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65 Cards in this Set

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legislative power
they create laws, write bills
executive power
enforce the legislative power
judicial power
they interpret the laws to see if they are constitutional
a person who wants to see less govt up to more state and local areas and have basic freedoms
wants more of a strong govt
doesnt have any strong feelings about any particular thing unless it has an impact on them
magna carta
(1215) King John abuses power and had to sign a document that stated that his powers were limited and that the king is not above the law
petition of right
(1628) all english subjects have the right to a fair trial and cant be forced into jail, they have the right to be told the reason thy're being detained
popular sovereignty
the choice of the people on how to be governed
a time period in which man began to use reason and logic to everyday life
John locke
wrote the "2 treaties on Govt"; based on social contract, all men are guaranteed life, liberty, and property
believes that govt must have checks and balances all with unique power to check & balance each other
believed tjat govt purpose was to guarantee basic freedoms
articles of confederation
first attempt of creating a central govt. created power to the states no power to tax, no way of regulating commerce
people that were for the ratification of the constitution
people against the ratification of the constitution
rule of law
law applies to govt; govt can only do what is written in the constitution
creates 2 govts opperating under one system; state & federal
formal amendment
a way of changing the constituion to keep up with current issues; 2/3 vote of the house and 3/4 vote of the state
bill of rights
first 10 amendments
informal amendments
a way of changing the constitution with calling conventions, bilss, or petitions
expressed powers
powers specifically stated in the constitution for the national govt
delegated powers
powers delegated to certain parts of the govt
implied powers
arent specifically written in black and white; can be read into or interpretted
inherent powers
powers that belong to the national govt only
reserved powers
powers reserved specifically for the states
concurrent powers
shared between national govt and state govt
political party
groups of like minded people who seek public office through an election
to have an alligence & loyalty to the specific party
the largest number of votes
both parties working together to pass legislation
the one who holds office and is running for reelection
the right to vote
literacy requirement
all people who wish to vote have to pass a literacy exam
poll tax
any person who wants to vote has to pay a tax to vote
taking a district and redrawing it to the advantage of a party or group
a group of like minded people who come together to nominate a person to represent them
we choose delegates that represent us to nominate and choose candidates
direct primary
voters in each individual state vote for the candidate that they want to represent them
political action committee; very important for raising money
hard money
legal amount of money that you can give to a candidate the PAC the state or a local party &/or national party; only for a political campaign
soft money
no legal specifications for how much money an individual can spend on a group
mass media
creates, covers important events and circulates t to a large number of people
public opinion
the issues that people begin to creat their own ideas on how it should be dealt with
straw vote
taking a large population and asking them questions, based on their answers a public opinion can be created
random sample
taking people randomly and asking them questions, their answers reflect majority
interest groups
organizations that look to support make aware, get legislation passed or changed that will make society better
what interest groups use to get politicians to pass legistlation in favor for you
strict constructionist
a believer that congress has the only powers that the constitution specifically says
liberal constructionist
believes that teh constitution was open for interpretation
Gibbson v. Ogden
deals with commerce; congress has commercial power to regulate interstate trade
a way of talking a bill to death to keep it from passing legislature
presidential succession act of 1957
law specifying the order of presidential succession following the VP
electoral college
a group of people chosen in each state and DC every 4 yrs who make a formal selection of the pres and VP
22 amendemnt
limits the president to 2 elected terms
imperial presidency
description of how the presidents powers have become that of like an emporer
executive agreement
the president has the right to reach an agreement with foreign nations with out conformation of congress
wars powers resolution act of 1973
limits the amount of time troops can be away in a military action
chief administrator
term for presas head of the administration of the federal govt
chief citizen
term for pres as the rep of the people, working for the public interest
chief diplomat
term for pres as the main architect of foreign policy and spokesperson to other countries
chief executive
term for pres as vested with the executive power of the US
chief legislator
term for pres as architect of public policy and the one who sets the agenda for Congress
chief of party
term for pres as the leader of their political party
chief of state
term for pres as the ceremonial head of the US