERY n. 女修道院,尼姑庵(英) 尼姑庵(convent的旧 称; cloister)(记) nun(尼姑)+nery(地方 )→尼姑庵
nuptial NUPTIAL ['n3p62l]
NUPTIAL adj. 婚姻的,婚礼的(英) adj. 婚姻的,婚礼的(of marriage or a wedding)(记) nupt(=nub结婚)+ial →婚姻的(例) The couple exchanged nuptial vows.
nurture NURTURE ['n2:t62]
NURTURE n. 教养,训练 ;v. 养育,培育(英) n. 教养,训练 (training and care);v. 养育,培育( give care and food to)(考) 反义词: withhold sustenance from(停止供给食物); disregard[ignore; neglect; overlook; pass over](忽视,漠视)nurture : child/ cultivate : crop(抚育孩子/培育庄稼)(例) children nurtured by loving parents
nutrient NUTRIENT ['nju:tri2nt]
NUTRIENT n./adj. 营养物,营养的(英) 营养物,营养的([a chemical or food] providing what is needed for life and growth)(例) Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.
nutrition NUTRITION [nju:'tri62n]
NUTRITION n. 营养,滋养(英) n. 营养,滋养 (nourishment)
nutritious NUTRITIOUS [nju:'tri62s]
NUTRITIOUS adj. 有营养的,滋养的(英) adj. 有营养的,滋养的 (nourishing)(例) a nutritious snack
nymph NYMPH [nimf]
NYMPH n. 年轻女神; 少女(英) n. 年轻女神;少女(a young woman; maiden)(记) 来自罗马神话,指居 于山林水泽的仙女
oak OAK [2uk]
OAK n. 橡树
oar OAR [0:(r)]
OAR n. 橹,桨; v. 划(船)(英) v. 划(船)(to row: oar a boat forward把船划向前)(例) oar a boat forward(把船划向前)
oasis OASIS [2u'eisis]
OASIS n. 绿洲(英) n. 绿洲(a fertile place in desert)(例) The park near my house is an oasis from bustling city life.
oatmeal OATMEAL ['2utmi:l]
OATMEAL n.燕麦片(英) n.燕麦片(crushed oats used for making porridge)
obdurate OBDURATE ['0bdjurit]
OBDURATE adj. 固执的,顽固的(英) adj. 固执的,顽固的(stub bornly persistent; inflexible)(考) firmness : obdurate / carefulness : meticulous(程度: 坚定和顽固的/小心和 十分小心的)energetic : frenetic / firm : obdurate(程度: 积极的和狂热的/坚定 的和顽固的)反义词:toward(温顺 的)(记) ob(反)+dur(坚韧)+at e→很坚韧地对抗→固 执的(同) 同根词:endure(忍耐 ); indurate(使坚固, 硬化)
obedient OBEDIENT [2'bi:dj2nt]
OBEDIENT adj. 服从的,顺从的(英) adj. 服从的,顺从的(subm issive; docile, tractable)(考) 反义词:contumaciou s(顽固的)(记) 来自obey(服从)+dien t→服从的(同) n. obedience(例) Very few children are obedient.
obeisance OBEISANCE [2u'beis2ns]
OBEISANCE n. 鞠躬,敬礼(英) n. 鞠躬,敬礼(a gesture of respect or reverence)(考) obeisance : reverence / embrace : affection(鞠躬表示敬意/拥抱 表示友情)反义词:impertinent (鲁莽的)-obeisant( 有礼的)(记) obey(服从)+sance→ 服从的态度→鞠躬(例) They made the traditional obeisance to their monarch.
obelisk OBELISK ['0b2lisk]
OBELISK n.方尖碑(英) n.方尖碑(tall column tapering and ending in a pyramid)
obese OBESE [2u'bi:s]
OBESE adj. 极肥胖的(英) adj. 极肥胖的(very fat; stout; corpulent)(同) 派生词: obesity (n. 肥胖)(例) A bench at the mall broke when an obese customer sat on it.
obfuscate OBFUSCATE [0b'f3skeit]
OBFUSCATE v. 使困惑,使迷惑(英) v. 使困惑,使迷惑(to muddle; confuse; bewilder)(考) 反义词:elucidate( 阐明); illuminate(说明); explain clearly(解释清楚); clarify(阐明)(记) ob (走向)+fusc(黑暗, 糊涂)+ate→弄糊涂;(同) 参考:fuscous(深色 的)
obfuscation OBFUSCATION [`0bf3s'kei62n]
OBFUSCATION n. 昏迷,困惑(考) equivocation : truth / euphemism : offense / obfuscation : clarity(真理不会含糊/冒犯 不会委婉/清晰不会迷 惑)
obituary OBITUARY [2'bitju2ri]
OBITUARY n.讣闻,讣告(英) n.讣闻,讣告(death notice in a newspaper))
objection OBJECTION [2b'd7ek62n]
OBJECTION n. 厌恶; 反对(英) n. 厌恶, 反对(disapproval or dislike)(记) ob(反)+ject(扔,射) +ion→反过来扔→厌 恶,反对
objectionable OBJECTIONABLE [2b'd79k62n2bl]
OBJECTIONABLE adj. 令人厌恶的(英) adj. 令人厌恶的(disagree able, offensive)(例) objectionable behavior(讨厌的行为 )
objective OBJECTIVE [0b'd7ektiv]
OBJECTIVE adj. 客观的;n. 目标(英) adj. 客观的 (not influenced by personal opinions);n. 目标 (an aim)
objectivity OBJECTIVITY [`0bd7ek'tiv2ti]
oblation OBLATION [2u'blei62n]
OBLATION n. 宗教的供品,祭品(英) n. 宗教的供品,祭品(an offering of sacrifice)(记) ob+lat(放)+ion→放 上去的东西→祭品
obligation OBLIGATION [`0bli'gei62n]
OBLIGATION n. 责任; 债务, 欠的人情(英) n. 责任(a duty imposed legally or socially);债务, 欠的人情(the fact of being indebted)(记) 来自oblige(强迫,迫 使)+ation→迫使做的 事→责任(例) The senator promised to uphold the obligations of his office.
obligatory OBLIGATORY [2'blig2`t2ri]
OBLIGATORY adj. 强制性的,义务的(英) adj. 强制性的,义务的(le gally or morally binding; required)(考) 反义词:discretiona ry(自由决定的); selective(选择性的)(例) It is not obligatory to answer. (并非一定要回答)
obliging OBLIGING [2'blaid7i8]
OBLIGING adj. 恳切的,热心助人的(英) adj. 恳切的,热心助人的( helpful; accommodating)(考) visionary : idealistic / officious : obliging(程度: 幻想→空想/过分插手 →热心)(记) oblige(表示好意)+in g→热心助人的(例) He is very obliging and offers to do anything in his power.
oblique OBLIQUE [2'bli:k]
OBLIQUE adj. 间接的; 斜的(英) adj. 间接的( not straightforward);斜的(inclined)(考) 反义词:direct(直接 的)(记) ob(躺)+lique(歪斜的 )→斜的(例) make oblique accusations(指桑骂 槐)
obliterate OBLITERATE [2'blit2reit]
OBLITERATE v. 涂掉,擦掉(英) v. 涂掉,擦掉(efface; erase)(考) inspire : infuse / obliterate : remove / accomodate : supply / convey :conduct(同义: 激励→鼓舞/涂掉→移 除/提供→供应/运输 →传递)inter : burial / obliterate : removal(动名词同义: 埋葬/涂掉)(记) ob(去掉)+liter(文字 )+ate→擦掉(文字等)(例) The heavy rain obliterated all footprints.
oblivion OBLIVION [2'blivi2n]
OBLIVION n. 遗忘(英) n. 遗忘(condition of forgetting)(记) ob(离开)+liv(=live 活)+ion→不再活的东 西→遗忘(例) Babylonian civilization has long since passed into oblivion.
oblivious OBLIVIOUS [2'blivi2s]
OBLIVIOUS adj. 不在意的,疏忽的(英) adj. 不在意的,疏忽的(fo rgetful or unmindful)(考) 反义词:vigilant(警 觉的); cognizant(认知的); mindful(留心的)erudite : fathom / oblivious : neglect(博学的[人]彻底了解 /健忘的[人]健忘忽略)(例) The man reading on the bus was oblivious to the noise around him.
obloquy OBLOQUY ['0bl2kwi]
OBLOQUY n. 大骂,斥责(英) n. 大骂,斥责(censure or vituperation)(记) ob(坏)+loqu(话)+y→ 说坏话→大骂
obnoxious OBNOXIOUS [2b'n0k62s]
OBNOXIOUS adj. 令人不愉快的,可憎的(英) adj. 令人不愉快的,可憎 的(very unpleasant)(记) ob(坏)+nox(毒)+ious →有毒的,令人不快的(例) an obnoxious habit
obscure OBSCURE [2b'skju2]
OBSCURE adj. 难解的; 不清楚的; v. 隐藏; 使…模糊(英) adj. 难解的(cryptic; ambiguous);不清楚的(not clear or distinct);v. 隐藏(to conceal);使…模糊(to make less conspicuous)(考) 反义词:explicit(清 楚的)(记) ob(离开)+scure(跑) →跑掉→使…模糊;(同) 参考:scurry(急跑的 )(例) My friend mumbled some obscure reason for being late.
obscurity OBSCURITY [2b'skju2riti]
OBSCURITY n. 费解,不出名(英) n. 费解,不出名(the quality of being obscure)(考) 反义词:celebrity( 名人)(例) I stopped reading the textbook because of its obscurity.
obsequies OBSEQUIES ['0bsikwiz]
OBSEQUIES n. 葬礼(英) n. 葬礼(funeral rites or ceremonies)(记) ob(坏)+sequ(跟随)+i es→情绪不好地跟随 →葬礼
obsequious OBSEQUIOUS [2b'si:kwi2s]
OBSEQUIOUS adj. 逢迎的,谄媚的(英) adj. 逢迎的,谄媚的(show ing too great a willingness to serve or obey)(考) obsequious : fawn / compliant : yield / condescending :patronize(逢迎的[人]喜欢奉承 /顺从的[人]喜欢屈服 /屈尊的[人]喜欢庇护)libertine : dissolute / narcissist : self-absorbed / sycophant : obsequious(放荡的人是放荡的/ 自恋的人是自恋的/逢 迎的人是逢迎的)反义词: supercilious(自大的 )(例) an obsequious compliment
observable OBSERVABLE [2b'z2:v2b2l]
OBSERVABLE adj. 看得见的,显著的(英) adj. 看得见的,显著的 (that can be seen or noticed)
observance OBSERVANCE [2b'z2:v2ns]
OBSERVANCE n. 遵守,奉行(法律,习俗 )(记) ob(表示强调)+serv(= serve做,服务)+ance →必须服务→遵守; 比较observation(观 察),observatory(天文台)(例) In observance of Jewish law, the rabbi ate no pork.
obsessed OBSESSED [2b'sest]
OBSESSED adj. 着迷的(考) agonized : distress / obsessed : concern(苦闷的是有过多苦恼 /着迷的是有过多关爱)firm : intransigent / concerned : obsessed(程度: 坚定的→固执的/关心 的→着迷的)obsessed : attracted / rash : adventurous(着迷的是被过分吸引 /鲁莽的是过分冒险)
obsession OBSESSION [2b'se62n]
OBSESSION n. 入迷; 固执的念头(英) n. 入迷(excessive preoccupation);固执的念头(persiste nt idea, desire, emotion)(记) 来自obsess(迷住),o b+sess(=sit坐)→坐 着不走→迷住(例) be obsessed by money / He had an obsession for home.
obsolescent OBSOLESCENT [`0bs2'les2nt]
OBSOLESCENT adj. 即将过时的(英) adj. 即将过时的(in the process of becoming obsolete)(记) 来自obsolete(废弃的 )+escent(开始…的) →开始被废弃的→即 将过时的(例) obsolescent equipment(老化设备)
obsolete OBSOLETE ['0bs2li:t]
OBSOLETE adj. 废弃的; 过时的(英) adj. 废弃的(no longer in use),过时的(out of date; old)(记) ob(不)+solete(使用) →不再使用→过时的(例) The news was already obsolete.
obstacle OBSTACLE ['0bst2kl]
OBSTACLE n. 障碍,干扰(英) n. 障碍,干扰(impedime nt; obstruction; hindrance)(考) blandishment : cajole / obstacle : impede(甜言蜜语为了诱骗/ 障碍物为了阻碍)(记) ob(在…上)+sta(=sta nd)+acle→站在路上 的东西→障碍(例) natural obstacles(天然障碍)
obstinate OBSTINATE ['0bstinit]
OBSTINATE adj. 固执的,倔强的(英) adj. 固执的,倔强的(unre asonably determined; stubborn; dogged)(考) obstinate : persevere / tactless(insensitiv e) : offend(顽固的[人]坚持/笨 拙的(迟钝的)[人] 冒犯)unflappable : upset / obstinate : persuade(镇定的人不易被扰乱 /顽固的人不易被说服)反义词: tractable(驯良的)(记) ob+stin(=stand)+ate →坚决站着→固执的;(同) n. obstinacy(例) The obstinate juror refused to consider the evidence.
obstreperous OBSTREPEROUS [2b'strep2r2s]
OBSTREPEROUS adj. 吵闹的,难管束的(英) adj. 吵闹的,难管束的(no isy, boisterous, or unruly)(考) 反义词:disciplined (遵守纪律的)(记) ob+streper(喧闹)+ou s→喧闹的(例) obstreperous merriment(喧闹的作 乐)
obstruct OBSTRUCT [2b'str3kt]
OBSTRUCT v. 阻塞,截断(英) v. 阻塞,截断(to block with obstacles; clog)(考) 反义词:facilitate( 加速进行); unocclude(顺畅的)-o bstructed(记) ob(反)+struct(建造) →反对建造→阻塞(同) 派生词: obstruction (n. 阻挠,障碍); obstructionist (n. 妨碍者)(例) The crash obstructed the road for several hours.
obtain OBTAIN [2b'tein]
OBTAIN v. 获得,得到(英) v. 获得,得到 ( become the owner of)(记) ob(加强动作)+tain (拿住)→拿到→获得
obtainable OBTAINABLE [2b'tein2bl]
OBTAINABLE adj. 能得到的(英) adj. 能得到的 (that can be obtained)(记) 来自动词obtain(得 到)+able
obtrude OBTRUDE [2b'tru:d]
OBTRUDE v. 突出; 强加(英) v. 突出(to thrust out);强加(to force or impose)(记) ob(向外)+trude(伸出 )→向外伸→突出(例) Don't obtrude your opinions on others.
obtrusive OBTRUSIVE [2b'tru:siv]
OBTRUSIVE adj. 突出的,(难看)显眼的
obtuse OBTUSE [2b'tju:s]
OBTUSE adj. 愚笨的; 不锐利的(英) adj. 愚笨的(dull or insensitive);不锐利的(blunt)(考) rectitude : transgress / calmness : restive / keenness : obtuse(正直不犯罪/安静不 烦躁/敏锐不愚笨)(例) I am really obtuse on this.
obverse OBVERSE ['0bv2:s]
OBVERSE n. 正面(英) n. 正面(the front or main surface)(记) ob+verse(转)→转到 外面的一面→正面;(同) 参考:reverse(反面)
obviate OBVIATE ['0bvieit]
OBVIATE v. 排除(困难)(英) v. 排除(困难)(prevent by effective measures)(考) emulate : exemplary / obviate : unnecessary(榜样的[东西]要仿效 /不必要的[东西]要消 除)(记) ob(离开)+via(路)+at e→使障碍离开道路→ 排除(同) 同根词:viable(能活 的); viaduct(高架桥)
obvious OBVIOUS ['0bvi2s]
OBVIOUS adj. 明显的,显而易见的(英) adj. 明显的,显而易见的 (easy to see and understand)
occidental OCCIDENTAL [`0ksi'dentl]
OCCIDENTAL n./ adj. 西方(的)(记) oc(下)+cid(落)+enta l→太阳落下的→西方 的;(同) 参考:oriental(东方 的)
occlude OCCLUDE [2'klu:d]
OCCLUDE v. 使闭塞(考) 反义词:unobstructe d(顺畅的)-occluded( 阻塞的)(记) oc(一再)+clude( 关闭)→一再关起来 不畅通→堵塞
occult OCCULT [0'k3lt]
OCCULT adj. 秘密的, 不公开的(英) adj. 秘密的, 不公开的(hidden; concealed)(考) 反义词:bare(赤裸的 ); patent(明显的); fathomable(可看透的)(记) oc(不)+cult(教派)→ 在教派内不公开的;(同) 参考:cult(崇拜,教 派)(例) Astrology and alchemy are occult sciences.
