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66 Cards in this Set

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percent formula
part=percent x whole
percent increase/decrease
=(amount of increase or decrease)/(original whole) x 100%
sum or diff. even?
two odd=even
two even=even
product/quotient even?
two even=even
even odd=even
two odd=odd
multiples of 2
multiples of 3
sum of digits is multiple of three
multiples of 4
sum of last two digits multiple of 4
multiples of 5
last digit is 5 or 0
multiples of 6
sume of digits is a multiple of three and last digit is even
multiples of 9
sum of digits is a multiple of 9
multiples of 10
last digit is 0
multiples of 12
sum of digits is a multiple of 3 and last two digits are a multiple of 4
how to find a common factor
factor each down to prime, multiply shared prime factors (including multiples of same # if shared)--use all possible combinations to find all common factors
how to find a common multiple
factor #s down to prime, find product of original #s, divide common primes into product
sum of terms/number of terms
use average to find sum
sum=average x number of terms
average of consecutive #s
average smallest and largest
count consecutive #s
# of integers from A to B inclusive is B-A+1
Sum of consecutive #s
sum=average x # of terms

average highest and lowest, multiply by # of terms
put #s in numerical order, take the middle #, or average the two middle terms
# that appears most often, ties for most often means more than one mode
positive difference between highest and lowest values
of # goes on top, to # goes on bottom
use ratio to determine actual #
set up proportion, solve (cross multiply, divide)
use actual #s to determine rate
identify quantities and units, keep units straight--i.e. convert hours to minutes, etc.
charts, tables, graphs
read question and labels carefully, ingnore extraneous information, pay attention to spread in choices, approximate when possible
count # of possibilities
usually just do manually--small quantities
simple probability
number of favorable outcomes/total # of possible outcomes
new symbols
follow instructions, treat like any variable symbol
simplify polynomials
multiply to eliminate all parentheses, combine like terms
factoring certain (special) polynomials
solve for one variable in terms of another
finding x in terms of y, isolate x on one side, y will be the only variable on the other
solve an inequality
treat it like an equation, BUT reverse the sign if you multiply or divide by a negative #
absolute values
number's distance from zero on the number line, abs. value of x=3 could be 3 or -3, abs. val. of (x-3)<2 means solve (x-3)<2 and -(x-3)<2 to find a range
addition words
sum, plus, and, added to, more than, increased by, combined with, exceeds, total, greater than
subtraction words
difference between, minus, subtracted from, decreased by, diminished by, less than, reduced by
multiplication words
of, product, times, multiplied by, twice, double, triple, half
division words
quotient, divided by, per, out of, ratio of __ to __
equal words
equals, is, was, will be, result is, adds up to, costs, is the same as
angle formed by intersecting lines
all equal 360, opposites are equal, adjacent=180
transversal across parallel lines
acute all equal, obtuse all equal, acute+obtuse=180
solve for one variable in terms of another
finding x in terms of y, isolate x on one side, y will be the only variable on the other
solve an inequality
treat it like an equation, BUT reverse the sign if you multiply or divide by a negative #
absolute values
number's distance from zero on the number line, abs. value of x=3 could be 3 or -3, abs. val. of (x-3)<2 means solve (x-3)<2 and -(x-3)<2 to find a range
addition words
sum, plus, and, added to, more than, increased by, combined with, exceeds, total, greater than
subtraction words
difference between, minus, subtracted from, decreased by, diminished by, less than, reduced by
multiplication words
of, product, times, multiplied by, twice, double, triple, half
division words
quotient, divided by, per, out of, ratio of __ to __
equal words
equals, is, was, will be, result is, adds up to, costs, is the same as
angle formed by intersecting lines
all equal 360, opposites are equal, adjacent=180
transversal across parallel lines
acute all equal, obtuse all equal, acute+obtuse=180
area of a triangle
1/2 base x height
isosceles triangles
two equal sides, two equal angles
equilateral triangles
three equal sides, angles 60 each
similar triangles
angles equal, sides proportional
a^2+b^2=c^2 in a right triangle
special right triangles
3-4-5, 5-12-13, 30-60-90, 45-45-90 (right isosceles)
perimeter of a rectangle
area of a rectangle
length x width
area of a square
area of a parallelogram
base x height
area of a trapezoid
break into parts to calculate and add them all up, or average of parallel sides x height
2pi r
area of a circle
pi r^2
distance between points on a coordinate plane
if there's an x or y in common, just subtract the #s that are different, if not, construct a right triangle and calculate hypotneuse
slope of a line
change in y/change in x