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87 Cards in this Set

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Type of government where one person rules


Type of Government where people vote on all issues

Direct democracy

Type of government where power is shared between a national and local government


commentaries about the meaning of the constitution were called

The Federalists

Theory that supports the idea that might makes right

Force Theory

Governmentis not all powerful

limited government

This English document that limited the powers of the king

Magna Carta

Government ruled by a small group


Type of government where the executive is chosen from the legislative government


The executive and legislative branches can check each other in this type of government


This type of government is designed to serve the will of the people

Representative government

This set out the structure of our government


Those things a government decides to do

public policies

A group of people who live in a defined territory that is organized politically


consisting on one house of as in a legislature


Type of government where power is with many smaller bodies


First ten amendments to the Constitution

Bill of Rights

This allows states to charge more for out of state fishing and hunting license.


When the president rejects and act of congress


Advisory board to the President


a pact aPresident makes with the head of a foreign state

Executive Agreement

Powers written in the constitution

Expressed Powers

This delegated power is given because it is hinted at in the constitution

Implied Powers

Powers shared between the national and State governments

Concurrent Powers

Powers the national government has because it is a sovereign state

Inherent Powers

When a house of Congress officially declaring disapproval of one of its members it is called


a proposed law


Thisis trying to talk so that a vote can not be taken


trying to kill a bill by refusing to pass it out of committee is called


redistribution of House seatsamong the states after a census is


an amendment that has nothing to do with the bill to which itis added is known as


The person in the Senate with the most authority is

Majority Leader

This person is in charge of the House

Speaker of the House

Only the president can call for this after congress has adjourned

Special session

They try to make people follow party lines


The elastic clause is also know as the

necessary and proper clause

According to this amendment a president may serve for no more than ten years


a general pardon offered to a group of lawbreakers


A foreign diplomat posted in the United States who is recalled by the President is called

persona non grata

mercy or leniency given in cases involving federal offenses


legal forgiveness of a crime


this is when the president does not sign a bill and thus it does not become law

pocket veto

Whenthe president says this country has the right to exist


postponementof the execution of a sentence imposed by a court


This placed strict limits on the President’s powers as commander in chief

War Powers Resolution

Opinion given by a supreme court judge that agrees with the majority opinion

concurring opinion

the party against whom a suit is brought


cases that can only be heard infederal courts have this

exclusive jurisdiction

This landmark case created judicial review

Marbury V. Madison

court in which a case is first heard has this

original jurisdiction

Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion, nor abridging the freedom ofspeech

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law forcing people to quarter soldiers without the consent of the owner

3rd Amendment

Congress shall make no law denying a person to have a gun.

2nd Amendment

Congress shall make no law taking away someone’s property with paying for it nor make you testify against yourself

5th Amendment

The government can not search someone’s body, house, papers, or other things without having a good reason

4th Amendment

Government must give a quicktrial. Also the accused has the right to know what they are charged with.

6th Amendment

Courts can not assign excessive amount for bail.

8th Amendment

Governmental powers not listed in the Constitutionfor the national government are powers that the states can have.

10th Amendment

We have rights that are not listed in the constitution but they should not be infringed upon

9th Amendment

Today in a caseof $1500 or more you can have trial by jury

7th Amendment

our first national government

2nd continental congress

Theconstitution dealt with enslaved people using this

3/5th compromise

All power held by the government belong to a single, central agency

Unitary government

It was backed by the big states in the Constitutional Convention

Virginia Plan

a written grant of authority from the king


Established a firm league of friendship among the States

Articles of Confederation

consisting of two houses


a reduction in the severity of asentence or fine imposed by a court


official election of the president

Electoral College

a system in which public employees are hired based on qualification


negotiated by the President must be approved by a two thirds vote of the Senate


the newest cabinet department

Department of HomelandSecurity

Official in power


Vice President, Speaker of the House, presidentpro tempore of the Senate, ect.


one who initiates a suit


an order made by the SupremeCourt to a lower court, requesting the records of a particular trial for its review

writ ofcertiorari

must be at least 25 years old

Qualification for House of Representatives

must be at least 30 years old

Qualification for Senate

must be at least 35 years old

Qualification for President

4 years

Term for President

2 years

Term for the House

6 years

Term for the Senate


Term for a Judge

Prohibition of intoxicating Liquors

18th amendment

Women's suffrage

19th amendment

Created Presidential succession

25th amendment

lowered voting age to 18

26th amendment