occupation OCCUPATION [`0kju'pei62n]
OCCUPATION n. 工作,职业 ;占领(英) n. 工作,职业 (a job, employment);占领 (occupying a place)(记) occupy(占领,使用 )+ation
occurrence OCCURRENCE [2'k3r2ns]
OCCURRENCE n. 事件; 发生(英) n. 事件(event, incident),发生(fact of occurring)(考) prodigy : person / miracle : occurrence(奇才是奇特的人/奇 迹是奇特的事)(记) 来自occur(发生)+ren ce
octogenarian OCTOGENARIAN [`0kt2d72'neri2n]
OCTOGENARIAN n. 80~89岁的人(英) 80~89岁的人(a person of or in his or her eighties)(记) octo(八)+gen(产生, 活)+arian→80~89岁 的人(同) 同根词:octopus(章 鱼);octennial(八年 的)
ocular OCULAR ['0kjul2]
OCULAR adj. 眼睛的; 可见的(英) adj. 眼睛的(of the eye);可见的(based on what has been seen)(记) ocul(眼)+ar→眼睛的(例) The eye doctor watched my ocular movements.
oculist OCULIST ['0kjulist]
OCULIST n. 眼科医生(英) n. 眼科医生(early term for ophthalmologist)_
oddments ODDMENTS ['0dments]
ODDMENTS n. 残余物,零头(英) n. 残余物,零头(remnan ts)(记) odd(零碎的,剩余的) +ments
ode ODE [2ud]
ODE n. 长诗,颂歌(英) n. 长诗,颂歌(a lyric exaltation poem)(考) chord : tone / ode : poem(和音是一种音调/长 诗是一种诗)(例) Shelly's Ode to the West Wind.(雪莱的《西风 颂》)
odious ODIOUS ['2udi2s]
ODIOUS adj. 可憎的,讨厌的(英) adj. 可憎的,讨厌的(disg usting; offensive)(考) odious : disgust(repugnance) / menacing : fear(讨厌的使人厌恶/恐 吓的使人害怕)blatant : arresting / odious : disgusting(俗丽的[人]令人注意 /可憎的[人]令人憎恶)(记) 注意不要和odor(气味 )相混(例) an odious associate(讨厌的同 伴)
odium ODIUM ['2udi2m]
ODIUM n. 憎恶,反感(英) n. 憎恶,反感(hatred)(考) 反义词:hankering( 渴望); infatuation(迷恋); esteem(尊敬)
odometer ODOMETER [2u'd0mit2]
ODOMETER n. (汽车)里程表(英) 里程表(an instrument fitted in a car to record the number of miles it travels)
odoriferous ODORIFEROUS [`0d2'rif2r2s]
ODORIFEROUS adj. 有香味的,芳香的(记) odor(气味)+ifer(带 有)+ous→带有香味的(例) The rose is an odoriferous flower.
odyssey ODYSSEY ['0disi]
ODYSSEY n.长途的冒险旅行(英) n.长途的冒险旅行(lo ng, eventful, adventurous journey)(记) 来自荷马史诗[奥德赛 ], 其主人公长途冒险
offbeat OFFBEAT [0f'bi:t]
OFFBEAT adj. 不规则的, 不平常的(英) adj. 不规则的, 不平常的(unconventi onal)(考) 反义词:conventiona l(惯例的)
offend OFFEND [2'fend]
OFFEND v. 冒犯,使不快 ; 触犯(英) v. 冒犯,使不快 ( cause displeasure to)(考) deferential : offend / intransigent : acquiesce /scornful : respect(恭敬的[人]不冒犯/ 不妥协的[人]不勉强/ 轻蔑的[人]不敬重)equivocation : truth / euphemism : offense / obfuscation : clarity(模棱两可不真实/委 婉之词不冒犯/迷惑糊 涂不清晰)euphemism : offend / invulnerable : injure(婉转的话 : 冒犯 = 不受伤害的 : 伤害)
offense OFFENSE [2'fens]
OFFENSE n.得罪, 错事(英) n. 得罪, 错事(the breach of the moral, social or legal code)(考) peccadillo : offense / cameo : sculpture(小错是一种错/宝石 浮雕是一种雕刻)(例) Certain offenses are misdemeanors, others are felonies.
offensive OFFENSIVE [2'fensiv]
OFFENSIVE adj. 令人不快的,得罪人的(考) euphemism : offensive / aphorism : diffuse(委婉之词不具冒犯性 /格言警句不具散漫性)(记) of+fense(保护)→没 有防范好→得罪
offhand OFFHAND [`0f'h9nd]
OFFHAND adv./adj. 随便(的);事先无准 备地(英) adv./adj. 随便(的)(careless or disrespectful);事先无准备地(at once)(考) 反义词:premeditate d(预谋的)(例) He was rather offhand with me.
officious OFFICIOUS [2'fi62s]
OFFICIOUS adj. 爱发命令的,好忠告的(英) adj. 爱发命令的,好忠告 的(meddlesome in a highhanded or overbearing way)(考) attentive : officious / refined : snobbish(过分关心是多管闲事 /过分优雅是势利俗气)officious : meddle / disaffected : rebel(多管闲事的爱干预/ 不满的爱反抗)visionary : idealistic / officious : obliging(程度:空想的→理想 的/热心的→多管闲事 的)反义词:politic(慎 重的, 策略的)(记) 来自officer(官员)+i ous→当官的爱发号施令(例) My officious neighbor kept asking me personal questions.
offish OFFISH ['0:fi6]
OFFISH adj. 冷淡的(考) 反义词:sociable(友 善的)
off-key OFF-KEY [0f]
OFF-KEY adj. 走调的,不和谐的(英) adj. 走调的,不和谐的(o ut of tune )(例) Some of his remarks were rather off-key.反义词:at the proper pitch
offset OFFSET ['0:fset]
OFFSET v. 补偿,抵消(英) v. 补偿,抵消 ( make up for)(例) He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.
offspring OFFSPRING ['0f`spri8]
OFFSPRING n. 儿女,后代(英) n. 儿女,后代 (children from particular parents)(例) Their offspring are all very clever.
offstage OFFSTAGE ['0f'steid7]
OFFSTAGE adv./adj. 台后的,幕后的(英) adv./adj. 台后的,幕后的(not on the open stage)
ogle OGLE ['2ug(2)l]
OGLE v. 送秋波; n. 媚眼(英) v. 送秋波(make eyes);n. 媚眼(an ogling eye)(例) The men ogled her lasciviously(好色地 ).
ointment OINTMENT ['0intm2nt]
OINTMENT n. 油膏,软膏(英) n. 油膏,软膏(salve; unguent)(记) oint(=oil)+ment→油 膏;(同) 参考:unguent(软膏)
olfactory OLFACTORY [0l'f9kt2ri]
OLFACTORY adj. 嗅觉的(英) adj. 嗅觉的(of the sense of smell)(记) ol(=smell味)+fact( 做)+ory→做出味道来 →嗅觉的;分割记忆:ol+factor y(同) 派生词: olfaction (n. 嗅觉)(例) The nose is an olfactory organ.
oligarchy OLIGARCHY ['0ligki]
OLIGARCHY n. 寡头政治(英) n. 寡头政治(a form of government in which power isconcentrated in the hands of a few persons)(记) olig(少)+archy(统治 )→少数人统治→寡头 统治
omelet OMELET ['0mlit]
OMELET n. 煎蛋卷(英) n. 煎蛋卷 (eggs beaten together and cooked in hot fat)
ominous OMINOUS ['0min2s]
OMINOUS adj. 预兆的,不祥的(英) adj. 预兆的,不祥的(of an evil omen; portentous)(记) 来自omen(预兆, 征兆)(例) The nation is worried about the ominous signs of civil war.
omission OMISSION [2u'mi62n]
OMISSION n. 遗漏,省略(英) n. 遗漏,省略(an omitting)(记) o(出)+miss(放)+ion →放出去→省略(例) Due to an omission, the author wasn't credited for her work.
omit OMIT [2u'mit]
OMIT v. 省略,遗漏;疏忽(英) v. 省略,遗漏 ( leave out);疏忽( leave undone)
omnipotent OMNIPOTENT [0m'nip2t2nt]
OMNIPOTENT adj. 全能的,万能的(英) adj. 全能的,万能的(all- powerful)(记) omni(全部)+potent( 有力的)→全能的(同) 同根词:omnifaceted (全面的);omniprese nt(无所不在的)(例) The omnipotent king killed his political enemies.
omniscient OMNISCIENT [0m'ni62nt,0m'nisi2nt]
OMNISCIENT adj. 无所不知的,博识的(英) adj. 无所不知的,博识的( knowing all things)(记) omni(全)+scient(知 道的)→全知道的(同) 同根词:prescient( 预知);conscience( 良心)(例) God is said to be omniscient and omnipotent.
omnivorous OMNIVOROUS [0m'niv2r2s]
OMNIVOROUS adj. 杂食的; 兴趣杂的(英) adj. 杂食的(eating both animal and vegetable food);兴趣杂的(taking in everything indiscriminately)(记) omni(全)+vor(吃)+ou s→全部吃的(例) Bears are omnivorous animals.
oncologist ONCOLOGIST [08'k0l2d7i]
onerous ONEROUS ['0n2r2s]
ONEROUS adj. 繁重的, 麻烦的(英) adj. 繁重的, 麻烦的(burdensome)(记) oner(笨重的)+ous→ 繁重的(同) 同根词:exonerate( 无罪释放)
onset ONSET ['0nset]
ONSET n. (坏情况)开始发作(英) n. (坏情况)开始发作(th e first attack or beginning of something bad)(例) the onset of glandular fever
onslaught ONSLAUGHT ['0nsl0:t]
ONSLAUGHT n. 猛攻,猛袭(英) n. 猛攻,猛袭(a fierce attack)(记) on+slaught(打击)→ 猛打,猛攻;(同) 参考:slaughter(屠 宰)(例) a coordinated onslaught on enemy airfields
ontology ONTOLOGY [0n't0l2d7i]
ONTOLOGY n. 实体论,本体论(对存 在本质的研究)(记) onto(存在)+ology→ 研究存在的学说→本 体论
onus ONUS ['2un2s]
ONUS n. 义务, 负担(英) n. 义务, 负担(a difficult, unpleasant task)(记) 分割记忆:on-us, 在我们身上的'责任'
ooze OOZE [u:z]
OOZE v. 慢慢地流,渗出; (勇气)逐渐消失(英) v. 慢慢地流,渗出,(le ak out slowly; eep);(例) Their courage oozed away.
opacity OPACITY [2u'p9siti]
OPACITY n. 不透明性,晦涩(英) n. 不透明性,晦涩(the quality of being opaque)(考) opacity : light / impermeability : fluid(不透明光透不过/不 可渗透液体透不过)反义词:transparenc y(透明性)(例) the opacity of frosted glass
opalescence OPALESCENCE [`2up2'les2ns]
OPALESCENCE n. (不透明的)乳白光
opaque OPAQUE [2u'peik]
OPAQUE adj. 不透明的; 难懂的(英) adj. 不透明的(not transparent);难懂的(hard to understand; obscure)(考) slack : tension / opaque : translucence(松弛的没有张力/不 透明的没有透明)反义词:diaphanous( 透明的)(记) 来自opacus(遮蔽阳光 的),opa(不透明)+que(例) an opaque piece of prose(一篇难懂的散 文)
open-minded OPEN-MINDED ['2up2n]
OPEN-MINDED adj. 思想开明的(英) adj. 思想开明的 (willing to consider new ideas)(记) 组合词:open(开)+ mind(思想)+ed
operative OPERATIVE ['0p2r2tiv]
OPERATIVE adj. (计划等)实施中的; 生效的(英) adj. (计划等)实施中的; 生效的(effective)(记) oper(做)+ative→在 做的→在实施中的(同) 同根词:operose(费 力的);opus(作品, 大作)(例) The airport is operative again after the bad weather.
operetta OPERETTA [`0p2'ret2]
OPERETTA n. 小歌剧(英) n. 小歌剧(a light, amusing opera)(记) oper(=opera歌剧)+et ta(小)→小歌剧
ophthalmology OPHTHALMOLOGY [`0f49l'm0l2d7i]
OPHTHALMOLOGY n. 眼科学(记) ophthalm(眼)+ology →眼科学;(同) 参考:ophthalmia(眼 炎)(例) The surgeon specialized in ophthalmology.
opiate OPIATE ['2upi2t]
OPIATE n. 安眠药,鸦片制剂(英) n. 安眠药,鸦片制剂(an y medicine containing opium)(记) opium(鸦片)
opine OPINE [2u'pain]
OPINE vt. / vi.想,以为(来自opi nion)(考) augur : predict / pundit : opine(占卜家预测/博学者 思想)
opinionated OPINIONATED [2'pinj2neitid]
OPINIONATED adj. 固执己见的(英) adj. 固执己见的(holding obstinately to one's own opinions)(记) opinion(观点)+ated →坚持自己观点的(例) Jane won't listen to my advice because she's too opinionated.
opponent OPPONENT [2'p2un2nt]
OPPONENT n. 对手,敌手(英) n. 对手,敌手(adversar y; antagonist)(记) op(反)+pon(放)+ent →反着放→对手(同) 同根词:component( 组成的,合成的);pr oponent(支持者)(例) Our football team's opponents won the game.
opportune OPPORTUNE ['0p2tju:n]
OPPORTUNE adj. 合适的,适当的(英) adj. 合适的,适当的(righ t for the purpose)(考) opportune : convenience / impermanent : transience(合适的[东西]方便/ 不持久的[东西]短暂)反义词:inconvenien t(不适当的)(记) op(进入)+port(港口) +une→进入港口避风 雨→合适的;(同) 参考:opportunity( 机会)(例) When the opportune moment arises, I'll ask my boss for a raise.
oppose OPPOSE [2'p2uz]
OPPOSE v. 反对(英) v. 反对 ( be or act against)(考) oppose : thwart / treat : cure(反对是为了阻碍/治 疗是为了治愈)(记) op(对)+pose(放)(同) 派生词: opposition (n. 反对,敌对)
oppress OPPRESS [2'pres]
OPPRESS v. 压迫,压制(英) v. 压迫,压制 ( rule in a hard and cruel way)(记) op+press(压)→压下 去→压迫(同) 同根词:depress(降 低,抑制); impressive(影象深刻 的)
oppression OPPRESSION [2'pre62n]
OPPRESSION n. 压迫,郁闷(英) n. 压迫,郁闷 (the condition of being oppressed)(考) 反义词:disagreemen t(争执)
oppressive OPPRESSIVE [2'presiv]
OPPRESSIVE adj. 残酷的,压迫的(英) adj. 残酷的,压迫的(tyra nnical; onerous)(记) op+press(压)+ive→ 压下去→压迫的 同根词:depress(降低 ,抑制)(例) take oppressive measures to crush the rebellion
opprobrious OPPROBRIOUS [2'pr2ubri2s]
OPPROBRIOUS adj. 辱骂的,恶名声的(英) adj. 辱骂的,恶名声的(ex pressing scorn; abusive)(考) 反义词:irreproacha ble(无可指责的)(记) op+probr(耻辱)+ious →耻辱的
opprobrium OPPROBRIUM [2'pr2ubri2m]
OPPROBRIUM n. 恶名声;极其轻蔑(英) n. 恶名声(the disgrace or infamy)极其轻蔑(rep roachful contempt)(考) 反义词:approbation (赞成,认可)
optimism OPTIMISM ['0ptimizm]
OPTIMISM n. 乐观主义(英) 乐观主义(the tendency to take the most hopeful or cheerful views of matters or to expect the best outcome)(记) optim(最好)+ism;(同) 参考:optimize(使完 善)(例) a man of great optimism
optimistic OPTIMISTIC [`0pti'mistik]
optimum OPTIMUM ['0ptim2m]
OPTIMUM adj. 最好的,最有利的(英) adj. 最好的,最有利的(mo re favorable or desirable)(记) optim(最好)+um→最 好的(例) the optimum temperature for keeping vegetables fresh in the fridge
optional OPTIONAL ['0p62n2l]
OPTIONAL adj. 可自由选择的(英) adj. 可自由选择的(left to one's own choice)(记) option(选择)+al(例) optional courses on linguistics
optometrist OPTOMETRIST [0p't0mitrist]
OPTOMETRIST n. 验光师(记) opto(视力)+metr( 测量)+ist
opulent OPULENT ['0pjul2nt]
OPULENT adj. 富裕的; 充足的(英) adj. 富裕的(very wealthy);充足的(profuse; luxuriant)(记) opul(财富)+ent→富 裕的(同) 派生词: opulence (n. 富裕)(例) The owner of the company owned two opulent houses.
