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66 Cards in this Set

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Gram possitive cocci in grape like cluster


Able to grow in 7.5-10%NaCl

Resistant to 0.2-0.4units of Bacitracin

Catalase Test(+)test differentiate Staphylococci and Micrococcus from Streplococci


Growth on Leoffer serum Slant LSS

Golden yellow

Staphylococcus aureus

LSS, lemon yellow

Staphylococcus cintreus

LSS , white

Staphylococcus albus

Initiates skin infection


Spreading faxtor, it enhance the invasion into the tissues


Virulence factors

Make the S. aureus resistant to penicillin

Beta lactamase/ penicillinase

Virulence factors

Promotes fibrinolysis (dissolution of clot)


Virulence factors

It causes the bacterial cells to agglutinate in the plasma; it also converts fibrenogrn to fibrin


Responsible for the B-hemolytic property of S. aureus


Prevent phagocytosis

Protein A

Virulence factors of enzymes

Food poisoning

Enterotoxin A and B

Virulence factors of toxins

Causes the toxic Shock Syndrome

Enterotoxin F /TSST

Virulence factors of toxin

Epidemolytic toxin that causes desquamation of the ski in Scalded skin Syndrome aka Ritter disease


Virulence factors of enzymes

for the detection of clumping factors aka Bound Coagulase

A1 Slide coagulase (Coagulase test)

Readily conver firbrinogen to fibrin which produces a clot

Clumping factors

If the test is (-), perform the tube coagulase citrated plasma can cause false (+)in this test

Positive result S.aureus, S.lugdunensis and S.schleiferi

To detect the free Coagulase

Bacteria+ rabbit plasma incubate at 37degree celcuis 4 hours.

Negative total temperature 20 hours

A2 Tube Coagulase (Coagulase test)

Mannitol salt agar MSA

It contains Mannitol and 7.5% NaCl as an inhibitor , phenol red

Mannitol (+)yellow/pink

Mannitol fermentation Test(+)

Detect deoxyribonuclease

DNase Test(+)

DNase agar the dye should be incorporated first before inoculating the organism

Dye methods

Inoculate the organism in a plain DNase agar and incubate and add HCI

Positive S.aureus, Moraxella, Serratia

HCI precipitation Method


S more than 16mm

Normal skin flora

Causes UTI, stich abscess

Prosthetic heart Valve infection

Known to its ability for slime production or biofilm formation

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Gamma- hemolytic

R-less than 16 mm

Most common cause of UTIin sexual active young female

Lipoteichoic acid a surface associated proteins that adheres urothelial cells

Hemolysin a hemagglutinin that binds to fibronectin

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Differential susceptibility test for CONS

Novobiocin Susceptibility

Emerging pathogens for the immunocompromised patient it can cause endocarditis and bacteremia

Weak Catalase(+) 5%NaCl(-)Capsule (+)

Stomatococcus mucilangginosus now Rothia

Coagulase (-), VP(-), PYR (+), rare cause of huamn infection

Staphylococcus intermedius

Slide Coagulase (+), Mannitol(+), Narrow B-hemolytic PYR(+)

Cause endocarditis and bacteremia

Staphylococcus lugdunensis


Micrococci luteus

Gram(+) Cocci in tetrads; strict aerobe (an Oxidizer)

- on BAP gamma hemolytic

- modified OXIDASE test

Micrococci luteus

Presumptive test intended to identify Micrococci

Used tetramethyl p-phyenylenediamen dihtdrochloride in DMSO dimethylsulfoxide (+)

Modified OXIDASE test

Gram (+) cocci in chain spherioal to avoid

- non Motile Capnophilic 15-10% CO2

Meduim of choice 5%sheep blood agar

- selective Medium Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol PEA


Based on the hemolytic pattern of the organism

Smith and Brown Classification

Smith and Brown classification

-Alpha hemolytic streptococci

- Bete hemolytic Streptococci

- gamma hemolytic Streptococci

Incomplete partial hemolysis on BAP causing the greening of the agar

Alpha hemolytic Streptococci

Alpha hemolytic Streptococci

Streptococcus pneumoniae,

Viridans Streptococci

Streptococcus mitis

Streptococcus mutans

Complete hemolysis showing clear zones around the colony

Beta hemolytic Streptococci

Beta hemolytic Streptococci

Streptococcus pyogenes

Streptococcus agalactiae

Unable to cause hemolysis on BAP i.e E. faecalis E. feacium S. bovis alpha prime

Gamma hemolytic Streptococci

Based on the physiologic needs of the organism

Academic or Bergeys

Academic or Bergeys Classification

Pyogenic (-)

Viridans (+)


Lactic group(+)

Based on the extraction of C carbohydrates from Streptococcal cell wall

Lancefield Classification

All Streptococci except


S. pneumoniae are place under lancefield

Pharyngitis/ strep throats


Scarlet fever

necrotizing fasciitisPost sequelae

Post sequelae

Post sequelae

causes (Streptococcus pyogenes)Group A

A form of pharyngitis with rashes

Strowberry tongue- manifestation of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

The enzyme L- pyrrolidonyl arylamidase hydrolyzed the L- pyrrolidonyl B- naphthylamide substrates produce a B- naphthylamine

Red color (+)

Orange or no color (-)

Pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase test

Diagnostic test for Scarlet fever

-Dicks test

-Schultz-charlton test/Blanche phenomenon

Susceptibility test for Scarlet fever to determine if the person is at risk of developing the infection (+): redness at the site of infectio

Dicks test

Test to determine if the rashes is caused by scarlet fever or not - injecting anti-erythrogenic

(+) Fading gradual disappearance of rashes

Schultz-Dharlton test /Blanche phenomenon

Normal flora of the GIT, pharynx and vaginal tract

Media : Blood agar

Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B)

Causes of streptococcus agalactiae



These are animal pathogens may cause severe pharyngitis followed by bacteremia may also cause pneumoniae cellulites and abscess

Group C Streplococci

S. Bovis and S.equines, 6.5%NaCl

PYR test(-)bile ensulin(+)

Causes UTI endocarditis and Septicemia it's isolation on the blood may be indecative of colon cancer

GroupD Streplococci non Enterococcus S.bovis group

Normal GUT, GIT, and RT flora ,common UTI

Bile ensulin and PYR test positive

Most common Enterococcus isolated from human infection E.faecalis

Enterococcus ( E.faecalus E.faecium E.durans E.avium)

Presumptive indentificatiin of Enterococci and non Enterococci

Used 40%bile

Bile Ensuline Media

Positive result; blackening

Bile Ensuline test

Non Lancefield group

Streptococcus pneumoniae / Diplococcus pneumoniae / pneumococci

For the identification of pneumococci(+) result if on broth - clearing of media

Bile solubility test

Test that will differentiation pneumoniae from other alpha hemolytic Streptococci used TAXO P

Susceptible to Optochin more than 14 mm zone

Skin test for pneumonia

Francis test

Not classified under lancefield

Optochin Resistant

Bile insoluble

Viridans Streptococci

species (Viridans Streptococci)

Streptococcus mitis

Streptococcus salivarus

Streptococcus sanguis

Sreptococcus mutans

Hemolytic pattern

-Alpha (Viridans and S.pneumoniae

-Beta ( group A,B,C, and some group D lancefield

-Gamma mostly GroupD

Known to cause liver, spleen and brain abscesses

Caramel/ butter scotch odor

Milleri Streptococci

Species ( Milleri Streptococci complex

S. constellatus S. intermedius S. anginosus

Aka thiol-requiring Streptococci/ Pyridoxal Streptococci/ Satelliting streptococci

Nutritionally variant Streptococci

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