opus OPUS ['2up2s]
OPUS n.巨著;(尤指)音乐作 品(英) n.巨著;(尤指)音乐作 品(work esp. musical composition))
oracle ORACLE ['0r2kl]
ORACLE n. 代神发布神谕的人(英) n. 代神发布神谕的人(an y person or agency believed to be incommunication with a deity)(记) ora(嘴)+acle→作为( 神的)嘴巴;(同) 参考:oral(口头的)
oracular ORACULAR [0'r9kjul2]
ORACULAR adj. 神谕的;意义模糊的(英) adj. 神谕的(of an oracle);意义模糊的(obscure; enigmatic)
oration ORATION [2'rei62n]
ORATION n. 正式演说,演讲(英) n. 正式演说,演讲(a formal public speech)(记) orate(演说)+ion→演 说
orator ORATOR ['0r2t2]
ORATOR n. 演说者(英) n. 演说者 (a person who speaks in public)
oratorio ORATORIO [`0r2't0:ri2u]
ORATORIO n. 清唱剧(英) n. 清唱剧(没有舞台行动 , 道具的戏剧)(记) orate(演讲)+orio(表 示音乐类)→配以音乐 的演讲→清唱剧
oratory ORATORY ['0r2t2ri]
ORATORY n. 演讲术(英) n. 演讲术 (the art of making good speeches)
orchard ORCHARD ['0:t62d]
ORCHARD n. 果园(英) n. 果园 (a place where fruit trees are grown)
orchestra ORCHESTRA ['0:kistr2]
ORCHESTRA n. 管弦乐队, 管弦乐(英) 管弦乐队(a large group of musicians who play music for combinations of different instruments)(考) orchestra : musician / pack : wolf(音乐家组成乐队/狼 组成狼群)pilot : ship / conductor : orchestra(领航员指挥船只/指 挥家指挥乐队)stanza : poem / movement : orchestra(诗节组成诗/乐章组 成音乐)
orchid ORCHID ['0:kid]
ORCHID n. 兰花,称赞(例) An un-sung editor deserves some of the orchids.
ordain ORDAIN [0:'dein]
ORDAIN v. 任命(神职); 命令(英) v. 任命(神职);命令(to decree; order)(记) ord(命令)+ain→任命(例) He was ordained priest.
ordeal ORDEAL [0:'di:l]
ORDEAL n. 严峻考验,痛苦经验(英) n. 严峻考验,痛苦经验( any difficult and severe trial)(例) Being lost in the wilderness for a week was an ordeal for the campers.
orderly ORDERLY ['0:d2li]
ORDERLY adj. 有秩序的,有条理的(英) adj. 有秩序的,有条理的 (well-arranged)(记) order(秩序)+ly(同) 派生词: orderliness (n. 整洁,整齐)
ordinance ORDINANCE ['0:din2ns]
ORDINANCE n. 法令,条例(英) n. 法令,条例(a governmental statute of regulation)(记) ord(命令)+inance, 注意不要和ordnance( 大炮)相混(例) a government ordinance promulgated in 1963
ordination ORDINATION [`0:di'nei62n]
ORDINATION n. 授任圣职(英) n. 授任圣职(being ordained to the religious ministry)(记) ordin(=ordain)+atio n→授圣职(例) attend the ordination of a priest
ordnance ORDNANCE ['0:dn2ns]
ORDNANCE n. 大炮; 军械(英) n. 大炮(cannon or artillery);军械(all military weapons)(记) ord(命令,顺序)+nan ce→大炮常排列整齐 ,故名
ore ORE [0:]
ORE n. 矿,矿石 (注意不要和roe[鱼卵 ]相混)n.(同) 注意不要和roe[鱼卵] 相混
organism ORGANISM ['0:g2niz2m]
ORGANISM n. 生物; 有机体(英) 生物(any individual animal or plant having diverse organs and parts that function together as a whole to main life and its activities);有机体(anything resembling a living thing in its complexity of structure or functions)(记) organ(器官)+ism→生 物(同) 同根词:organic(器 官的,有机体的); organization(组织)(例) The scientist examined the organism under the microscope.
orgy ORGY ['0:d7i]
ORGY n.纵酒狂欢(英) n.纵酒狂欢(unrestra ined indulgence in an activity)
orient ORIENT ['0:ri2nt]
ORIENT adj. 上升的; v. 确定方向; 使熟悉情况(英) adj. 上升的(rising);v. 确定方向;使熟悉情 况(acquaint with a particular situation)(记) ori(升起)+ent→(太 阳)升起的(例) Mary oriented herself toward the west.
orientation ORIENTATION [`0:ri2n'tei62n]
ORIENTATION n. 定向(英) 定向(position with relation to the point of the compass)(例) The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation.
orifice ORIFICE ['0rifis]
ORIFICE n. 小开口,小孔(英) n. 小开口,小孔(a mouth or aperture; opening)(记) or(=ora嘴)+ifice→ 小嘴→小孔
original ORIGINAL [2'rid72n2l]
ORIGINAL adj. 最初的; 新颖的(英) adj. 最初的(earliest);新颖的(new and different)(考) hodgepodge : uniform / clich : original(大杂烩不具一致/陈 腐不具创新)
originality ORIGINALITY [2`rid7i'n9liti]
ORIGINALITY n. 创造性,独特性(英) n. 创造性,独特性(the ability to be original, creative or inventive)(考) babble : sense / parrot : originality(胡言乱语没有理性/ 学舌没有创造性)(记) origin(起源)+ality →首创性(例) Mary's originality as an architect made her very successful.
originate ORIGINATE [2'rid7ineit]
ORIGINATE v. 开始,起因,发源(英) v. 开始,起因,发源( have as an established starting point)
ornament ORNAMENT ['0:n2m2nt]
ORNAMENT n. 装饰品; n. 装饰(英) 装饰品(an object possessed because it is beautiful rather than because it is useful)装饰(something that is added to make something else more beautiful)装饰(add ornament to)
ornamentation ORNAMENTATION [`0:n2men'tei62n]
ORNAMENTATION n. 装饰性,装饰(英) n. 装饰性,装饰 (the quality of adding ornament)
ornate ORNATE [0:'neit]
ORNATE adj. 华美的; 充满装饰的(英) adj. 华美的(showy or flowery);充满装饰的(heavily ornamented or adorned)(记) orn(装饰)+ate→装饰 过的→华美的(同) 同根词:ornamental( 装饰的); suborn(贿赂)(例) The ornate design took Susan two months to draw.
ornithology ORNITHOLOGY [`0:ni'40l2d7i]
ORNITHOLOGY n. 鸟类学(英) n. 鸟类学(the branch of zoology dealing with birds)(记) ornith(鸟)+ology
orotund OROTUND ['0r2ut3nd]
OROTUND adj. (声音)宏亮的; 夸张的(英) adj. (声音)宏亮的(strong and deep; resonant);夸张的(bombastic or pompous)(记) oro(嘴)+tund(=round 圆的)→把嘴张圆→宏 亮的
orthodontics ORTHODONTICS [`0:42'd0ntiks]
ORTHODONTICS n. 畸齿矫正学(记) ortho(正)+dont(=den t牙齿)+ics(例) My dentist specializes in orthodontics.
orthodox ORTHODOX ['0:42d0ks]
ORTHODOX adj. 正统的(英) adj. 正统的(conforming to the usual beliefs of established doctrines)(考) dissenter : orthodox / maverick : group(反对者排斥正统/独 立者排斥群体)(记) ortho(正)+dox(观点) →正统观点(同) 同根词:heterodox( 异端邪说的);parado x(矛盾的)(例) John is more orthodox in his behavior.
orthodoxy ORTHODOXY ['0:42d0ksi]
ORTHODOXY n. 正统学说(英) n. 正统学说(an orthodox belief, doctrine)(考) religion : devoutness / canon : orthodoxy(宗教是一种朝拜/教 规是一种正统学说)
orthopedics ORTHOPEDICS [`0:42'pi:diks]
ORTHOPEDICS n. 整形手术,整形外科(记) ortho(正)+ped(儿童) +ics→原指对畸形儿 童的整形
oscillate OSCILLATE ['0sileit]
OSCILLATE v. 摆动; 犹豫(英) v. 摆动(to swing regularly);犹豫(vacillate; swing)(考) oscillation : swing / momentum : scooter(振荡使秋千运动/动 力使滑车运动)(记) oscil(摆动)+late→ 摆动(同) 同根词:oscillatory (摇摆不定的); oscilloscope(示波计)派生词: oscillation (n. 振动,踌躇)(例) The seismograph needle
osmosis OSMOSIS [0z'm2usis]
OSMOSIS n. 渗透; 潜移默化(英) n. 渗透(the diffusion of fluids through a membrane or porous partition)(记) osm(渗透)+osis→渗 透(例) education by osmosis(潜移默化的 教育)
osseous OSSEOUS ['0si2s]
OSSEOUS adj. 骨的,多骨的(英) adj. 骨的,多骨的(compos ed of bone; bony)(记) oss(骨)+eous→骨头 的(同) 同根词:ossiferous( 含骨化石的); ossify(骨化)
ossify OSSIFY ['0sifai]
OSSIFY v. 硬化,骨化; (传统)僵化(英) v. 硬化,骨化(to change or develop into bone)(考) depreciation : value / ossification : flexibility(减价降低价值/硬化 降低弹性)反义词:transcend conventions(超越传 统)(同) n. ossification
ostensible OSTENSIBLE [0'stensib2l]
OSTENSIBLE adj. 表面上的(英) adj. 表面上的(apparent; seeming; professed)(记) ostens(显现)+ible→ 显现出来的→表面上的(例) His ostensible frankness covered a devious scheme.
ostentation OSTENTATION [`0sten'tei62n]
OSTENTATION n. 夸示,炫耀(英) n. 夸示,炫耀(showy display; pretentiousness)(记) ostent(显现)+ation →显现出来→炫耀(例) the ostentation of a rich man
ostentatious OSTENTATIOUS [0sten'tei62s]
OSTENTATIOUS adj. 卖弄的, 夸耀的
ostracize OSTRACIZE ['0str2saiz]
OSTRACIZE v. 放逐,排斥(英) v. 放逐,排斥(to banish, bar, exclude by ostracism)(考) pariah : ostracize / prisoner : confine(被放逐者被放逐/囚 犯被监禁)反义词:take in(接收); welcome(欢迎); include(embrace)(包 括)(记) ostrac(贝壳)+ize→ 用投贝壳的方法放逐 ,源自古希腊用贝壳 投票决定是否应该放 逐某人;(同) 参考:ostracean(牡 蛎); ostrakon(陶片)派生词: ostracism (n. 放逐,排斥)(例) The director was ostracized in Hollywood because he was so outspoken.
ostrich OSTRICH ['0strit6]
OSTRICH n. 鸵鸟; 不接受现实的人(记) try to play ostrich and pretend not to see(例) try to play ostrich and pretend not to see
other-directed OTHER-DIRECTED ['452]
OTHER-DIRECTED adj. 受人支配的(记) 组合词:other(别人 )+direct(指挥)+ed
otiose OTIOSE ['2u6i2us,'2uti2us]
OTIOSE adj. 不必要的,多余的(英) adj. 不必要的,多余的(us eless, superfluous)(记) oti=leisure(空余)+o se→空余的→多余的(同) 参考:negotiation( 谈判), neg(不)+oti(多余), 谈判不是多余的(例) His remarks were completely otiose.
otter OTTER ['0t2]
OTTER n.水獭(英) n.水獭 (a swimming fish-eating animal)
oust OUST [aust]
OUST v.强迫出去;把...赶 走(英) v.强迫出去;把...赶 走(expel; force out)
outbid OUTBID [aut'bid]
OUTBID v. 出价多于(他人)(英) v. 出价多于(他人)(to bid or offer more than someone else)(记) out(出)+bid(出价)→ 出价高出别人(例) He outbid his rivals at the auction.
outcast OUTCAST ['autkst]
OUTCAST n./adj. 被遗弃的(人)(英) n./adj. 被遗弃的(人)(a person forced from his/her home or without friends)(记) out(出去)+cast( 扔)
outdated OUTDATED [`aut'deitid]
OUTDATED adj. 陈旧的,过时的(英) adj. 陈旧的,过时的 (no longer in general use)(记) out(过时)+dated( 陈旧的)
outfit OUTFIT ['aut`fit]
OUTFIT n.(为特种目的)全套 用品(英) n.(为特种目的)全套 用品(clothing or equipment for a special purpose)
outfox OUTFOX [aut'f0ks]
OUTFOX v. 以机智胜过(英) v. 以机智胜过(to outwit; outsmart)(记) out(出)+fox(狐狸)→ 胜过狐狸;(同) 参考:outwit(智胜)
outgoing OUTGOING ['aut`g2ui8]
OUTGOING adj. 友善的; 即将离去的(英) adj. 友善的(expansive, sociable);即将离去的(going out; leaving)(考) extrovert : outgoing / perfectionist : exacting(外向者友善/完美主 义者苛求)(例) an outgoing and generous man
outgrowth OUTGROWTH ['autgr2u4]
OUTGROWTH n. 自然结果; 生长物(英) 自然结果,副产物(a natural but perhaps undesirable result)生长物(something that grows out)(记) out(出来)+growth (生长)
outlandish OUTLANDISH [aut'l9ndi6]
OUTLANDISH adj.古怪的(英) adj. 古怪的(very odd, fantastic; bizarre)(记) out(出)+land(国家)+ ish→从外国来的→奇 怪的(例) outlandish manners(怪模怪样)
outlaw OUTLAW ['autl0:]
OUTLAW n. 不法分子(英) n. 不法分子 (a person who has broken the laws)(记) out(超过)+law(法 律)→超过法律之人 →不法分子
outlet OUTLET ['autlet]
OUTLET n. 出口(英) n. 出口 (a way through which something may go out)(例) an outlet for water
outline OUTLINE ['autlain]
OUTLINE n. 轮廓; 梗概(英) n. 轮廓; 梗概 (the main ideas or facts)(记) out(出来)+line( 线条)→划出线条→ 大纲
outmaneuver OUTMANEUVER [autm2'nu:v2(r)]
OUTMANEUVER v. 以策略制胜(考) 反义词:yield(屈服)
outmoded OUTMODED [aut'm2udid]
OUTMODED adj. 不再流行的(英) adj. 不再流行的(no longer in fashion; obsolete)(考) 反义词:original(创 新的)(记) out(出)+mode(时髦)+ d→不再时髦的(例) The poor children dressed in outmoded clothing.
outnumbered OUTNUMBERED [aut'n3mb2d]
OUTNUMBERED adj. 在数量上超过的(记) out(超过)+number (数量)+edout-of-p hase adj. 不同步的;不一致的 ,不协调的out-of-sh ape adj. 变样的,走样的
outrage OUTRAGE ['aut`reid7]
OUTRAGE n.暴行(英) n. 暴行(an extremely vicious or violent act)(记) out(出)+rage(狂怒, 狂暴)→过分狂暴→暴行
outrageous OUTRAGEOUS [aut'reid72s]
OUTRAGEOUS adj. 粗暴的; 无礼的(英) adj. 粗暴的(offensive or shocking);无礼的(flagrant; monstrous; atrocious; heinous)(例) Setting the house on fire was an outrageous crime.
outset OUTSET ['autset]
OUTSET n. 开始,开头(英) n. 开始,开头(setting out; beginning)(记) 词组set out(出发)的倒写
outskirts OUTSKIRTS ['autsk2:ts]
OUTSKIRTS n. 郊区,郊外(英) n. 郊区,郊外(district remote from the center of a city)(考) page : margin / city : outskirts(书页的边缘/城市的 郊区)(例) on the outskirts of the city
outspoken OUTSPOKEN [aut'sp2uk2n]
OUTSPOKEN adj. 直言不讳的(英) adj. 直言不讳的 (expressing openly)(例) He is an outspoken critic of the government
outstrip OUTSTRIP [aut'strip]
OUTSTRIP v. 超过; 跑过(英) v. 超过(excel; surpass);跑过(get ahead of)(记) out(出)+strip(剥去 ,夺去)→比别人夺得 多→超过(例) The demand for food outstripped supply.
outwit OUTWIT [aut'wit]
OUTWIT v. 以机智胜过(英) v. 以机智胜过(to overcome by cleverness)(记) out(出)+wit(机智)→ 机智超出别人(例) The fox outwitted the farmer and stole a chicken.
ovation OVATION [2u'vei62n]
OVATION n. 热烈的欢迎,鼓掌(英) n. 热烈的欢迎,鼓掌(an enthusiastic outburst of applause)(例) The speech was accorded a standing ovation.(全体起立为 演讲热烈鼓掌)
overact OVERACT [`2uv2r'9kt]
OVERACT v. 把(角色)表演得过火(英) v. 把(角色)表演得过火( to act in an exaggerated way)(记) over(超过)+act(表演 )→过分表演
overall OVERALL ['2uv2r0:l]
OVERALL adj./adv. 全部的(地),总共(英) adj./adv. 全部的(地),总共 (including everything)(例) the overall measurements of a room
overbearing OVERBEARING [`2uv2'be2ri8]
OVERBEARING adj. 专横的,独断的(英) adj. 专横的,独断的(arro gant; domineering)(考) 反义词:unassuming( 谦逊的)(记) over(过分)+bearing( 忍受)→使别人过分忍 受→专横的(例) Everyone dislikes my overbearing boss.
overdose OVERDOSE ['2uv2d2us]
OVERDOSE n. (药物)过度剂量(英) n. (药物)过度剂量(too large a dose)(考) overdose : prescription / indiscretion : convention(过度剂量违背处方/ 越轨行动违背约定)(记) over(过分)+dose(剂 量)
overdue OVERDUE [`2uv2'dju:]
OVERDUE adj. 过期未付的;逾期的(英) adj. 过期未付的(left unpaid too long);逾期的(later than expected)
overemphasize OVEREMPHASIZE [2uv2r'enf2saiz]
OVEREMPHASIZE v. 过分强调(记) over(过分)+emphas ize(强调)
overestimate OVERESTIMATE [`2uv2r'estimeit]
OVERESTIMATE v. 对...估计过高 n. 过高的估计(英) v. 对...估计过高 ( guess too high a value for);(记) over(过分)+estima te(估计)
overexposure OVEREXPOSURE [`2uv2riks'p2u72(r)]
OVEREXPOSURE n. 过分暴露, (照相)暴光过度
overflow OVERFLOW ['2uv2fl2u]
OVERFLOW v. 溢出;洋溢(英) v. 溢出( flow over the edges);洋溢 ( be very full)(记) over(过度)+flow( 流)
overhaul OVERHAUL ['2uv2`h0:l]
OVERHAUL v./n. 彻底检查; 大修(英) v./n. 彻底检查(to check thoroughly);大修(thorough restoration)(记) over(全部)+haul(拉 ,拖)→全部拉上来修 理→大修_(例) The old system of education should be overhauled.
overlap OVERLAP [`2uv2'l9p,'2uv2l9p]
OVERLAP v. (部分地)重叠(英) v. (部分地)重叠(coinci de in part with)(考) infinite : exhaust / discrete :overlap(无穷的无法耗尽/不 连续的无法重叠)(记) over(在…上)+lap(大 腿)→把一条腿放在另 一条腿上→重叠(例) tiles that overlap one another(互相搭接的 瓦片)
overlook OVERLOOK [`2uv2'luk]
OVERLOOK v. 忽视; 俯视(英) v. 忽视 (not to notice);俯视 ( have a view from above)(记) over(在...上面)+l ook(看)→在上面看 →俯视,引申为疏忽
overpower OVERPOWER [`2uv2'pau2]
OVERPOWER v. 制服,压服(英) v. 制服,压服 ( defeat someone by greater power)(例) He was overpowered by the heat.
overpowering OVERPOWERING [2uv2'pauri8]
OVERPOWERING adj. 压倒性的,不可抗拒 的(英) adj. 压倒性的,不可抗拒 的 (very strong)(记) 来自动词overpower( 制服,压倒)+ing
overreach OVERREACH [`2uv2'ri:t6]
OVERREACH v. 做事过头(英) v. 做事过头(to reach or stretch beyond)(记) over(过分)+reach(伸 出); 参考: overreach one's authority(越权)(例) overreach one's authority(越权)
override OVERRIDE [`2uv2'raid]
OVERRIDE v. 不理会; 推翻(英) v. 不理会(to disregard,overrule );推翻(prevail over)(记) over(在…上)+ride( 骑)→骑在…之上→藐视(例) override the earlier decision(推翻以前的 决定) / override advice(不听忠告)
overriding OVERRIDING [`2uv2'raidi8]
OVERRIDING adj. 最主要的, 优先的
overrule OVERRULE [`2uv2'ru:l]
OVERRULE v. (高位的人)否决(低位 的人或事)(英) v. (高位的人)否决(低位 的人或事)( annul or reverse)(记) over(在…上)+rule( 统治)(例) The judgement was overruled by the Supreme Court.
oversee OVERSEE [`2uv2'si:]
OVERSEE v. 监督(英) v. 监督( watch to see that work is properly done)(记) over(在...上面)+s ee(看)→监督
overshadow OVERSHADOW [`2uv2'69d2u]
OVERSHADOW v. 遮蔽, 使失色(英) v. 遮蔽, 使失色(to cast a shadow over)(记) over(在…上)+shadow (阴影)(例) Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.
overstate OVERSTATE [`2uv2'steit]
OVERSTATE v. 夸张,对...言过其实(英) v. 夸张,对...言过其实 ( aggrandize)(记) over(过分)+state (陈述)
overt OVERT [2u'v2:t]
OVERT adj. 公开的,非秘密的(英) adj. 公开的,非秘密的(ap parent; manifest)(考) clandestine : secretly / overt : openly(秘密的[事]秘密地做 /公开的[事]公开地做)反义词:shadowy(朦 胧的, 有阴影的)(记) o(出)+vert(转)→转 出来→公开的;(同) 参考:covert(秘密的 )(例) The general made an overt grab for political power.
overtake OVERTAKE [`2uv2'teik]
OVERTAKE v. 赶上并超过(英) v. 赶上并超过(come up and pass)(例) Disaster overtook the project.
overture OVERTURE ['2uv2t6u2,`tju2]
OVERTURE n. 前奏曲,序曲(英) n. 前奏曲,序曲(a musical introduction to an opera)(考) veto : prohibitive / caveat : warning / overture : introductory(否决的目的是禁止/ 警告的目的是告戒/序 曲的目的是引导)(记) o(出)+vert(转)+ure →从开头转出来→序曲(例) I sensed that this was the overture to an argument.
overturn OVERTURN [`2uv2't2:n]
OVERTURN v. 翻倒;推翻(英) v. 翻倒 ( turn over);推翻( bring to an end suddenly)(记) over(翻转)+turn( 转)→翻转
overweening OVERWEENING [`2uv2'wini8]
OVERWEENING adj. 自负的,过于自信的(英) adj. 自负的,过于自信的( arrogant; excessively proud)(记) over(过分)+ween(想 象)+ing→过分想象自 己的伟大
overwhelm OVERWHELM [`2uv2'welm]
OVERWHELM v. 泛滥; 压倒(英) v. 泛滥(to pour down upon);压倒(crush; overpower)(考) usurp : take / overwhelm : defeat(篡夺是强行获取/压 倒性胜利是强力打败)(记) over (在…之上)+whelm(淹 没,压倒)(例) be overwhelmed with excitement / Emotions overwhelmed the actor when he won an award.
overwhelming OVERWHELMING [`2uv2'welmi8]
OVERWHELMING adj. 巨大的,压倒性的(例) an overwhelming force
overwrought OVERWROUGHT [`2uv2'r0:t]
OVERWROUGHT adj. 紧张过度的(英) adj. 紧张过度的(very nervous or excited)(记) over(过分)+wrought( 兴奋的,精神的)(例) An angry and overwrought actor broke the reporter's camera.
ovoid OVOID ['2uv0id]
OVOID adj. /n. 卵行的,卵形体(英) adj. /n. 卵行的,卵形体(egg-s haped)
owl OWL [aul]
OWL n. 猫头鹰(记) 注意不要和awl(尖钻) 相混
oxidize OXIDIZE ['0ksidaiz]
OXIDIZE v. 氧化,生锈(英) v. 氧化,生锈(to unite with oxygen in burning or rusting)(记) oxid(氧化物)+ize→ 氧化
oxymoron OXYMORON [0ksi'm0:r0n]
OXYMORON n. 矛盾修饰法(英) n. 矛盾修饰法(矛盾词在 一起用, 如: clever stupidity)(考) apophasis : claim / oxymoron : paradox(表面否认是委婉地表 示主张/矛盾修饰是委 婉地表示悖论)
pachyderm PACHYDERM ['p9kid2:m]
PACHYDERM n. 厚皮动物; 厚脸皮的人(英) n. 厚皮动物(large, thick-skinned, hoofed animal);厚脸皮的人(a insensitive, stolid person)(记) pachy(厚)+derm(皮)
pacify PACIFY ['p9sifai]
PACIFY v. 使安静,抚慰(英) v. 使安静,抚慰( make calm, quiet, and satisfied)(考) solace : grief / pacification : anger(安抚消除痛苦/讲和 消除愤怒)反义词:rankle(激怒 ); tantrum(发怒); vex(恼怒); discommode(使为难)(记) pac(和平,平静)+ify (化)(同) 同根词:pacific(和 平的);pacifism(和 平主义)派生词: pacification (n. 和解,平定); pacifier (n. 调停者,和解人); pacifist (n. 和平主义者
packed PACKED [p9kt]
PACKED adj. 充满人的,拥挤的(英) adj. 充满人的,拥挤的(cr owded; crammed)(记) pack(打包)+ed→像打 的包一样→拥挤的(例) Churches are packed on Sundays
pact PACT [p9kt]
PACT n. 协定,条约(英) n. 协定,条约(an agreement; covenant)(例) a peace pact(和平协约)
padding PADDING ['p9di8]
PADDING n. 衬垫,填料(英) n. 衬垫,填料 (material used to pad something)(考) padding : damage / disguise : recognition(填料防止损坏/掩饰 防止识别)
paean PAEAN ['pi:2n]
PAEAN n. 赞美歌,颂歌(英) n. 赞美歌,颂歌(a song of joy, praise, triumph)(考) 反义词:harshly lampoon(强烈讽刺)(记) 参考:hymn(赞美歌)
pageant PAGEANT ['p9d72nt]
PAGEANT n. 壮观的游行; 露天历史剧(英) n. 壮观的游行(a spectacular exhibition)(记) 分割记忆:page(页)+ ant(蚂蚁), 一页蚂蚁→游行_(例) There was one contestant from each state at the beauty pageant.
pain PAIN [pein]
PAIN n. 痛(考) pain : analgesic / sensation : anesthetic(止痛剂用来停止疼痛 /麻醉剂用来停止感觉)
painkiller PAINKILLER ['pein`kil2]
PAINKILLER n. 止痛药(英) n. 止痛药(a medicine that relieves pain)(记) 组合词:pain(痛)+ki ller(杀者)
painstaking PAINSTAKING ['peinz`teiki8]
PAINSTAKING adj. 煞费苦心的(英) adj. 煞费苦心的(very careful and thorough)(考) 反义词:cursory(草 率的)(例) a painstaking job
pal PAL [p9l]
PAL n. 伙伴,好朋友; v. 交友,结伴(英) n. 伙伴,好朋友(an intimate friend)(例) pal around with the kid next door(和邻家孩子结伴 一起玩)
palatable PALATABLE ['p9l2t2b2l]
PALATABLE adj. 美味的; 愉快的(英) adj. 美味的(pleasant or acceptable)(考) palatable : savory / discernible : manifest(美味的是可口的/可 分辨的是明了的)(记) 来自palate(上腭,爱 好)+able→好吃的(例) a palatable lunch
palate PALATE ['p9lit]
PALATE n. 上腭; 口味; 爱好(英) n. 上腭;口味(sense of taste);爱好(intellectual taste)(例) He has a good palate for wine.
palatial PALATIAL [p2'lei62l]
PALATIAL adj. 宫殿般的; 宏伟的(英) adj. 宫殿般的(like a palace); 宏伟的(magnificent; stately)(记) 来自palace(宫殿)+ti al→宫殿般的,注意 不要和palatable(美 味的)相混(例) The banker lived on a palatial estate.
palaver PALAVER [p2'lv2]
PALAVER n./v. 空谈; 奉承(英) n./v. 空谈(idle chatter);奉承(flattery; cajolery)(记) 可能来自palace(宫殿 )+aver(承认,说话) →宫殿里的话→空谈(例) futile palaver(无用的空谈)
paleography PALEOGRAPHY [`p9li'0gr2fi]
PALEOGRAPHY n. 古文字学(英) n. 古文字学(the study of describing or deciphering ancient writings)(记) paleo(古)+graphy(写 )
paleolithic PALEOLITHIC [`p9li2u'li4ik]
PALEOLITHIC adj. 旧石器时代的(记) paleo(古)+lith(石头 )+ic→旧石器的;(同) 参考:neolithic(新 石器时代的)
paleontologist PALEONTOLOGIST [`p9li0't0l2d7ist]
PALEONTOLOGIST n. 古生物学者(记) 来自paleontology( 古生物学;paleo[古] +ontology[存在学] →古代存在学→古生 物学)
palette PALETTE ['p9lit]
PALETTE n. 调色板, 颜料配置(考) palette : color / repertoire : play(调色板上有各色颜料 /表演剧目中有各种戏 剧)
palings PALINGS ['peili8s]
PALINGS n. 篱笆,木栅栏(英) n. 篱笆,木栅栏(a fence made of pales)(例) He jumped over the palings.
pall PALL [p0:l]
PALL v.令人发腻,失去吸引 力(英) v.令人发腻,失去吸引 力(become boring)(考) 反义词:interest(有 兴趣); intrigue(引起兴趣)(例) I find his books begin to pall after a while - they're all very similar.
palliate PALLIATE ['p9lieit]
PALLIATE v. 减轻(痛苦); 掩饰(罪行)(英) v. 减轻(痛苦)(to reduce; abate);掩饰(罪行)(extenuat e)(考) pain : analgesic / symptom : palliative(止痛剂减轻疼痛/缓 释剂减轻症状)反义词:exacerbate( 恶化); caustic(尖刻的)-pal liating(令人安慰的)(记) pall(罩子)+iate→盖 上(罪行)→减轻(同) 派生词: palliation (n. 减轻,缓和); palliative(n. 缓释剂)
pallid PALLID ['p9lid]
PALLID adj. 苍白的,没血色的(英) adj. 苍白的,没血色的(wa n; lacking sparkle or liveliness(记) pall(=pale苍白)+id; 参考: a pallid countenance(病容)(例) a pallid countenance(病容)
palmy PALMY ['pmi]
PALMY adj.繁荣的; 棕榈的(考) palmy : prosperity / draconian : severity(繁荣的和繁荣/严峻 的和严峻)
palpable PALPABLE ['p9lp2b2l]
PALPABLE adj. 可触知的, 明显的(英) adj. 可触知的, 明显的(tangible, perceptible, noticeable)(考) 反义词:subtle(微妙 的)(记) palp(摸)+able→摸得 到的→明显的(同) 同根词:palpate(用 手触摸); palpitate(v.心跳)
palpitate PALPITATE ['p9lpiteit]
PALPITATE v.(心脏)急速而不规 则地跳动(英) v.(心脏)急速而不规 则地跳动(to beat rapidly; throb)(记) palp(摸)+itate→摸 得着的心跳→心急跳(同) n. palpitation
palter PALTER ['p0:lt2(r)]
PALTER vi. 含糊其词(英) vi. 含糊其词(equivocate , talk insincerely)(考) palter : candor / diehard : budge(含糊其词不会真诚/ 顽固不会让步)
paltry PALTRY ['p0:ltri]
PALTRY adj. 无价值的,微不足道的(英) adj. 无价值的,微不足道 的(trashy, trivial; petty)(考) 反义词:significant (重要的); important(重要的)(记) 分割记忆:pal=pale( 白)+try(努力)→白努力(例) The conversation with her seemed paltry.
pamper PAMPER ['p9mp2]
PAMPER v. 纵容,过分关怀(英) v. 纵容,过分关怀(to treat with excess or extreme care)(同) 近形词: hamper(妨碍; 大篮子); tamper(损害, 窜改); camper(露营者)(例) pamper one's child(娇惯孩子)
pamphlet PAMPHLET ['p9mflit]
PAMPHLET n. 小册子(英) n. 小册子(an unbound printed publication)(记) 来自拉丁文pamphilus ,是一首爱情名诗; pam=pan(全部)+phil( 爱)+us→表达爱情(例) a political pamphlet
pan PAN [p9n]
PAN v. 严厉批评; n. 平底锅(英) v. 严厉批评(to criticize severely);(考) barb : caustic / pan : harsh(barb是尖刻的讲话/p an是严厉的批评)反义词:rave(狂热赞 扬)(例) I've never heard her pan anyone.
panacea PANACEA [`p9n2'si2]
PANACEA n. 万灵药(英) n. 万灵药(a remedy for all ills or difficulties)(记) pan(全部)+acea(治疗 )→灵丹妙药(例) The medicine was promoted as a panacea for all aches and pains.
panache PANACHE [p2'n96]
PANACHE n.炫耀, 神气十足(英) n.炫耀, 神气十足(flair; flamboyance)(考) 反义词:humility(谦 虚); unremarkable behavior(谦逊的举止)(例) Herides with panache(他神气活现 地骑马)
pancreas PANCREAS ['p98kri2s]
PANCREAS n. 胰脏(英) n. 胰脏(the organ that makes insulin)
pandemic PANDEMIC [p9n'demik]
PANDEMIC adj.(病)大范围流行 的(英) adj.(病)大范围流行 的(occurring over a wide geographic area)(记) pan(全部)+dem(人民) +ic→涉及全部民众(同) 同根词:epidemic(传 染的);endemic(地方 性的)
pandemonium PANDEMONIUM [`p9ndi'm2uni2m]
PANDEMONIUM n. 喧嚣,大混乱(英) n. 喧嚣,大混乱(a wild uproar; tumult)(记) pan(全部)+demon(魔 鬼)+ium→全是魔鬼→ 大混乱,来自弥尔顿 所著《失乐园》中的 地狱之都(Pandemonium)
pander PANDER [p9nd2]
PANDER v. 怂恿, 迎合(不良欲望)(英) v. 怂恿, 迎合(不良欲望)(cate r to the low desires of others)(例) The newspapers here pander to people's interest in sex scandals.
pane PANE [pein]
PANE n. 窗格玻璃(英) n. 窗格玻璃 (a single sheet of glass in a frame of a window)
panegyric PANEGYRIC [`p9ni'd7irik]
PANEGYRIC n. 颂词,颂扬(英) n. 颂词,颂扬(elaborat e praise)(考) panegyric : eulogize / lampoon : satirize / valediction : farewell(颂词为了赞扬/讽刺 文为了讽刺/告别词为 了告别)反义词:anathema(诅 咒)(记) pan(全部)+egyric(集 中)→把赞扬的话集中 →颂扬;_(同) v. panegyrize
panel PANEL ['p9nl]
PANEL n. 专门小组; 仪表板(英) n. 专门小组(a group of persons);仪表板(switchboard)(例) a panel of three psychiatrists and three doctors(由三名精神 病学者与三名医师组 成的专门小组)
pang PANG [p98]
PANG n.一阵剧痛(英) n.一阵剧痛(sudden sharp feeling of pain)
panic PANIC ['p9nik]
PANIC adj. 恐慌的;n. 恐慌,惊惶(英) n. 恐慌,惊惶(a sudden unreasoning terror)(记) 来自希腊神话中的畜 牧神潘(Pan),panic 是指潘的出现所引起 的恐惧(例) Panic overwhelmed me.
panoply PANOPLY ['p9n2pli]
PANOPLY n. 全副穿戴; 全副甲胄(英) n. 全副穿戴(ceremonial attire);全副甲胄(a full suit of armor)(记) pan(全)+oply(工具, 武器)→全副装备(例) a knight in his panoply
panorama PANORAMA [p9n2'rm2]
PANORAMA n. 全景,概观(英) n. 全景,概观(a comprehensive presentation; cyclorama)(记) pan(全部)+orama(看 )→全部看得到→全景 ,全貌(例) From the airplane, I could see a panorama of the city beneath me.
pantheon PANTHEON ['p9n4i2n]
PANTHEON n. 万神殿(英) n. 万神殿(a temple dedicated to all the gods)(记) pan(全部)+theo(神) +on→众神之地→万 神殿(同) 同根词:theology(神 学)
panther PANTHER ['p9n42]
PANTHER n. 黑豹(英) n. 黑豹 (a black leopard)
pantomime PANTOMIME ['p9nt2maim]
PANTOMIME n. 哑剧(英) 哑剧(any of the variances dramatic or dancing performances in which a story is told by expressive bodily or facial movements of the performers)_(记) panto(神话剧)+mime (哑剧)→童话哑剧
pantry PANTRY ['p9ntri]
PANTRY n. 食品室(英) n. 食品室(a room used for storing food; larder )(考) pantry : food / closet(wardrobe) : clothes / armory : weapons(食物柜用来放食品/ 衣柜用来放衣服/武器 库用来放武器)(记) 和pastry(糕点)一起 记; 参考:larder(食品室)(同) 近形词: pastry(糕点); paltry(琐碎的); patrol(巡逻)
papyrus PAPYRUS [p2'pai2r2s]
PAPYRUS n. 莎草,莎草纸(英) 莎草,莎草纸(the pith of a papyrus plant esp. when cut in strips and pressed into a material to write on)(记) 古埃及用来书写的一 种草纸;(同) 参考:papyrology(古 代文稿研究学)
parable PARABLE ['p9r2b2l]
PARABLE n. 寓言,比喻(英) n. 寓言,比喻(a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle)(考) parable : story / homily : lecture(寓言故事是一种故事 /布道是一种演说)(记) par(平等)+able→能 够平行比较→比喻(例) Bill explained various parables from the Bible.
parabola PARABOLA [p2'r9b2l2]
PARABOLA n. 抛物线(英) 抛物线(a curve like the line made by a ball when it is thrown in the air and falls to the ground)
paradigm PARADIGM ['p9r2daim]
PARADIGM n. 范例,示范(英) n. 范例,示范(a typical example or archetype)(记) para(旁边)+digm(显 示)→显示给旁边的看 →榜样(同) 派生词: paradigmatic (adj. 作为示范的 ,典范的 )
paradox PARADOX ['p9r2d0ks]
PARADOX n. 矛盾,似矛盾而正确的 说法(英) n. 矛盾,似矛盾而正确 的说法(a self-contradictory statement)(考) paradox : contradictory / epigram : wise(自相矛盾的话是矛盾 的/警句格言是智慧的)(记) para(旁边)+dox(观 点)→不正规的观点→ 矛盾;(同) 同根词:orthodox(正 统的); heterodox(异端的)
paragon PARAGON ['p9r2g2n]
PARAGON n. 模范,典型(英) n. 模范,典型(a model of excellence or perfection)(考) paragon : admire / pariah : contempt(模范被尊敬/贱民被 轻视)反义词:travesty(滑 稽而歪曲模仿)(记) para(旁边)+gon(角 ,样子)→作为旁边人 学的样子→模范(同) 同根词:trigon(三角 形); polygon(多角形)
parallel PARALLEL ['p9r2lel]
PARALLEL adj. 平行的; 类似的; n. 平行线; v. 与...相似(英) 平行的(running side by side but never getting nearer to or further away from each other)类似的(of the same type and happening or done at the same time)平行线(a parallel line or surface)类似(similarity)与...相似(to be similar to)(例) Her experiences parallel mine in many instances.
paralyze PARALYZE ['p9r2laiz]
PARALYZE v. 使瘫痪; 使无效(英) v. 使瘫痪(to affect with paralysis);使无效(to make ineffective)(记) para(旁边)+lyze(分 开)→身体的一边分开 了→瘫痪_(同) 派生词: paralysis (n. 瘫痪,中风)(例) An accident on Maple Street paralyzed all traffic for an hour.
paramount PARAMOUNT ['p9r2maunt]
PARAMOUNT adj. 最重要的,最高权力的(英) adj. 最重要的,最高权力 的(supreme; dominant)(考) painful : agonizing / important : paramount(程度: 疼痛→极为疼痛/重要 →极为重要)(记) para(超过)+amount( 数量)→在量上超过别 的→最重要的_(例) the paramount concern(最需关注的 事)
paranoia PARANOIA [`p9r2'n0i2]
PARANOIA n. 偏执狂; 多疑症(英) n. 偏执狂(a psychosis characterized by systemized delusions of persecution or grandeur);多疑症(i rrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others)(考) enthusiasm : mania / suspicion : paranoia(程度: 热情→狂热/怀疑→多 疑)(记) para(旁边)+no(=noo s精神)+ia→精神偏 向的病→偏执狂
paranoid PARANOID ['p9r2n0id]
PARANOID adj. 偏执狂,过分怀疑的
paraphrase PARAPHRASE ['p9r2freiz]
PARAPHRASE n./v. 释义,意译(英) n./v. 释义,意译 (a restatement in different words)(考) paraphrase : verbatim / approximate : precise(意译不是逐字的/约 等于不是精确的)(例) a paraphrase of the sonnet
parasite PARASITE ['p9r2sait]
PARASITE n. 寄生虫,食客(英) 寄生虫,食客(a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery; sycophant)(考) bacteria : medium / parasite : host(细菌生长在环境中/ 寄生虫生长在寄生主 体中)(记) para(旁边)+site(坐 )→坐在旁边的人→食客(同) 派生词: parasitic (adj. 寄生的)(例) Susan's brother had become a real parasite and did nothing to share the cost of food or rent.
parch PARCH [pt6]
PARCH v. 烘烤; 烤焦(英) v. 烘烤(to toast);烤焦(to become scorched)(考) 反义词:steep(浸泡)(记) 起源不明,和perch(栖 息)一起记(同) 近形词: perch(栖息); porch(门廊)(例) The hot sun parched the bare earth below.
parchment PARCHMENT ['pt6m2nt]
PARCHMENT n. 羊皮纸; 羊皮纸手稿(英) n.羊皮纸手稿(a parchment manuscript)(记) 分割记忆:parch(烘 烤)+ment,源自羊皮 纸产地Parthian
pare PARE [pe2]
PARE v. 削;修剪(英) v. 削 (peel); 修剪(trim)(例) pare an apple(削苹果皮)
parenthesis PARENTHESIS [p2'ren42sis]
PARENTHESIS n. 插入话; 括弧(英) n. 插入话(phrase or sentence inserted in a passage)(记) 分割记忆:parent(父 母)+thesis(论文), 源自paren(=para)+t hesis(放)→放在旁边 的话→插入语
pariah PARIAH [p2'rai2,'p9ri2]
PARIAH n. 贱民,被社会遗弃者(英) n. 贱民,被社会遗弃者( a member of a low caste; outcast)(考) paragon : admire / pariah : contempt(模范被崇敬/贱民被 蔑视)pariah : ostracize / prisoner : confine / traitor: execute(贱民被放逐/囚犯被 监禁/叛国者被处死)(记) 源自Pariah, 印度南部和缅甸的贱 民
parity PARITY ['p9riti]
PARITY n.(水平,地位,数量等 的)同等,相等(英) n.(水平,地位,数量等 的)同等,相等(equali ty)(考) 反义词:inequality( 不等)
parlance PARLANCE ['pl2ns]
PARLANCE n.说法,用语,词汇(英) n.说法,用语,词汇(ma nner of speaking; idiom)(考) parlance : speak / gait : walk(说话的说法/走路的 步法)
parley PARLEY ['pli]
PARLEY n. 和谈; 会谈; v. 和谈,会谈(英) n. 和谈(a conference with an enemy);会谈(a conference for discussion of points in dispute)(记) parl(讲话)+ey→和 谈(同) 同根词:parlance(说 法,用语);parliame nt(议会,国会)(例) parley with one's enemies
parlous PARLOUS ['pl2s]
PARLOUS adj. 靠不住的,危险的(英) adj. 靠不住的,危险的(fu ll of danger; hazardous)(记) perilous(危险的)变 体
parody PARODY ['p9r2di]
PARODY n. 模仿性嘲弄文章或表 演;拙劣的模仿(英) 嘲弄文章(a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effects or in ridicule);拙劣的模仿(a feeble or ridiculous imitation)(考) parody : style / mime : gesture(模仿文章在风格上模 仿/哑剧在姿态上模仿)(记) par(平等)+ody(=ode 唱)→同样唱→模仿诗文(例) The film was a brilliant parody of American life.(这部电影对美 国生活做了精彩的嘲 弄)
paroxysm PAROXYSM ['p9r2ksiz2m]
PAROXYSM n. (感情等)突发(英) n. (感情等)突发(a sudden violent emotion or action)(记) par(变)+oxy(尖锐) +sm→变尖锐→突发(例) paroxysms of anger/paroxysms of pain
parquet PARQUET ['pkei,`ki]
PARQUET n. 镶木地板(英) n. 镶木地板(a patterned wood surface)
parquetry PARQUETRY ['pkitri]
PARQUETRY n. 镶木地板艺术或图案(考) fresco : wall / parquetry : floor(壁画是在墙上的画/ 镶木地板图案是在地 板上的画)
parry PARRY ['p9ri]
PARRY v. 挡开,避开(武器,问题 等)(英) v. 挡开,避开(武器,问 题等)(to ward off; to evade)(考) shirk : duty / parry : question(逃避责任/逃避问题)(记) 来自pare(削皮,修剪 )+ry(例) parry an embarrassing question(对一个令人 难堪的问题避而不答)
parse PARSE [pz]
PARSE v. 对…作语法分析(英) v. 对…作语法分析 ( state the part or speech, the grammatical form, and the use in a particular sentence of a word)(考) scan : metrical / parse : grammatical(scan是对韵律的分析 /parse是对语法的分 析)specimen : dissect / sentence : parse(解剖分析物种/拆解 语法分析句子)
parsimonious PARSIMONIOUS [`psi'm2uni2s]
PARSIMONIOUS adj. 太节省的,小气的(英) adj. 太节省的,小气的(fr ugal to the point of stinginess)(考) parsimonious : skimp / malingering : shirk(小气的[人]吝啬/装 病的[人]逃避)parsimonious : spend / peremptory : fawn(小气的[人]不花费/ 强横的[人]不奉承)craven : hero / parsimonious : spendthrift(英雄不会胆小/挥霍 者不会小气)curt : words / parsimonious : re(记) parsi(=spare花费)+ mon(小心)+ious→小 心花钱→小气的
parsimony PARSIMONY ['psim2ni]
PARSIMONY n. 过分节俭,吝啬(英) n. 过分节俭,吝啬 (the quality of being parsimonious)(考) parsimony : miser / rebelliousness : insurgent(吝啬鬼吝啬/起义者 反抗)parsimony : frugal / hubris : pride(吝啬是过分节俭/傲 慢是过分骄傲)反义词:largesse(慷 慨)
partiality PARTIALITY [`p6i'9liti]
PARTIALITY n. 偏袒,偏心(英) n. 偏袒,偏心(state of being partial; bias)(记) 来自partial(有偏见 的);(同) 参考:impartiality( 公正)
participant PARTICIPANT [p'tisip2nt]
PARTICIPANT n. 参与者(英) n. 参与者 (a person who takes part in an activity )(记) parti(部分)+cip( 进入)+ant→进入一 部分的→参加者
particular PARTICULAR [p2'tikjul2]
PARTICULAR n. 事实,细节(英) n. 事实,细节(an individual fact or detail; item)(例) My boss stressed the important particulars of the project.
particularize PARTICULARIZE [p2'tikjul2raiz]
PARTICULARIZE v. 详述,列举(英) v. 详述,列举 ( give the details of something one by one)(考) illustrate : pictures / particularize : details(illustrate是用图画 说明/particularize 是用细节说明)
partisan PARTISAN [`pti'z9n]
PARTISAN n. 党派支持者; 党徒(英) n. 党派支持者; 党徒(a firm adherent to a party)(考) authoritativeness : pundits / allegiance : partisans(学究有权威/党徒有 忠心)patriot : country / partisan : course(爱国者爱国家/党徒 爱党的路线)(记) party(党)+san(人) →党人,信徒,党的 支持者
partition PARTITION [p'ti62n]
PARTITION n. 隔开; 隔墙(英) n. 隔开; 隔墙(division)(记) part(部分)+ition→ 分成部分→分开(例) Mary hung a calendar on her partition at work.
parturition PARTURITION [`ptju'ri62n]
PARTURITION n. 生产,分娩(英) n. 生产,分娩(the action or process of giving birth to offspring)(记) partur(分娩)+ition →分娩
parvenu PARVENU ['pv2nju:]
PARVENU n. 暴发户,新贵(记) par(=per,全部)+ven (来)+u→一下子得到 →暴发_
passionate PASSIONATE ['p962nit]
PASSIONATE adj. 充满激情的(英) adj. 充满激情的 (showing or filled with passion)(记) passion(激情)+ate
passive PASSIVE ['p9siv]
PASSIVE adj. 被动的,消极的(英) adj. 被动的,消极的 (accepting what happens or what other people do)(记) pass(感情)+ive→ 感情用事的→被动的
passivity PASSIVITY [p9'siviti]
PASSIVITY n. 被动性(英) n. 被动性(the quality of being passive)(记) 来自形容词passive( 被动的)+ity
pastel PASTEL [p9'stel,'p9stl]
PASTEL n. 彩色粉笔或蜡笔画; 柔和的色彩(英) n. 彩色粉笔或蜡笔画(a drawing in crayons);柔和的色彩(any of various pale or light colors)(记) paste(浆糊)+l→用 糊状物制作的粉笔→ 彩色粉笔(画)(同) 同根词:toothpaste( 牙膏); pastiche(集成曲)(例) Mary's bedroom was decorated in pastels.
pasteurize PASTEURIZE ['p9st62raiz]
PASTEURIZE v. 以高热杀菌,消毒(英) v. 以高热杀菌,消毒(to heat in order to destroy bacteria)(记) 来自人名Pasteur(巴 斯德,发明巴氏消毒 法)(同) 派生词: pasteurization (n. 加热杀菌法,巴斯德 杀菌法)(例) The dairy pasteurized the milk before putting it into bottles.
pastiche PASTICHE [p9'sti:6]
PASTICHE n. 混合拼凑的作品(考) 反义词:original work(原作)
pastime PASTIME ['pstaim]
PASTIME n. 消遣,娱乐(英) n. 消遣,娱乐(diversio n)(记) past(过去)+time(时 间)→让时间过去→娱乐(例) play cards as a pastime
pastor PASTOR ['pst2]
PASTOR n. 牧师; 牧人(英) n. 牧师(a clergyman serving a local parish);牧人(herdsman)(记) 来自pasture(牧草, 牧场),人比作羊,牧 师自然成了牧羊人(例) The pastor baptized our baby.
pastoral PASTORAL ['pst2r2l]
PASTORAL adj. 田园生活的; 宁静的(英) adj. 田园生活的(portrayi ng the life of shepherds);宁静的(idyllic; rural)(记) pastor(牧人)+al→ 乡村的,田园风光的(例) a pastoral landscape(乡村风景)
pastry PASTRY ['peistri]
PASTRY n. 糕点,点心(英) n. 糕点,点心(sweet baked goods)(记) paste(浆糊)+ry→面 糊做成的糕点
pasture PASTURE ['pst62]
PASTURE n. 牧场;v. 放牧(英) n. 牧场 (grassy land);v. 放牧(put farm animals in a pasture to feed)
patch PATCH [p9t6]
PATCH n. 补丁; 一小片(土地)(英) n. 补丁(a piece of material used to mend or cover a hole);一小片(土地)(a small piece)(例) a patch of cloud in the blue sky / a patch of cabbages
patchwork PATCHWORK ['p9t6w2:k]
PATCHWORK n. 缝缀而成的衣物或工 艺品(英) 缝缀布片,补缀的手工 (sewn work made by joining together a number of pieces of cloth of different colors, patterns, and shapes)(考) wood : parquet / cloth : patchwork(木头拼成镶木地板/ 布料拼成补缀作品)(记) patch(补丁)+work (作品)
patent PATENT ['peit2nt,'p9`]
PATENT adj. 显而易见的; n.专利权(证书)(英) adj. 显而易见的(readily visible; obvious);(考) 反义词:not evident(不明显的); abstruse(深奥的); nuance(细微差别)-pa tent difference(明显差别 ); occult(神秘的); recondite(深奥的)(记) pat(公开)+ent→公 开的→显然的;(同) 参考:patency(明显)(例) Sally applied for a patent for a process she invented that makes an old paint usable.
patently PATENTLY ['peit2ntli]
PATENTLY adv. 显然地,明显地(英) adv. 显然地,明显地 (clearly and plainly)
pathetic PATHETIC [p2'4etik]
PATHETIC adj. 引起怜悯的; 令人难过的(英) adj. 引起怜悯的;令人难 过的(marked by sorrow or melancholy)(记) path(感情)+etic→ 有感情的→引起怜悯的(同) 同根词:apathetic( 冷漠的); antipathy(反感)(例) It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate day by day.
pathology PATHOLOGY [p2'40l2d7i]
PATHOLOGY n. 病理学(英) n. 病理学(the study of the essential nature of diseases)(考) 反义词:normal(正常 的)-pathological(病 态的)(记) path(病)+ology(学 科)→病理学(同) 派生词:pathologica l(病理的,病态的)
pathos PATHOS ['pei40s]
PATHOS n. 感伤, 哀婉, 悲怆(英) n. 感伤, 哀婉, 悲怆(an emotion of sympathetic pity)(记) path(感情)+os→感 情状态→哀婉(例) the pathos of sb's situation
patina PATINA ['p9tin2]
PATINA n. 绿锈; 光亮的外表(英) n. 绿锈(green film formed naturally on copper and bronze);光亮的外表(a beautiful covering or exterior)(考) 反义词:essential quality(本质, 实质)(记) 原指古罗马人用的大 铜盘(patina)
patio PATIO ['p9ti2u]
PATIO n. 庭院,平台(英) n. 庭院,平台(courtyar d; an inner court open to the sky)(记) pat(公开)+io→公开 之地→露天之地(例) She was sitting in a deck chair on the patio.
patriarchy PATRIARCHY ['peitriki]
PATRIARCHY n. 家长统治,父系社会(记) patri(父亲)+archy( 统治)(同) 同根词:patricide( 杀父); patriot(爱国者)
patrician PATRICIAN [p2'tri62n]
PATRICIAN n. 贵族(英) n. 贵族(a person of high birth; aristocrat)(记) patric(父亲)+ian→ 像父亲一样威严之人 →贵族
patrimony PATRIMONY ['p9trim2ni]
PATRIMONY n.祖传的财产(英) n.祖传的财产(proper ty inherited from a father)
patriotism PATRIOTISM ['p9tri2tiz2m]
PATRIOTISM n. 爱国主义,爱国心(英) n. 爱国主义,爱国心(lo ve for or devotion to one's country)(记) patriot(爱国者)+is m(例) The politician invoked patriotism in his campaign speech.
patronage PATRONAGE ['p9tr2nid7]
PATRONAGE n. 赞助,惠顾(英) n. 赞助,惠顾(kindness done with an air of superiority)(记) patron(赞助人)+age →赞助(例) with the patronage of sb / receive lavish patronage
patronize PATRONIZE ['p9tr2naiz]
PATRONIZE v. 以高人一等的态度对 待; 光顾,惠顾(英) v. 以高人一等的态度对 待 ( behave towards sb as if one were better or more important than them)光顾,惠顾 (to be a patron of)(考) patronize : condescension / deride : mockery(patronize用的是con descension[屈尊俯就 ]的态度/deride用的 是mockery[嘲弄]的态度)condescending : patronize / obsequious : fawn(资助是叫人欠情的/ 谄媚是低三下四的)
paucity PAUCITY ['p0:siti]
PAUCITY n. 小量,缺乏(英) n. 小量,缺乏(fewness, dearth)(考) 反义词:slew(极大量 ); profusion(丰富)(记) pauc(少)+ity→少的 状态→缺乏(例) My grandmother commented on the paucity of good television programs.
paunchy PAUNCHY ['p0:nt6i]
PAUNCHY adj.大肚子的(英) adj.大肚子的(protru ding belly)(考) 反义词:svelte(苗条 的)
pauper PAUPER ['p0:p2]
PAUPER n. 贫民,乞丐(英) n. 贫民,乞丐(a person destitute of means)(记) paup(少)+er→没财 富的人→贫民,可能 是poor的变体
pawn PAWN [p0:n]
PAWN n./v. 典当,抵押; n. 被利用的小人物(例) John was broke, so he pawned his wedding ring.
pawnbroker PAWNBROKER ['p0:n`br2uk2]
PAWNBROKER n. 典当商,当铺老板(英) 典当商,当铺老板(one who lends money on the security of personal property)
peak PEAK [pi:k]
PEAK v. 憔悴,消瘦(英) v. 憔悴,消瘦(becoming thin or sickly; emaciated)(记) peak作为'山峰'一意 大家都熟悉; 参考: peak and pine(变得消瘦憔悴)(例) peak and pine(变得消瘦憔悴)
peaky PEAKY ['pi:ki]
PEAKY adj. 消瘦的; 虚弱的(英) adj. 消瘦的;虚弱的(thin ,weak)
pebble PEBBLE ['peb2l]
PEBBLE n. 小卵石,石子(英) n. 小卵石,石子(a small usu. rounded stone)(考) droplet : deluge / pebble : landslide(小雨和洪水/小石和 山崩)注意:pebble小,cob ble大
pecan PECAN [pi'k9n]
PECAN n. 山核桃(英) n. 山核桃 (a nut with a long thin reddish shell)
peccadillo PECCADILLO [`pek2'dil2u]
PECCADILLO n. 小过失(英) n. 小过失(a slight offense)(考) peccadillo : sin(error, offense)/glitch : flaw/admonishment :castigation/cameo : sculpture(小罪和罪/小故障和 故障/警告和惩罚/小 雕塑和雕塑)(记) pecca(过失,罪行)+ dillo(小)→小罪→小 过失(同) 同根词:peccable(易 犯罪的); peccant(有罪的); impeccable(没有瑕疵 的)
peck PECK [pek]
PECK n. 啄食; 轻啄(英) n. 啄食; 轻啄(to strike with a beak)(考) peck: kiss / glance : look(轻啄和接吻/一瞥和 观看)
pectoral PECTORAL ['pekt2r2l]
PECTORAL adj. 胸部的,胸的(英) adj. 胸部的,胸的(situat ed in or on the chest)(记) pector(胸)+al→胸 部的
peculate PECULATE ['pekjuleit]
PECULATE v. 挪用(公款)(英) v. 挪用(公款)(embezzle )(记) pecu(愿意为牛,引申 为钱财)+late(放)→ 把公有钱财放回家里 →挪用(同) 同根词:peculium(私 有财产)
peculiarity PECULIARITY [pi`kju:li'9riti]
PECULIARITY n. 独特性,特色; 怪癖(英) n. 独特性,特色; 怪癖 (a strange habit, quality)(记) peculiar(独特的)+ ity
pecuniary PECUNIARY [pi'kju:ni2ri]
PECUNIARY adj.金钱的(英) adj. 金钱的(monetary; financial)(记) pecuni(钱财)+ary(例) pecuniary considerations(金钱 方面的考虑)
pedagogue PEDAGOGUE ['ped2g0g]
PEDAGOGUE n.教师,教育者(英) n.教师,教育者(a teacher, pedant)(考) stickler : exact / pedagogue : indoctrinate(固执者喜欢苛求/教 育者喜欢灌输)
pedagogy PEDAGOGY ['ped2g0d7i]
PEDAGOGY n. 教育学,教学法(英) n. 教育学,教学法(the art, science of teaching)(记) ped(儿童)+agog(引 导)+y→引导儿童之 学→教学(同) 同根词:demagogue( 煽动者)(例) The old-fashioned teacher dismissed modern methods of pedagogy.
pedal PEDAL ['ped2l]
PEDAL n. 踏板,脚蹬; v. 骑脚踏车(英) v. 骑脚踏车 ( ride a bicycle)
pedant PEDANT ['ped2nt]
PEDANT n. 迂腐之人,书呆子(英) n. 迂腐之人,书呆子( who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the use of knowledge)(考) martinet : discipline / pedant : learning(严格的人过分强调纪 律/迂腐的人过分强调 知识)(记) ped(儿童)+ant→引 申为受过教育之人→ 书呆子
pedantic PEDANTIC [pi'd9ntik]
PEDANTIC adj. 书生气的; 买弄学问的(考) mawkish(maudlin) : sentiment / pedantic : scholarship(多愁善感的[人]过分 运用感情/书生气的[ 人]过分运用学问)scholarly : pedantic / modest : prudish(有学问的→买弄学问 的/有规矩的→过分规 矩的)moralistic : principled / pedantic : learned(道学气的是过分坚持 原则/学究气的
pedantry PEDANTRY ['pedntri]
PEDANTRY n. 迂腐(英) n. 迂腐(pedantic presentation of knowledge)
peddle PEDDLE ['pedl]
PEDDLE v.兜售(英) v.兜售(travel about selling wares)(同) 派生词: peddler(小贩)
pedestal PEDESTAL ['pedistl]
PEDESTAL n.(柱石或雕像的)基 座(英) n.(柱石或雕像的)基 座(base, foundation)(记) ped(脚)+estal→做 脚的东西→基座,ped 作为词根,有'儿童、 脚'两层意思
pedestrian PEDESTRIAN [pi'destri2n]
PEDESTRIAN adj. 徒步的; 缺乏想象的; n. 行人(英) adj. 徒步的;缺乏想象的( commonplace, unimaginative);(考) 反义词:uncommon(不 平凡); imaginative(有想象 力的)(记) ped(脚)+estrian→ 用脚走的→徒步的(例) This novel has a rather pedestrian plot, involving love, marriage, and life in a small village.
pediatrics PEDIATRICS [`pi:di'9triks]
PEDIATRICS n. 小儿科(英) n. 小儿科(a branch of medicine dealing with diseases of children)(记) ped(儿童)+iatrics( 医学科)→儿科学(同) 参考:podiatrics(足 病学);psychiatrics (精神病学)
pedigree PEDIGREE ['pedigri:]
PEDIGREE n.家系,祖先(英) n.家系,祖先(ancestr y; lineage)(例) a pedigre registration certificate(纯种系 谱登*记证明)
peek PEEK [pi:k]
PEEK v. 偷看(英) v. 偷看(to look furtively; glance)(例) They caught him peeking through the hole at what was going on in the room.
peel PEEL [pi:l]
PEEL v. 削去...的皮;剥落 n. 外皮(英) v. 削去...的皮;剥落( remove the outer covering);
peer PEER [pi2(r)]
PEER n. 同等之人,同辈(英) n. 同等之人,同辈(one belonging to the same societal group)(例) A student of high caliber,he easily exceled his peers.
peeve PEEVE [pi:v]
PEEVE v. 使气恼,怨恨
peevish PEEVISH ['pi:vi6]
PEEVISH adj. 坏脾气的,易怒的(英) adj. 坏脾气的,易怒的(qu erulous; fretful)(考) mawkish : sentimental / peevish : annoyed(同义: 多愁善感的/烦躁易怒 的)(例) a peevish child
pejorative PEJORATIVE [pi'd70r2tiv]
PEJORATIVE adj. 带有轻蔑意义的,贬低 的(英) adj. 带有轻蔑意义的,贬 低的(tending to disparage or belittle; depreciatory)(考) 反义词:laudatory( 赞美的)(记) pejor(坏)+ative→ 变坏的→贬低的;(同) 参考:pejorate(恶化 )(例) a pejorative title(贬损性的称号)
pelf PELF [pelf]
PELF n. 财富,钱(英) n. 财富,钱(money, riches)
pellmell PELLMELL [pel'mel]
PELLMELL adv. 混乱地(英) adv. 混乱地(in mingled confusion or disorder)
pellucid PELLUCID [pi'lu:sid]
PELLUCID adj. 清晰的,清澈的(英) adj. 清晰的,清澈的(tran sparent, clear)(考) venial : excuse / pellucid : understand(轻微的[错]能被原谅 /清晰的[事]能被懂得)反义词:murky(模糊 的)(记) pell(=per全部)+luc id(清澈的)→十分清 澈的(例) pellucid water / a pellucid handwriting
pelt PELT [pelt]
PELT n. 毛皮; v. 投掷; (雨)猛降(英) n. 毛皮(skin with its hair);v. 投掷(hurl, throw);(例) The children chased each other and pelted snowballs.
pen PEN [pen]
PEN n. 围栏; 监禁(英) n. 围栏(a small enclosure of animals);监禁(a small place of confinement)(记) pen作为'笔'一意大家 都知道(例) a pen of sheep(一栏羊)
penalize PENALIZE ['pi:n2laiz]
PENALIZE v. 置(某人)于不利地位; 处罚(英) v. 置(某人)于不利地位 ;处罚(to inflict a penalty on)(记) penal(惩罚)+ize(例) The basketball player was penalized for making a foul.
penalty PENALTY ['penlti]
PENALTY n. 刑罚,处罚(考) exempt : liability / pardon : penalty(免除责任/解除处罚)(例) In this city,the penalty for speeding is a $50 fine.
penance PENANCE ['pen2ns]
PENANCE n. 自我惩罚(英) n. 自我惩罚(an act of self-abatement)(记) pen(惩罚)+ance→惩 罚→自我惩罚
penchant PENCHANT ['p0n60n,'pent62nt]
PENCHANT n. 爱好,嗜好(英) n. 爱好,嗜好(a strong and continued inclination)(考) 反义词:aversion(厌 恶); dislike(讨厌)(记) pench(=pend 挂)+ant→对…挂着 一颗心→爱好(例) My roommate has a penchant for cooking elaborate dinners.
pendent PENDENT ['pend2nt]
PENDENT adj. 吊着的,悬挂的(英) adj. 吊着的,悬挂的(some thing suspended)(记) pend(挂)+ent→挂着 的,吊着的(例) a pendent camp(吊灯)
pending PENDING ['pendi8]
PENDING adj. 即将发生的; 未决的(英) adj. 即将发生的(imminent , impending);未决的(not yet decided)(记) pend(挂)+ing→挂着 的状态→未决的(例) a pending lawsuit(待决案件) / a pending exam
pendulum PENDULUM ['pendjul2m]
PENDULUM n. 摆,钟摆(记) pend(挂)+ulum→挂 的东西→钟摆
penetrate PENETRATE ['penitreit]
PENETRATE v. 刺穿; 渗入; 了解(英) v. 刺穿(pierce);渗入( to pass in);了解(to discover the meaning of)(考) impervious : penetrate / ineluctable : avoid(不可穿透的不能刺穿 /不可避免的不能避免)knead : malleable / penetrate : permeable(具有延展性可捏制/ 具有可渗透性可穿透)(记) pen(全部)+etr(=ent er进入)+ate→全部 进入→刺穿(例) Water penetrated the rugs and ruined the floor.
penetrating PENETRATING ['penitreiti8]
PENETRATING adj. 敏锐的,尖锐的(英) adj. 敏锐的,尖锐的(perv ading; acute, discerning)(例) The article took a penetrating look at crime.
penetration PENETRATION [`peni'trei62n]
PENETRATION n. 穿透; 洞察力(英) n. 穿透;洞察力(the ability to discern deeply and acutely)(例) The penetration of the loud music into my room annoyed me.
penicillin PENICILLIN [`peni'silin]
PENICILLIN n. 青霉素(英) 青霉素,盘尼西林(a substance used as a medicine to destroy certain bacteria in people and animals)
peninsula PENINSULA [pi'ninsjul2]
PENINSULA n. 半岛(英) 半岛(a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a larger mass of land)(记) pen(接近)+insula(岛 ) →象岛→半岛
penitent PENITENT ['penit2nt]
PENITENT adj. 后悔的,忏悔的(英) adj. 后悔的,忏悔的(expr essing regretful pain; repentant)(例) Those who were penitent obtained absolution.(悔过者 获得了赦免)
penitentiary PENITENTIARY [`peni'ten62ri]
PENITENTIARY n. 监狱,感化院(英) n. 监狱,感化院(a state or federal prison in the US)(记) penitent(后悔)+让 人后悔的地方→监狱 ,教养所
pennant PENNANT ['pen2nt]
PENNANT n.(船上用的)信号旗(英) n.(船上用的)信号旗( nautical flags used for identification or signaling)(记) 可能是pendant(悬挂 物)的变体
pension PENSION ['pen62n]
PENSION n. 养老金,退休金(英) n. 养老金,退休金(a fixed sum paid regularly to aperson following retirement from service)(记) pens(挂,引申为钱) +ion→养老金(例) The city raised taxes to maintain its employees' pensions.
pensive PENSIVE ['pensiv]
PENSIVE adj. 沉思的; 愁眉苦脸的(英) adj. 沉思的(reflective; meditative);愁眉苦脸的(suggesti ve of sad thoughtfulness)(记) pens(挂)+ive→挂在 心上→沉思的(例) look pensive(显得心事重 重)
penultimate PENULTIMATE [pi'n3ltimit]
PENULTIMATE adj. 倒数第二的(英) adj. 倒数第二的( next to the last)(记) pen(接近)+ultimate (最终的)→倒数第二的
penumbra PENUMBRA [pi'n3mbr2]
PENUMBRA n. 半明半暗之处; 边缘部分(英) n. 半明半暗之处(a space of partial illumination);边缘部分( fringe)(记) pen(接近)+umbra(影 子)→接近影子→明暗 交界处(同) 同根词:adumbrate( 预示); umbrella(雨伞)(例) a mystical penumbra(一种神秘的 气氛)
penurious PENURIOUS [pi'nju2ri2s]
PENURIOUS adj. 贫困的; 吝啬的(英) adj. 贫困的(suffering from penury);吝啬的(stingy)(考) frugal : penurious / compliant : obsequious(过分节俭就是吝啬/ 过分服从就是谄媚)(记) penur(缺少)+ious→ 缺少的→贫困的
penury PENURY ['penjuri]
PENURY n. 贫穷(英) n. 贫穷(extreme poverty)(考) 反义词:prodigality (丰富); affluence(富裕)
peon PEON ['pi:2n]
PEON n.劳工,苦工(英) n.劳工,苦工(bond servant; menial worker)
peppery PEPPERY ['pep2ri]
PEPPERY adj. 胡椒味的; 暴躁的(英) adj. 胡椒味的(hot, pungent);暴躁的(having a hot temper)(记) pepper(胡椒)+y(例) a peppery temper(暴躁的脾气)
pepsin PEPSIN ['pepsin]
PEPSIN n. 胃蛋白酶(英) n. 胃蛋白酶(a protease of the stomach)
peptic PEPTIC ['peptik]
PEPTIC adj. 产生胃酶的,助消化的(英) adj. 产生胃酶的,助消化 的(prompting digestion)
perambulate PERAMBULATE [p2'r9mbjuleit]
PERAMBULATE v. 巡行,巡视; 漫步(英) v. 巡视(to make an official inspection on foot),漫步( to travel over on foot; traverse)(考) foot : perambulate / eye : observe(脚用来漫步/眼用来 观察)(记) per(到处)+ambul(行 走)+ate→到处走→ 巡视
perceive PERCEIVE [p2'si:v]
PERCEIVE v. 察觉,发觉(英) v. 察觉,发觉(to become aware of through the senses)(考) manifest : pereceive / brittle : break(明显的容易察觉/易 碎的容易打碎)(记) per(全部)+ceive(拿 住)→全部拿住→发觉(同) 同根词:conceive(设 计,想象); receive(接受)(例) She perceived that he was tired.
perceiving PERCEIVING [p2'si:vi8]
PERCEIVING adj. 察觉到的(考) 反义词:insentient( 无知觉的)
perceptible PERCEPTIBLE [p2'sept2bl]
PERCEPTIBLE adj. 可以感觉到的,可见的(英) adj. 可以感觉到的,可见 的(palpable; tangible; appreciable)(考) relevant:crucial / perceptible:obvious(关键的是十分相关/ 明显的是十分可见)反义词:subliminal( 不能感觉的)(记) 来自percept(感知, 认识),per(全部)+c ept(拿)(同) 同根词:concept(概 念); precept(格言)派生词: perceptibility (n. 可感知,可感觉)(例) The difference between those two very similar colors is barely perceptible.
perception PERCEPTION [p2'sep62n]
PERCEPTION n. 感觉; 洞察力(英) n.洞察力(quick, acute, and intuitive cognition)(考) illusion : perception / gaffe : judgment(幻觉是缺乏洞察力/ 不慎言行是缺乏判断 力)(例) The blind man's perception of sound was very precise.
perceptive PERCEPTIVE [p2'septiv]
PERCEPTIVE adj. 感觉敏锐的(英) adj. 感觉敏锐的(discerni ng, observant)(记) 来自percept(感知,认 识),per(全部)+cept (拿) 同根词:concept(概念 ); precept(格言)(例) The perceptive detective discovered many clues.
perch PERCH [p2:t6]
PERCH v. (鸟)栖息; n. 鲈鱼(英) v. (鸟)栖息(to alight, settle, or rest on a roost, a height)(记) 注意不要和parch(烘 ,烤)相混(例) A large bird perched on the roof.
percolate PERCOLATE ['p2:k2leit]
PERCOLATE v. 过滤出; 渗透(英) v. 过滤出( to cause to pass through a permeable substance);渗透(penetrate, seep)(记) per(全部)+colate( 过滤)→过滤过去;(同) 参考:colander(滤器 )(例) The rain percolated through the roof.
percussion PERCUSSION [p2'k362n]
PERCUSSION n.敲击乐器(英) n. 敲击乐器(beating and striking of a musical instrument)(记) per(全部)+cuss(震 动)+ion→敲击(同) 同根词:discussion( 讨论);repercussion (反响)
percussionist PERCUSSIONIST [p2'k362nist]
PERCUSSIONIST n. 敲击乐器乐师(英) n. 敲击乐器乐师(one skilled in the playing of percussion instruments)
perdition PERDITION [p2'di62n]
PERDITION n.恶报,永劫(英) n.恶报,永劫(damnati on; complete ruin; hell)
peregrination PEREGRINATION [`perigri'nei62n]
PEREGRINATION n. 游历(尤指在国外)(英) n. 游历(尤指在国外)(tr avel, esp. on foot)(记) per(全部)+egri(=ag ri 土地)+nate→走遍土 地→游历
peremptory PEREMPTORY [p2'rempt2ri]
PEREMPTORY adj. 不容反抗的; 专横的(英) adj. 不容反抗的; 专横的(of imperious or arrogant self-assurance)(考) prohibitive : purchase / peremptory : dispute(昂贵的无法购买/专 横的无法争论)parsimonious : spent / peremptory : fawn(小气的人不化钱/专 横的人不低三下四)反义词:open to chanllenge(愿意接受 挑战的)(记) per(全部)+empt(买) +ory→全部买下来_ 的→专横的_(同) 同根词:preempt(优 先取得); exemption(免除)
perennial PERENNIAL [p2'reni2l]
PERENNIAL adj. 终年的; 永久的(英) adj. 终年的(present all the year);永久的(perpetual, enduring)(考) 反义词:fleeting(飞 逝的)(记) per+enn(年)+ial→ 一年到头的→永久的(例) Tom prefers perennial plants to those that last only a single year.
perfectionist PERFECTIONIST [p2'fek62nist]
PERFECTIONIST n. 力求完美者,吹毛求疵 者(记) 来自perfect(完美的)
perfidious PERFIDIOUS [p2'fidi2s]
PERFIDIOUS adj. 不忠的,背信弃义的(英) adj. 不忠的,背信弃义的( faithless)(考) exorbitant : moderation / perfidious : loyalty(过度的缺乏节制/不 忠的缺乏忠诚)反义词:faithful(忠 诚的); loyal(忠心的)(记) per(表面)+fid(相信 )+ious→表面忠诚→ 不忠的;(同) 参考:perjury(伪证)
perfidy PERFIDY ['p2:fidi]
PERFIDY n. 不忠,背叛(英) n. 不忠,背叛(the quality of being faithless; treachery)(考) 反义词:loyalty(忠 诚)
perforate PERFORATE ['p2:f2reit]
PERFORATE v. 打洞(英) v. 打洞(to make a line of holes in to facilitate separation)(考) crease : folding / hole : perforating(折叠产生折痕/打洞 产生洞)(记) per(全部)+forate(= pierce刺穿)→全部刺 穿→打洞(同) 派生词: perforation (n. 孔; 穿孔,贯穿)(例) He perforated his opponent's shield with his lance.
performance PERFORMANCE [p2'f0:m2ns]
PERFORMANCE n. 表演,演出;履行,执 行(英) n. 表演,演出(the action of performing a character in a play);履行,执行 (the action of carrying out an activity)(考) theater : performance / market : commerce(剧院用来演出/市场 用来经营)bravura : performance / resplendent : appearance(华美的演奏/灿烂的 外表)反义词:debut(初次 登台)(记) perform(表演, 履行)+ance
perfume PERFUME ['p2:fju:m,p2'fju:m]
PERFUME n. 香味; 香水(英) n. 香味(the scent of sweet smelling)(记) per(全部)+fume(气 味)→香气四溢→芳香(例) Jane sprayed some perfume on her neck.
perfunctorily PERFUNCTORILY [p2'f78kt2rili]
PERFUNCTORILY adv. 马虎地(考) perfunctorily : inspiration / insolently : veneration(敷衍地[做事]无灵感 /傲慢地[待人]无尊敬)
perfunctory PERFUNCTORY [p2'f38kt2ri]
PERFUNCTORY adj. 草率的,敷衍的(英) adj. 草率的,敷衍的( characterized by superficiality)(考) 反义词:obsession (沉迷)(记) per(表面)+funct(做 )+ory→表面做→马 马虎虎的(例) a perfunctory pedagogue(得过且过 的教书匠)
perigee PERIGEE ['perid7i:]
PERIGEE n. 近地点(记) peri(周围)+gee(=ge o地)→周围之地→近 地点;(同) 参考:apogee(远地点 )
peril PERIL ['peril]
PERIL n. 危险(英) n. 危险( exposure to the risk ; danger)
perilous PERILOUS ['peril2s]
PERILOUS adj. 危险的,冒险的(英) adj. 危险的,冒险的(full of peril; hazardous)(例) The journey through the jungle was perilous.
perimeter PERIMETER [p2'rimit2]
PERIMETER n. 周长(英) n. 周长(the boundary of a closed plane figure or the length of it)(考) circumference : cirle / perimeter : rectangle / border : country(圆周是圆边的总长/ 周长是矩形边的总长/ 边界是国家边的总长)(记) peri(周围)+meter( 测量)→周长
periodic PERIODIC [`pi2ri'0dik]
PERIODIC adj. 周期的,定时的(英) adj. 周期的,定时的 (happening repeatedly)(记) period (周期)+ic
periodical PERIODICAL [`pi2ri'0dik2l]
PERIODICAL n. 期刊(英) n. 期刊(a magazine that comes out at regular times)(考) magazine : periopical / mystery : fiction(杂志是一种期刊/神 怪小说是一种小说)(记) periodic(周期的)+ al
peripatetic PERIPATETIC [`perip2'tetik]
PERIPATETIC adj. 巡游的(英) adj. 巡游的(travelling from place to place; itinerant)(考) 反义词:stationary( 静止的); rooted(固定的)(记) peri(周围)+patet( 走)+ic→巡游的
peripheral PERIPHERAL [p2'rif2r2l]
PERIPHERAL adj. 不重要的,外围的(英) adj. 不重要的,外围的(of a periphery or surface part; auxiliary, supplementary)(考) immaterial : relevance / peripheral : center(反义: 无关紧要的对相关/外 围的对中心)反义词:crux(关键) -peripheral element(不重要因素)(例) The committee was sidetracked by peripheral issues.
periphery PERIPHERY [p2'rif2ri]
PERIPHERY n. 外围,不重要的部分(英) n. 外围,不重要的部分( the external boundary or surface)(记) peri(周围)+pher(带 )+y→带到周围→外围(例) Bill lives on the periphery of a big city, and he takes a bus downtown every day to work.
periphrastic PERIPHRASTIC [`peri'fr9stik]
PERIPHRASTIC adj. 迂回的,冗赘的(英) adj. 迂回的,冗赘的(the use of a longer phrasing)(记) peri(周围)+phras(= phrase,句子,词语) +tic→绕圈子说话→ 迂回的
periscope PERISCOPE ['perisk2up]
PERISCOPE n. 潜望镜(英) 潜望镜(a long tube with mirrors fitted in it so that people who are lower down can see what is above them)(记) peri(周围)+scope (看)→(潜望镜伸 出水面)看周围的情 况→潜望镜
perish PERISH ['peri6]
PERISH v. 死,暴卒(英) v. 死,暴卒(to become destroyed or ruined; die)(考) 反义词:survive(生存 )(例) Fourteen people perished in the hotel fire. / perish from disease(病死)
perishable PERISHABLE ['peri62b2l]
PERISHABLE adj. (食物)易坏的(英) adj. (食物)易坏的(liable to spoil or decay)(例) Perishable food should be kept in the refrigerator.
perishing PERISHING ['peri6i8]
PERISHING adj. 严寒的,令人难受的
perjure PERJURE ['p2:d72]
PERJURE v. 作伪证,发假誓(英) v. 作伪证,发假誓(to tell a lie under oath)(考) 反义词:depose(作证 )(记) per(表面)+jure(发 誓)→发假誓
perjury PERJURY ['p2:d72ri]
PERJURY n. 伪证,假誓(英) n. 伪证,假誓(false swearing)(考) calumny : assertion / false swearing : oath / perjury : deposition (testimony)(诽谤是假断言/伪誓 是假誓言/伪证是假证 词)反义词:truthful deposition(真实的作 证)(例) Committing perjury in court can result in a prison sentence.
perky PERKY ['p2:ki]
PERKY adj. 神气的; 活泼的(英) adj. 神气的; 活泼的(jaunty, lively)(例) a perky squirrel(活泼的松鼠 )
permanence PERMANENCE ['p2:m2n2ns]
PERMANENCE n. 永久(考) evanescent : permanence / archaic : currency(易逝的对永久/陈旧 的对现行)反义词:transience( 短暂)
permanent PERMANENT ['p2:m2n2nt]
PERMANENT adj. 长久的,永久的(英) adj. 长久的,永久的 (lasting for ever)(考) heroic : craven / erratic : permanent(反义: 英勇的对怯懦的/不稳 定的对持久的)opportune : convenience / impermanent : transience(适宜的[东西]便利/ 非永久的[东西]短暂)反义词:evanescent( 短暂的); interim(暂时的); ephemeral(短暂的)(记) per(自始至终)+man (拿住)+ent→永久 拿住→永恒的
permeable PERMEABLE ['p2:mi2b2l]
PERMEABLE adj. 可渗透的(英) adj. 可渗透的(penetrable , having pores or openings)(考) knead : malleable / penetrate : permeable(可塑的可以捏制/可 渗透的可以穿透)opacity : light / impermeablilty : fluid(不透明无法让光线进 入/不可渗透无法让液 体进入)反义词:waterproof( 防水的)(记) per(全部)+mea(通过 )+able→通过的→渗 透的(同) 派生词: permeability (n. 渗透性)(例) a permeable membrane(渗透膜)
permeate PERMEATE ['p2:mieit]
PERMEATE v. 扩散; 渗透(英) v. 扩散(to spread or diffuse through);渗透(to pass through the pores or interstices )(例) Nasty water from the flood permeated our carpeting.
permission PERMISSION [p2'mi62n]
PERMISSION n. 许可,批准(英) n. 许可,批准 (an formal act of allowing)
permissive PERMISSIVE [p2'misiv]
PERMISSIVE adj. 过分纵容的(英) adj. 过分纵容的(deficien t in firmness; indulgent)(记) 来自permiss(允许), per(全部)+miss(放 开)→全部放开→允许
permutation PERMUTATION [`p2:mju'tei62n]
PERMUTATION n. (数学中)排列变化,彻 底改变(英) n. (数学中)排列变化, 彻底改变(major or fundamental change based primarily on rearrangement of existent elements)(记) per(全部)+mut(改变 )+ation→全部改变
pernicious PERNICIOUS [p2'ni62s]
PERNICIOUS adj. 有害的,致命的(英) adj. 有害的,致命的(high ly injurious or destructive; noxious; deleterious; detrimental)(考) pernicious : injure / disingenuous : mislead(有害的会造成伤害/ 不坦率的会造成误导)(记) per(全部)+nic(毒, 死)+ious→有毒的→ 有害的(例) David's body was weakened by the pernicious disease.
peroration PERORATION [`per2'rei62n]
PERORATION n. 结尾,结论(英) n. 结尾,结论(the concluding part of a discourse)(考) peroration : speech / coda : sonata(演讲的结束语/奏鸣 曲的尾声)(记) per(全部)+oration( 演讲)→对演讲全部总 结一下→演讲结尾
perpendicular PERPENDICULAR [`p2:p2n'dikjul2]
PERPENDICULAR adj. 垂直的(英) adj. 垂直的(exactly upright, vertical)(记) per(全部)+pend(挂) +icular→全部挂的 状态→垂直的(例) Any two adjacent sides of a square are perpendicular.
perpetrate PERPETRATE ['p2:pitreit]
PERPETRATE v. 犯罪,做坏事(英) v. 犯罪,做坏事(carry out a crime; commit)(记) per(全部)+petr(石 头)+ate→成为石头 →做坏事不悔改(同) 同根词:petrify(石 化,僵化); petrous(岩石般的)(例) The police want to know who perpetrated the crime.
perpetual PERPETUAL [p2'pet6u2l]
PERPETUAL adj. 连续不断的;永久的(英) adj. 连续不断的(continui ng endlessly; uninterrupted);永久的(lasting for ever)(考) 反义词:evanescent( 短暂易逝的); intermittent(间歇的 ,间断的); ephemeral(短暂的)
perpetuate PERPETUATE [p2'pet6ueit]
PERPETUATE v. 使永存,使永记不忘(英) v. 使永存,使永记不忘( to make perpetual)(记) per(全部)+pet(追求 )+uate→永远追求→ 永存(例) Storytellers have perpetuated ancient tales and legends since early times.
perpetuation PERPETUATION [p2`petju'ei62n]
PERPETUATION n. 永存,不朽(考) 反义词:extinction( 灭绝)
perpetuity PERPETUITY [`p2:pi'tju:iti]
PERPETUITY n. 永恒,永久(英) n. 永恒,永久( eternity)(例) The right for the road to cross my land was granted in perpetuity to the county.
perplexed PERPLEXED [p2'plekst]
PERPLEXED adj. 困惑的(英) adj. 困惑的(filled with uncertainty; puzzled)(考) anxious : reassurance / perplexed : clarfication(焦虑是因为不安心/ 迷惑是因为没澄清)(记) per(全部)+plex(=pl ic,交错重叠)+ed→ 全部交错在一起→困惑的(例) Mary's criticism of my good work perplexed me.
perplexity PERPLEXITY [p2'pleksiti]
PERPLEXITY n. 困惑,茫然(英) n. 困惑,茫然(bewilder ment)
perquisite PERQUISITE ['p2:kwizit]
PERQUISITE n. 固定津贴,特权(英) n. 固定津贴,特权(a privilege, gain, or profit)(记) per(全部)+quisite( 要求)→要求全部满足 →特权
persecute PERSECUTE ['p2:sikju:t]
PERSECUTE v. 迫害(英) v.迫害(to oppress or haress with ill-treatment)(考) badger : bother /persecute : injure(纠缠是不断烦扰/迫 害是不断伤害)(记) per(全部)+secu(跟 随)+te→从头到尾跟 随→迫害; 参考:prosecute(控告)(例) Millions of Jews were persecuted during World War II.
perseverance PERSEVERANCE [`p2:si'vi2r2ns]
PERSEVERANCE n. 不屈不挠,坚持不懈(英) n. 不屈不挠,坚持不懈 (continual steady effort)(考) 反义词:cessation of effort(停止努力)
persevere PERSEVERE [`p2:si'vi2]
PERSEVERE v. 坚忍(英) v. 坚忍(to persist in spite of counter influences and opposition)(考) 反义词:give up(放弃)(记) per(全部)+severe( 严重的)→在严重的情 况下始终坚持(例) persevere in one's studies / Although Jane faced many obstacles, she persevered and got her degree.
persevering PERSEVERING [`p2:s2'viri8]
PERSEVERING adj. 坚忍不拔的
persiflage PERSIFLAGE ['p2:sifl7]
PERSIFLAGE n. 挖苦,嘲弄(英) n. 挖苦,嘲弄(frivolou s bantering talk; raillery)(考) exhortation : motivate / persiflage : incite(训道是为了激励/挖 苦是为了刺激)(记) per(全部)+sifl(吹 哨)+age→吹哨嘲弄
persist PERSIST [p2'sist]
PERSIST v. 坚持,执意(英) v. 坚持,执意 ( continue in a way of behaving in spite of opposition )
persistence PERSISTENCE [p2(:)sist2ns]
persistent PERSISTENT [p2'sist2nt]
PERSISTENT adj. 固执的,坚持的(英) adj. 固执的,坚持的(in a course in spite of interference or difficulties)(记) per(始终)+sist(坐) +ent→始终坐着→坚 持的(例) a persistent effort(执着的努力)
persnickety PERSNICKETY [p2'snikiti]
PERSNICKETY adj. 势利的; 挑剔的(英) adj. 势利的(of a snob);挑剔的(fussy; fastidious)
personable PERSONABLE ['p2:s2n2bl]
PERSONABLE adj. 英俊的,风度好的(英) adj. 英俊的,风度好的(pl easant and amiable in person)(考) 反义词:unattractiv e(没有吸引力的)(例) a personable young man(翩翩少年)
personage PERSONAGE ['p2:s2nid7]
PERSONAGE n. 名人; (戏剧)角色(英) n. 名人(a person of rank or distinction);(戏剧)角色(a dramatic, fictional, or historical character)(记) person(人)+age名人(例) an important personage
personification PERSONIFICATION [p2`s0nifi'kei62n8]
PERSONIFICATION n. 典型,完美榜样(英) n. 典型,完美榜样(a perfect example; embodiment, incarnation)(例) the personification of courage(勇敢的化身)
personnel PERSONNEL [`p2:s2'nel]
PERSONNEL n. 全体人员,员工(英) n. 全体人员,员工 (all the people working in an organization)
perspective PERSPECTIVE [p2'spektiv]
PERSPECTIVE n. (判断事物的)角度,方 法; 透视法(英) n. (判断事物的)角度, 方法(point of view)(记) per(全部)+spect(看 )+ive从各方面看(例) He tends to view most issues from a religious perspective.
perspicacious PERSPICACIOUS [`p2:spi'kei62s]
PERSPICACIOUS adj. 独具慧眼的(英) adj. 独具慧眼的(of acute mental vision or discernment)(考) ravishing : attractive / perspicacious : discerning(引人入胜是十分吸引 力/独具慧眼是十分有 洞察力)反义词:obtuse(迟钝 的); undiscerned(无辨别 力的)(记) per(全部)+spic(=sp ect看)+acious,全 部都看到,十分敏锐的(同) 同根词:conspicuous (显眼的); suspicious(怀疑的)
perspicacity PERSPICACITY [`p2:spi'k9s2ti]
PERSPICACITY n.敏锐(英) n. 敏锐(考) perspicacity : acute / caprice : whimsical(同义: 敏锐→敏锐的/易变→ 易变的)
perspicuous PERSPICUOUS [p2'spikju2s]
PERSPICUOUS adj. 明晰的;明了的(英) adj. 明晰的;明了的(clea rly expressed or presented)(考) 反义词:opacity(难 懂); dull(呆滞的)-perspi cuous(明了的)(同) 派生词:perspicuity n. 明白
perspiration PERSPIRATION [`p2:sp2'rei62n]
PERSPIRATION n. 出汗(英) n. 出汗(the act of perspiring; sweat)(记) per(全部)+spir(呼 吸)+ation全身都呼 吸, 出汗(同) 同根词:inspiration (灵感); expire(期满, 断气)
perspire PERSPIRE [p2'spai2]
persuasion PERSUASION [p2'swei72n]
PERSUASION n. 说服,劝服(英) n. 说服,劝服 (the act of persuading)(考) admonish : denounce / persuade : convince(谴责比训诫程度深/ 使确信比使相信程度 深)反义词:inveigle (诱骗)(记) 来自persuade(说服, 劝服),per(始终)+s uade(敦促)→始终敦 促→劝说(同) 同根词:dissuasion( 劝阻,劝止)
persuasive PERSUASIVE [p2'sweisiv]
PERSUASIVE adj. 能劝说的,善于游说的(英) adj. 能劝说的,善于游说 的(convincing)(记) 来自persuade(说服, 劝服),per(始终)+su ade(敦促)→始终敦促 →劝说(同) 同根词:dissuasion( 劝阻,劝止)(例) The candidate's persuasive speech convinced me to vote for her.
pert PERT [p2:t]
PERT adj.(尤指女孩或年轻 妇女)冒失但可爱的(英) adj.(尤指女孩或年轻 妇女)冒失但可爱的(f orward; jaunty)
pertain PERTAIN [p2'tein]
PERTAIN v. 属于; 关于(英) v. 属于(to belong as a part);关于(to have reference)(考) 反义词:be irrelevant(不相关)(记) per(全部)+tain(拿 住)→全部拿住→属于(例) a book pertaining to birds(有关鸟类的书)
pertinacious PERTINACIOUS [`p2:ti'nei62s]
PERTINACIOUS adj. 顽固的(英) adj. 顽固的(stubbornly unyielding; obstinate)(考) 反义词:vacillation (犹豫); tractable(温顺的)(记) per(始终)+tin(拿住 )+acious→始终拿住 不放→顽固的(同) 派生词:pertinacity ;参考:pertinent(相 关的)pertinacious[`pE:tI 'neISEs]adj. 顽固的,固执的; ](同) insubordinate(无法 驾御的); intransigent(不妥协 的)
pertinent PERTINENT ['p2:tin2nt]
PERTINENT adj. 有关的,相关的(英) adj. 有关的,相关的(rele vant)(考) pertinent : relevance / redundant : superfluity(同义:相关的→相关/ 多余的→多余)反义词:immaterial( 非实质的); irrelevant(无关的)(记) per(始终)+tin(拿住 )+ent→始终拿在手 里放不下→有关系的(例) remarks not pertinent to the subject
perturb PERTURB [p2't2:b]
PERTURB v.打扰(英) v.打扰(disturb or trouble greatly)(考) perturb : serenity / reassure : doubt(打扰是使不宁静/安 心是使不怀疑)fearless : daunt / impassive : perturb / voracious : satisfy(无畏的不易被恐吓/ 冷静的不易被打扰/贪 婪的不易被满足)stoic : perturb / avaricious : satisfy(冷静的很难打扰/贪 婪的很难满足)
perturbation PERTURBATION [`p2:t2'bei6n]
PERTURBATION n. 烦乱,扰乱(英) n. 烦乱,扰乱(the action of perturbing; agitation)(考) 反义词:equanimity( 镇静)(记) 来自perturb(干扰, 烦恼),per(始终)+t urb(搅混)→搅得心烦意乱(同) 同根词:disturb(干 扰); turbulence(骚乱,狂 暴)
peruse PERUSE [p2'ru:z]
PERUSE v. 细读,精读(英) v. 细读,精读(to examine or consider in detail)(考) 反义词:glance at(一瞥)(记) per(始终)+use(用) →反复用→认真看, 读;(同) 参考:scrutiny(细读 )(例) Anne peruses her class notes every night.
pervade PERVADE [p2'veid]
PERVADE v. 弥漫,普及(英) v. 弥漫,普及(to become diffused throughout)(记) per(遍及)+vade(走) →走遍,弥漫(例) Fear pervaded the small town after the unexplained murder.
pervasive PERVASIVE [p2'veisiv]
PERVASIVE adj. 遍及的,弥漫的(英) 遍及,弥漫的(that pervades or tends to pervade)(例) A pervasive feeling of anger was evident through the jail.
perverse PERVERSE [p2'v2:s]
PERVERSE adj. 刚愎自用的,故意作对 的(英) adj. 刚愎自用的,故意作 对的(obstinate in opposing; wrongheaded)(记) per(始终)+verse(转 )→始终和别人反着转 →故意反对的_(同) 同根词:adversary( 对手); reverse(颠倒,倒退)派生词: perversity (n. 刚愎,背理行为)
perversion PERVERSION [p2'v2:62n]
PERVERSION n. 堕落,曲解(例) This movie is a perversion of the author's book.
pervert PERVERT [p2'v2:t,'p2:v2t]
PERVERT v. 使堕落; 滥用(英) v. 使堕落(corrupt; debase);滥用(divert to a wrong purpose; misuse)(记) per(全部)+vert(转) →全部转到邪路上→ 堕落(例) The corrupt politician was accused of perverting the power of his office for his own gain.
pesky PESKY ['peski]
PESKY adj. 讨厌的,烦人的(英) adj. 讨厌的,烦人的(trou blesome, vexatious)(记) 来自pesty, pest(害虫)(例) A pesky fly buzzed around my sandwich.
pest PEST [pest]
PEST n. 害虫; 讨厌的人或物(英) n. 害虫(an detrimental animal);讨厌的人或物(one that pesters or annoys)(考) pest : irksome / expert : proficient(讨厌的人的特点是讨 厌的/专家的特点是精 通的)(例) My young sister becomes a pest whenever my friends visit.
pesticide PESTICIDE ['pestisaid]
PESTICIDE n. 杀虫剂(英) n. 杀虫剂(an agent used to destroy pests)(考) insect : pesticide / plant : herbicide(杀虫剂用来杀死昆虫 /除草剂用来杀死植物)
pestilent PESTILENT ['pestil2nt]
PESTILENT adj. 致死的; 有害的(英) adj. 致死的(deadly);有害的(pernicious)
pestle PESTLE ['pes2l]
PESTLE n. 杵,乳钵槌(英) n. 杵,乳钵槌(a club-shaped implementation for pounding or grinding substances in a mortar)(考) awl : pierce / pestle : mash(锥子用来刺穿/研棒 用来捣碎)hammer : anvil / pestle : mortar(在铁砧上用锤子砸东 西/在研钵中用研棒研 东西)pestle : grind / whetstone : sharpen / spice : flavor / spoon : stir(研棒用来研磨/磨刀 石用来使锋利/调味品 用来调味/勺子用来搅动)